from collections import OrderedDict
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from gem import (Literal, Sum, Product, Indexed, ComponentTensor, IndexSum,
Solve, Inverse, Variable, view, Delta, Index, Division)
from gem import indices as make_indices
from gem.node import Memoizer
from gem.node import pre_traversal as traverse_dags
from functools import singledispatch
import firedrake.slate.slate as sl
import loopy as lp
from loopy.transform.callable import merge
from loopy.version import LOOPY_USE_LANGUAGE_VERSION_2018_2 # noqa: F401
from firedrake.parameters import target
from tsfc.loopy import profile_insns
from petsc4py import PETSc
class RemoveRestrictions(MultiFunction):
"""UFL MultiFunction for removing any restrictions on the
integrals of forms.
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
def positive_restricted(self, o):
return self(o.ufl_operands[0])
def slate_to_gem(expression, options):
"""Convert a slate expression to gem.
:arg expression: A slate expression.
:returns: A singleton list of gem expressions and a mapping from
gem variables to UFL "terminal" forms.
mapper, var2terminal = slate2gem(expression, options)
return mapper, var2terminal
def _slate2gem(expr, self):
raise AssertionError("Cannot handle terminal type: %s" % type(expr))
def _slate2gem_tensor(expr, self):
shape = expr.shape if not len(expr.shape) == 0 else (1, )
name = f"T{len(self.var2terminal)}"
assert expr not in self.var2terminal.values()
var = Variable(name, shape)
self.var2terminal[var] = expr
return var
def _slate2gem_block(expr, self):
child, = map(self, expr.children)
child_shapes = expr.children[0].shapes
offsets = tuple(sum(shape[:idx]) for shape, (idx, *_)
in zip(child_shapes.values(), expr._indices))
return view(child, *(slice(idx, idx+extent) for idx, extent in zip(offsets, expr.shape)))
def _slate2gem_diagonal(expr, self):
if not self.matfree:
A, = map(self, expr.children)
assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1]
i, j = (Index(extent=s) for s in A.shape)
return ComponentTensor(Product(Indexed(A, (i, i)), Delta(i, j)), (i, j))
raise NotImplementedError("Diagonals on Slate expressions are \
not implemented in a matrix-free manner yet.")
def _slate2gem_inverse(expr, self):
tensor, = expr.children
if expr.diagonal:
# optimise inverse on diagonal tensor by translating to
# matrix which contains the reciprocal values of the diagonal tensor
A, = map(self, expr.children)
i, j = (Index(extent=s) for s in A.shape)
return ComponentTensor(Product(Division(Literal(1), Indexed(A, (i, i))),
Delta(i, j)), (i, j))
return Inverse(self(tensor))
def _slate2gem_reciprocal(expr, self):
child, = map(self, expr.children)
indices = tuple(make_indices(len(child.shape)))
return ComponentTensor(Division(Literal(1.), Indexed(child, indices)), indices)
def _slate2gem_solve(expr, self):
return Solve(*map(self, expr.children))
def _slate2gem_transpose(expr, self):
child, = map(self, expr.children)
indices = tuple(make_indices(len(child.shape)))
return ComponentTensor(Indexed(child, indices), tuple(indices[::-1]))
def _slate2gem_negative(expr, self):
child, = map(self, expr.children)
indices = tuple(make_indices(len(child.shape)))
return ComponentTensor(Product(Literal(-1),
Indexed(child, indices)),
def _slate2gem_add(expr, self):
A, B = map(self, expr.children)
indices = tuple(make_indices(len(A.shape)))
return ComponentTensor(Sum(Indexed(A, indices),
Indexed(B, indices)),
def _slate2gem_mul(expr, self):
A, B = map(self, expr.children)
*i, k = tuple(make_indices(len(A.shape)))
_, *j = tuple(make_indices(len(B.shape)))
ABikj = Product(Indexed(A, tuple(i + [k])),
Indexed(B, tuple([k] + j)))
return ComponentTensor(IndexSum(ABikj, (k, )), tuple(i + j))
def _slate2gem_factorization(expr, self):
A, = map(self, expr.children)
return A
def slate2gem(expression, options):
mapper = Memoizer(_slate2gem)
mapper.var2terminal = OrderedDict()
mapper.matfree = options["replace_mul"]
return mapper(expression), mapper.var2terminal
def depth_first_search(graph, node, visited, schedule):
"""A recursive depth-first search (DFS) algorithm for
traversing a DAG consisting of Slate expressions.
:arg graph: A DAG whose nodes (vertices) are Slate expressions
with edges connected to dependent expressions.
:arg node: A starting vertex.
:arg visited: A set keeping track of visited nodes.
:arg schedule: A list of reverse-postordered nodes. This list is
used to produce a topologically sorted list of
Slate nodes.
if node not in visited:
for n in graph[node]:
depth_first_search(graph, n, visited, schedule)
def topological_sort(exprs):
"""Topologically sorts a list of Slate expressions. The
expression graph is constructed by relating each Slate
node with a list of dependent Slate nodes.
:arg exprs: A list of Slate expressions.
graph = OrderedDict((expr, set(traverse_dags([expr])) - {expr})
for expr in exprs)
schedule = []
visited = set()
for n in graph:
depth_first_search(graph, n, visited, schedule)
return schedule
def merge_loopy(slate_loopy, output_arg, builder, var2terminal, name):
""" Merges tsfc loopy kernels and slate loopy kernel into a wrapper kernel."""
from firedrake.slate.slac.kernel_builder import SlateWrapperBag
coeffs = builder.collect_coefficients()
constants = builder.collect_constants()
builder.bag = SlateWrapperBag(coeffs, constants)
# In the initialisation the loopy tensors for the terminals are generated
# Those are the needed again for generating the TSFC calls
inits, tensor2temp = builder.initialise_terminals(var2terminal, builder.bag.coefficients)
terminal_tensors = list(filter(lambda x: (x.terminal and not x.assembled), var2terminal.values()))
calls_and_kernels_and_events = tuple((c, k, e) for terminal in terminal_tensors
for c, k, e in builder.generate_tsfc_calls(terminal, tensor2temp[terminal]))
if calls_and_kernels_and_events: # tsfc may not give a kernel back
tsfc_calls, tsfc_kernels, tsfc_events = zip(*calls_and_kernels_and_events)
tsfc_calls = ()
tsfc_kernels = ()
args, tmp_args = builder.generate_wrapper_kernel_args(tensor2temp)
kernel_args = [output_arg] + args
loopy_args = [output_arg.loopy_arg] + [a.loopy_arg for a in args] + tmp_args
# Add profiling for inits
inits, slate_init_event, preamble_init = profile_insns("inits_"+name, inits, PETSc.Log.isActive())
# Munge instructions
insns = inits
insns.append(builder.slate_call(slate_loopy, tensor2temp.values()))
# Add profiling for the whole kernel
insns, slate_wrapper_event, preamble = profile_insns(name, insns, PETSc.Log.isActive())
# Add a no-op touching all kernel arguments to make sure they are not
# silently dropped
noop = lp.CInstruction(
(), "", read_variables=frozenset({ for a in loopy_args}),
within_inames=frozenset(), within_inames_is_final=True)
# Inames come from initialisations + loopyfying kernel args and lhs
domains =
# Generates the loopy wrapper kernel
preamble = preamble_init+preamble if preamble else []
slate_wrapper = lp.make_function(domains, insns, loopy_args, name=name,
seq_dependencies=True, target=target,
lang_version=(2018, 2), preambles=preamble)
# Generate program from kernel, so that one can register kernels
from pyop2.codegen.loopycompat import _match_caller_callee_argument_dimension_
from loopy.kernel.function_interface import CallableKernel
for tsfc_loopy in tsfc_kernels:
slate_wrapper = merge([slate_wrapper, tsfc_loopy])
slate_wrapper = merge([slate_wrapper, slate_loopy])
# At this point the individual subkernels are no longer callable, we
# only want to access the generated code via the wrapper.
slate_wrapper = slate_wrapper.with_entrypoints({name})
for tsfc_loopy in tsfc_kernels:
for name in tsfc_loopy.callables_table:
if isinstance(slate_wrapper.callables_table[name], CallableKernel):
slate_wrapper = _match_caller_callee_argument_dimension_(slate_wrapper, name)
for name in slate_loopy.callables_table:
if isinstance(slate_wrapper.callables_table[name], CallableKernel):
slate_wrapper = _match_caller_callee_argument_dimension_(slate_wrapper, name)
events = tsfc_events + (slate_wrapper_event, slate_init_event) if PETSc.Log.isActive() else ()
return slate_wrapper, tuple(kernel_args), events