from itertools import chain
import numpy
from pyop2 import op2
from firedrake import function, cofunction, dmhooks
from firedrake.exceptions import ConvergenceError
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc, DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS
from firedrake.formmanipulation import ExtractSubBlock
from firedrake.utils import cached_property
from firedrake.logging import warning
def _make_reasons(reasons):
return {getattr(reasons, r): r
for r in dir(reasons) if not r.startswith('_')}
KSPReasons = _make_reasons(PETSc.KSP.ConvergedReason())
SNESReasons = _make_reasons(PETSc.SNES.ConvergedReason())
def set_defaults(solver_parameters, arguments, *, ksp_defaults=None, snes_defaults=None):
"""Set defaults for solver parameters.
:arg solver_parameters: dict of user solver parameters to override/extend defaults
:arg arguments: arguments for the bilinear form (need to know if we have a Real block).
:arg ksp_defaults: Default KSP parameters.
:arg snes_defaults: Default SNES parameters."""
if ksp_defaults is None:
ksp_defaults = {}
if snes_defaults is None:
snes_defaults = {}
if solver_parameters:
# User configured something, try and set sensible direct solve
# defaults for missing bits.
parameters = solver_parameters.copy()
for k, v in snes_defaults.items():
parameters.setdefault(k, v)
keys = frozenset(parameters.keys())
ksp_defaults = ksp_defaults.copy()
skip = set()
if "pc_type" in keys:
# Might reasonably expect to get petsc defaults
skip.update({"pc_factor_mat_solver_type", "ksp_type"})
if parameters.get("mat_type") in {"matfree", "nest"}:
# Non-LU defaults.
ksp_defaults["ksp_type"] = "gmres"
ksp_defaults["pc_type"] = "jacobi"
for k, v in ksp_defaults.items():
if k not in skip:
parameters.setdefault(k, v)
return parameters
# OK, we're in full defaults mode now.
parameters = dict(chain.from_iterable(
d.items() for d in (ksp_defaults, snes_defaults)))
if any(V.ufl_element().family() == "Real"
for a in arguments for V in a.function_space()):
test, trial = arguments
if test.function_space() != trial.function_space():
# Don't know what to do here. How did it happen?
raise ValueError("Can't generate defaults for non-square problems with real blocks")
fields = []
reals = []
for i, V_ in enumerate(test.function_space()):
if V_.ufl_element().family() == "Real":
if len(fields) == 0:
# Just reals, GMRES
opts = {"ksp_type": "gmres",
"pc_type": "none"}
warning("Real block detected, generating Schur complement elimination PC")
# Full Schur complement eliminating onto Real blocks.
opts = {"mat_type": "matfree",
"ksp_type": "fgmres",
"pc_type": "fieldsplit",
"pc_fieldsplit_type": "schur",
"pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type": "full",
"pc_fieldsplit_0_fields": ",".join(map(str, fields)),
"pc_fieldsplit_1_fields": ",".join(map(str, reals)),
"fieldsplit_0": {
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "python",
"pc_python_type": "firedrake.AssembledPC",
"fieldsplit_1": {
"ksp_type": "gmres",
"pc_type": "none",
return parameters
# We can assemble an AIJ matrix, factor it with a sparse
# direct method.
return parameters
def check_snes_convergence(snes):
r = snes.getConvergedReason()
reason = SNESReasons[r]
inner = False
except KeyError:
r = snes.getKSP().getConvergedReason()
inner = True
reason = KSPReasons[r]
except KeyError:
reason = "unknown reason (petsc4py enum incomplete?), try with -snes_converged_reason and -ksp_converged_reason"
if r < 0:
if inner:
msg = "Inner linear solve failed to converge after %d iterations with reason: %s" % \
(snes.getKSP().getIterationNumber(), reason)
msg = reason
raise ConvergenceError(r"""Nonlinear solve failed to converge after %d nonlinear iterations.
%s""" % (snes.getIterationNumber(), msg))
class _SNESContext(object):
Context holding information for SNES callbacks.
:arg problem: a :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem`.
:arg mat_type: Indicates whether the Jacobian is assembled
monolithically ('aij'), as a block sparse matrix ('nest') or
matrix-free (as :class:`~.ImplicitMatrix`, 'matfree').
:arg pmat_type: Indicates whether the preconditioner (if present) is assembled
monolithically ('aij'), as a block sparse matrix ('nest') or
matrix-free (as :class:`~.ImplicitMatrix`, 'matfree').
:arg appctx: Any extra information used in the assembler. For the
matrix-free case this will contain the Newton state in
:arg pre_jacobian_callback: User-defined function called immediately
before Jacobian assembly
:arg post_jacobian_callback: User-defined function called immediately
after Jacobian assembly
:arg pre_function_callback: User-defined function called immediately
before residual assembly
:arg post_function_callback: User-defined function called immediately
after residual assembly
:arg options_prefix: The options prefix of the SNES.
:arg transfer_manager: Object that can transfer functions between
levels, typically a :class:`~.TransferManager`
The idea here is that the SNES holds a shell DM which contains
this object as "user context". When the SNES calls back to the
user form_function code, we pull the DM out of the SNES and then
get the context (which is one of these objects) to find the
Firedrake level information.
def __init__(self, problem, mat_type, pmat_type, appctx=None,
pre_jacobian_callback=None, pre_function_callback=None,
post_jacobian_callback=None, post_function_callback=None,
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
if pmat_type is None:
pmat_type = mat_type
self.mat_type = mat_type
self.pmat_type = pmat_type
self.options_prefix = options_prefix
matfree = mat_type == 'matfree'
pmatfree = pmat_type == 'matfree'
self._problem = problem
self._pre_jacobian_callback = pre_jacobian_callback
self._pre_function_callback = pre_function_callback
self._post_jacobian_callback = post_jacobian_callback
self._post_function_callback = post_function_callback
self.fcp = problem.form_compiler_parameters
# Function to hold current guess
self._x = problem.u_restrict
if appctx is None:
appctx = {}
# A split context will already get the full state.
# TODO, a better way of doing this.
# Now we don't have a temporary state inside the snes
# context we could just require the user to pass in the
# full state on the outside.
appctx.setdefault("state", self._x)
appctx.setdefault("form_compiler_parameters", self.fcp)
self.appctx = appctx
self.matfree = matfree
self.pmatfree = pmatfree
self.F = problem.F
self.J = problem.J
# For Jp to equal J, bc.Jp must equal bc.J for all EquationBC objects.
Jp_eq_J = problem.Jp is None and all(bc.Jp_eq_J for bc in problem.bcs)
if mat_type != pmat_type or not Jp_eq_J:
# Need separate pmat if either Jp is different or we want
# a different pmat type to the mat type.
if problem.Jp is None:
self.Jp = self.J
self.Jp = problem.Jp
# pmat_type == mat_type and Jp_eq_J
self.Jp = None
self.bcs_F = tuple(bc.extract_form('F') for bc in problem.bcs)
self.bcs_J = tuple(bc.extract_form('J') for bc in problem.bcs)
self.bcs_Jp = tuple(bc.extract_form('Jp') for bc in problem.bcs)
self._assemble_residual = get_assembler(self.F, bcs=self.bcs_F,
self._jacobian_assembled = False
self._splits = {}
self._coarse = None
self._fine = None
self._nullspace = None
self._nullspace_T = None
self._near_nullspace = None
self._transfer_manager = transfer_manager
def transfer_manager(self):
"""This allows the transfer manager to be set from options, e.g.
solver_parameters = {"ksp_type": "cg",
"pc_type": "mg",
"mg_transfer_manager": __name__ + ".manager"}
The value for "mg_transfer_manager" can either be a specific instantiated
object, or a function or class name. In the latter case it will be invoked
with no arguments to instantiate the object.
If "snes_type": "fas" is used, the relevant option is "fas_transfer_manager",
with the same semantics.
if self._transfer_manager is None:
opts = PETSc.Options()
prefix = self.options_prefix or ""
if opts.hasName(prefix + "mg_transfer_manager"):
managername = opts[prefix + "mg_transfer_manager"]
elif opts.hasName(prefix + "fas_transfer_manager"):
managername = opts[prefix + "fas_transfer_manager"]
managername = None
if managername is None:
from firedrake import TransferManager
transfer = TransferManager(use_averaging=True)
(modname, objname) = managername.rsplit('.', 1)
mod = __import__(modname)
obj = getattr(mod, objname)
if isinstance(obj, type):
transfer = obj()
transfer = obj
self._transfer_manager = transfer
return self._transfer_manager
def transfer_manager(self, manager):
if self._transfer_manager is not None:
raise ValueError("Must set transfer manager before first use.")
self._transfer_manager = manager
def set_function(self, snes):
r"""Set the residual evaluation function"""
with self._F.dat.vec_wo as v:
snes.setFunction(self.form_function, v)
def set_jacobian(self, snes):
snes.setJacobian(self.form_jacobian, J=self._jac.petscmat,
def set_nullspace(self, nullspace, ises=None, transpose=False, near=False):
if nullspace is None:
nullspace._apply(self._jac, transpose=transpose, near=near)
if self.Jp is not None:
nullspace._apply(self._pjac, transpose=transpose, near=near)
if ises is not None:
nullspace._apply(ises, transpose=transpose, near=near)
def split(self, fields):
from firedrake import replace, as_vector, split
from firedrake import NonlinearVariationalProblem as NLVP
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC, EquationBC
fields = tuple(tuple(f) for f in fields)
splits = self._splits.get(tuple(fields))
if splits is not None:
return splits
splits = []
problem = self._problem
splitter = ExtractSubBlock()
for field in fields:
F = splitter.split(problem.F, argument_indices=(field, ))
J = splitter.split(problem.J, argument_indices=(field, field))
us = problem.u_restrict.subfunctions
V = F.arguments()[0].function_space()
# Exposition:
# We are going to make a new solution Function on the sub
# mixed space defined by the relevant fields.
# But the form may refer to the rest of the solution
# anyway.
# So we pull it apart and will make a new function on the
# subspace that shares data.
pieces = [us[i].dat for i in field]
if len(pieces) == 1:
val, = pieces
subu = function.Function(V, val=val)
subsplit = (subu, )
val = op2.MixedDat(pieces)
subu = function.Function(V, val=val)
# Split it apart to shove in the form.
subsplit = split(subu)
vec = []
for i, u in enumerate(us):
if i in field:
# If this is a field we're keeping, get it from
# the new function. Otherwise just point to the
# old data.
u = subsplit[field.index(i)]
if u.ufl_shape == ():
vec.extend(u[idx] for idx in numpy.ndindex(u.ufl_shape))
# So now we have a new representation for the solution
# vector in the old problem. For the fields we're going
# to solve for, it points to a new Function (which wraps
# the original pieces). For the rest, it points to the
# pieces from the original Function.
# IOW, we've reinterpreted our original mixed solution
# function as being made up of some spaces we're still
# solving for, and some spaces that have just become
# coefficients in the new form.
u = as_vector(vec)
F = replace(F, {problem.u_restrict: u})
J = replace(J, {problem.u_restrict: u})
if problem.Jp is not None:
Jp = splitter.split(problem.Jp, argument_indices=(field, field))
Jp = replace(Jp, {problem.u_restrict: u})
Jp = None
bcs = []
for bc in problem.bcs:
if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC):
bc_temp = bc.reconstruct(field=field, V=V, g=bc.function_arg, sub_domain=bc.sub_domain)
elif isinstance(bc, EquationBC):
bc_temp = bc.reconstruct(V, subu, u, field, False)
if bc_temp is not None:
new_problem = NLVP(F, subu, bcs=bcs, J=J, Jp=Jp,
new_problem._constant_jacobian = problem._constant_jacobian
splits.append(type(self)(new_problem, mat_type=self.mat_type, pmat_type=self.pmat_type,
return self._splits.setdefault(tuple(fields), splits)
def form_function(snes, X, F):
r"""Form the residual for this problem
:arg snes: a PETSc SNES object
:arg X: the current guess (a Vec)
:arg F: the residual at X (a Vec)
dm = snes.getDM()
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(dm)
# X may not be the same vector as the vec behind self._x, so
# copy guess in from X.
with ctx._x.dat.vec_wo as v:
if ctx._pre_function_callback is not None:
if ctx._post_function_callback is not None:
with ctx._F.dat.vec as F_:
ctx._post_function_callback(X, F_)
# F may not be the same vector as self._F, so copy
# residual out to F.
with ctx._F.dat.vec_ro as v:
def form_jacobian(snes, X, J, P):
r"""Form the Jacobian for this problem
:arg snes: a PETSc SNES object
:arg X: the current guess (a Vec)
:arg J: the Jacobian (a Mat)
:arg P: the preconditioner matrix (a Mat)
dm = snes.getDM()
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(dm)
problem = ctx._problem
assert J.handle == ctx._jac.petscmat.handle
if problem._constant_jacobian and ctx._jacobian_assembled:
# Don't need to do any work with a constant jacobian
# that's already assembled
ctx._jacobian_assembled = True
# X may not be the same vector as the vec behind self._x, so
# copy guess in from X.
with ctx._x.dat.vec_wo as v:
if ctx._pre_jacobian_callback is not None:
if ctx._post_jacobian_callback is not None:
ctx._post_jacobian_callback(X, J)
if ctx.Jp is not None:
assert P.handle == ctx._pjac.petscmat.handle
ises = problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises
ctx.set_nullspace(ctx._nullspace, ises, transpose=False, near=False)
ctx.set_nullspace(ctx._nullspace_T, ises, transpose=True, near=False)
ctx.set_nullspace(ctx._near_nullspace, ises, transpose=False, near=True)
def compute_operators(ksp, J, P):
r"""Form the Jacobian for this problem
:arg ksp: a PETSc KSP object
:arg J: the Jacobian (a Mat)
:arg P: the preconditioner matrix (a Mat)
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC
dm = ksp.getDM()
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(dm)
problem = ctx._problem
assert J.handle == ctx._jac.petscmat.handle
if problem._constant_jacobian and ctx._jacobian_assembled:
# Don't need to do any work with a constant jacobian
# that's already assembled
ctx._jacobian_assembled = True
fine = ctx._fine
if fine is not None:
manager = dmhooks.get_transfer_manager(fine._x.function_space().dm)
manager.inject(fine._x, ctx._x)
for bc in chain(*ctx._problem.bcs):
if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC):
if ctx.Jp is not None:
assert P.handle == ctx._pjac.petscmat.handle
def _assembler_jac(self):
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
return get_assembler(self.J, bcs=self.bcs_J, form_compiler_parameters=self.fcp, mat_type=self.mat_type, options_prefix=self.options_prefix, appctx=self.appctx)
def _jac(self):
return self._assembler_jac.allocate()
def _assemble_jac(self):
return self._assembler_jac.assemble
def is_mixed(self):
return self._jac.block_shape != (1, 1)
def _assembler_pjac(self):
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
if self.mat_type != self.pmat_type or self._problem.Jp is not None:
return get_assembler(self.Jp, bcs=self.bcs_Jp, form_compiler_parameters=self.fcp, mat_type=self.pmat_type, options_prefix=self.options_prefix, appctx=self.appctx)
return self._assembler_jac
def _pjac(self):
if self.mat_type != self.pmat_type or self._problem.Jp is not None:
return self._assembler_pjac.allocate()
return self._jac
def _assemble_pjac(self):
return self._assembler_pjac.assemble
def _F(self):
return cofunction.Cofunction(self.F.arguments()[0].function_space().dual())