from itertools import chain
import numpy
import ufl
from pyop2 import op2
from firedrake import dmhooks
from firedrake.function import Function
from firedrake.cofunction import Cofunction
from firedrake.matrix import MatrixBase
from firedrake.exceptions import ConvergenceError
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc, DEFAULT_KSP_PARAMETERS
from firedrake.formmanipulation import ExtractSubBlock
from firedrake.utils import cached_property
from firedrake.logging import warning
def _make_reasons(reasons):
return {getattr(reasons, r): r
for r in dir(reasons) if not r.startswith('_')}
KSPReasons = _make_reasons(PETSc.KSP.ConvergedReason())
SNESReasons = _make_reasons(PETSc.SNES.ConvergedReason())
def set_defaults(solver_parameters, arguments, *, ksp_defaults=None, snes_defaults=None):
"""Set defaults for solver parameters.
:arg solver_parameters: dict of user solver parameters to override/extend defaults
:arg arguments: arguments for the bilinear form (need to know if we have a Real block).
:arg ksp_defaults: Default KSP parameters.
:arg snes_defaults: Default SNES parameters."""
if ksp_defaults is None:
ksp_defaults = {}
if snes_defaults is None:
snes_defaults = {}
if solver_parameters:
# User configured something, try and set sensible direct solve
# defaults for missing bits.
parameters = solver_parameters.copy()
for k, v in snes_defaults.items():
parameters.setdefault(k, v)
keys = frozenset(parameters.keys())
ksp_defaults = ksp_defaults.copy()
skip = set()
if "pc_type" in keys:
# Might reasonably expect to get petsc defaults
skip.update({"pc_factor_mat_solver_type", "ksp_type"})
if parameters.get("mat_type") in {"matfree", "nest"}:
# Non-LU defaults.
ksp_defaults["ksp_type"] = "gmres"
ksp_defaults["pc_type"] = "jacobi"
for k, v in ksp_defaults.items():
if k not in skip:
parameters.setdefault(k, v)
return parameters
# OK, we're in full defaults mode now.
parameters = dict(chain.from_iterable(
d.items() for d in (ksp_defaults, snes_defaults)))
if any(V.ufl_element().family() == "Real"
for a in arguments for V in a.function_space()):
test, trial = arguments
if test.function_space() != trial.function_space():
# Don't know what to do here. How did it happen?
raise ValueError("Can't generate defaults for non-square problems with real blocks")
fields = []
reals = []
for i, V_ in enumerate(test.function_space()):
if V_.ufl_element().family() == "Real":
if len(fields) == 0:
# Just reals, GMRES
opts = {"ksp_type": "gmres",
"pc_type": "none"}
warning("Real block detected, generating Schur complement elimination PC")
# Full Schur complement eliminating onto Real blocks.
opts = {"mat_type": "matfree",
"ksp_type": "fgmres",
"pc_type": "fieldsplit",
"pc_fieldsplit_type": "schur",
"pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type": "full",
"pc_fieldsplit_0_fields": ",".join(map(str, fields)),
"pc_fieldsplit_1_fields": ",".join(map(str, reals)),
"fieldsplit_0": {
"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "python",
"pc_python_type": "firedrake.AssembledPC",
"fieldsplit_1": {
"ksp_type": "gmres",
"pc_type": "none",
return parameters
# We can assemble an AIJ matrix, factor it with a sparse
# direct method.
return parameters
def check_snes_convergence(snes):
r = snes.getConvergedReason()
reason = SNESReasons[r]
inner = False
except KeyError:
r = snes.getKSP().getConvergedReason()
inner = True
reason = KSPReasons[r]
except KeyError:
reason = "unknown reason (petsc4py enum incomplete?), try with -snes_converged_reason and -ksp_converged_reason"
if r < 0:
if inner:
msg = "Inner linear solve failed to converge after %d iterations with reason: %s" % \
(snes.getKSP().getIterationNumber(), reason)
msg = reason
raise ConvergenceError(r"""Nonlinear solve failed to converge after %d nonlinear iterations.
%s""" % (snes.getIterationNumber(), msg))
class _SNESContext(object):
Context holding information for SNES callbacks.
:arg problem: a :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem`.
:arg mat_type: Indicates whether the Jacobian is assembled
monolithically ('aij'), as a block sparse matrix ('nest') or
matrix-free (as :class:`~.ImplicitMatrix`, 'matfree').
:arg pmat_type: Indicates whether the preconditioner (if present) is assembled
monolithically ('aij'), as a block sparse matrix ('nest') or
matrix-free (as :class:`~.ImplicitMatrix`, 'matfree').
:arg appctx: Any extra information used in the assembler. For the
matrix-free case this will contain the Newton state in
:arg pre_jacobian_callback: User-defined function called immediately
before Jacobian assembly
:arg post_jacobian_callback: User-defined function called immediately
after Jacobian assembly
:arg pre_function_callback: User-defined function called immediately
before residual assembly
:arg post_function_callback: User-defined function called immediately
after residual assembly
:arg options_prefix: The options prefix of the SNES.
:arg transfer_manager: Object that can transfer functions between
levels, typically a :class:`~.TransferManager`
:arg pre_apply_bcs: If `False`, the problem is linearised
around the initial guess before imposing the boundary conditions.
The idea here is that the SNES holds a shell DM which contains
this object as "user context". When the SNES calls back to the
user form_function code, we pull the DM out of the SNES and then
get the context (which is one of these objects) to find the
Firedrake level information.
def __init__(self, problem, mat_type, pmat_type, appctx=None,
pre_jacobian_callback=None, pre_function_callback=None,
post_jacobian_callback=None, post_function_callback=None,
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
if pmat_type is None:
pmat_type = mat_type
self.mat_type = mat_type
self.pmat_type = pmat_type
self.options_prefix = options_prefix
self.pre_apply_bcs = pre_apply_bcs
matfree = mat_type == 'matfree'
pmatfree = pmat_type == 'matfree'
self._problem = problem
self._pre_jacobian_callback = pre_jacobian_callback
self._pre_function_callback = pre_function_callback
self._post_jacobian_callback = post_jacobian_callback
self._post_function_callback = post_function_callback
self.fcp = problem.form_compiler_parameters
# Function to hold current guess
self._x = problem.u_restrict
if appctx is None:
appctx = {}
# A split context will already get the full state.
# TODO, a better way of doing this.
# Now we don't have a temporary state inside the snes
# context we could just require the user to pass in the
# full state on the outside.
appctx.setdefault("state", self._x)
appctx.setdefault("form_compiler_parameters", self.fcp)
self.appctx = appctx
self.matfree = matfree
self.pmatfree = pmatfree
self.F = problem.F
self.J = problem.J
# For Jp to equal J, bc.Jp must equal bc.J for all EquationBC objects.
Jp_eq_J = problem.Jp is None and all(bc.Jp_eq_J for bc in problem.bcs)
if mat_type != pmat_type or not Jp_eq_J:
# Need separate pmat if either Jp is different or we want
# a different pmat type to the mat type.
if problem.Jp is None:
self.Jp = self.J
self.Jp = problem.Jp
# pmat_type == mat_type and Jp_eq_J
self.Jp = None
self.bcs_F = tuple(bc.extract_form('F') for bc in problem.bcs)
self.bcs_J = tuple(bc.extract_form('J') for bc in problem.bcs)
self.bcs_Jp = tuple(bc.extract_form('Jp') for bc in problem.bcs)
self._bc_residual = None
if not pre_apply_bcs and len(self.bcs_F) > 0:
# Delayed lifting of DirichletBCs
self._bc_residual = Function(self._x.function_space())
if problem.is_linear:
# Drop existing lifting term from the residual
assert isinstance(self.F, ufl.BaseForm)
self.F = ufl.replace(self.F, {self._x:})
self.F -= problem.compute_bc_lifting(self.J, self._bc_residual)
self._assemble_residual = get_assembler(self.F, bcs=self.bcs_F,
self._jacobian_assembled = False
self._splits = {}
self._coarse = None
self._fine = None
self._nullspace = None
self._nullspace_T = None
self._near_nullspace = None
self._transfer_manager = transfer_manager
def transfer_manager(self):
"""This allows the transfer manager to be set from options, e.g.
solver_parameters = {"ksp_type": "cg",
"pc_type": "mg",
"mg_transfer_manager": __name__ + ".manager"}
The value for "mg_transfer_manager" can either be a specific instantiated
object, or a function or class name. In the latter case it will be invoked
with no arguments to instantiate the object.
If "snes_type": "fas" is used, the relevant option is "fas_transfer_manager",
with the same semantics.
if self._transfer_manager is None:
opts = PETSc.Options()
prefix = self.options_prefix or ""
if opts.hasName(prefix + "mg_transfer_manager"):
managername = opts[prefix + "mg_transfer_manager"]
elif opts.hasName(prefix + "fas_transfer_manager"):
managername = opts[prefix + "fas_transfer_manager"]
managername = None
if managername is None:
from firedrake import TransferManager
transfer = TransferManager(use_averaging=True)
(modname, objname) = managername.rsplit('.', 1)
mod = __import__(modname)
obj = getattr(mod, objname)
if isinstance(obj, type):
transfer = obj()
transfer = obj
self._transfer_manager = transfer
return self._transfer_manager
def transfer_manager(self, manager):
if self._transfer_manager is not None:
raise ValueError("Must set transfer manager before first use.")
self._transfer_manager = manager
def set_function(self, snes):
r"""Set the residual evaluation function"""
with self._F.dat.vec_wo as v:
snes.setFunction(self.form_function, v)
def set_jacobian(self, snes):
snes.setJacobian(self.form_jacobian, J=self._jac.petscmat,
def set_nullspace(self, nullspace, ises=None, transpose=False, near=False):
if nullspace is None:
nullspace._apply(self._jac, transpose=transpose, near=near)
if self.Jp is not None:
nullspace._apply(self._pjac, transpose=transpose, near=near)
if ises is not None:
nullspace._apply(ises, transpose=transpose, near=near)
def split(self, fields):
from firedrake import replace, as_vector, split, zero
from firedrake import NonlinearVariationalProblem as NLVP
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC, EquationBC
fields = tuple(tuple(f) for f in fields)
splits = self._splits.get(tuple(fields))
if splits is not None:
return splits
splits = []
problem = self._problem
splitter = ExtractSubBlock()
for field in fields:
F = splitter.split(problem.F, argument_indices=(field, ))
J = splitter.split(problem.J, argument_indices=(field, field))
us = problem.u_restrict.subfunctions
V = F.arguments()[0].function_space()
# Exposition:
# We are going to make a new solution Function on the sub
# mixed space defined by the relevant fields.
# But the form may refer to the rest of the solution
# anyway.
# So we pull it apart and will make a new function on the
# subspace that shares data.
pieces = [us[i].dat for i in field]
if len(pieces) == 1:
val, = pieces
subu = Function(V, val=val)
subsplit = (subu, )
val = op2.MixedDat(pieces)
subu = Function(V, val=val)
# Split it apart to shove in the form.
subsplit = split(subu)
vec = []
for i, u in enumerate(us):
if i in field:
# If this is a field we're keeping, get it from
# the new function. Otherwise just point to the
# old data.
u = subsplit[field.index(i)]
if u.ufl_shape == ():
vec.extend(u[idx] for idx in numpy.ndindex(u.ufl_shape))
# So now we have a new representation for the solution
# vector in the old problem. For the fields we're going
# to solve for, it points to a new Function (which wraps
# the original pieces). For the rest, it points to the
# pieces from the original Function.
# IOW, we've reinterpreted our original mixed solution
# function as being made up of some spaces we're still
# solving for, and some spaces that have just become
# coefficients in the new form.
u = as_vector(vec)
J = replace(J, {problem.u_restrict: u})
if problem.is_linear and isinstance(J, MatrixBase):
# The BC lifting term is action(MatrixBase, u).
# We cannot replace u with the split solution, as action expects a Function.
# We drop the existing lifting term from the residual
# and compute a fully decoupled lifting term with the split J.
F = replace(F, {problem.u_restrict: zero(problem.u_restrict.ufl_shape)})
F += problem.compute_bc_lifting(J, subu)
F = replace(F, {problem.u_restrict: u})
if problem.Jp is not None:
Jp = splitter.split(problem.Jp, argument_indices=(field, field))
Jp = replace(Jp, {problem.u_restrict: u})
Jp = None
bcs = []
for bc in problem.bcs:
if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC):
bc_temp = bc.reconstruct(field=field, V=V, g=bc.function_arg, sub_domain=bc.sub_domain)
elif isinstance(bc, EquationBC):
bc_temp = bc.reconstruct(V, subu, u, field, problem.is_linear)
if bc_temp is not None:
new_problem = NLVP(F, subu, bcs=bcs, J=J, Jp=Jp, is_linear=problem.is_linear,
new_problem._constant_jacobian = problem._constant_jacobian
splits.append(type(self)(new_problem, mat_type=self.mat_type, pmat_type=self.pmat_type,
return self._splits.setdefault(tuple(fields), splits)
def form_function(snes, X, F):
r"""Form the residual for this problem
:arg snes: a PETSc SNES object
:arg X: the current guess (a Vec)
:arg F: the residual at X (a Vec)
dm = snes.getDM()
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(dm)
# X may not be the same vector as the vec behind self._x, so
# copy guess in from X.
with ctx._x.dat.vec_wo as v:
if ctx._pre_function_callback is not None:
if not ctx.pre_apply_bcs:
# Compute DirichletBC residual
for bc in ctx.bcs_F:
bc.apply(ctx._bc_residual, u=ctx._x)
ctx._assemble_residual(tensor=ctx._F, current_state=ctx._x)
if ctx._post_function_callback is not None:
with ctx._F.dat.vec as F_:
ctx._post_function_callback(X, F_)
# F may not be the same vector as self._F, so copy
# residual out to F.
with ctx._F.dat.vec_ro as v:
def form_jacobian(snes, X, J, P):
r"""Form the Jacobian for this problem
:arg snes: a PETSc SNES object
:arg X: the current guess (a Vec)
:arg J: the Jacobian (a Mat)
:arg P: the preconditioner matrix (a Mat)
dm = snes.getDM()
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(dm)
problem = ctx._problem
assert J.handle == ctx._jac.petscmat.handle
if problem._constant_jacobian and ctx._jacobian_assembled:
# Don't need to do any work with a constant jacobian
# that's already assembled
ctx._jacobian_assembled = True
# X may not be the same vector as the vec behind self._x, so
# copy guess in from X.
with ctx._x.dat.vec_wo as v:
if ctx._pre_jacobian_callback is not None:
if ctx._post_jacobian_callback is not None:
ctx._post_jacobian_callback(X, J)
if ctx.Jp is not None:
assert P.handle == ctx._pjac.petscmat.handle
ises = problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises
ctx.set_nullspace(ctx._nullspace, ises, transpose=False, near=False)
ctx.set_nullspace(ctx._nullspace_T, ises, transpose=True, near=False)
ctx.set_nullspace(ctx._near_nullspace, ises, transpose=False, near=True)
def compute_operators(ksp, J, P):
r"""Form the Jacobian for this problem
:arg ksp: a PETSc KSP object
:arg J: the Jacobian (a Mat)
:arg P: the preconditioner matrix (a Mat)
dm = ksp.getDM()
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(dm)
problem = ctx._problem
assert J.handle == ctx._jac.petscmat.handle
if problem._constant_jacobian and ctx._jacobian_assembled:
# Don't need to do any work with a constant jacobian
# that's already assembled
ctx._jacobian_assembled = True
fine = ctx._fine
if fine is not None:
manager = dmhooks.get_transfer_manager(fine._x.function_space().dm)
manager.inject(fine._x, ctx._x)
if ctx.pre_apply_bcs:
for bc in problem.dirichlet_bcs():
if ctx.Jp is not None:
assert P.handle == ctx._pjac.petscmat.handle
def _assembler_jac(self):
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
return get_assembler(self.J, bcs=self.bcs_J, form_compiler_parameters=self.fcp, mat_type=self.mat_type, options_prefix=self.options_prefix, appctx=self.appctx)
def _jac(self):
return self._assembler_jac.allocate()
def _assemble_jac(self):
return self._assembler_jac.assemble
def is_mixed(self):
return self._jac.block_shape != (1, 1)
def _assembler_pjac(self):
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
if self.mat_type != self.pmat_type or self._problem.Jp is not None:
return get_assembler(self.Jp, bcs=self.bcs_Jp, form_compiler_parameters=self.fcp, mat_type=self.pmat_type, options_prefix=self.options_prefix, appctx=self.appctx)
return self._assembler_jac
def _pjac(self):
if self.mat_type != self.pmat_type or self._problem.Jp is not None:
return self._assembler_pjac.allocate()
return self._jac
def _assemble_pjac(self):
return self._assembler_pjac.assemble
def _F(self):
return Cofunction(self.F.arguments()[0].function_space().dual())