import numpy as np
from itertools import count
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from finat.ufl import MixedElement
import loopy
from loopy.symbolic import SubArrayRef
import pymbolic.primitives as pym
from firedrake.constant import Constant
import firedrake.slate.slate as slate
from firedrake.slate.slac.tsfc_driver import compile_terminal_form
from tsfc import kernel_args
from finat.element_factory import create_element
from tsfc.loopy import create_domains, assign_dtypes
from pytools import UniqueNameGenerator
CoefficientInfo = namedtuple("CoefficientInfo",
CoefficientInfo.__doc__ = """\
Context information for creating coefficient temporaries.
:param space_index: An integer denoting the function space index.
:param offset_index: An integer denoting the starting position in
the vector temporary for assignment.
:param shape: A singleton with an integer describing the shape of
the coefficient temporary.
:param vector: The :class:`~.slate.AssembledVector` containing the
relevant data to be placed into the temporary.
:param local_temp: The local temporary for the coefficient vector.
class LayerCountKernelArg(kernel_args.KernelArg):
class CellFacetKernelArg(kernel_args.KernelArg):
class LocalLoopyKernelBuilder:
coordinates_arg_name = "coords"
cell_facets_arg_name = "cell_facets"
local_facet_array_arg_name = "facet_array"
layer_arg_name = "layer"
layer_count_name = "layer_count"
cell_sizes_arg_name = "cell_sizes"
cell_orientations_arg_name = "cell_orientations"
# Supported integral types
supported_integral_types = [
# The "interior_facet_horiz" measure is separated into two parts:
# "top" and "bottom"
# Supported subdomain types
supported_subdomain_types = ["subdomains_exterior_facet",
def __init__(self, expression, tsfc_parameters=None):
"""Constructor for the LocalGEMKernelBuilder class.
:arg expression: a :class:`~.firedrake.slate.TensorBase` object.
:arg tsfc_parameters: an optional `dict` of parameters to provide to
TSFC when constructing subkernels associated with the expression.
assert isinstance(expression, slate.TensorBase)
self.expression = expression
self.tsfc_parameters = tsfc_parameters
self.bag = None
self.kernel_counter = count()
def tsfc_cxt_kernels(self, terminal):
r"""Gathers all :class:`~.ContextKernel`\s containing all TSFC kernels,
and integral type information.
return compile_terminal_form(terminal, prefix=f"subkernel{next(self.kernel_counter)}_",
def shape(self, tensor):
""" A helper method to retrieve tensor shape information.
In particular needed for the right shape of scalar tensors.
if tensor.shape == ():
return (1, ) # scalar tensor
return tensor.shape
def extent(self, argument):
""" Return the value size of a constant or coefficient."""
if isinstance(argument, Constant):
return (argument.dat.cdim, )
element = argument.ufl_element()
if == "Real":
return (argument.dat.cdim, )
return (create_element(element).space_dimension(), )
def generate_lhs(self, tensor, temp):
""" Generation of an lhs for the loopy kernel,
which contains the TSFC assembly of the tensor.
idx = self.bag.index_creator(self.shape(tensor))
lhs = pym.Subscript(temp, idx)
return SubArrayRef(idx, lhs)
def collect_tsfc_kernel_data(self, mesh, tsfc_coefficients, tsfc_constants, wrapper_coefficients, wrapper_constants, kinfo):
""" Collect the kernel data aka the parameters fed into the subkernel,
that are coordinates, orientations, cell sizes and cofficients.
kernel_data = [(mesh.coordinates, self.coordinates_arg_name)]
if kinfo.oriented:
self.bag.needs_cell_orientations = True
kernel_data.append((mesh.cell_orientations(), self.cell_orientations_arg_name))
if kinfo.needs_cell_sizes:
self.bag.needs_cell_sizes = True
kernel_data.append((mesh.cell_sizes, self.cell_sizes_arg_name))
# Pick the coefficients associated with a Tensor()/TSFC kernel
tsfc_coefficients = {tsfc_coefficients[i]: indices for i, indices in kinfo.coefficient_numbers}
for c in tsfc_coefficients:
cinfo = wrapper_coefficients[c]
if isinstance(cinfo, tuple):
if tsfc_coefficients[c]:
ind, = tsfc_coefficients[c]
if ind != 0:
raise ValueError(f"Active indices of non-mixed function must be (0, ), not {tsfc_coefficients[c]}")
kernel_data.append((c, cinfo[0]))
for ind, (c_, info) in enumerate(cinfo.items()):
if ind in tsfc_coefficients[c]:
kernel_data.append((c_, info[0]))
# Pick the constants associated with a Tensor()/TSFC kernel
tsfc_constants = tuple(tsfc_constants[i] for i in kinfo.constant_numbers)
wrapper_constants = dict(wrapper_constants)
for c in tsfc_constants:
kernel_data.append((c, wrapper_constants[c]))
return kernel_data
def loopify_tsfc_kernel_data(self, kernel_data):
""" This method generates loopy arguments from the kernel data,
which are then fed to the TSFC loopy kernel. The arguments
are arrays and have to be fed element by element to loopy
aka they have to be subarrayrefed.
arguments = []
for c, name in kernel_data:
extent = self.extent(c)
idx = self.bag.index_creator(extent)
arguments.append(SubArrayRef(idx, pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(name), idx)))
return arguments
def layer_integral_predicates(self, tensor, integral_type):
self.bag.needs_mesh_layers = True
layer = pym.Variable(self.layer_arg_name)
# TODO: Variable layers
nlayer = pym.Variable(self.layer_count_name)
which = {"interior_facet_horiz_top": pym.Comparison(layer, "<", nlayer[0]),
"interior_facet_horiz_bottom": pym.Comparison(layer, ">", 0),
"exterior_facet_top": pym.Comparison(layer, "==", nlayer[0]),
"exterior_facet_bottom": pym.Comparison(layer, "==", 0)}[integral_type]
return [which]
def facet_integral_predicates(self, mesh, integral_type, kinfo, subdomain_id):
self.bag.needs_cell_facets = True
# Number of recerence cell facets
if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
self.num_facets = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().num_facets()
self.num_facets = mesh.ufl_cell().num_facets()
# Index for loop over cell faces of reference cell
fidx = self.bag.index_creator((self.num_facets,))
# Cell is interior or exterior
select = 1 if integral_type.startswith("interior_facet") else 0
i = self.bag.index_creator((1,))
predicates = [pym.Comparison(pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(self.cell_facets_arg_name), (fidx[0], 0)), "==", select)]
# TODO subdomain boundary integrals, this does the wrong thing for integrals like f*ds + g*ds(1)
# "otherwise" is treated incorrectly as "everywhere"
# However, this replicates an existing slate bug.
if subdomain_id != "otherwise":
predicates.append(pym.Comparison(pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(self.cell_facets_arg_name), (fidx[0], 1)), "==", subdomain_id))
# Additional facet array argument to be fed into tsfc loopy kernel
subscript = pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(self.local_facet_array_arg_name),
(pym.Sum((i[0], fidx[0]))))
facet_arg = SubArrayRef(i, subscript)
return predicates, fidx, facet_arg
# TODO: is this ugly?
def is_integral_type(self, integral_type, type):
cell_integral = ["cell"]
facet_integral = ["interior_facet",
layer_integral = ["interior_facet_horiz_top",
if ((integral_type in cell_integral and type == "cell_integral")
or (integral_type in facet_integral and type == "facet_integral")
or (integral_type in layer_integral and type == "layer_integral")):
return True
return False
def collect_coefficients(self):
"""Saves all coefficients of self.expression where non-mixed coefficients
are dicts of form {coeff: (name, extent)} and mixed coefficients are
double dicts of form {mixed_coeff: {coeff_per_space: (name, extent)}}.
coeffs = self.expression.coefficients()
coeff_dict = OrderedDict()
for i, (c, split_map) in enumerate(self.expression.coeff_map):
coeff = coeffs[c]
if type(coeff.ufl_element()) == MixedElement:
splits = coeff.subfunctions
coeff_dict[coeff] = OrderedDict({splits[j]: (f"w_{i}_{j}", self.extent(splits[j])) for j in split_map})
coeff_dict[coeff] = (f"w_{i}", self.extent(coeff))
return coeff_dict
def collect_constants(self):
""" All constants of self.expression as a list """
return tuple(
(constant, f"c_{i}")
for i, constant in enumerate(self.expression.constants())
def initialise_terminals(self, var2terminal, coefficients):
""" Initilisation of the variables in which coefficients
and the Tensors coming from TSFC are saved.
:arg var2terminal: dictionary that maps Slate Tensors to gem Variables
tensor2temp = OrderedDict()
inits = []
for gem_tensor, slate_tensor in var2terminal.items():
assert slate_tensor.terminal, "Only terminal tensors need to be initialised in Slate kernels."
(_, dtype), = assign_dtypes([gem_tensor], self.tsfc_parameters["scalar_type"])
loopy_tensor = loopy.TemporaryVariable(,
tensor2temp[slate_tensor] = loopy_tensor
if not slate_tensor.assembled:
indices = self.bag.index_creator(self.shape(slate_tensor))
inames = { for var in indices}
var = pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(, indices)
inits.append(loopy.Assignment(var, "0.", id="init%d" % len(inits),
potentially_mixed_f = slate_tensor.form if isinstance(slate_tensor.form, tuple) else (slate_tensor.form,)
coeff_dict = tuple(coefficients[c] for c in potentially_mixed_f)
offset = 0
ismixed = tuple((type(c.ufl_element()) == MixedElement) for c in potentially_mixed_f)
# Fetch the coefficient name corresponding to this assembled vector
names = []
for (im, c) in zip(ismixed, coeff_dict):
if im:
# For block assembled vectors we need to pick the right name
# corresponding to the split function of the block assembled vector
block_function, = slate_tensor.slate_coefficients()
filter_f = lambda name_and_extent: (not isinstance(block_function, slate.BlockFunction)
or name_and_extent[0] in block_function.split_function)
names += list(name for (_, (name, _)) in tuple(filter(filter_f, c.items())))
names += [c[0]]
# Mixed coefficients come as seperate parameter (one per space)
for i, shp in enumerate(*slate_tensor.shapes.values()):
indices = self.bag.index_creator((shp,))
inames = { for var in indices}
offset_index = (pym.Sum((offset, indices[0])),)
name = names[i] if ismixed else names
var = pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(, offset_index)
c = pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(name), indices)
inits.append(loopy.Assignment(var, c, id="init%d" % len(inits),
offset += shp
return inits, tensor2temp
def slate_call(self, prg, temporaries):
name, = prg.callables_table.keys()
kernel = prg.callables_table[name].subkernel
output_var = pym.Variable(kernel.args[0].name)
# Slate kernel call
reads = [output_var]
for t in temporaries:
shape = t.shape
name =
idx = self.bag.index_creator(shape)
reads.append(SubArrayRef(idx, pym.Subscript(pym.Variable(name), idx)))
call = pym.Call(pym.Variable(, tuple(reads))
output_var = pym.Variable(kernel.args[0].name)
slate_kernel_call_output = self.generate_lhs(self.expression, output_var)
insn = loopy.CallInstruction((slate_kernel_call_output,), call, id="slate_kernel_call")
return insn
def generate_wrapper_kernel_args(self, tensor2temp):
args = []
tmp_args = []
coords_extent = self.extent(self.expression.ufl_domain().coordinates)
coords_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(self.coordinates_arg_name, shape=coords_extent,
if self.bag.needs_cell_orientations:
ori_extent = self.extent(self.expression.ufl_domain().cell_orientations())
ori_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(self.cell_orientations_arg_name,
shape=ori_extent, dtype=np.int32)
if self.bag.needs_cell_sizes:
siz_extent = self.extent(self.expression.ufl_domain().cell_sizes)
siz_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(self.cell_sizes_arg_name, shape=siz_extent,
for coeff in self.bag.coefficients.values():
if isinstance(coeff, OrderedDict):
for name, extent in coeff.values():
coeff_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(name, shape=extent,
name, extent = coeff
coeff_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(name, shape=extent,
for constant, constant_name in self.bag.constants:
constant_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(
if self.bag.needs_cell_facets:
# Arg for is exterior (==0)/interior (==1) facet or not
facet_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(self.cell_facets_arg_name,
shape=(self.num_facets, 2),
initializer=np.arange(self.num_facets, dtype=np.uint32),))
if self.bag.needs_mesh_layers:
layer_loopy_arg = loopy.GlobalArg(self.layer_count_name, shape=(),
tmp_args.append(loopy.ValueArg(self.layer_arg_name, dtype=np.int32))
for tensor_temp in tensor2temp.values():
return args, tmp_args
def generate_tsfc_calls(self, terminal, loopy_tensor):
"""A setup method to initialize all the local assembly
kernels generated by TSFC. This function also collects any
information regarding orientations and extra include directories.
cxt_kernels = self.tsfc_cxt_kernels(terminal)
for cxt_kernel in cxt_kernels:
for tsfc_kernel in cxt_kernel.tsfc_kernels:
for subdomain_id in tsfc_kernel.kinfo.subdomain_id:
integral_type = cxt_kernel.original_integral_type
slate_tensor = cxt_kernel.tensor
mesh = slate_tensor.ufl_domain()
kinfo = tsfc_kernel.kinfo
reads = []
inames_dep = []
if integral_type not in self.supported_integral_types:
raise ValueError("Integral type '%s' not recognized" % integral_type)
# Prepare lhs and args for call to tsfc kernel
output_var = pym.Variable(
output = self.generate_lhs(slate_tensor, output_var)
kernel_data = self.collect_tsfc_kernel_data(
# Generate predicates for different integral types
if self.is_integral_type(integral_type, "cell_integral"):
predicates = None
if subdomain_id != "otherwise":
raise NotImplementedError("No subdomain markers for cells yet")
elif self.is_integral_type(integral_type, "facet_integral"):
predicates, fidx, facet_arg = self.facet_integral_predicates(mesh, integral_type, kinfo, subdomain_id)
elif self.is_integral_type(integral_type, "layer_integral"):
predicates = self.layer_integral_predicates(slate_tensor, integral_type)
raise ValueError("Unhandled integral type {}".format(integral_type))
# rename the kernel so we don't get clashes with different subdomains
loopy_kernel = kinfo.kernel.code.callables_table[].subkernel
new_kernel_name = f"{}_{subdomain_id}"
loopy_kernel = loopy_kernel.copy(name=new_kernel_name)
# TSFC kernel call
key = self.bag.call_name_generator(integral_type)
call = pym.Call(pym.Variable(new_kernel_name), tuple(reads))
insn = loopy.CallInstruction((output,), call,
predicates=predicates, id=key)
event, =
yield insn, loopy.make_program(loopy_kernel), event
class SlateWrapperBag:
def __init__(self, coeffs, constants):
self.coefficients = coeffs
self.constants = constants
self.inames = OrderedDict()
self.needs_cell_orientations = False
self.needs_cell_sizes = False
self.needs_cell_facets = False
self.needs_mesh_layers = False
self.call_name_generator = UniqueNameGenerator(forced_prefix="tsfc_kernel_call_")
self.index_creator = IndexCreator()
class IndexCreator:
def __init__(self):
self.inames = OrderedDict() # pym variable -> extent
self.namer = UniqueNameGenerator(forced_prefix="i_")
def __call__(self, extents):
"""Create new indices with specified extents.
extents : tuple
:class:`tuple` containing :class:`tuple` for extents of mixed tensors
and :class:`int` for extents non-mixed tensor.
:class:`tuple` of pymbolic Variable objects representing indices, contains tuples
of Variables for mixed tensors and Variables for non-mixed tensors,
where each Variable represents one extent.
# Indices for scalar tensors
extents += (1, ) if len(extents) == 0 else ()
# Stacked tuple = mixed tensor
# -> loop over ext to generate idxs per block
indices = []
if isinstance(extents[0], tuple):
for ext_per_block in extents:
idxs = self._create_indices(ext_per_block)
return tuple(indices)
# Non-mixed tensors
return self._create_indices(extents)
def _create_indices(self, extents):
"""Create new indices with specified extents.
:arg extents. :class:`tuple` or :class:`int` for extent of each index
:returns: tuple of pymbolic Variable objects representing
indices, one for each extent."""
indices = []
for ext in extents:
name = self.namer()
self.inames[name] = int(ext)
return tuple(indices)
def domains(self):
"""ISL domains for the currently known indices."""
return create_domains(self.inames.items())