Source code for firedrake.slate.slac.utils

from collections import OrderedDict

from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction

from gem import (Literal, Sum, Product, Indexed, ComponentTensor, IndexSum,
                 Solve, Inverse, Variable, view, Delta, Index, Division)
from gem import indices as make_indices
from gem.node import Memoizer
from gem.node import pre_traversal as traverse_dags

from functools import singledispatch
import firedrake.slate.slate as sl
import loopy as lp
from loopy.transform.callable import merge
from loopy.version import LOOPY_USE_LANGUAGE_VERSION_2018_2  # noqa: F401
from firedrake.parameters import target
from tsfc.loopy import profile_insns
from petsc4py import PETSc

[docs] class RemoveRestrictions(MultiFunction): """UFL MultiFunction for removing any restrictions on the integrals of forms. """ expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
[docs] def positive_restricted(self, o): return self(o.ufl_operands[0])
[docs] def slate_to_gem(expression, options): """Convert a slate expression to gem. :arg expression: A slate expression. :returns: A singleton list of gem expressions and a mapping from gem variables to UFL "terminal" forms. """ mapper, var2terminal = slate2gem(expression, options) return mapper, var2terminal
@singledispatch def _slate2gem(expr, self): raise AssertionError("Cannot handle terminal type: %s" % type(expr)) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Tensor) @_slate2gem.register(sl.AssembledVector) @_slate2gem.register(sl.BlockAssembledVector) def _slate2gem_tensor(expr, self): shape = expr.shape if not len(expr.shape) == 0 else (1, ) name = f"T{len(self.var2terminal)}" assert expr not in self.var2terminal.values() var = Variable(name, shape) self.var2terminal[var] = expr return var @_slate2gem.register(sl.Block) def _slate2gem_block(expr, self): child, = map(self, expr.children) child_shapes = expr.children[0].shapes offsets = tuple(sum(shape[:idx]) for shape, (idx, *_) in zip(child_shapes.values(), expr._indices)) return view(child, *(slice(idx, idx+extent) for idx, extent in zip(offsets, expr.shape))) @_slate2gem.register(sl.DiagonalTensor) def _slate2gem_diagonal(expr, self): if not self.matfree: A, = map(self, expr.children) assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1] i, j = (Index(extent=s) for s in A.shape) return ComponentTensor(Product(Indexed(A, (i, i)), Delta(i, j)), (i, j)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Diagonals on Slate expressions are \ not implemented in a matrix-free manner yet.") @_slate2gem.register(sl.Inverse) def _slate2gem_inverse(expr, self): tensor, = expr.children if expr.diagonal: # optimise inverse on diagonal tensor by translating to # matrix which contains the reciprocal values of the diagonal tensor A, = map(self, expr.children) i, j = (Index(extent=s) for s in A.shape) return ComponentTensor(Product(Division(Literal(1), Indexed(A, (i, i))), Delta(i, j)), (i, j)) else: return Inverse(self(tensor)) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Reciprocal) def _slate2gem_reciprocal(expr, self): child, = map(self, expr.children) indices = tuple(make_indices(len(child.shape))) return ComponentTensor(Division(Literal(1.), Indexed(child, indices)), indices) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Solve) def _slate2gem_solve(expr, self): return Solve(*map(self, expr.children)) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Transpose) def _slate2gem_transpose(expr, self): child, = map(self, expr.children) indices = tuple(make_indices(len(child.shape))) return ComponentTensor(Indexed(child, indices), tuple(indices[::-1])) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Negative) def _slate2gem_negative(expr, self): child, = map(self, expr.children) indices = tuple(make_indices(len(child.shape))) return ComponentTensor(Product(Literal(-1), Indexed(child, indices)), indices) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Add) def _slate2gem_add(expr, self): A, B = map(self, expr.children) indices = tuple(make_indices(len(A.shape))) return ComponentTensor(Sum(Indexed(A, indices), Indexed(B, indices)), indices) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Mul) def _slate2gem_mul(expr, self): A, B = map(self, expr.children) *i, k = tuple(make_indices(len(A.shape))) _, *j = tuple(make_indices(len(B.shape))) ABikj = Product(Indexed(A, tuple(i + [k])), Indexed(B, tuple([k] + j))) return ComponentTensor(IndexSum(ABikj, (k, )), tuple(i + j)) @_slate2gem.register(sl.Factorization) def _slate2gem_factorization(expr, self): A, = map(self, expr.children) return A
[docs] def slate2gem(expression, options): mapper = Memoizer(_slate2gem) mapper.var2terminal = OrderedDict() mapper.matfree = options["replace_mul"] return mapper(expression), mapper.var2terminal
[docs] def topological_sort(exprs): """Topologically sorts a list of Slate expressions. The expression graph is constructed by relating each Slate node with a list of dependent Slate nodes. :arg exprs: A list of Slate expressions. """ graph = OrderedDict((expr, set(traverse_dags([expr])) - {expr}) for expr in exprs) schedule = [] visited = set() for n in graph: depth_first_search(graph, n, visited, schedule) return schedule
[docs] def merge_loopy(slate_loopy, output_arg, builder, var2terminal, name): """ Merges tsfc loopy kernels and slate loopy kernel into a wrapper kernel.""" from firedrake.slate.slac.kernel_builder import SlateWrapperBag coeffs = builder.collect_coefficients() constants = builder.collect_constants() builder.bag = SlateWrapperBag(coeffs, constants) # In the initialisation the loopy tensors for the terminals are generated # Those are the needed again for generating the TSFC calls inits, tensor2temp = builder.initialise_terminals(var2terminal, builder.bag.coefficients) terminal_tensors = list(filter(lambda x: (x.terminal and not x.assembled), var2terminal.values())) calls_and_kernels_and_events = tuple((c, k, e) for terminal in terminal_tensors for c, k, e in builder.generate_tsfc_calls(terminal, tensor2temp[terminal])) if calls_and_kernels_and_events: # tsfc may not give a kernel back tsfc_calls, tsfc_kernels, tsfc_events = zip(*calls_and_kernels_and_events) else: tsfc_calls = () tsfc_kernels = () args, tmp_args = builder.generate_wrapper_kernel_args(tensor2temp) kernel_args = [output_arg] + args loopy_args = [output_arg.loopy_arg] + [a.loopy_arg for a in args] + tmp_args # Add profiling for inits inits, slate_init_event, preamble_init = profile_insns("inits_"+name, inits, PETSc.Log.isActive()) # Munge instructions insns = inits insns.extend(tsfc_calls) insns.append(builder.slate_call(slate_loopy, tensor2temp.values())) # Add profiling for the whole kernel insns, slate_wrapper_event, preamble = profile_insns(name, insns, PETSc.Log.isActive()) # Add a no-op touching all kernel arguments to make sure they are not # silently dropped noop = lp.CInstruction( (), "", read_variables=frozenset({ for a in loopy_args}), within_inames=frozenset(), within_inames_is_final=True) insns.append(noop) # Inames come from initialisations + loopyfying kernel args and lhs domains = # Generates the loopy wrapper kernel preamble = preamble_init+preamble if preamble else [] slate_wrapper = lp.make_function(domains, insns, loopy_args, name=name, seq_dependencies=True, target=target, lang_version=(2018, 2), preambles=preamble) # Generate program from kernel, so that one can register kernels from pyop2.codegen.loopycompat import _match_caller_callee_argument_dimension_ from loopy.kernel.function_interface import CallableKernel for tsfc_loopy in tsfc_kernels: slate_wrapper = merge([slate_wrapper, tsfc_loopy]) slate_wrapper = merge([slate_wrapper, slate_loopy]) # At this point the individual subkernels are no longer callable, we # only want to access the generated code via the wrapper. slate_wrapper = slate_wrapper.with_entrypoints({name}) for tsfc_loopy in tsfc_kernels: for name in tsfc_loopy.callables_table: if isinstance(slate_wrapper.callables_table[name], CallableKernel): slate_wrapper = _match_caller_callee_argument_dimension_(slate_wrapper, name) for name in slate_loopy.callables_table: if isinstance(slate_wrapper.callables_table[name], CallableKernel): slate_wrapper = _match_caller_callee_argument_dimension_(slate_wrapper, name) events = tsfc_events + (slate_wrapper_event, slate_init_event) if PETSc.Log.isActive() else () return slate_wrapper, tuple(kernel_args), events