Source code for firedrake.variational_solver

import ufl
from itertools import chain
from contextlib import ExitStack
from types import MappingProxyType

from firedrake import dmhooks, slate, solving, solving_utils, ufl_expr, utils
from firedrake.petsc import (
    PETSc, OptionsManager, flatten_parameters, DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS,
from firedrake.function import Function
from firedrake.matrix import MatrixBase
from firedrake.ufl_expr import TrialFunction, TestFunction, action
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC, EquationBC, extract_subdomain_ids, restricted_function_space
from firedrake.adjoint_utils import NonlinearVariationalProblemMixin, NonlinearVariationalSolverMixin
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
from ufl import replace, Form

__all__ = ["LinearVariationalProblem",

def check_pde_args(F, J, Jp):
    if not isinstance(F, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
        raise TypeError("Provided residual is a '%s', not a BaseForm or Slate Tensor" % type(F).__name__)
    if len(F.arguments()) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
    if not isinstance(J, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
        raise TypeError("Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a BaseForm or Slate Tensor" % type(J).__name__)
    if len(J.arguments()) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
    if Jp is not None and not isinstance(Jp, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
        raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a BaseForm or Slate Tensor" % type(Jp).__name__)
    if Jp is not None and len(Jp.arguments()) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")

def is_form_consistent(is_linear, bcs):
    # Check form style consistency
    if not (is_linear == all(bc.is_linear for bc in bcs if not isinstance(bc, DirichletBC))
            or not is_linear == all(not bc.is_linear for bc in bcs if not isinstance(bc, DirichletBC))):
        raise TypeError("Form style mismatch: some forms are given in 'F == 0' style, but others are given in 'A == b' style.")

[docs] class NonlinearVariationalProblem(NonlinearVariationalProblemMixin): r"""Nonlinear variational problem F(u; v) = 0.""" @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() @NonlinearVariationalProblemMixin._ad_annotate_init def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None, Jp=None, form_compiler_parameters=None, is_linear=False, restrict=False): r""" :param F: the nonlinear form :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional) :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional) :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system, optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself will be used. :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form compiler (optional) :is_linear: internally used to check if all domain/bc forms are given either in 'A == b' style or in 'F == 0' style. :param restrict: (optional) If `True`, use restricted function spaces, that exclude Dirichlet boundary condition nodes, internally for the test and trial spaces. """ V = u.function_space() self.output_space = V self.u = u if not isinstance(self.u, Function): raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" % type(self.u).__name__) # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive # the Jacobian from the residual. self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u) self.F = F self.Jp = Jp if isinstance(J, MatrixBase): if bcs: raise RuntimeError("It is not possible to apply or change boundary conditions to an already assembled Jacobian; pass any necessary boundary conditions to `assemble` when assembling the Jacobian.") if J.has_bcs: # Use the bcs from the assembled Jacobian bcs = J.bcs if bcs and any(isinstance(bc, EquationBC) for bc in bcs): restrict = False self.restrict = restrict if restrict and bcs: V_res = restricted_function_space(V, extract_subdomain_ids(bcs)) bcs = [bc.reconstruct(V=V_res, indices=bc._indices) for bc in bcs] self.u_restrict = Function(V_res).interpolate(u) v_res, u_res = TestFunction(V_res), TrialFunction(V_res) if isinstance(F, Form): F_arg, = F.arguments() self.F = replace(F, {F_arg: v_res, self.u: self.u_restrict}) else: self.F = action(replace(F, {self.u: self.u_restrict}), interpolate(v_res, V)) v_arg, u_arg = self.J.arguments() self.J = replace(self.J, {v_arg: v_res, u_arg: u_res, self.u: self.u_restrict}) if self.Jp: v_arg, u_arg = self.Jp.arguments() self.Jp = replace(self.Jp, {v_arg: v_res, u_arg: u_res, self.u: self.u_restrict}) self.restricted_space = V_res else: self.u_restrict = u self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs) # Check form style consistency self.is_linear = is_linear is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, self.bcs) self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None # Argument checking check_pde_args(self.F, self.J, self.Jp) # Store form compiler parameters self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters self._constant_jacobian = False
[docs] def dirichlet_bcs(self): for bc in self.bcs: yield from bc.dirichlet_bcs()
@utils.cached_property def dm(self): return self.u_restrict.function_space().dm
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_bc_lifting(J, u): """Return the action of the bilinear form J (without bcs) on a Function u.""" if isinstance(J, MatrixBase) and J.has_bcs: # Extract the full form without bcs if not isinstance(J.a, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)): raise TypeError(f"Could not remove bcs from {type(J).__name__}.") J = J.a return ufl_expr.action(J, u)
[docs] class NonlinearVariationalSolver(OptionsManager, NonlinearVariationalSolverMixin): r"""Solves a :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem`.""" DEFAULT_SNES_PARAMETERS = DEFAULT_SNES_PARAMETERS # Looser default tolerance for KSP inside SNES. # TODO: When we drop Python 3.8 replace this mess with # DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS = MappingProxyType(DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS | {'ksp_rtol': 1e-5}) DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS = MappingProxyType({ k: v if k != 'ksp_rtol' else 1e-5 for k, v in DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS.items() }) @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() @NonlinearVariationalSolverMixin._ad_annotate_init def __init__(self, problem, *, solver_parameters=None, options_prefix=None, nullspace=None, transpose_nullspace=None, near_nullspace=None, appctx=None, pre_jacobian_callback=None, post_jacobian_callback=None, pre_function_callback=None, post_function_callback=None, pre_apply_bcs=True): r""" :arg problem: A :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem` to solve. :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null space of the operator. :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to make the right hand side consistent. :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to specify the near nullspace (for multigrid solvers). :kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc. This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values. :kwarg appctx: A dictionary containing application context that is passed to the preconditioner if matrix-free. :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish PETSc options. If not provided a unique prefix will be created. Use this option if you want to pass options to the solver from the command line in addition to through the ``solver_parameters`` dict. :kwarg pre_jacobian_callback: A user-defined function that will be called immediately before Jacobian assembly. This can be used, for example, to update a coefficient function that has a complicated dependence on the unknown solution. :kwarg post_jacobian_callback: As above, but called after the Jacobian has been assembled. :kwarg pre_function_callback: As above, but called immediately before residual assembly. :kwarg post_function_callback: As above, but called immediately after residual assembly. :kwarg pre_apply_bcs: If `True`, the bcs are applied before the solve. Otherwise, the problem is linearised around the initial guess before imposing bcs, and the bcs are appended to the nonlinear system. Example usage of the ``solver_parameters`` option: to set the nonlinear solver type to just use a linear solver, use .. code-block:: python3 {'snes_type': 'ksponly'} PETSc flag options (where the presence of the option means something) should be specified with ``None``. For example: .. code-block:: python3 {'snes_monitor': None} To use the ``pre_jacobian_callback`` or ``pre_function_callback`` functionality, the user-defined function must accept the current solution as a petsc4py Vec. Example usage is given below: .. code-block:: python3 def update_diffusivity(current_solution): with cursol.dat.vec_wo as v: current_solution.copy(v) solve(trial*test*dx == dot(grad(cursol), grad(test))*dx, diffusivity) solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, pre_jacobian_callback=update_diffusivity) """ assert isinstance(problem, NonlinearVariationalProblem) solver_parameters = flatten_parameters(solver_parameters or {}) if isinstance(problem.J, MatrixBase): solver_parameters.setdefault("mat_type", problem.J.mat_type) if solver_parameters["mat_type"] != problem.J.mat_type: raise ValueError("Cannot change the mat_type of an already assembled matrix.") if isinstance(problem.Jp, MatrixBase): solver_parameters.setdefault("pmat_type", problem.Jp.mat_type) if solver_parameters["pmat_type"] != problem.Jp.mat_type: raise ValueError("Cannot change the mat_type of an already assembled matrix.") solver_parameters = solving_utils.set_defaults(solver_parameters, problem.J.arguments(), ksp_defaults=self.DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS, snes_defaults=self.DEFAULT_SNES_PARAMETERS) super().__init__(solver_parameters, options_prefix) # Now the correct parameters live in self.parameters (via the # OptionsManager mixin) mat_type = self.parameters.get("mat_type") pmat_type = self.parameters.get("pmat_type") ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(problem, mat_type=mat_type, pmat_type=pmat_type, appctx=appctx, pre_jacobian_callback=pre_jacobian_callback, pre_function_callback=pre_function_callback, post_jacobian_callback=post_jacobian_callback, post_function_callback=post_function_callback, options_prefix=self.options_prefix, pre_apply_bcs=pre_apply_bcs) self.snes = PETSc.SNES().create( self._problem = problem self._ctx = ctx self._work = problem.u_restrict.dof_dset.layout_vec.duplicate() self.snes.setDM( ctx.set_function(self.snes) ctx.set_jacobian(self.snes) ctx.set_nullspace(nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises, transpose=False, near=False) ctx.set_nullspace(transpose_nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[1].function_space()._ises, transpose=True, near=False) ctx.set_nullspace(near_nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises, transpose=False, near=True) ctx._nullspace = nullspace ctx._nullspace_T = transpose_nullspace ctx._near_nullspace = near_nullspace # Set from options now, so that people who want to noodle with # the snes object directly (mostly Patrick), can. We need the # DM with an app context in place so that if the DM is active # on a subKSP the context is available. dm = self.snes.getDM() with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx, save=False): self.set_from_options(self.snes) # Used for custom grid transfer. self._transfer_operators = () self._setup = False
[docs] def set_transfer_manager(self, manager): r"""Set the object that manages transfer between grid levels. Typically a :class:`~.TransferManager` object. :arg manager: Transfer manager, should conform to the TransferManager interface. :raises ValueError: if called after the transfer manager is setup. """ self._ctx.transfer_manager = manager
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() @NonlinearVariationalSolverMixin._ad_annotate_solve def solve(self, bounds=None): r"""Solve the variational problem. :arg bounds: Optional bounds on the solution (lower, upper). ``lower`` and ``upper`` must both be :class:`~.Function`\s. or :class:`~.Vector`\s. .. note:: If bounds are provided the ``snes_type`` must be set to ``vinewtonssls`` or ``vinewtonrsls``. """ # Make sure the DM has this solver's callback functions self._ctx.set_function(self.snes) self._ctx.set_jacobian(self.snes) # Make sure appcontext is attached to every coefficient DM before we solve. problem = self._problem forms = (problem.F, problem.J, problem.Jp) coefficients = utils.unique(chain.from_iterable(form.coefficients() for form in forms if form is not None)) # Make sure the solution dm is visited last solution_dm = self.snes.getDM() problem_dms = [ for V in utils.unique(chain.from_iterable(c.function_space() for c in coefficients)) if != solution_dm] problem_dms.append(solution_dm) if self._ctx.pre_apply_bcs: for bc in problem.dirichlet_bcs(): bc.apply(problem.u_restrict) if bounds is not None: lower, upper = bounds with lower.dat.vec_ro as lb, upper.dat.vec_ro as ub: self.snes.setVariableBounds(lb, ub) work = self._work with problem.u_restrict.dat.vec as u: u.copy(work) with ExitStack() as stack: # Ensure options database has full set of options (so monitors # work right) for ctx in chain([self.inserted_options()], [dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx) for dm in problem_dms], self._transfer_operators): stack.enter_context(ctx) self.snes.solve(None, work) work.copy(u) self._setup = True if problem.restrict: problem.u.interpolate(problem.u_restrict) solving_utils.check_snes_convergence(self.snes) # Grab the comm associated with the `_problem` and call PETSc's garbage cleanup routine comm = self._problem.u_restrict.function_space().mesh()._comm PETSc.garbage_cleanup(comm=comm)
[docs] class LinearVariationalProblem(NonlinearVariationalProblem): r"""Linear variational problem a(u, v) = L(v).""" @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def __init__(self, a, L, u, bcs=None, aP=None, form_compiler_parameters=None, constant_jacobian=False, restrict=False): r""" :param a: the bilinear form :param L: the linear form :param u: the :class:`.Function` to which the solution will be assigned :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional) :param aP: an optional operator to assemble to precondition the system (if not provided a preconditioner may be computed from ``a``) :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form compiler (optional) :param constant_jacobian: (optional) flag indicating that the Jacobian is constant (i.e. does not depend on varying fields). If your Jacobian does not change, set this flag to ``True``. :param restrict: (optional) If `True`, use restricted function spaces, that exclude Dirichlet boundary condition nodes, internally for the test and trial spaces. """ # In the linear case, the Jacobian is the equation LHS (J=a). # Jacobian is checked in superclass, but let's check L here. if not isinstance(L, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)) and L == 0: F = self.compute_bc_lifting(a, u) else: if not isinstance(L, (ufl.BaseForm, slate.slate.TensorBase)): raise TypeError("Provided RHS is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor" % type(L).__name__) if len(L.arguments()) != 1 and not L.empty(): raise ValueError("Provided RHS is not a linear form") F = self.compute_bc_lifting(a, u) - L super(LinearVariationalProblem, self).__init__(F, u, bcs=bcs, J=a, Jp=aP, form_compiler_parameters=form_compiler_parameters, is_linear=True, restrict=restrict) self._constant_jacobian = constant_jacobian
[docs] class LinearVariationalSolver(NonlinearVariationalSolver): r"""Solves a :class:`LinearVariationalProblem`. :arg problem: A :class:`LinearVariationalProblem` to solve. :kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc. This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values. :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null space of the operator. :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to make the right hand side consistent. :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish PETSc options. If not provided a unique prefix will be created. Use this option if you want to pass options to the solver from the command line in addition to through the ``solver_parameters`` dict. :kwarg appctx: A dictionary containing application context that is passed to the preconditioner if matrix-free. :kwarg pre_jacobian_callback: A user-defined function that will be called immediately before Jacobian assembly. This can be used, for example, to update a coefficient function that has a complicated dependence on the unknown solution. :kwarg post_jacobian_callback: As above, but called after the Jacobian has been assembled. :kwarg pre_function_callback: As above, but called immediately before residual assembly. :kwarg post_function_callback: As above, but called immediately after residual assembly. :kwarg pre_apply_bcs: If `True`, the bcs are applied before the solve. Otherwise, the bcs are included as part of the linear system. See also :class:`NonlinearVariationalSolver` for nonlinear problems. """ DEFAULT_SNES_PARAMETERS = {"snes_type": "ksponly"} # Tighter default tolerance for KSP only. DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS = DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS
[docs] def invalidate_jacobian(self): r""" Forces the matrix to be reassembled next time it is required. """ self._ctx._jacobian_assembled = False