import ufl
from itertools import chain
from contextlib import ExitStack
from types import MappingProxyType
from firedrake import dmhooks, slate, solving, solving_utils, ufl_expr, utils
from firedrake import function
from firedrake.petsc import (
PETSc, OptionsManager, flatten_parameters, DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS,
from firedrake.function import Function
from firedrake.ufl_expr import TrialFunction, TestFunction, action
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC, EquationBC, extract_subdomain_ids, restricted_function_space
from firedrake.adjoint_utils import NonlinearVariationalProblemMixin, NonlinearVariationalSolverMixin
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
from ufl import replace, Form
__all__ = ["LinearVariationalProblem",
def check_pde_args(F, J, Jp):
if not isinstance(F, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
raise TypeError("Provided residual is a '%s', not a BaseForm or Slate Tensor" % type(F).__name__)
if len(F.arguments()) != 1:
raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
if not isinstance(J, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
raise TypeError("Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a BaseForm or Slate Tensor" % type(J).__name__)
if len(J.arguments()) != 2:
raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
if Jp is not None and not isinstance(Jp, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a BaseForm or Slate Tensor" % type(Jp).__name__)
if Jp is not None and len(Jp.arguments()) != 2:
raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")
def is_form_consistent(is_linear, bcs):
# Check form style consistency
if not (is_linear == all(bc.is_linear for bc in bcs if not isinstance(bc, DirichletBC))
or not is_linear == all(not bc.is_linear for bc in bcs if not isinstance(bc, DirichletBC))):
raise TypeError("Form style mismatch: some forms are given in 'F == 0' style, but others are given in 'A == b' style.")
class NonlinearVariationalProblem(NonlinearVariationalProblemMixin):
r"""Nonlinear variational problem F(u; v) = 0."""
def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
is_linear=False, restrict=False):
:param F: the nonlinear form
:param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
:param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
:param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
:param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
will be used.
:param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
compiler (optional)
:is_linear: internally used to check if all domain/bc forms
are given either in 'A == b' style or in 'F == 0' style.
:param restrict: (optional) If `True`, use restricted function spaces,
that exclude Dirichlet boundary condition nodes, internally for
the test and trial spaces.
V = u.function_space()
self.output_space = V
self.u = u
if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" % type(self.u).__name__)
# Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
# the Jacobian from the residual.
self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
self.F = F
self.Jp = Jp
if bcs:
for bc in bcs:
if isinstance(bc, EquationBC):
restrict = False
self.restrict = restrict
if restrict and bcs:
V_res = restricted_function_space(V, extract_subdomain_ids(bcs))
bcs = [bc.reconstruct(V=V_res, indices=bc._indices) for bc in bcs]
self.u_restrict = Function(V_res).interpolate(u)
v_res, u_res = TestFunction(V_res), TrialFunction(V_res)
if isinstance(F, Form):
F_arg, = F.arguments()
self.F = replace(F, {F_arg: v_res, self.u: self.u_restrict})
self.F = action(replace(F, {self.u: self.u_restrict}), interpolate(v_res, V))
v_arg, u_arg = self.J.arguments()
self.J = replace(self.J, {v_arg: v_res, u_arg: u_res, self.u: self.u_restrict})
if self.Jp:
v_arg, u_arg = self.Jp.arguments()
self.Jp = replace(self.Jp, {v_arg: v_res, u_arg: u_res, self.u: self.u_restrict})
self.restricted_space = V_res
self.u_restrict = u
self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
# Check form style consistency
self.is_linear = is_linear
is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, self.bcs)
self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None
# Argument checking
check_pde_args(self.F, self.J, self.Jp)
# Store form compiler parameters
self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
self._constant_jacobian = False
def dirichlet_bcs(self):
for bc in self.bcs:
yield from bc.dirichlet_bcs()
def dm(self):
return self.u_restrict.function_space().dm
class NonlinearVariationalSolver(OptionsManager, NonlinearVariationalSolverMixin):
r"""Solves a :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem`."""
# Looser default tolerance for KSP inside SNES.
# TODO: When we drop Python 3.8 replace this mess with
# DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS = MappingProxyType(DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS | {'ksp_rtol': 1e-5})
k: v
if k != 'ksp_rtol' else 1e-5
for k, v in DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS.items()
def __init__(self, problem, *, solver_parameters=None,
:arg problem: A :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem` to solve.
:kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
:class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null
space of the operator.
:kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
make the right hand side consistent.
:kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
specify the near nullspace (for multigrid solvers).
:kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc.
This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values.
:kwarg appctx: A dictionary containing application context that
is passed to the preconditioner if matrix-free.
:kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
PETSc options. If not provided a unique prefix will be
created. Use this option if you want to pass options
to the solver from the command line in addition to
through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.
:kwarg pre_jacobian_callback: A user-defined function that will
be called immediately before Jacobian assembly. This can
be used, for example, to update a coefficient function
that has a complicated dependence on the unknown solution.
:kwarg post_jacobian_callback: As above, but called after the
Jacobian has been assembled.
:kwarg pre_function_callback: As above, but called immediately
before residual assembly.
:kwarg post_function_callback: As above, but called immediately
after residual assembly.
Example usage of the ``solver_parameters`` option: to set the
nonlinear solver type to just use a linear solver, use
.. code-block:: python3
{'snes_type': 'ksponly'}
PETSc flag options (where the presence of the option means something) should
be specified with ``None``.
For example:
.. code-block:: python3
{'snes_monitor': None}
To use the ``pre_jacobian_callback`` or ``pre_function_callback``
functionality, the user-defined function must accept the current
solution as a petsc4py Vec. Example usage is given below:
.. code-block:: python3
def update_diffusivity(current_solution):
with cursol.dat.vec_wo as v:
solve(trial*test*dx == dot(grad(cursol), grad(test))*dx, diffusivity)
solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem,
assert isinstance(problem, NonlinearVariationalProblem)
solver_parameters = flatten_parameters(solver_parameters or {})
solver_parameters = solving_utils.set_defaults(solver_parameters,
super().__init__(solver_parameters, options_prefix)
# Now the correct parameters live in self.parameters (via the
# OptionsManager mixin)
mat_type = self.parameters.get("mat_type")
pmat_type = self.parameters.get("pmat_type")
ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(problem,
self.snes = PETSc.SNES().create(
self._problem = problem
self._ctx = ctx
self._work = problem.u_restrict.dof_dset.layout_vec.duplicate()
ctx.set_nullspace(nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises,
transpose=False, near=False)
ctx.set_nullspace(transpose_nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[1].function_space()._ises,
transpose=True, near=False)
ctx.set_nullspace(near_nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises,
transpose=False, near=True)
ctx._nullspace = nullspace
ctx._nullspace_T = transpose_nullspace
ctx._near_nullspace = near_nullspace
# Set from options now, so that people who want to noodle with
# the snes object directly (mostly Patrick), can. We need the
# DM with an app context in place so that if the DM is active
# on a subKSP the context is available.
dm = self.snes.getDM()
with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx, save=False):
# Used for custom grid transfer.
self._transfer_operators = ()
self._setup = False
def set_transfer_manager(self, manager):
r"""Set the object that manages transfer between grid levels.
Typically a :class:`~.TransferManager` object.
:arg manager: Transfer manager, should conform to the
TransferManager interface.
:raises ValueError: if called after the transfer manager is setup.
self._ctx.transfer_manager = manager
def solve(self, bounds=None):
r"""Solve the variational problem.
:arg bounds: Optional bounds on the solution (lower, upper).
``lower`` and ``upper`` must both be
:class:`~.Function`\s. or :class:`~.Vector`\s.
.. note::
If bounds are provided the ``snes_type`` must be set to
``vinewtonssls`` or ``vinewtonrsls``.
# Make sure the DM has this solver's callback functions
# Make sure appcontext is attached to every coefficient DM before we solve.
problem = self._problem
forms = (problem.F, problem.J, problem.Jp)
coefficients = utils.unique(chain.from_iterable(form.coefficients() for form in forms if form is not None))
# Make sure the solution dm is visited last
solution_dm = self.snes.getDM()
problem_dms = [ for V in utils.unique(chain.from_iterable(c.function_space() for c in coefficients)) if != solution_dm]
for dbc in problem.dirichlet_bcs():
if bounds is not None:
lower, upper = bounds
with lower.dat.vec_ro as lb, upper.dat.vec_ro as ub:
self.snes.setVariableBounds(lb, ub)
work = self._work
with problem.u_restrict.dat.vec as u:
with ExitStack() as stack:
# Ensure options database has full set of options (so monitors
# work right)
for ctx in chain([self.inserted_options()],
[dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx) for dm in problem_dms],
self.snes.solve(None, work)
self._setup = True
if problem.restrict:
# Grab the comm associated with the `_problem` and call PETSc's garbage cleanup routine
comm = self._problem.u_restrict.function_space().mesh()._comm
class LinearVariationalProblem(NonlinearVariationalProblem):
r"""Linear variational problem a(u, v) = L(v)."""
def __init__(self, a, L, u, bcs=None, aP=None,
constant_jacobian=False, restrict=False):
:param a: the bilinear form
:param L: the linear form
:param u: the :class:`.Function` to which the solution will be assigned
:param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
:param aP: an optional operator to assemble to precondition
the system (if not provided a preconditioner may be
computed from ``a``)
:param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
compiler (optional)
:param constant_jacobian: (optional) flag indicating that the
Jacobian is constant (i.e. does not depend on
varying fields). If your Jacobian does not change, set
this flag to ``True``.
:param restrict: (optional) If `True`, use restricted function spaces,
that exclude Dirichlet boundary condition nodes, internally for
the test and trial spaces.
# In the linear case, the Jacobian is the equation LHS.
J = a
# Jacobian is checked in superclass, but let's check L here.
if not isinstance(L, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)) and L == 0:
F = ufl_expr.action(J, u)
if not isinstance(L, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
raise TypeError("Provided RHS is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor" % type(L).__name__)
if len(L.arguments()) != 1 and not L.empty():
raise ValueError("Provided RHS is not a linear form")
F = ufl_expr.action(J, u) - L
super(LinearVariationalProblem, self).__init__(F, u, bcs, J, aP,
is_linear=True, restrict=restrict)
self._constant_jacobian = constant_jacobian
class LinearVariationalSolver(NonlinearVariationalSolver):
r"""Solves a :class:`LinearVariationalProblem`.
:arg problem: A :class:`LinearVariationalProblem` to solve.
:kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc.
This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values.
:kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
:class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null
space of the operator.
:kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
make the right hand side consistent.
:kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
PETSc options. If not provided a unique prefix will be
created. Use this option if you want to pass options
to the solver from the command line in addition to
through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.
:kwarg appctx: A dictionary containing application context that
is passed to the preconditioner if matrix-free.
:kwarg pre_jacobian_callback: A user-defined function that will
be called immediately before Jacobian assembly. This can
be used, for example, to update a coefficient function
that has a complicated dependence on the unknown solution.
:kwarg post_jacobian_callback: As above, but called after the
Jacobian has been assembled.
:kwarg pre_function_callback: As above, but called immediately
before residual assembly.
:kwarg post_function_callback: As above, but called immediately
after residual assembly.
See also :class:`NonlinearVariationalSolver` for nonlinear problems.
DEFAULT_SNES_PARAMETERS = {"snes_type": "ksponly"}
# Tighter default tolerance for KSP only.
def invalidate_jacobian(self):
Forces the matrix to be reassembled next time it is required.
self._ctx._jacobian_assembled = False