from firedrake.preconditioners.base import PCBase
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
__all__ = ("PCDPC", )
class PCDPC(PCBase):
needs_python_pmat = True
r"""A Pressure-Convection-Diffusion preconditioner for Navier-Stokes.
This preconditioner approximates the inverse of the pressure schur
complement for the Navier-Stokes equations by.
.. math::
S^{-1} \sim K^{-1} F_p M^{-1}
Where :math:`K = \nabla^2`,
:math:`F_p = (1/\mathrm{Re}) \nabla^2 + u\cdot\nabla`
and :math:`M = \mathbb{I}`.
The inverse of :math:`K` is approximated by a KSP which can be
controlled using the options prefix ``pcd_Kp_``.
The inverse of :math:`M` is similarly approximated by a KSP which
can be controlled using the options prefix ``pcd_Mp_``.
:math:`F_p` requires both the Reynolds number and the current
velocity. You must provide these with options using the glbaol
option ``Re`` for the Reynolds number and the prefixed option
``pcd_velocity_space`` which should be the index into the full
space that gives velocity field.
.. note::
Currently, the boundary conditions applied to the PCD operator
are correct for characteristic velocity boundary conditions,
but sub-optimal for in and outflow boundaries.
def initialize(self, pc):
from firedrake import (TrialFunction, TestFunction, dx, inner,
grad, split, Constant, parameters)
from firedrake.assemble import assemble, get_assembler
if pc.getType() != "python":
raise ValueError("Expecting PC type python")
prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "pcd_"
# we assume P has things stuffed inside of it
_, P = pc.getOperators()
context = P.getPythonContext()
test, trial = context.a.arguments()
if test.function_space() != trial.function_space():
raise ValueError("Pressure space test and trial space differ")
Q = test.function_space()
p = TrialFunction(Q)
q = TestFunction(Q)
mass = p*q*dx
# Regularisation to avoid having to think about nullspaces.
stiffness = inner(grad(p), grad(q))*dx + Constant(1e-6)*p*q*dx
opts = PETSc.Options()
# we're inverting Mp and Kp, so default them to assembled.
# Fp only needs its action, so default it to mat-free.
# These can of course be overridden.
# only Fp is referred to in update, so that's the only
# one we stash.
default = parameters["default_matrix_type"]
Mp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix+"Mp_mat_type", default)
Kp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix+"Kp_mat_type", default)
self.Fp_mat_type = opts.getString(prefix+"Fp_mat_type", "matfree")
Mp = assemble(mass, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params,
options_prefix=prefix + "Mp_")
Kp = assemble(stiffness, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params,
options_prefix=prefix + "Kp_")
# FIXME: Should we transfer nullspaces over. I think not.
Mksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm)
Mksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
Mksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Mp_")
self.Mksp = Mksp
Kksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm)
Kksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
Kksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "Kp_")
self.Kksp = Kksp
state = context.appctx["state"]
Re = context.appctx.get("Re", 1.0)
velid = context.appctx["velocity_space"]
u0 = split(state)[velid]
fp = 1.0/Re * inner(grad(p), grad(q))*dx + inner(u0, grad(p))*q*dx
self.Re = Re
form_assembler = get_assembler(fp, bcs=None, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params, mat_type=self.Fp_mat_type, options_prefix=prefix + "Fp_")
self.Fp = form_assembler.allocate()
self._assemble_Fp = form_assembler.assemble
Fpmat = self.Fp.petscmat
self.workspace = [Fpmat.createVecLeft() for i in (0, 1)]
def update(self, pc):
def apply(self, pc, x, y):
a, b = self.workspace
self.Mksp.solve(x, a)
self.Fp.petscmat.mult(a, b)
self.Kksp.solve(b, y)
def applyTranspose(self, pc, x, y):
a, b = self.workspace
self.Kksp.solveTranspose(x, b)
self.Fp.petscmat.multTranspose(b, a)
self.Mksp.solveTranspose(y, a)
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
super(PCDPC, self).view(pc, viewer)
viewer.printfASCII("Pressure-Convection-Diffusion inverse K^-1 F_p M^-1:\n")
viewer.printfASCII("Reynolds number in F_p (applied matrix-free) is %s\n" %
viewer.printfASCII("KSP solver for K^-1:\n")
viewer.printfASCII("KSP solver for M^-1:\n")
def destroy(self, pc):
if hasattr(self, "workspace"):
for vec in self.workspace:
if hasattr(self, "Kksp"):
if hasattr(self, "Fp"):
if hasattr(self, "Mksp"):