Source code for firedrake.tsfc_interface

Provides the interface to TSFC for compiling a form, and
transforms the TSFC-generated code to make it suitable for
passing to the backends.

from os import path, environ, getuid, makedirs
import tempfile
import collections
import functools

from tsfc.kernel_interface.firedrake_loopy import KernelBuilder
import ufl
import finat.ufl
from ufl import conj, Form, ZeroBaseForm
from .ufl_expr import TestFunction

from tsfc import compile_form as original_tsfc_compile_form
from tsfc.parameters import PARAMETERS as tsfc_default_parameters
from tsfc.ufl_utils import extract_firedrake_constants

from pyop2 import op2
from pyop2.caching import memory_and_disk_cache, default_parallel_hashkey
from pyop2.mpi import COMM_WORLD

from firedrake.formmanipulation import split_form
from firedrake.parameters import parameters as default_parameters
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake import utils

# Set TSFC default scalar type at load time
tsfc_default_parameters["scalar_type"] = utils.ScalarType
tsfc_default_parameters["scalar_type_c"] = utils.ScalarType_c

KernelInfo = collections.namedtuple("KernelInfo",

_cachedir = environ.get(
    path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), f'firedrake-tsfc-kernel-cache-uid{getuid()}')

[docs] def tsfc_compile_form_hashkey(form, prefix, parameters, interface, diagonal): return default_parallel_hashkey( form.signature(), prefix, utils.tuplify(parameters), _make_interface_key(interface, form), diagonal, )
def _compile_form_comm(form, *args, **kwargs): return form.ufl_domains()[0].comm # Decorate the original tsfc.compile_form with a cache tsfc_compile_form = memory_and_disk_cache( hashkey=tsfc_compile_form_hashkey, comm_getter=_compile_form_comm, cachedir=_cachedir )(original_tsfc_compile_form)
[docs] class TSFCKernel: def __init__( self, form, name, parameters, coefficient_numbers, constant_numbers, interface, diagonal=False ): """A wrapper object for one or more TSFC kernels compiled from a given :class:`~ufl.classes.Form`. :arg form: the :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` from which to compile the kernels. :arg name: a prefix to be applied to the compiled kernel names. This is primarily useful for debugging. :arg parameters: a dict of parameters to pass to the form compiler. :arg coefficient_numbers: Map from coefficient numbers in the provided (split) form to coefficient numbers in the original form. :arg constant_numbers: Map from local constant numbers in the provided (split) form to constant numbers in the original form. :arg interface: the KernelBuilder interface for TSFC (may be None) :arg diagonal: If assembling a matrix is it diagonal? """ tree = tsfc_compile_form(form, prefix=name, parameters=parameters, interface=interface, diagonal=diagonal) kernels = [] for kernel in tree: # Individual kernels do not have to use all of the coefficients # provided by the (split) form. Here we combine the numberings # of (kernel coefficients -> split form coefficients) and # (split form coefficients -> original form coefficients) to give # the map (kernel coefficients -> original form coefficients). coefficient_numbers_per_kernel = tuple( (coefficient_numbers[index], subindices) for index, subindices in kernel.coefficient_numbers ) # Constants from the split form are currently passed to all of # the kernels so the numbering is trivial. constant_numbers_per_kernel = constant_numbers events = (kernel.event,) pyop2_kernel = as_pyop2_local_kernel(kernel.ast,, len(kernel.arguments), flop_count=kernel.flop_count, events=events) kernels.append(KernelInfo(kernel=pyop2_kernel, integral_type=kernel.integral_type, oriented=kernel.oriented, subdomain_id=kernel.subdomain_id, domain_number=kernel.domain_number, coefficient_numbers=coefficient_numbers_per_kernel, constant_numbers=constant_numbers_per_kernel, needs_cell_facets=False, pass_layer_arg=False, needs_cell_sizes=kernel.needs_cell_sizes, arguments=kernel.arguments, events=events)) self.kernels = tuple(kernels)
SplitKernel = collections.namedtuple("SplitKernel", ["indices", "kinfo"]) def _compile_form_hashkey(form, name, parameters=None, split=True, interface=None, diagonal=False): return ( form.signature(), name, utils.tuplify(parameters), split, _make_interface_key(interface, form), diagonal, )
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() @memory_and_disk_cache( hashkey=_compile_form_hashkey, comm_getter=_compile_form_comm, cachedir=_cachedir ) @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def compile_form(form, name, parameters=None, split=True, interface=None, diagonal=False): """Compile a form using TSFC. :arg form: the :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` to compile. :arg name: a prefix for the generated kernel functions. :arg parameters: optional dict of parameters to pass to the form compiler. If not provided, parameters are read from the ``form_compiler`` slot of the Firedrake :data:`~.parameters` dictionary (which see). :arg split: If ``False``, then don't split mixed forms. Returns a tuple of tuples of (index, integral type, subdomain id, coordinates, coefficients, needs_orientations, ``pyop2.op2.Kernel``). ``needs_orientations`` indicates whether the form requires cell orientation information (for correctly pulling back to reference elements on embedded manifolds). The coordinates are extracted from the domain of the integral (a :func:`~.Mesh`) """ # Check that we get a Form if not isinstance(form, Form): raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert object to a UFL form: %s" % repr(form)) if parameters is None: parameters = default_parameters["form_compiler"].copy() else: # Override defaults with user-specified values _ = parameters parameters = default_parameters["form_compiler"].copy() parameters.update(_) kernels = [] numbering = form.terminal_numbering() if split: iterable = split_form(form, diagonal=diagonal) else: nargs = len(form.arguments()) if diagonal: assert nargs == 2 nargs = 1 iterable = ([(None, )*nargs, form], ) for idx, f in iterable: f = _real_mangle(f) if isinstance(f, ZeroBaseForm) or f.empty(): # If we're assembling the R space component of a mixed argument, # and that component doesn't actually appear in the form then we # have an empty form, which we should not attempt to assemble. continue # Map local coefficient/constant numbers (as seen inside the # compiler) to the global coefficient/constant numbers coefficient_numbers = tuple( numbering[c] for c in f.coefficients() ) constant_numbers = tuple( numbering[c] for c in extract_firedrake_constants(f) ) prefix = name + "".join(map(str, (i for i in idx if i is not None))) tsfc_kernel = TSFCKernel( f, prefix, parameters, coefficient_numbers, constant_numbers, interface, diagonal ) for kinfo in tsfc_kernel.kernels: kernels.append(SplitKernel(idx, kinfo)) kernels = tuple(kernels) return kernels
def _real_mangle(form): """If the form contains arguments in the Real function space, replace these with literal 1 before passing to tsfc.""" a = form.arguments() reals = [x.ufl_element().family() == "Real" for x in a] if not any(reals): return form replacements = {} for arg, r in zip(a, reals): if r: replacements[arg] = 1 # If only the test space is Real, we need to turn the trial function into a test function. if reals == [True, False]: replacements[a[1]] = conj(TestFunction(a[1].function_space())) return ufl.replace(form, replacements)
[docs] def clear_cache(comm=None): """Clear the Firedrake TSFC kernel cache.""" comm = comm or COMM_WORLD if comm.rank == 0: import shutil shutil.rmtree(_cachedir, ignore_errors=True) _ensure_cachedir(comm=comm)
def _ensure_cachedir(comm=None): """Ensure that the TSFC kernel cache directory exists.""" comm = comm or COMM_WORLD if comm.rank == 0: makedirs(_cachedir, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def gather_integer_subdomain_ids(knls): """Gather a dict of all integer subdomain IDs per integral type. This is needed to correctly interpret the ``"otherwise"`` subdomain ID. :arg knls: Iterable of :class:`SplitKernel` objects. """ all_integer_subdomain_ids = collections.defaultdict(list) for _, kinfo in knls: for subdomain_id in kinfo.subdomain_id: if subdomain_id != "otherwise": all_integer_subdomain_ids[kinfo.integral_type].append(subdomain_id) for k, v in all_integer_subdomain_ids.items(): all_integer_subdomain_ids[k] = tuple(sorted(v)) return all_integer_subdomain_ids
[docs] def as_pyop2_local_kernel(ast, name, nargs, access=op2.INC, **kwargs): """Convert a loopy kernel to a PyOP2 ``pyop2.LocalKernel``. :arg ast: The kernel code. This could be, for example, a loopy kernel. :arg name: The kernel name. :arg nargs: The number of arguments expected by the kernel. :arg access: Access descriptor for the first kernel argument. """ # all but the first argument to the kernel are read-only accesses = tuple([access] + [op2.READ]*(nargs-1)) return op2.Kernel(ast, name, accesses=accesses, requires_zeroed_output_arguments=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract_numbered_coefficients(expr, numbers): """Return expression coefficients specified by a numbering. :arg expr: A UFL expression. :arg numbers: Iterable of indices used for selecting the correct coefficients from ``expr``. :returns: A list of UFL coefficients. """ orig_coefficients = ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(expr) coefficients = [] for coeff in (orig_coefficients[i] for i in numbers): if type(coeff.ufl_element()) == finat.ufl.MixedElement: coefficients.extend(coeff.subfunctions) else: coefficients.append(coeff) return coefficients
def _make_interface_key(interface, form): if interface: # The 'interface' argument is a small hack done in When # specified, what really matters for caching is which coeffients # are passed to the 'dont_split' kwarg. assert isinstance(interface, functools.partial) assert interface.func is KernelBuilder coefficients = form.coefficients() return tuple(coefficients.index(f) for f in interface.keywords["dont_split"]) else: return None