Firedrake is supported by:¶
and in particular by the following grants:
- EPSRC Grant EP/W026066/1 and EP/W026163/1
SysGenX: Composable software generation for system-level simulation at Exascale
- EPSRC Grant EP/W029731/1
Firedrake: high performance, high productivity simulation for the continuum mechanics community.
- EPSRC Grant EP/V033883/1
[D*]stratify: harnessing energetics to control thermally stratified fluids
- EPSRC Grant EP/R029423/1
PRISM: Platform for Research In Simulation Methods
Previous support was provided by:
- EPSRC Grant EP/V001493/1
Gen X: ExCALIBUR working group on Exascale continuum mechanics through code generation
- EPSRC grant EP/M011054/1
A new simulation and optimisation platform for marine technology.
- NERC fellowship NE/K008951/1
Abstracting the environment: automating geoscientific simulation.
- NERC grant NE/K006789/1
Gung Ho Phase 2 - developing a new UK weather and climate model.
- EPSRC grant EP/L000407/1
Platform: underpinning technologies for finite element simulation.
- EPSRC Grant EP/K008730/1
PAMELA: a Panoramic Approach to the Many-CorE LAnd-sape - from end-user to end-device: a holistic game-changing approach.
- EPSRC Grant EP/I00677X/1
Multi-layered abstractions for PDEs.
- NERC studentship NE/G523512/1
Multi-layered abstractions for PDEs.