Source code for firedrake.vector

from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from ufl.form import ZeroBaseForm
from pyop2.mpi import internal_comm

import firedrake
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.matrix import MatrixBase

__all__ = ['Vector', 'as_backend_type']

class VectorShim(object):
    """Compatibility layer to enable Dolfin-style as_backend_type to work."""
    def __init__(self, vec):
        self._vec = vec

    def vec(self):
        with self._vec.dat.vec as v:
            return v

class MatrixShim(object):
    """Compatibility layer to enable Dolfin-style as_backend_type to work."""
    def __init__(self, mat):
        self._mat = mat

    def mat(self):
        return self._mat.petscmat

[docs] def as_backend_type(tensor): """Compatibility operation for Dolfin's backend switching operations. This is for Dolfin compatibility only. There is no reason for Firedrake users to ever call this.""" if isinstance(tensor, Vector): return VectorShim(tensor) elif isinstance(tensor, MatrixBase): return MatrixShim(tensor) else: raise TypeError("Unknown tensor type %s" % type(tensor))
[docs] class Vector(object): def __init__(self, x): """Build a `Vector` that wraps a :class:`pyop2.types.dat.Dat` for Dolfin compatibilty. :arg x: an :class:`~.Function` to wrap or a :class:`Vector` to copy. The former shares data, the latter copies data. """ if isinstance(x, Vector): self.function = type(x.function)(x.function) elif isinstance(x, (firedrake.Function, firedrake.Cofunction)): self.function = x else: raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to build a Vector from a %r" % type(x)) self.comm = self.function.function_space().comm self._comm = internal_comm(self.comm, self) @firedrake.utils.cached_property def dat(self): return self.function.dat # Make everything mostly pretend to be like a Function def __getattr__(self, name): val = getattr(self.function, name) setattr(self, name, val) return val def __dir__(self): current = super(Vector, self).__dir__() return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(dir(self.function) + current))
[docs] def axpy(self, a, x): """Add a*x to self. :arg a: a scalar :arg x: a :class:`Vector` or :class:`.Function`""" self.dat += a*x.dat
def _scale(self, a): """Scale self by `a`. :arg a: a scalar (or something that contains a dat) """ try: self.dat *= a.dat except AttributeError: self.dat *= a return self def __mul__(self, other): """Scalar multiplication by other.""" return self.copy()._scale(other) def __imul__(self, other): """In place scalar multiplication by other.""" return self._scale(other) def __rmul__(self, other): """Reverse scalar multiplication by other.""" return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other): """Scalar division by other.""" return self.copy()._scale(1.0 / other) def __itruediv__(self, other): """In place scalar division by other.""" return self._scale(1.0 / other) def __add__(self, other): """Add other to self""" sum = self.copy() if isinstance(other, ZeroBaseForm): return sum try: sum.dat += other.dat except AttributeError: sum += other return sum def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __iadd__(self, other): """Add other to self""" if isinstance(other, ZeroBaseForm): return self try: self.dat += other.dat except AttributeError: self.dat += other return self def __sub__(self, other): """Add other to self""" diff = self.copy() try: diff.dat -= other.dat except AttributeError: diff -= other return diff def __isub__(self, other): """Add other to self""" try: self.dat -= other.dat except AttributeError: self.dat -= other return self def __rsub__(self, other): return -1.0 * self + other
[docs] def apply(self, action): """Finalise vector assembly. This is not actually required in Firedrake but is provided for Dolfin compatibility.""" pass
[docs] def array(self): """Return a copy of the process local data as a numpy array""" with self.dat.vec_ro as v: return np.copy(v.array)
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of this vector.""" return type(self)(self)
[docs] def get_local(self): """Return a copy of the process local data as a numpy array""" return self.array()
[docs] def set_local(self, values): """Set process local values :arg values: a numpy array of values of length :func:`Vector.local_size`""" with self.dat.vec_wo as v: v.array[:] = values
[docs] def local_size(self): """Return the size of the process local data (without ghost points)""" return self.dat.dataset.size
[docs] def local_range(self): """Return the global indices of the start and end of the local part of this vector.""" return self.dat.dataset.layout_vec.getOwnershipRange()
[docs] def max(self): """Return the maximum entry in the vector.""" with self.dat.vec_ro as v: return v.max()[1]
[docs] def sum(self): """Return global sum of vector entries.""" with self.dat.vec_ro as v: return v.sum()
[docs] def size(self): """Return the global size of the data""" return self.dat.dataset.layout_vec.getSizes()[1]
[docs] def inner(self, other): """Return the l2-inner product of self with other""" return self.dat.inner(other.dat)
[docs] def gather(self, global_indices=None): """Gather a :class:`Vector` to all processes :arg global_indices: the globally numbered indices to gather (should be the same on all processes). If `None`, gather the entire :class:`Vector`.""" if global_indices is None: N = self.size() v = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(N, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) is_ = PETSc.IS().createStride(N, 0, 1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) else: global_indices = np.asarray(global_indices, dtype=np.int32) N = len(global_indices) v = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(N, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) is_ = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(global_indices, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) with self.dat.vec_ro as vec: vscat = PETSc.Scatter().create(vec, is_, v, None) vscat.scatterBegin(vec, v, addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT_VALUES) vscat.scatterEnd(vec, v, addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT_VALUES) return v.array
def __setitem__(self, idx, value): """Set a value or values in the local data :arg idx: the local idx, or indices to set. :arg value: the value, or values to give them."""[idx] = value def __getitem__(self, idx): """Return a value or values in the local data :arg idx: the local idx, or indices to set.""" return self.dat.data_ro[idx] def __len__(self): """Return the length of the local data (not including ghost points)""" return self.local_size()