import enum
import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as randomgen
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Error importing matplotlib, you may need to install by executing\n\t"
"pip install matplotlib"
) from e
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.tri
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PolyCollection
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection, Poly3DCollection
from math import factorial
from firedrake import (Interpolate, sqrt, inner, Function, SpatialCoordinate,
FunctionSpace, VectorFunctionSpace, PointNotInDomainError,
Constant, assemble, dx)
from firedrake.mesh import MeshGeometry
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from ufl.domain import extract_unique_domain
__all__ = [
"plot", "triplot", "tricontourf", "tricontour", "trisurf", "tripcolor",
"quiver", "streamplot", "FunctionPlotter"
def toreal(array, component):
if array.dtype.kind == "c":
assert component in {"real", "imag"}
return getattr(array, component)
assert component == "real"
return array
def _autoscale_view(axes, coords):
if coords is not None:
coords = toreal(coords, "real")
# Dirty hack; autoscale_view doesn't appear to work for 3D plots.
if isinstance(axes, mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D):
setters = ["set_xlim", "set_ylim", "set_zlim"]
for setter, idx in zip(setters, range(coords.shape[1])):
setter = getattr(axes, setter)
except AttributeError:
amin = coords[:, idx].min()
amax = coords[:, idx].max()
extra = (amax - amin) / 20
if extra == 0.0:
# 1D interval
extra = 0.5
amin -= extra
amax += extra
setter(amin, amax)
def _get_collection_types(gdim, tdim):
if gdim == 2:
if tdim == 1:
# Probably a CircleCollection?
raise NotImplementedError("Didn't get to this yet...")
elif tdim == 2:
return LineCollection, PolyCollection
elif gdim == 3:
if tdim == 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Didn't get to this one yet...")
elif tdim == 2:
return Line3DCollection, Poly3DCollection
elif tdim == 3:
return Poly3DCollection, Poly3DCollection
raise ValueError("Geometric dimension must be either 2 or 3!")
def triplot(mesh, axes=None, interior_kw={}, boundary_kw={}):
r"""Plot a mesh colouring marked facet segments
Typically boundary segments will be marked and coloured, but
interior facets that are marked will also be coloured.
The interior and boundary keyword arguments can be any keyword argument for
:class:`LineCollection <matplotlib.collections.LineCollection>` and
related types.
:arg mesh: mesh to be plotted
:arg axes: matplotlib :class:`Axes <matplotlib.axes.Axes>` object on which to plot mesh
:arg interior_kw: keyword arguments to apply when plotting the mesh interior
:arg boundary_kw: keyword arguments to apply when plotting the mesh boundary
:return: list of matplotlib :class:`Collection <matplotlib.collections.Collection>` objects
gdim = mesh.geometric_dimension()
tdim = mesh.topological_dimension()
BoundaryCollection, InteriorCollection = _get_collection_types(gdim, tdim)
quad = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname() == "quadrilateral"
if axes is None:
figure = plt.figure()
if gdim == 3:
axes = figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
coordinates = mesh.coordinates
element = coordinates.function_space().ufl_element()
if != 1:
# Interpolate to piecewise linear.
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,, 1)
coordinates = assemble(Interpolate(coordinates, V))
coords = toreal(coordinates.dat.data_ro_with_halos, "real")
result = []
interior_kw = dict(interior_kw)
# If the domain isn't a 3D volume, draw the interior.
if tdim <= 2:
cell_node_map = coordinates.cell_node_map().values_with_halo
idx = (tuple(range(tdim + 1)) if not quad else (0, 1, 3, 2)) + (0,)
vertices = coords[cell_node_map[:, idx]]
interior_kw["edgecolors"] = interior_kw.get("edgecolors", "k")
interior_kw["linewidths"] = interior_kw.get("linewidths", 1.0)
if gdim == 2:
interior_kw["facecolors"] = interior_kw.get("facecolors", "none")
interior_collection = InteriorCollection(vertices, **interior_kw)
def facet_data(typ):
if typ == "interior":
facets = mesh.interior_facets
node_map = coordinates.interior_facet_node_map()
node_map = node_map.values_with_halo[:, :node_map.arity//2]
local_facet_ids = facets.local_facet_dat.data_ro_with_halos[:, :1].reshape(-1)
elif typ == "exterior":
facets = mesh.exterior_facets
local_facet_ids = facets.local_facet_dat.data_ro_with_halos
node_map = coordinates.exterior_facet_node_map().values_with_halo
raise ValueError("Unhandled facet type")
mask = np.zeros(node_map.shape, dtype=bool)
for facet_index, local_facet_index in enumerate(local_facet_ids):
mask[facet_index, topology[tdim - 1][local_facet_index]] = True
faces = node_map[mask].reshape(-1, tdim)
return facets, faces
# Add colored lines/polygons for the boundary facets
topology = coordinates.function_space().finat_element.cell.get_topology()
markers = mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers
color_key = "colors" if tdim <= 2 else "facecolors"
boundary_colors = boundary_kw.pop(color_key, None)
if boundary_colors is None:
# was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.9, see:
cmap ="Dark2")
except AttributeError:
cmap = matplotlib.colormaps["Dark2"]
num_markers = len(markers)
colors = cmap([k / num_markers for k in range(num_markers)])
colors = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba_array(boundary_colors)
boundary_kw = dict(boundary_kw)
if tdim == 3:
boundary_kw["edgecolors"] = boundary_kw.get("edgecolors", "k")
boundary_kw["linewidths"] = boundary_kw.get("linewidths", 1.0)
for marker, color in zip(markers, colors):
vertices = []
for typ in ["interior", "exterior"]:
facets, faces = facet_data(typ)
face_indices = facets.subset(int(marker)).indices
marker_faces = faces[face_indices, :]
vertices = np.concatenate(vertices)
_boundary_kw = dict(**{color_key: color, "label": marker}, **boundary_kw)
marker_collection = BoundaryCollection(vertices, **_boundary_kw)
# Dirty hack to enable legends for 3D volume plots. See the function
# `Poly3DCollection.set_3d_properties`.
for collection in result:
if isinstance(collection, Poly3DCollection):
collection._facecolors2d = PolyCollection.get_facecolor(collection)
collection._edgecolors2d = PolyCollection.get_edgecolor(collection)
_autoscale_view(axes, coords)
return result
def _plot_2d_field(method_name, function, *args, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
axes = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
if axes is None:
figure = plt.figure()
axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
Q = function.function_space()
mesh = Q.mesh()
if len(function.ufl_shape) == 1:
element = function.ufl_element().sub_elements[0]
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
function = assemble(Interpolate(sqrt(inner(function, function)), Q))
num_sample_points = kwargs.pop("num_sample_points", 10)
function_plotter = FunctionPlotter(mesh, num_sample_points)
triangulation = function_plotter.triangulation
values = function_plotter(function)
method = getattr(axes, method_name)
return method(triangulation, toreal(values, complex_component), *args, **kwargs)
def tricontourf(function, *args, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Create a filled contour plot of a 2D Firedrake :class:`~.Function`
If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.
:arg function: the Firedrake :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg args: same as for matplotlib :func:`tricontourf <matplotlib.pyplot.tricontourf>`
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: same as for matplotlib
:return: matplotlib :class:`ContourSet <matplotlib.contour.ContourSet>` object
return _plot_2d_field("tricontourf", function, *args, complex_component=complex_component, **kwargs)
def tricontour(function, *args, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Create a contour plot of a 2D Firedrake :class:`~.Function`
If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.
:arg function: the Firedrake :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg args: same as for matplotlib :func:`tricontour <matplotlib.pyplot.tricontour>`
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: same as for matplotlib
:return: matplotlib :class:`ContourSet <matplotlib.contour.ContourSet>` object
return _plot_2d_field("tricontour", function, *args, complex_component=complex_component, **kwargs)
def tripcolor(function, *args, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Create a pseudo-color plot of a 2D Firedrake :class:`~.Function`
If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.
:arg function: the function to plot
:arg args: same as for matplotlib :func:`tripcolor <matplotlib.pyplot.tripcolor>`
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: same as for matplotlib
:return: matplotlib :class:`PolyCollection <matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection>` object
element = function.ufl_element()
dg0 = ( == "Discontinuous Lagrange") and ( == 0)
kwargs["shading"] = kwargs.get("shading", "flat" if dg0 else "gouraud")
return _plot_2d_field("tripcolor", function, *args, complex_component=complex_component, **kwargs)
def _trisurf_3d(axes, function, *args, complex_component="real", vmin=None, vmax=None, norm=None, **kwargs):
num_sample_points = kwargs.pop("num_sample_points", 10)
function_plotter = FunctionPlotter(function.function_space().mesh(), num_sample_points)
coordinates, triangles = function_plotter.coordinates, function_plotter.triangles
vertices = coordinates[triangles]
collection = Poly3DCollection(vertices, *args, **kwargs)
values = toreal(function_plotter(function), complex_component)
avg_vals = values[triangles].mean(axis=1)
if (vmin is not None) or (vmax is not None):
collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
if norm is not None:
_autoscale_view(axes, coordinates)
return collection
def trisurf(function, *args, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Create a 3D surface plot of a 2D Firedrake :class:`~.Function`
If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.
:arg function: the Firedrake :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg args: same as for matplotlib :meth:`plot_trisurf <mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot_trisurf>`
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: same as for matplotlib
:return: matplotlib :class:`Poly3DCollection <mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection>` object
axes = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
if axes is None:
figure = plt.figure()
axes = figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
_kwargs = {"antialiased": False, "edgecolor": "none", "cmap": plt.rcParams["image.cmap"]}
Q = function.function_space()
mesh = Q.mesh()
if mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3:
return _trisurf_3d(axes, function, *args, complex_component=complex_component, **_kwargs)
_kwargs.update({"shade": False})
if len(function.ufl_shape) == 1:
element = function.ufl_element().sub_elements[0]
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
function = assemble(Interpolate(sqrt(inner(function, function)), Q))
num_sample_points = kwargs.pop("num_sample_points", 10)
function_plotter = FunctionPlotter(mesh, num_sample_points)
triangulation = function_plotter.triangulation
values = toreal(function_plotter(function), complex_component)
return axes.plot_trisurf(triangulation, values, *args, **_kwargs)
def quiver(function, *, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Make a quiver plot of a 2D vector Firedrake :class:`~.Function`
:arg function: the vector field to plot
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: same as for matplotlib :func:`quiver <matplotlib.pyplot.quiver>`
:return: matplotlib :class:`Quiver <matplotlib.quiver.Quiver>` object
if function.ufl_shape != (2,):
raise ValueError("Quiver plots only defined for 2D vector fields!")
axes = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
if axes is None:
figure = plt.figure()
axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
coords = toreal(extract_unique_domain(function).coordinates.dat.data_ro, "real")
V = extract_unique_domain(function).coordinates.function_space()
function_interp = assemble(Interpolate(function, V))
vals = toreal(function_interp.dat.data_ro, complex_component)
C = np.linalg.norm(vals, axis=1)
return axes.quiver(*(coords.T), *(vals.T), C, **kwargs)
def _step_to_boundary(mesh, x, u, dt, loc_tolerance):
bracket = (0., dt)
while bracket[1] - bracket[0] > loc_tolerance * dt:
ds = (bracket[1] + bracket[0]) / 2
if mesh.locate_cell(x + ds * u, tolerance=loc_tolerance) is None:
bracket = (bracket[0], ds)
bracket = (ds, bracket[1])
return bracket[0]
def streamline(function, point, direction=+1, tolerance=3e-3, loc_tolerance=1e-10,
r"""Generate a streamline of a vector field starting from a point
:arg function: the Firedrake :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg point: the starting point of the streamline
:arg direction: either +1 or -1 to integrate forward or backward
:arg tolerance: dimensionless tolerance for the RK12 adaptive integration
:arg loc_tolerance: tolerance for point location
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:returns: a generator of the position, velocity, and timestep ``(x, v, dt)``
mesh = extract_unique_domain(function)
cell_sizes = mesh.cell_sizes
x = np.array(point)
v1 = toreal(direction *, tolerance=loc_tolerance), complex_component)
r = toreal(, tolerance=loc_tolerance), "real")
dt = 0.5 * r / np.sqrt(np.sum(v1**2))
while True:
v2 = toreal(direction * + dt * v1, tolerance=loc_tolerance),
except PointNotInDomainError:
ds = _step_to_boundary(mesh, x, v1, dt, loc_tolerance)
y = x + ds * v1
v1 = toreal(direction *, tolerance=loc_tolerance),
yield y, v1, ds
dx1 = dt * v1
dx2 = dt * (v1 + v2) / 2
error = np.sqrt(np.sum((dx2 - dx1)**2)) / r
if error <= tolerance:
y = x + dx2
vy = toreal(direction *, tolerance=loc_tolerance),
r = toreal(, tolerance=loc_tolerance), "real")
except PointNotInDomainError:
v = (v1 + v2) / 2
ds = _step_to_boundary(mesh, x, v, dt, loc_tolerance)
y = x + ds * v
v1 = toreal(direction *, tolerance=loc_tolerance),
yield y, v1, ds
x[:] = y
v1[:] = vy
yield y, v1, dt
# TODO: increase the step length if the error < fraction * tol
max_step_length = 0.5 * r / np.sqrt(np.sum(v1**2))
if error == 0.:
dt = max(1.5 * dt, max_step_length)
proposed_dt = 0.85 * np.sqrt(tolerance / error) * dt
dt = min(max_step_length, proposed_dt)
class Reason(enum.IntEnum):
class Streamplotter(object):
def __init__(self, function, resolution, min_length, max_time, tolerance,
loc_tolerance, *, complex_component="real"):
r"""Generates a dense set of streamlines of a vector field
This class is a utility for the :func:`~firedrake.plot.streamplot`
self.function = function
self.resolution = resolution
self.min_length = min_length
self.max_time = max_time
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.loc_tolerance = loc_tolerance
self.complex_component = complex_component
# Create a grid to track the distance to the nearest streamline
mesh = extract_unique_domain(self.function)
coords = toreal(mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro, "real")
self._xmin = coords.min(axis=0)
xmax = coords.max(axis=0)
self._r = self.resolution / np.sqrt(mesh.geometric_dimension())
shape = tuple(((xmax - self._xmin) / self._r).astype(int) + 2)
self._grid = np.full(shape, 4 * self.resolution)
self.streamlines = []
def _grid_index(self, x):
r"""Return the indices in the grid where the given point lies"""
return tuple(((x - self._xmin) / self._r).astype(int))
def _grid_point(self, index):
r"""Return the position of the given grid index"""
return self._xmin + self._r * np.array(index)
def _approx_distance_to_streamlines(self, x):
r"""Return the approximate distance to the set of streamlines that have
been added, capped out to twice the resolution"""
index = self._grid_index(x)
g = self._grid[index[0]:index[0] + 2, index[1]:index[1] + 2]
lx, ly = (x - self._grid_point(index)) / self._r
return ((1 - ly) * ((1 - lx) * g[0, 0] + lx * g[1, 0])
+ ly * ((1 - lx) * g[0, 1] + lx * g[1, 1]))
def _compute_chunk(self, start_point, direction):
r"""Compute a short segment of a streamline starting at a given point"""
s = [start_point]
L = 0.
T = 0.
reason = Reason.BOUNDARY
for x, v, dt in streamline(self.function, start_point, direction,
self.tolerance, self.loc_tolerance,
delta = x - s[-1]
T += dt
L += np.sqrt(np.sum(delta**2))
if L >= self.min_length:
reason = Reason.LENGTH
if T >= self.max_time:
reason = Reason.TIME
return np.array(s), reason
def _enter_distance_to_chunk(self, chunk):
shape = self._grid.shape
# TODO: Make this distance to segments, not just distance to points --
# could be overestimating the distance in the case of very long segments
for x in chunk:
ix, iy = self._grid_index(x)
for i in range(max(ix - 2, 0), min(ix + 4, shape[0])):
for j in range(max(iy - 2, 0), min(iy + 4, shape[1])):
y = self._grid_point((i, j))
dist = min(np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y)**2)), 2 * self.resolution)
self._grid[i, j] = min(dist, self._grid[i, j])
def _index_of_first_bad_point(self, chunk):
r"""Return the index of the first point in the chunk that is close to
another streamline"""
for k, x in enumerate(chunk):
if self._approx_distance_to_streamlines(x) < self.resolution:
return k
return None
def _add_streamline_direction(self, chunk, index, reason, direction):
chunks = []
while (index is None) and (reason == Reason.LENGTH):
next_point = chunk[-1, :]
next_chunk, next_reason = self._compute_chunk(next_point, direction)
# Cut off the first point of the next chunk -- it's identical to
# the last point of the previous one
next_chunk = next_chunk[1:, :]
next_index = self._index_of_first_bad_point(next_chunk)
# Add the previous chunk
self._enter_distance_to_chunk(chunk[:index, :])
chunks.append(chunk[:index, :])
chunk, reason, index = next_chunk, next_reason, next_index
if index != 0:
return np.concatenate(chunks, axis=0)
def add_streamline(self, point):
# If the point isn't inside the domain, bail out
outside = extract_unique_domain(self.function).locate_cell(point) is None
too_close = self._approx_distance_to_streamlines(point) < self.resolution
if outside or too_close:
# Compute the first segments of the forward and backward chunks from
# the current point
fchunk, freason = self._compute_chunk(point, direction=+1)
findex = self._index_of_first_bad_point(fchunk)
bchunk, breason = self._compute_chunk(point, direction=-1)
bindex = self._index_of_first_bad_point(bchunk)
# If the initial segments aren't long enough, bail out
flength = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(fchunk[:findex], axis=0)**2, axis=1)))
blength = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(bchunk[:bindex], axis=0)**2, axis=1)))
if flength + blength < self.min_length:
forward = self._add_streamline_direction(fchunk, findex, freason, +1)
backward = self._add_streamline_direction(bchunk, bindex, breason, -1)
streamline = np.vstack((backward[::-1], forward[1:]))
def streamplot(function, resolution=None, min_length=None, max_time=None,
start_width=0.5, end_width=1.5, tolerance=3e-3, loc_tolerance=1e-10,
seed=None, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Create a streamline plot of a vector field
Similar to matplotlib :func:`streamplot <matplotlib.pyplot.streamplot>`
:arg function: the Firedrake :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg resolution: minimum spacing between streamlines (defaults to domain size / 20)
:arg min_length: minimum length of a streamline (defaults to 4x resolution)
:arg max_time: maximum time to integrate a streamline
:arg start_width: line width at beginning of streamline
:arg end_width: line width at end of streamline, to convey direction
:arg tolerance: dimensionless tolerance for adaptive ODE integration
:arg loc_tolerance: point location tolerance for :meth:``
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:kwarg kwargs: same as for matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection`
if function.ufl_shape != (2,):
raise ValueError("Streamplot only defined for 2D vector fields!")
axes = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
if axes is None:
figure = plt.figure()
axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
mesh = extract_unique_domain(function)
if resolution is None:
coords = toreal(mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro, "real")
resolution = (coords.max(axis=0) - coords.min(axis=0)).max() / 20
if min_length is None:
min_length = 4 * resolution
if max_time is None:
area = assemble(Constant(1) * dx(mesh))
average_speed = np.sqrt(assemble(inner(function, function) * dx) / area)
max_time = 50 * min_length / average_speed
streamplotter = Streamplotter(function, resolution, min_length, max_time,
tolerance, loc_tolerance,
# TODO: better way of seeding start points
shape = streamplotter._grid.shape
xmin = streamplotter._grid_point((0, 0))
xmax = streamplotter._grid_point((shape[0] - 2, shape[1] - 2))
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xmin[0], xmax[0], shape[0] - 2),
np.linspace(xmin[1], xmax[1], shape[1] - 2))
start_points = np.vstack((X.ravel(), Y.ravel())).T
# Randomly shuffle the start points
generator = randomgen.Generator(randomgen.MT19937(seed))
for x in generator.permutation(np.array(start_points)):
# Colors are determined by the speed, thicknesses by arc length
speeds = []
widths = []
for streamline in streamplotter.streamlines:
velocity = toreal(np.array(, tolerance=loc_tolerance)),
speed = np.sqrt(np.sum(velocity**2, axis=1))
delta = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(streamline, axis=0)**2, axis=1))
arc_length = np.cumsum(delta)
length = arc_length[-1]
s = arc_length / length
linewidth = (1 - s) * start_width + s * end_width
points = []
for streamline in streamplotter.streamlines:
pts = streamline.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
points.extend(np.hstack((pts[:-1], pts[1:])))
speeds = np.array(speeds)
widths = np.array(widths)
points = np.asarray(points)
vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", speeds.min())
vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", speeds.max())
norm = kwargs.pop("norm", matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))
cmap = plt.get_cmap(kwargs.pop("cmap", None))
collection = LineCollection(points, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, linewidth=widths)
_autoscale_view(axes, extract_unique_domain(function).coordinates.dat.data_ro)
return collection
class _FiredrakeFunctionPath(matplotlib.collections.PathCollection):
# A distinct class to distinguish MPL PathCollection from the same object
# used for plotting a Firedrake function (mainly for legend handling)
class _HandlerFiredrakeFunctionPath(matplotlib.legend_handler.HandlerLine2D):
# Legend handler for _FiredrakeFunctionPath
def create_artists(
self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans
xdata, xdata_marker = self.get_xdata(
legend, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize
ydata = np.full_like(xdata, (height - ydescent) / 2)
l = Line2D(xdata, ydata)
self.update_prop(l, orig_handle, legend)
return [l]
def _default_update_prop(self, legend_handle, orig_handle):
# We need to override the default update property method as
# PathCollection and Line2D are incompatible
super(type(legend_handle), legend_handle).update_from(orig_handle)
legend_handle._linestyle = orig_handle._linestyles[0][1] or '-'
legend_handle._linewidth = orig_handle._linewidths[0]
legend_handle._color = orig_handle._original_edgecolor
{_FiredrakeFunctionPath: _HandlerFiredrakeFunctionPath()}
def plot(function, *args, num_sample_points=10, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
r"""Plot a 1D Firedrake :class:`~.Function`
:arg function: The :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg args: same as for matplotlib :func:`plot <matplotlib.pyplot.plot>`
:arg num_sample_points: number of sample points for high-degree functions
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: same as for matplotlib :class:`PathPatch <matplotlib.patches.PathPatch>`
:return: list of matplotlib :class:`Line2D <matplotlib.lines.Line2D>`
axes = kwargs.pop("axes", None)
if axes is None:
figure = plt.figure()
axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
label_list = kwargs.pop('label', [])
if isinstance(label_list, str):
label_list = [label_list]
result = []
for ii, line in enumerate([function, *args]):
if isinstance(line, MeshGeometry):
raise TypeError("Expected Function, not Mesh; see firedrake.triplot")
if extract_unique_domain(line).geometric_dimension() > 1:
raise ValueError("Expected 1D Function; for plotting higher-dimensional fields, "
"see tricontourf, tripcolor, quiver, trisurf")
if line.ufl_shape != ():
raise NotImplementedError("Plotting vector-valued 1D functions is not supported")
label = label_list[ii]
except IndexError:
label =
if line.ufl_element().degree() < 4:
result.append(_bezier_plot(line, axes, complex_component=complex_component, label=label, **kwargs))
degree = line.ufl_element().degree()
sample_points = max(num_sample_points, 2 * degree)
function_plotter = FunctionPlotter(line.function_space().mesh(), sample_points)
x_vals = function_plotter(line.function_space().mesh().coordinates)
y_vals = function_plotter(line)
points = np.array([x_vals, y_vals])
num_cells = line.function_space().mesh().num_cells()
result.append(_interp_bezier(points, num_cells, axes, label=label, **kwargs))
_autoscale_view(axes, None)
return result
def _bezier_calculate_points(function):
"""Calculate points values for a function used for bezier plotting
:arg function: 1D Function with 1 < deg < 4
Q = function.function_space()
deg = Q.ufl_element().degree()
M = np.empty([deg + 1, deg + 1], dtype=float)
# TODO: Revise this when FInAT gets dual evaluation
basis = Q.finat_element.fiat_equivalent.dual_basis()
for i in range(deg + 1):
coeff = factorial(deg) / (factorial(i) * factorial(deg - i))
for j in range(deg + 1):
x = list(basis[j].get_point_dict().keys())[0][0]
M[i, j] = coeff * (x ** i) * (1 - x) ** (deg - i)
M_inv = np.linalg.inv(M)
cell_node_list = Q.cell_node_list
return[cell_node_list], M_inv)
def _bezier_plot(function, axes, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
"""Plot a 1D function on a function space with order no more than 4 using
Bezier curves within each cell
:arg function: 1D :class:`~.Function` to plot
:arg axes: :class:`Axes <matplotlib.axes.Axes>` for plotting
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: additional key work arguments to plot
:return: matplotlib :class:`PathPatch <matplotlib.patches.PathPatch>`
deg = function.function_space().ufl_element().degree()
mesh = function.function_space().mesh()
if deg == 0:
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
interp = assemble(Interpolate(function, V))
return _bezier_plot(interp, axes, complex_component=complex_component,
y_vals = _bezier_calculate_points(function)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
coords = Function(FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', deg))
x_vals = _bezier_calculate_points(coords)
vals = np.dstack((toreal(x_vals, "real"), toreal(y_vals, complex_component)))
codes = {1: [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO],
2: [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3],
3: [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4]}
vertices = vals.reshape(-1, 2)
path = Path(vertices, np.tile(codes[deg],
# We never want to color the interior arc of a line
kwargs["facecolor"] = "none"
# _get_patches_for_fill is used for patches, but we really DO want _get_lines
# becasue we are pretending this _is_ a line
kwargs["edgecolor"] = kwargs.pop(
kwargs["linewidth"] = kwargs.pop(
patch = _FiredrakeFunctionPath([path], **kwargs)
return patch
def _interp_bezier(pts, num_cells, axes, complex_component="real", **kwargs):
"""Interpolate points of a 1D function into piece-wise Bezier curves
:arg pts: Points of the 1D function evaluated by _calculate_one_dim_points
:arg num_cells: Number of cells containing the points
:arg axes: Axes to be plotted on
:kwarg complex_component: If plotting complex data, which
component? (``'real'`` or ``'imag'``). Default is ``'real'``.
:arg kwargs: Addition key word argument for plotting
pts = pts.T.reshape(num_cells, -1, 2)
vertices = np.array([]).reshape(-1, 2)
rows = np.arange(4)
cols = (np.arange((pts.shape[1] - 1) // 3) * 3).reshape(-1, 1)
idx = rows + cols
# For transforming 1D points to Bezier curve
M = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.],
[-5/6, 3., -3/2, 1/3],
[1/3, -3/2, 3., -5/6],
[0., 0., 0., 1.]])
for i in range(num_cells):
xs =, pts[i, idx])
vertices = np.append(toreal(vertices, "real"),
toreal(xs.transpose([1, 0, 2]).reshape(-1, 2),
vertices = vertices.reshape(-1, 2)
codes = np.tile([Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4],
vertices.shape[0] // 4)
path = Path(vertices, codes)
# We never want to color the interior arc of a line
kwargs["facecolor"] = "none"
# _get_patches_for_fill is used for patches, but we really DO want _get_lines
# becasue we are pretending this _is_ a line
kwargs["edgecolor"] = kwargs.pop(
kwargs["linewidth"] = kwargs.pop(
patch = _FiredrakeFunctionPath([path], **kwargs)
return patch
class FunctionPlotter:
def __init__(self, mesh, num_sample_points):
# num_sample_points must be of the form 3k + 1 for cubic Bezier plotting
if num_sample_points % 3 != 1:
num_sample_points = (num_sample_points // 3) * 3 + 1
if mesh.topological_dimension() == 1:
self._setup_1d(mesh, num_sample_points)
self._setup_nd(mesh, num_sample_points)
def _setup_1d(self, mesh, num_sample_points):
self._reference_points = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_sample_points).reshape(-1, 1)
def _setup_nd(self, mesh, num_sample_points):
cell_name = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
if cell_name == "triangle":
x = np.array([0, 0, 1])
y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
elif cell_name in ["quadrilateral", "interval * interval"]:
x = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
y = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1])
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported cell type {cell_name}")
# First, create the *reference points* -- a triangulation and points in
# a single reference cell of the mesh, which will be coarser or denser
# depending on how many sample points were specified.
base_tri = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(x, y)
refiner = matplotlib.tri.UniformTriRefiner(base_tri)
sub_triangles = int(math.log(num_sample_points, 4))
tri = refiner.refine_triangulation(False, sub_triangles)
triangles = tri.get_masked_triangles()
self._reference_points = np.column_stack((tri.x, tri.y))
# Now create a matching triangulation of the whole domain.
num_vertices = self._reference_points.shape[0]
num_cells = mesh.coordinates.function_space().cell_node_list.shape[0]
add_idx = np.arange(num_cells).reshape(-1, 1, 1) * num_vertices
all_triangles = (triangles + add_idx).reshape(-1, 3)
coordinate_values = self(mesh.coordinates)
X = coordinate_values.reshape(-1, mesh.geometric_dimension())
coords = toreal(X, "real")
if mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2:
x, y = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]
self.triangulation = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles=all_triangles)
elif mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3:
self.coordinates = coords
self.triangles = all_triangles
def __call__(self, function):
# TODO: Make this more efficient on repeated calls -- for example reuse `elem`
# if the function space is the same as the last one
Q = function.function_space()
dimension = Q.mesh().topological_dimension()
keys = {1: (0,), 2: (0, 0)}
fiat_element = Q.finat_element.fiat_equivalent
elem = fiat_element.tabulate(0, self._reference_points)[keys[dimension]]
cell_node_list = Q.cell_node_list
data = function.dat.data_ro_with_halos[cell_node_list]
if function.ufl_shape == ():
vec_length = 1
vec_length = function.ufl_shape[0]
if vec_length == 1:
data = np.reshape(data, data.shape + (1,))
return np.einsum("ijk, jl->ilk", data, elem).reshape(-1)