"""Slate is a symbolic language defining a framework for performing
linear algebra operations on finite element tensors. It is similar
in principle to most linear algebra libraries in notation.
The design of Slate was heavily influenced by UFL, and utilizes
much of UFL's functionality for FEM-specific form manipulation.
Unlike UFL, however, once forms are assembled into Slate `Tensor`
objects, one can utilize the operations defined in Slate to express
complicated linear algebra operations (such as the Schur-complement
reduction of a block-matrix system).
All Slate expressions are handled by a specialized linear algebra
compiler, which interprets expressions and produces C++ kernel
functions to be executed within the Firedrake architecture.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple, defaultdict
from ufl import Constant
from ufl.coefficient import BaseCoefficient
from firedrake.function import Function, Cofunction
from firedrake.utils import cached_property, unique
from itertools import chain, count
from pyop2.utils import as_tuple
from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.classes import Zero
from ufl.domain import join_domains, sort_domains
from ufl.form import Form
import hashlib
from firedrake.formmanipulation import ExtractSubBlock
from tsfc.ufl_utils import extract_firedrake_constants
__all__ = ['AssembledVector', 'Block', 'Factorization', 'Tensor',
'Inverse', 'Transpose', 'Negative',
'Add', 'Mul', 'Solve', 'BlockAssembledVector', 'DiagonalTensor',
# BlockFunction description type
BlockFunction = namedtuple('BlockFunction', ['split_function', 'indices', 'orig_function'])
BlockFunction.__doc__ = """\
Context that carries information for a block on an assembled vector.
:param split_function: The splits of the orig_function corresponding to the block.
:param indices: The indices of the block.
:param orig_function: The (unsplit) function corresponding the assembled vector.
class RemoveNegativeRestrictions(MultiFunction):
"""UFL MultiFunction which removes any negative restrictions
in a form.
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
def negative_restricted(self, o):
return Zero(o.ufl_shape, o.ufl_free_indices, o.ufl_index_dimensions)
class BlockIndexer(object):
"""Container class which only exists to enable smart indexing of :class:`Tensor`
.. warning::
This class is not intended for user instatiation.
__slots__ = ['tensor', 'block_cache']
def __init__(self, tensor):
self.tensor = tensor
self.block_cache = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
key = as_tuple(key)
# Make indexing with too few indices legal.
key = key + tuple(slice(None) for i in range(self.tensor.rank - len(key)))
if len(key) > self.tensor.rank:
raise ValueError("Attempting to index a rank-%s tensor with %s indices."
% (self.tensor.rank, len(key)))
block_shape = tuple(len(V) for V in self.tensor.arg_function_spaces)
# Convert slice indices to tuple of indices.
blocks = tuple(tuple(range(k.start or 0, k.stop or n, k.step or 1))
if isinstance(k, slice)
else (k,)
for k, n in zip(key, block_shape))
if blocks == tuple(tuple(range(n)) for n in block_shape):
return self.tensor
# Avoid repeated instantiation of an equivalent block
block = self.block_cache[blocks]
except KeyError:
block = Block(tensor=self.tensor, indices=blocks)
self.block_cache[blocks] = block
return block
class MockCellIntegral(object):
def integral_type(self):
return "cell"
def __iter__(self):
yield self
def __call__(self):
return self
class TensorBase(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""An abstract Slate node class.
.. warning::
Do not instantiate this class on its own. This is an abstract
node class; is not meant to be worked with directly. Only use
the appropriate subclasses.
integrals = MockCellIntegral()
"""A mock object that provides enough compatibility with ufl.Form
that one can assemble a tensor."""
terminal = False
assembled = False
diagonal = False
_id = count()
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Initialise a cache for stashing results.
Mirrors :class:`~ufl.form.Form`.
self._cache = {}
def id(self):
return next(TensorBase._id)
def _metakernel_cache(self):
return {}
def children(self):
return self.operands
def expression_hash(self):
from firedrake.slate.slac.utils import traverse_dags
hashdata = []
for op in traverse_dags([self]):
if isinstance(op, AssembledVector):
data = (type(op).__name__, op.arg_function_spaces[0].ufl_element()._ufl_signature_data_(), )
elif isinstance(op, Block):
data = (type(op).__name__, op._indices, )
elif isinstance(op, BlockAssembledVector):
data = (type(op).__name__, op._indices, op._original_function, op._function)
elif isinstance(op, Factorization):
data = (type(op).__name__, op.decomposition, )
elif isinstance(op, Tensor):
data = (op.form.signature(), op.diagonal, )
elif isinstance(op, (UnaryOp, BinaryOp)):
data = (type(op).__name__, )
raise ValueError("Unhandled type %r" % type(op))
hashdata.append(data + (op.prec, ))
hashdata = "".join("%s" % (s, ) for s in hashdata)
return hashlib.sha512(hashdata.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on. For example, if A is a rank-2 tensor
defined on V x W, then this method returns (V, W).
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
def shapes(self):
"""Computes the internal shape information of its components.
This is particularly useful to know if the tensor comes from a
mixed form.
shapes = OrderedDict()
for i, fs in enumerate(self.arg_function_spaces):
shapes[i] = tuple(int(V.finat_element.space_dimension() * V.block_size)
for V in fs)
return shapes
def shape(self):
"""Computes the shape information of the local tensor."""
return tuple(sum(shapelist) for shapelist in self.shapes.values())
def rank(self):
"""Returns the rank information of the tensor object."""
return len(self.arguments())
def coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
def constants(self):
"""Returns a tuple of constants associated with the tensor."""
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of Slate coefficients associated with the tensor."""
def coeff_map(self):
"""A map from local coefficient numbers
to the split global coefficient numbers.
The split coefficients are defined on the pieces of the originally mixed function spaces.
coeff_map = defaultdict(set)
for c in self.slate_coefficients():
if isinstance(c, BlockFunction): # for block assembled vectors
m = self.coefficients().index(c.orig_function)
m = self.coefficients().index(c)
split_map = tuple(range(len(c.subfunctions))) if isinstance(c, Function) or isinstance(c, Constant) or isinstance(c, Cofunction) else tuple(range(1))
return tuple((k, tuple(sorted(v)))for k, v in coeff_map.items())
def ufl_domain(self):
"""This function returns a single domain of integration occuring
in the tensor.
The function will fail if multiple domains are found.
domain, = self.ufl_domains()
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("All integrals must share the same domain of integration.")
return domain
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with
the tensor.
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns a mapping on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
def is_mixed(self):
"""Returns `True` if the tensor has mixed arguments and `False` otherwise.
return any(len(fs) > 1 for fs in self.arg_function_spaces)
def inv(self):
return Inverse(self)
def T(self):
return Transpose(self)
def solve(self, B, decomposition=None):
"""Solve a system of equations with
a specified right-hand side.
:arg B: a Slate expression. This can be either a
vector or a matrix.
:arg decomposition: A string describing the type of
factorization to use when inverting the local
systems. A complete list of available matrix
decompositions are outlined in
return Solve(self, B, decomposition=decomposition)
def blocks(self):
"""Returns an object containing the blocks of the tensor defined
on a mixed space. Indices can then be provided to extract a
particular sub-block.
For example, consider the rank-2 tensor described by:
.. code-block:: python3
V = FunctionSpace(m, "CG", 1)
W = V * V * V
u, p, r = TrialFunctions(W)
w, q, s = TestFunctions(W)
A = Tensor(u*w*dx + p*q*dx + r*s*dx)
The tensor `A` has 3x3 block structure. The block defined
by the form `u*w*dx` could be extracted with:
.. code-block:: python3
A.blocks[0, 0]
While the block coupling `p`, `r`, `q`, and `s` could be
extracted with:
.. code-block:: python3
A.block[1:, 1:]
The usual Python slicing operations apply.
return BlockIndexer(self)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TensorBase):
return Add(self, other)
raise NotImplementedError("Type(s) for + not supported: '%s' '%s'"
% (type(self), type(other)))
def __radd__(self, other):
# If other is not a TensorBase, raise NotImplementedError. Otherwise,
# delegate action to other.
if not isinstance(other, TensorBase):
raise NotImplementedError("Type(s) for + not supported: '%s' '%s'"
% (type(other), type(self)))
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TensorBase):
return Add(self, Negative(other))
raise NotImplementedError("Type(s) for - not supported: '%s' '%s'"
% (type(self), type(other)))
def __rsub__(self, other):
# If other is not a TensorBase, raise NotImplementedError. Otherwise,
# delegate action to other.
if not isinstance(other, TensorBase):
raise NotImplementedError("Type(s) for - not supported: '%s' '%s'"
% (type(other), type(self)))
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TensorBase):
return Mul(self, other)
raise NotImplementedError("Type(s) for * not supported: '%s' '%s'"
% (type(self), type(other)))
def __rmul__(self, other):
# If other is not a TensorBase, raise NotImplementedError. Otherwise,
# delegate action to other.
if not isinstance(other, TensorBase):
raise NotImplementedError("Type(s) for * not supported: '%s' '%s'"
% (type(other), type(self)))
def __neg__(self):
return Negative(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Determines whether two TensorBase objects are equal using their
associated keys.
return self._key == other._key
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def _hash_id(self):
"""Returns a hash id for use in dictionary objects."""
return hash(self._key)
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality.
This is used to generate a unique id associated with the
TensorBase object.
def _output_string(self):
"""Creates a string representation of the tensor.
This is used when calling the `__str__` method on
TensorBase objects.
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation."""
return self._output_string(self.prec)
def __hash__(self):
"""Generates a hash for the TensorBase object."""
return self._hash_id
class AssembledVector(TensorBase):
"""This class is a symbolic representation of an assembled
vector of data contained in a :class:`~.Function`.
:arg function: A firedrake function.
def integrals(self):
raise ValueError("AssembledVector has no integrals")
operands = ()
terminal = True
assembled = True
def __new__(cls, function):
if isinstance(function, AssembledVector):
return function
elif isinstance(function, BaseCoefficient):
self = super().__new__(cls)
self._function = function
return self
raise TypeError("Expecting a BaseCoefficient or AssembledVector (not a %r)" %
def form(self):
return self._function
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
return (self._function.ufl_function_space(),)
def _argument(self):
"""Generates a 'test function' associated with this class."""
from firedrake.ufl_expr import TestFunction
V, = self.arg_function_spaces
return TestFunction(V)
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
return (self._argument,)
def coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
return (self._function,)
def constants(self):
return ()
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
return self.coefficients()
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with
the tensor.
return self._function.ufl_domains()
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns a mapping on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
return {self.ufl_domain(): {"cell": [None]}}
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the tensor."""
return "AV_%d" % self.id
def __repr__(self):
"""Slate representation of the tensor object."""
return "AssembledVector(%r)" % self._function
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality."""
return (type(self), self._function)
class BlockAssembledVector(AssembledVector):
"""This class is a symbolic representation of an assembled
vector of data contained in a set of :class:`~.Function` s
defined on pieces of a split mixed function space.
:arg functions: A tuple of firedrake functions.
def __new__(cls, function, expr, indices):
block = Block(expr, indices)
split_functions = block.form
if isinstance(split_functions, tuple) \
and all(isinstance(f, BaseCoefficient) for f in split_functions):
self = TensorBase.__new__(cls)
self._function = split_functions
self._indices = indices
self._original_function = function
self._block = block
return self
raise TypeError("Expecting a tuple of BaseCoefficients (not a %r)" %
def form(self):
return self._original_function
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces associated to the corresponding block.
return self._block.arg_function_spaces
def _argument(self):
"""Generates a tuple of 'test function' associated with this class."""
from firedrake.ufl_expr import TestFunction
return tuple(TestFunction(fs) for fs in self.arg_function_spaces)
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the corresponding block."""
return self._block.arguments()
def coefficients(self):
return (self._original_function, )
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns a BlockFunction in a tuple which carries all information to generate the right coefficients and maps."""
return (BlockFunction(self._function, self._indices, self._original_function),)
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with the tensor.
return tuple(domain for fs in self.arg_function_spaces for domain in fs.ufl_domains())
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns mappings on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
return tuple({domain: {"cell": [None]}} for domain in self.ufl_domain())
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the tensor."""
return "BAV_%d" % self.id
def __repr__(self):
"""Slate representation of the tensor object."""
return "BlockAssembledVector(%r)" % self._function
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality."""
return (type(self), self._function, self._original_function, self._indices)
class Block(TensorBase):
r"""This class represents a tensor corresponding
to particular block of a mixed tensor. Depending on
the indices provided, the subblocks can span multiple
test/trial spaces.
:arg tensor: A (mixed) tensor.
:arg indices: Indices of the test and trial function
spaces to extract. This should be a 0-, 1-, or
2-tuple (whose length is equal to the rank of the
tensor.) The entries should be an iterable of integer
For example, consider the mixed tensor defined by:
.. code-block:: python3
n = FacetNormal(m)
U = FunctionSpace(m, "DRT", 1)
V = FunctionSpace(m, "DG", 0)
M = FunctionSpace(m, "DGT", 0)
W = U * V * M
u, p, r = TrialFunctions(W)
w, q, s = TestFunctions(W)
A = Tensor(dot(u, w)*dx + p*div(w)*dx + r*dot(w, n)*dS
+ div(u)*q*dx + p*q*dx + r*s*ds)
This describes a block 3x3 mixed tensor of the form:
.. math::
A & B & C \\
D & E & F \\
G & H & J
Providing the 2-tuple ((0, 1), (0, 1)) returns a tensor
corresponding to the upper 2x2 block:
.. math::
A & B \\
D & E
More generally, argument indices of the form `(idr, idc)`
produces a tensor of block-size `len(idr)` x `len(idc)`
spanning the specified test/trial spaces.
def __new__(cls, tensor, indices):
if not isinstance(tensor, TensorBase):
raise TypeError("Can only extract blocks of Slate tensors.")
if len(indices) != tensor.rank:
raise ValueError("Length of indices must be equal to the tensor rank.")
if not all(0 <= i < len(arg.function_space())
for arg, idx in zip(tensor.arguments(), indices) for i in as_tuple(idx)):
raise ValueError("Indices out of range.")
if not tensor.is_mixed:
return tensor
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, tensor, indices):
"""Constructor for the Block class."""
super(Block, self).__init__()
self.operands = (tensor,)
self._blocks = dict(enumerate(indices))
self._indices = indices
def terminal(self):
"""Blocks are only terminal when they sit on Tensors or AssembledVectors"""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.terminal
def _split_arguments(self):
"""Splits the function space and stores the component
spaces determined by the indices.
from firedrake.functionspace import FunctionSpace, MixedFunctionSpace
from firedrake.ufl_expr import Argument
tensor, = self.operands
nargs = []
for i, arg in enumerate(tensor.arguments()):
V = arg.function_space()
V_is = V.subfunctions
idx = as_tuple(self._blocks[i])
if len(idx) == 1:
fidx, = idx
W = V_is[fidx]
W = FunctionSpace(W.mesh(), W.ufl_element())
W = MixedFunctionSpace([V_is[fidx] for fidx in idx])
nargs.append(Argument(W, arg.number(), part=arg.part()))
return tuple(nargs)
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
return tuple(arg.function_space() for arg in self.arguments())
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
return self._split_arguments
def form(self):
tensor, = self.operands
assert tensor.terminal
if not tensor.assembled:
# turns a Block on a Tensor into an indexed ufl form
return ExtractSubBlock().split(tensor.form, self._indices)
# turns the Block on an AssembledVector into a set off coefficients
# corresponding to the indices of the Block
return tuple(tensor._function.subfunctions[i] for i in chain(*self._indices))
def assembled(self):
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.assembled
def coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.coefficients()
def constants(self):
"""Returns a tuple of constants associated with the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.constants()
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
return self.coefficients()
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with
the tensor.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.ufl_domains()
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns a mapping on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.subdomain_data()
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "%s[%s]_%d" % (tensor, self._indices, self.id)
def __repr__(self):
"""Slate representation of the tensor object."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "%s(%r, idx=%s)" % (type(self).__name__, tensor, self._indices)
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality."""
tensor, = self.operands
return (type(self), tensor, self._indices)
class Factorization(TensorBase):
"""An abstract Slate class for the factorization of matrices. The
factorizations available are the following:
(1) LU with full or partial pivoting ('FullPivLU' and 'PartialPivLU');
(2) QR using Householder reflectors ('HouseholderQR') with the option
to use column pivoting ('ColPivHouseholderQR') or full pivoting
(3) standard Cholesky ('LLT') and stabilized Cholesky factorizations
with pivoting ('LDLT');
(4) a rank-revealing complete orthogonal decomposition using
Householder transformations ('CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition');
(5) singular-valued decompositions ('JacobiSVD' and 'BDCSVD'). For
larger matrices, 'BDCSVD' is recommended.
def __init__(self, tensor, decomposition=None):
"""Constructor for the Factorization class."""
decomposition = decomposition or "PartialPivLU"
if decomposition not in ["PartialPivLU", "FullPivLU",
"HouseholderQR", "ColPivHouseholderQR",
"FullPivHouseholderQR", "LLT", "LDLT",
"BDCSVD", "JacobiSVD"]:
raise ValueError("Decomposition '%s' not supported" % decomposition)
if tensor.rank != 2:
raise ValueError("Can only decompose matrices.")
super(Factorization, self).__init__()
self.operands = (tensor,)
self.decomposition = decomposition
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arg_function_spaces
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arguments()
def coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.coefficients()
def constants(self):
"""Returns a tuple of constants associated with the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.constants()
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
return self.coefficients()
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with
the tensor.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.ufl_domains()
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns a mapping on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.subdomain_data()
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "%s(%s)_%d" % (self.decomposition, tensor, self.id)
def __repr__(self):
"""Slate representation of the tensor object."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "%s(%r, %s)" % (type(self).__name__, tensor, self.decomposition)
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality."""
tensor, = self.operands
return (type(self), tensor, self.decomposition)
class Tensor(TensorBase):
"""This class is a symbolic representation of a finite element tensor
derived from a bilinear or linear form. This class implements all
supported ranks of general tensor (rank-0, rank-1 and rank-2 tensor
objects). This class is the primary user-facing class that the Slate
symbolic algebra supports.
:arg form: a :class:`ufl.Form` object.
A :class:`ufl.Form` is currently the only supported input of creating
a `slate.Tensor` object:
(1) If the form is a bilinear form, namely a form with two
:class:`ufl.Argument` objects, then the Slate Tensor will be
a rank-2 Matrix.
(2) If the form has one `ufl.Argument` as in the case of a typical
linear form, then this will create a rank-1 Vector.
(3) A zero-form will create a rank-0 Scalar.
These are all under the same type `slate.Tensor`. The attribute `self.rank`
is used to determine what kind of tensor object is being handled.
operands = ()
terminal = True
def __init__(self, form, diagonal=False):
"""Constructor for the Tensor class."""
if not isinstance(form, Form):
if isinstance(form, Function):
raise TypeError("Use AssembledVector instead of Tensor.")
raise TypeError("Only UFL forms are acceptable inputs.")
if self.diagonal:
assert len(form.arguments()) > 1, "Diagonal option only makes sense on rank-2 tensors."
r = len(form.arguments()) - diagonal
if r not in (0, 1, 2):
raise NotImplementedError("No support for tensors of rank %d." % r)
# Remove any negative restrictions and replace with zero
form = map_integrand_dags(RemoveNegativeRestrictions(), form)
super(Tensor, self).__init__()
self.form = form
self.diagonal = diagonal
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
return tuple(arg.function_space() for arg in self.arguments())
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
r = len(self.form.arguments()) - self.diagonal
return self.form.arguments()[0:r]
def coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
return self.form.coefficients()
def constants(self):
"""Returns a tuple of constants associated with the tensor."""
return unique(extract_firedrake_constants(self.form))
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns a tuple of coefficients associated with the tensor."""
return self.coefficients()
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with
the tensor.
return self.form.ufl_domains()
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns a mapping on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
return self.form.subdomain_data()
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the tensor."""
return ["S", "V", "M"][self.rank] + "_%d" % self.id
def __repr__(self):
"""Slate representation of the tensor object."""
return ["Scalar", "Vector", "Matrix"][self.rank] + "(%r)" % self.form
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality."""
return (type(self), self.form, self.diagonal)
class TensorOp(TensorBase):
"""An abstract Slate class representing general operations on
existing Slate tensors.
:arg operands: an iterable of operands that are :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase`
def __init__(self, *operands):
"""Constructor for the TensorOp class."""
super(TensorOp, self).__init__()
self.operands = tuple(operands)
def coefficients(self):
"""Returns the expected coefficients of the resulting tensor."""
coeffs = [op.coefficients() for op in self.operands]
return tuple(OrderedDict.fromkeys(chain(*coeffs)))
def constants(self):
"""Returns a tuple of constants associated with the tensor."""
const = [op.constants() for op in self.operands]
return unique(chain(*const))
def slate_coefficients(self):
"""Returns the expected coefficients of the resulting tensor."""
coeffs = [op.slate_coefficients() for op in self.operands]
return tuple(OrderedDict.fromkeys(chain(*coeffs)))
def ufl_domains(self):
"""Returns the integration domains of the integrals associated with
the tensor.
collected_domains = [op.ufl_domains() for op in self.operands]
return sort_domains(join_domains(chain(*collected_domains)))
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Returns a mapping on the tensor:
``{domain:{integral_type: subdomain_data}}``.
sd = {}
for op in self.operands:
op_sd = op.subdomain_data()[op.ufl_domain()]
for it_type, domain in op_sd.items():
if it_type not in sd:
sd[it_type] = domain
if not all(d is None for d in sd[it_type]) or not all(d is None for d in domain):
assert sd[it_type] == domain, (
"Domains must agree!"
return {self.ufl_domain(): sd}
def _key(self):
"""Returns a key for hash and equality."""
return (type(self), self.operands)
class UnaryOp(TensorOp):
"""An abstract Slate class for representing unary operations on a
Tensor object.
:arg A: a :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object. This can be a terminal tensor object
(:class:`Tensor`) or any derived expression resulting from any
number of linear algebra operations on `Tensor` objects. For
example, another instance of a `UnaryOp` object is an acceptable
input, or a `BinaryOp` object.
def __repr__(self):
"""Slate representation of the resulting tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "%s(%r)" % (type(self).__name__, tensor)
class Reciprocal(UnaryOp):
"""An abstract Slate class representing the reciprocal of a vector.
def __init__(self, A):
"""Constructor for the Inverse class."""
assert A.rank == 1, "The tensor must be rank 1."
super(Reciprocal, self).__init__(A)
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arg_function_spaces
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the expected arguments of the resulting tensor of
performing a specific unary operation on a tensor.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arguments()
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the inverse of a tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "(%s).reciprocal" % tensor
class Inverse(UnaryOp):
"""An abstract Slate class representing the inverse of a tensor.
.. warning::
This class will raise an error if the tensor is not square.
def __init__(self, A):
"""Constructor for the Inverse class."""
assert A.rank == 2, "The tensor must be rank 2."
assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1], (
"The inverse can only be computed on square tensors."
self.diagonal = A.diagonal
if A.shape > (4, 4) and not isinstance(A, Factorization) and not self.diagonal:
A = Factorization(A, decomposition="PartialPivLU")
super(Inverse, self).__init__(A)
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arg_function_spaces[::-1]
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the expected arguments of the resulting tensor of
performing a specific unary operation on a tensor.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arguments()[::-1]
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the inverse of a tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "(%s).inv" % tensor
class Transpose(UnaryOp):
"""An abstract Slate class representing the transpose of a tensor."""
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arg_function_spaces[::-1]
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the expected arguments of the resulting tensor of
performing a specific unary operation on a tensor.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arguments()[::-1]
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the transpose of a tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "(%s).T" % tensor
class Negative(UnaryOp):
"""Abstract Slate class representing the negation of a tensor object."""
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arg_function_spaces
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the expected arguments of the resulting tensor of
performing a specific unary operation on a tensor.
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arguments()
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""String representation of a resulting tensor after a unary
operation is performed.
if prec is None or self.prec >= prec:
par = lambda x: x
par = lambda x: "(%s)" % x
tensor, = self.operands
return par("-%s" % tensor._output_string(prec=self.prec))
class BinaryOp(TensorOp):
"""An abstract Slate class representing binary operations on tensors.
Such operations take two operands and returns a tensor-valued expression.
:arg A: a :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object. This can be a terminal tensor object
(:class:`Tensor`) or any derived expression resulting from any
number of linear algebra operations on `Tensor` objects. For
example, another instance of a `BinaryOp` object is an acceptable
input, or a `UnaryOp` object.
:arg B: a :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object.
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the binary operation."""
ops = {Add: '+',
Mul: '*',
Solve: '\\'}
if prec is None or self.prec >= prec:
par = lambda x: x
par = lambda x: "(%s)" % x
A, B = self.operands
operand1 = A._output_string(prec=self.prec)
operand2 = B._output_string(prec=self.prec)
result = "%s %s %s" % (operand1, ops[type(self)], operand2)
return par(result)
def __repr__(self):
A, B = self.operands
return "%s(%r, %r)" % (type(self).__name__, A, B)
class Add(BinaryOp):
"""Abstract Slate class representing matrix-matrix, vector-vector
or scalar-scalar addition.
:arg A: a :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object.
:arg B: another :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object.
def __init__(self, A, B):
"""Constructor for the Add class."""
if A.shape != B.shape:
raise ValueError("Illegal op on a %s-tensor with a %s-tensor."
% (A.shape, B.shape))
assert all([space_equivalence(fsA, fsB) for fsA, fsB in
zip(A.arg_function_spaces, B.arg_function_spaces)]), (
"Function spaces associated with operands must match."
super(Add, self).__init__(A, B)
# Function space check above ensures that the arguments of the
# operands are identical (in the sense that they are arguments
# defined on the same function space).
self._args = A.arguments()
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
A, _ = self.operands
return A.arg_function_spaces
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
return self._args
class Mul(BinaryOp):
"""Abstract Slate class representing the interior product or two tensors.
By interior product, we mean an operation that results in a tensor of
equal or lower rank via performing a contraction on arguments. This
includes Matrix-Matrix and Matrix-Vector multiplication.
:arg A: a :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object.
:arg B: another :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object.
def __init__(self, A, B):
"""Constructor for the Mul class."""
if A.shape[-1] != B.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Illegal op on a %s-tensor with a %s-tensor."
% (A.shape, B.shape))
fsA = A.arg_function_spaces[-1]
fsB = B.arg_function_spaces[0]
assert space_equivalence(fsA, fsB), (
"Cannot perform argument contraction over middle indices. "
"They must be in the same function space."
super(Mul, self).__init__(A, B)
# Function space check above ensures that middle arguments can
# be 'eliminated'.
self._args = A.arguments()[:-1] + B.arguments()[1:]
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
A, B = self.operands
return A.arg_function_spaces[:-1] + B.arg_function_spaces[1:]
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the arguments of a tensor resulting
from multiplying two tensors A and B.
return self._args
class Solve(BinaryOp):
"""Abstract Slate class describing a local linear system of equations.
This object is a direct solver, utilizing the application of the inverse
of matrix in a decomposed form.
:arg A: The left-hand side operator.
:arg B: The right-hand side.
:arg decomposition: A string denoting the type of matrix decomposition
to used. The factorizations available are detailed in the
:class:`Factorization` documentation.
def __new__(cls, A, B, decomposition=None):
assert A.rank == 2, "Operator must be a matrix."
# Same rules for performing multiplication on Slate tensors
# applies here.
if A.shape[1] != B.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Illegal op on a %s-tensor with a %s-tensor."
% (A.shape, B.shape))
fsA = A.arg_function_spaces[::-1][-1]
fsB = B.arg_function_spaces[0]
assert space_equivalence(fsA, fsB), (
"Cannot perform argument contraction over middle indices. "
"They must be in the same function space."
# For matrices smaller than 5x5, exact formulae can be used
# to evaluate the inverse. Otherwise, this class will trigger
# a factorization method in the code-generation.
if A.shape < (5, 5):
return A.inv * B
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, A, B, decomposition=None):
"""Constructor for the Solve class."""
# LU with partial pivoting is a stable default.
decomposition = decomposition or "PartialPivLU"
# Create a matrix factorization
A_factored = Factorization(A, decomposition=decomposition) if not A.diagonal else A
super(Solve, self).__init__(A_factored, B)
self._args = A_factored.arguments()[::-1][:-1] + B.arguments()[1:]
self._arg_fs = [arg.function_space() for arg in self._args]
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
return tuple(self._arg_fs)
def arguments(self):
"""Returns the arguments of a tensor resulting
from applying the inverse of A onto B.
return self._args
class DiagonalTensor(UnaryOp):
"""An abstract Slate class representing the diagonal of a tensor.
.. warning::
This class will raise an error if the tensor is not square.
diagonal = True
def __init__(self, A):
"""Constructor for the Diagonal class."""
assert A.rank == 2, "The tensor must be rank 2."
assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1], (
"The diagonal can only be computed on square tensors."
super(DiagonalTensor, self).__init__(A)
def arg_function_spaces(self):
"""Returns a tuple of function spaces that the tensor
is defined on.
tensor, = self.operands
return tuple(arg.function_space() for arg in tensor.arguments())
def arguments(self):
"""Returns a tuple of arguments associated with the tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return tensor.arguments()
def _output_string(self, prec=None):
"""Creates a string representation of the diagonal of a tensor."""
tensor, = self.operands
return "(%s).diag" % tensor
def space_equivalence(A, B):
"""Checks that two function spaces are equivalent.
:arg A: A function space.
:arg B: Another function space.
Returns `True` if they have matching meshes, elements, and rank. Otherwise,
`False` is returned.
return A.mesh() == B.mesh() and A.ufl_element() == B.ufl_element()
# Establishes levels of precedence for Slate tensors
precedences = [
[AssembledVector, Block, Factorization, Tensor, DiagonalTensor, Reciprocal],
# Here we establish the precedence class attribute for a given
# Slate TensorOp class.
for level, group in enumerate(precedences):
for tensor in group:
tensor.prec = level