import functools
import ufl
import finat.ufl
import firedrake.dmhooks as dmhooks
from firedrake.slate.static_condensation.sc_base import SCBase
from firedrake.matrix_free.operators import ImplicitMatrixContext
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.parloops import par_loop, READ, INC
from firedrake.slate.slate import Tensor, AssembledVector
from firedrake.slate.static_condensation.la_utils import SchurComplementBuilder
from firedrake.ufl_expr import adjoint
__all__ = ['HybridizationPC', 'SchurComplementBuilder']
class HybridizationPC(SCBase):
needs_python_pmat = True
"""A Slate-based python preconditioner that solves a
mixed H(div)-conforming problem using hybridization.
Currently, this preconditioner supports the hybridization
of the RT and BDM mixed methods of arbitrary degree.
The forward eliminations and backwards reconstructions
are performed element-local using the Slate language.
def initialize(self, pc):
"""Set up the problem context. Take the original
mixed problem and reformulate the problem as a
hybridized mixed system.
A KSP is created for the Lagrange multiplier system.
from firedrake import (FunctionSpace, Cofunction, Function,
TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, TestFunction,
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
from ufl.algorithms.replace import replace
# Extract the problem context
prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "hybridization_"
_, P = pc.getOperators()
self.ctx = P.getPythonContext()
if not isinstance(self.ctx, ImplicitMatrixContext):
raise ValueError("The python context must be an ImplicitMatrixContext")
test, trial = self.ctx.a.arguments()
V = test.function_space()
mesh = V.mesh()
if len(V) != 2:
raise ValueError("Expecting two function spaces.")
if all(Vi.value_shape for Vi in V):
raise ValueError("Expecting an H(div) x L2 pair of spaces.")
# Automagically determine which spaces are vector and scalar
for i, Vi in enumerate(V):
if Vi.ufl_element() == "HDiv":
self.vidx = i
assert Vi.ufl_element() == "L2"
self.pidx = i
# Create the space of approximate traces.
W = V[self.vidx]
if W.ufl_element().family() == "Brezzi-Douglas-Marini":
tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree()
# If we have a tensor product element
h_deg, v_deg = W.ufl_element().degree()
tdegree = (h_deg - 1, v_deg - 1)
except TypeError:
tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() - 1
TraceSpace = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", tdegree)
# Break the function spaces and define fully discontinuous spaces
broken_elements = finat.ufl.MixedElement([finat.ufl.BrokenElement(Vi.ufl_element()) for Vi in V])
V_d = FunctionSpace(mesh, broken_elements)
# Set up the functions for the original, hybridized
# and schur complement systems
self.broken_solution = Cofunction(V_d.dual())
self.broken_residual = Function(V_d)
self.trace_solution = Function(TraceSpace)
self.unbroken_solution = Cofunction(V.dual())
self.unbroken_residual = Function(V)
shapes = (V[self.vidx].finat_element.space_dimension(),
domain = "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < %d and 0 <= j < %d}" % shapes
instructions = """
for i, j
w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1
self.weight = Function(V[self.vidx])
par_loop((domain, instructions), ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, INC)})
instructions = """
for i, j
vec_out[i,j] = vec_out[i,j] + vec_in[i,j]/w[i,j]
self.average_kernel = (domain, instructions)
# Create the symbolic Schur-reduction:
# Original mixed operator replaced with "broken"
# arguments
arg_map = {test: TestFunction(V_d),
trial: TrialFunction(V_d)}
Atilde = Tensor(replace(self.ctx.a, arg_map))
gammar = TestFunction(TraceSpace)
n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
sigma = TrialFunctions(V_d)[self.vidx]
if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_h
+ gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_v)
Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS)
# Here we deal with boundaries. If there are Neumann
# conditions (which should be enforced strongly for
# H(div)xL^2) then we need to add jump terms on the exterior
# facets. If there are Dirichlet conditions (which should be
# enforced weakly) then we need to zero out the trace
# variables there as they are not active (otherwise the hybrid
# problem is not well-posed).
# If boundary conditions are contained in the ImplicitMatrixContext:
if self.ctx.row_bcs:
# Find all the subdomains with neumann BCS
# These are Dirichlet BCs on the vidx space
neumann_subdomains = set()
for bc in self.ctx.row_bcs:
if bc.function_space().index == self.pidx:
raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet conditions for scalar variable not supported. Use a weak bc")
if bc.function_space().index != self.vidx:
raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet bc set on unsupported space.")
# append the set of sub domains
neumann_subdomains |= set(bc.sub_domain)
# separate out the top and bottom bcs
extruded_neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains & {"top", "bottom"}
neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains - extruded_neumann_subdomains
integrand = gammar *, n)
measures = []
trace_subdomains = []
if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
ds = ufl.ds_v
for subdomain in sorted(extruded_neumann_subdomains):
measures.append({"top": ufl.ds_t, "bottom": ufl.ds_b}[subdomain])
trace_subdomains.extend(sorted({"top", "bottom"} - extruded_neumann_subdomains))
ds = ufl.ds
if "on_boundary" in neumann_subdomains:
measures.extend((ds(sd) for sd in sorted(neumann_subdomains)))
markers = [int(x) for x in mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers]
dirichlet_subdomains = set(markers) - neumann_subdomains
for measure in measures:
Kform += integrand*measure
trace_bcs = [DirichletBC(TraceSpace, 0, subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains]
# No bcs were provided, we assume weak Dirichlet conditions.
# We zero out the contribution of the trace variables on
# the exterior boundary. Extruded cells will have both
# horizontal and vertical facets
trace_subdomains = ["on_boundary"]
if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
trace_subdomains.extend(["bottom", "top"])
trace_bcs = [DirichletBC(TraceSpace, 0, subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains]
# Make a SLATE tensor from Kform
K = Tensor(Kform)
KT = Tensor(adjoint(Kform))
# Build schur complement operator and right hand side
self.schur_builder = SchurComplementBuilder(prefix, Atilde, K, KT, pc, self.vidx, self.pidx)
schur_rhs, schur_comp = self.schur_builder.build_schur(AssembledVector(self.broken_residual))
# Assemble the Schur complement operator and right-hand side
self.schur_rhs = Cofunction(TraceSpace.dual())
self._assemble_Srhs = get_assembler(schur_rhs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params).assemble
mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(prefix + "mat_type", "aij")
form_assembler = get_assembler(schur_comp, bcs=trace_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=prefix, appctx=self.get_appctx(pc))
self.S = form_assembler.allocate()
self._assemble_S = form_assembler.assemble
with PETSc.Log.Event("HybridOperatorAssembly"):
Smat = self.S.petscmat
nullspace = self.ctx.appctx.get("trace_nullspace", None)
if nullspace is not None:
nsp = nullspace(TraceSpace)
# Create a SNESContext for the DM associated with the trace problem
self._ctx_ref = self.new_snes_ctx(pc,
# dm associated with the trace problem
trace_dm =
# KSP for the system of Lagrange multipliers
trace_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm)
trace_ksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
# Set the dm for the trace solver
trace_ksp.setOperators(Smat, Smat)
# Option to add custom monitor
monitor = self.ctx.appctx.get('custom_monitor', None)
if monitor:
self.trace_ksp = trace_ksp
with dmhooks.add_hooks(trace_dm, self,
# Generate reconstruction calls
def _reconstruction_calls(self):
"""This generates the reconstruction calls for the unknowns using the
Lagrange multipliers.
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
# We always eliminate the velocity block first
id0, id1 = (self.vidx, self.pidx)
# TODO: When PyOP2 is able to write into mixed dats,
# the reconstruction expressions can simplify into
# one clean expression.
# reuse work from trace operator build
A, B, C, _ = self.schur_builder.list_split_mixed_ops
K_0, K_1 = self.schur_builder.list_split_trace_ops
Ahat = self.schur_builder.A00_inv_hat
S = self.schur_builder.inner_S
# Split functions and reconstruct each bit separately
split_residual = self.broken_residual.subfunctions
split_sol = self.broken_solution.subfunctions
g = AssembledVector(split_residual[id0])
f = AssembledVector(split_residual[id1])
sigma = split_sol[id0]
u = split_sol[id1]
lambdar = AssembledVector(self.trace_solution)
R = K_1.T - C * Ahat * K_0.T
rhs = f - C * Ahat * g - R * lambdar
if self.schur_builder.schur_approx or self.schur_builder.jacobi_S:
Shat = self.schur_builder.inner_S_approx_inv_hat
if self.schur_builder.preonly_S:
S = Shat
S = Shat * S
rhs = Shat * rhs
u_rec = S.solve(rhs, decomposition="PartialPivLU")
self._sub_unknown = functools.partial(get_assembler(u_rec, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params).assemble, tensor=u)
sigma_rec = A.solve(g - B * AssembledVector(u) - K_0.T * lambdar,
self._elim_unknown = functools.partial(get_assembler(sigma_rec, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params).assemble, tensor=sigma)
def update(self, pc):
"""Update by assembling into the operator. No need to
reconstruct symbolic objects.
def forward_elimination(self, pc, x):
"""Perform the forward elimination of fields and
provide the reduced right-hand side for the condensed
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
:arg x: a PETSc vector containing the incoming right-hand side.
with PETSc.Log.Event("HybridBreak"):
with self.unbroken_residual.dat.vec_wo as v:
# Transfer unbroken_rhs into broken_rhs
# NOTE: Scalar space is already "broken" so no need for
# any projections
unbroken_scalar_data = self.unbroken_residual.subfunctions[self.pidx]
broken_scalar_data = self.broken_residual.subfunctions[self.pidx]
# Assemble the new "broken" hdiv residual
# We need a residual R' in the broken space that
# gives R'[w] = R[w] when w is in the unbroken space.
# We do this by splitting the residual equally between
# basis functions that add together to give unbroken
# basis functions.
unbroken_res_hdiv = self.unbroken_residual.subfunctions[self.vidx]
broken_res_hdiv = self.broken_residual.subfunctions[self.vidx]
par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx,
{"w": (self.weight, READ),
"vec_in": (unbroken_res_hdiv, READ),
"vec_out": (broken_res_hdiv, INC)})
with PETSc.Log.Event("HybridRHS"):
# Compute the rhs for the multiplier system
def sc_solve(self, pc):
"""Solve the condensed linear system for the
condensed field.
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
dm = self.trace_ksp.getDM()
with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref):
# Solve the system for the Lagrange multipliers
with self.schur_rhs.dat.vec_ro as b:
if self.trace_ksp.getInitialGuessNonzero():
acc = self.trace_solution.dat.vec
acc = self.trace_solution.dat.vec_wo
with acc as x_trace:
self.trace_ksp.solve(b, x_trace)
def backward_substitution(self, pc, y):
"""Perform the backwards recovery of eliminated fields.
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
:arg y: a PETSc vector for placing the resulting fields.
# We assemble the unknown which is an expression
# of the first eliminated variable.
with PETSc.Log.Event("RecoverFirstElim"):
# Recover the eliminated unknown
with PETSc.Log.Event("HybridProject"):
# Project the broken solution into non-broken spaces
broken_pressure = self.broken_solution.subfunctions[self.pidx]
unbroken_pressure = self.unbroken_solution.subfunctions[self.pidx]
# Compute the hdiv projection of the broken hdiv solution
broken_hdiv = self.broken_solution.subfunctions[self.vidx]
unbroken_hdiv = self.unbroken_solution.subfunctions[self.vidx]
par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx,
{"w": (self.weight, READ),
"vec_in": (broken_hdiv, READ),
"vec_out": (unbroken_hdiv, INC)})
with self.unbroken_solution.dat.vec_ro as v:
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
"""Viewer calls for the various configurable objects in this PC."""
super(HybridizationPC, self).view(pc, viewer)
if hasattr(self, "trace_ksp"):
viewer.printfASCII("Applying hybridization to mixed problem.\n")
viewer.printfASCII("Statically condensing to trace system.\n")
viewer.printfASCII("KSP solver for the multipliers:\n")
viewer.printfASCII("Locally reconstructing solutions.\n")
viewer.printfASCII("Projecting broken flux into HDiv space.\n")
def getSchurComplementBuilder(self):
return self.schur_builder