from textwrap import dedent
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, product
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.preconditioners.base import PCBase
from firedrake.preconditioners.patch import bcdofs
from firedrake.preconditioners.pmg import (prolongation_matrix_matfree,
from firedrake.preconditioners.facet_split import split_dofs, restricted_dofs
from firedrake.formmanipulation import ExtractSubBlock
from firedrake.functionspace import FunctionSpace, MixedFunctionSpace
from firedrake.function import Function
from firedrake.cofunction import Cofunction
from firedrake.parloops import par_loop
from firedrake.ufl_expr import TestFunction, TestFunctions, TrialFunctions
from firedrake.utils import cached_property
from firedrake_citations import Citations
from import expand_derivatives
from ufl.algorithms.expand_indices import expand_indices
from finat.element_factory import create_element
from pyop2.compilation import load
from pyop2.mpi import COMM_SELF
from pyop2.sparsity import get_preallocation
from pyop2.utils import get_petsc_dir, as_tuple
from pyop2 import op2
from tsfc.ufl_utils import extract_firedrake_constants
from firedrake.tsfc_interface import compile_form
import firedrake.dmhooks as dmhooks
import ufl
import finat.ufl
import FIAT
import finat
import numpy
import ctypes
Citations().add("Brubeck2022", """
title={A scalable and robust vertex-star relaxation for high-order {FEM}},
author={Brubeck, Pablo D. and Farrell, Patrick E.},
journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
volume = {44},
number = {5},
pages = {A2991-A3017},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.1137/21M1444187}
Citations().add("Brubeck2024", """
title={{Multigrid solvers for the de Rham complex with optimal complexity in polynomial degree}},
author={Brubeck, Pablo D. and Farrell, Patrick E.},
journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
volume = {46},
number = {3},
pages = {A1549-A1573},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1137/22M1537370}
__all__ = ("FDMPC", "PoissonFDMPC")
def broken_function(V, val):
W = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), finat.ufl.BrokenElement(V.ufl_element()))
w = Function(W, dtype=val.dtype)
v = Function(V, val=val)
domain = "{[i]: 0 <= i < v.dofs}"
instructions = """
for i
w[i] = v[i]
par_loop((domain, instructions), ufl.dx, {'w': (w, op2.WRITE), 'v': (v, op2.READ)})
return w
def mask_local_indices(V, lgmap, repeated=False):
mask = lgmap.indices
if repeated:
w = broken_function(V, mask)
V = w.function_space()
mask = w.dat.data_ro_with_halos
indices = numpy.arange(len(mask), dtype=PETSc.IntType)
indices[mask == -1] = -1
indices_dat = V.make_dat(val=indices)
indices_acc = indices_dat(op2.READ, V.cell_node_map())
return indices_acc
class FDMPC(PCBase):
A preconditioner for tensor-product elements that changes the shape
functions so that the H(d) (d in {grad, curl, div}) Riesz map is sparse on
Cartesian cells, and assembles a global sparse matrix on which other
preconditioners, such as `ASMStarPC`, can be applied.
Here we assume that the volume integrals in the Jacobian can be expressed as:
inner(d(v), alpha * d(u))*dx + inner(v, beta * u)*dx
where alpha and beta are possibly tensor-valued. The sparse matrix is
obtained by approximating (v, alpha * u) and (v, beta * u) as diagonal mass
The PETSc options inspected by this class are:
- 'fdm_mat_type': can be either 'aij' or 'sbaij'
- 'fdm_static_condensation': are we assembling the Schur complement on facets?
_prefix = "fdm_"
_variant = "fdm"
_citation = "Brubeck2024"
_cache = {}
def initialize(self, pc):
self.comm = pc.comm
Amat, Pmat = pc.getOperators()
prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix()
options_prefix = prefix + self._prefix
options = PETSc.Options(options_prefix)
use_amat = options.getBool("pc_use_amat", True)
use_static_condensation = options.getBool("static_condensation", False)
pmat_type = options.getString("mat_type", PETSc.Mat.Type.AIJ)
self.mat_type = pmat_type
allow_repeated = False
if pmat_type == "is":
allow_repeated = options.getBool("mat_is_allow_repeated", True)
self.allow_repeated = allow_repeated
appctx = self.get_appctx(pc)
fcp = appctx.get("form_compiler_parameters") or {}
self.appctx = appctx
# Get original Jacobian form and bcs
J, bcs = self.form(pc)
if Pmat.getType() == "python":
mat_type = "matfree"
ctx = dmhooks.get_appctx(pc.getDM())
mat_type = ctx.mat_type
# TODO assemble Schur complements specified by a SLATE Tensor
# we might extract the form on the interface-interface block like this:
# if isinstance(J, firedrake.slate.TensorBase) and use_static_condensation:
# J = J.children[0].form
if not isinstance(J, ufl.Form):
raise ValueError("Expecting a ufl.Form, not a %r" % type(J))
# Transform the problem into the space with FDM shape functions
V = J.arguments()[-1].function_space()
V_fdm = V.reconstruct(variant=self._variant)
if V == V_fdm:
J_fdm, bcs_fdm = (J, bcs)
# Reconstruct Jacobian and bcs with variant element
J_fdm = J(*(t.reconstruct(function_space=V_fdm) for t in J.arguments()))
bcs_fdm = []
for bc in bcs:
W = V_fdm
for index in bc._indices:
W = W.sub(index)
bcs_fdm.append(bc.reconstruct(V=W, g=0))
# Create a new _SNESContext in the variant space
self._ctx_ref = self.new_snes_ctx(pc, J_fdm, bcs_fdm, mat_type,
fcp=fcp, options_prefix=options_prefix)
# Construct interpolation from variant to original spaces
self.fdm_interp = prolongation_matrix_matfree(V_fdm, V, bcs_fdm, [])
self.work_vec_x = Amat.createVecLeft()
self.work_vec_y = Amat.createVecRight()
if use_amat:
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
form_assembler = get_assembler(J_fdm, bcs=bcs_fdm, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=options_prefix)
self.A = form_assembler.allocate()
self._assemble_A = form_assembler.assemble
Amat = self.A.petscmat
if len(bcs) > 0:
self.bc_nodes = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate([bcdofs(bc, ghost=False) for bc in bcs]))
self.bc_nodes = numpy.empty(0, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
# Internally, we just set up a PC object that the user can configure
# however from the PETSc command line. Since PC allows the user to specify
# a KSP, we can do iterative by -fdm_pc_type ksp.
fdmpc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm)
fdmpc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
# We set a DM and an appropriate SNESContext on the constructed PC so one
# can do e.g. multigrid or patch solves.
self._dm =
self.pc = fdmpc
# Assemble the FDM preconditioner with sparse local matrices
self.V = V_fdm
Amat, Pmat, self.assembly_callables = self.allocate_matrix(Amat, V_fdm, J_fdm, bcs_fdm, fcp,
pmat_type, use_static_condensation, use_amat)
self.assembly_callables.append(partial(Pmat.viewFromOptions, "-pmat_view", fdmpc))
fdmpc.setOperators(A=Amat, P=Pmat)
if hasattr(self, "_ctx_ref"):
with dmhooks.add_hooks(self._dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref, save=False):
def allocate_matrix(self, Amat, V, J, bcs, fcp, pmat_type, use_static_condensation, use_amat):
Allocate the FDM sparse preconditioner.
:arg Amat: the original Jacobian :class:`PETSc.Mat`
:arg V: the :class:`.FunctionSpace` of the form arguments
:arg J: the Jacobian bilinear form
:arg bcs: an iterable of boundary conditions on V
:arg fcp: form compiler parameters to assemble coefficients
:arg pmat_type: the `PETSc.Mat.Type` for the blocks in the diagonal
:arg use_static_condensation: are we assembling the statically-condensed Schur complement on facets?
:arg use_amat: are we computing the Schur complement exactly?
:returns: 3-tuple with the Jacobian :class:`PETSc.Mat`, the
preconditioner :class:`PETSc.Mat`, and a list of assembly callables
symmetric = pmat_type.endswith("sbaij")
ifacet = [i for i, Vsub in enumerate(V) if is_restricted(Vsub.finat_element)[1]]
if len(ifacet) == 0:
Vfacet = None
Vbig = V
ebig = V.ufl_element()
_, fdofs = split_dofs(V.finat_element)
elif len(ifacet) == 1:
Vfacet = V[ifacet[0]]
ebig, = set(unrestrict_element(Vsub.ufl_element()) for Vsub in V)
Vbig = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), ebig)
if len(V) > 1:
dims = [Vsub.finat_element.space_dimension() for Vsub in V]
assert sum(dims) == Vbig.finat_element.space_dimension()
fdofs = restricted_dofs(Vfacet.finat_element, Vbig.finat_element)
raise ValueError("Expecting at most one FunctionSpace restricted onto facets.")
self.embedding_element = ebig
if Vbig.block_size == 1:
self.fises = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(fdofs, comm=COMM_SELF)
self.fises = PETSc.IS().createBlock(Vbig.block_size, fdofs, comm=COMM_SELF)
# Create data structures needed for assembly
self.lgmaps = {Vsub: Vsub.local_to_global_map([bc for bc in bcs if bc.function_space() == Vsub]) for Vsub in V}
self.indices_acc = {Vsub: mask_local_indices(Vsub, self.lgmaps[Vsub], self.allow_repeated) for Vsub in V}
self.coefficients, assembly_callables = self.assemble_coefficients(J, fcp)
self.assemblers = {}
Pmats = {}
# Dictionary with kernel to compute the Schur complement
self.schur_kernel = {}
if V == Vbig and Vbig.finat_element.formdegree == 0:
# If we are in H(grad), we just pad with zeros on the statically-condensed pattern
self.schur_kernel[V] = SchurComplementPattern
elif Vfacet and use_static_condensation:
# If we are in a facet space, we build the Schur complement on its diagonal block
if Vfacet.finat_element.formdegree == 0 and Vfacet.block_size == 1:
self.schur_kernel[Vfacet] = SchurComplementDiagonal
interior_pc_type = PETSc.PC.Type.JACOBI
elif symmetric:
self.schur_kernel[Vfacet] = SchurComplementBlockCholesky
interior_pc_type = PETSc.PC.Type.ICC
self.schur_kernel[Vfacet] = SchurComplementBlockLU
interior_pc_type = PETSc.PC.Type.ILU
if use_amat:
# Replace the facet block of the stiffness matrix with the exact Schur complement
# Set up the preconditioner with exact off-diagonal blocks and exact inverse of the interior block
Amat, Pmats = self.condense(Amat, J, bcs, fcp, pc_type=interior_pc_type)
diagonal_terms = []
# Loop over all pairs of subspaces
for Vrow, Vcol in product(V, V):
if (Vrow, Vcol) in Pmats:
if symmetric and (Vcol, Vrow) in Pmats:
Pmats[Vrow, Vcol] = PETSc.Mat().createTranspose(Pmats[Vcol, Vrow])
# Preallocate and assemble the FDM auxiliary sparse operator
on_diag = Vrow == Vcol
P = self.setup_block(Vrow, Vcol)
addv = self.insert_mode[Vrow, Vcol]
assemble_sparsity = P.getType() == "is"
if assemble_sparsity:
self.set_values(P, Vrow, Vcol, mat_type="preallocator")
if on_diag:
# populate diagonal entries
i = numpy.arange(P.getLGMap()[0].getSize(), dtype=PETSc.IntType)[:, None]
v = numpy.ones(i.shape, dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
P.setValuesLocalRCV(i, i, v, addv=addv)
# append callables to zero entries, insert element matrices, and apply BCs
assembly_callables.append(partial(self.set_values, P, Vrow, Vcol))
if on_diag:
own = Vrow.dof_dset.layout_vec.getLocalSize()
bdofs = numpy.flatnonzero(self.lgmaps[Vrow].indices[:own] < 0).astype(PETSc.IntType)[:, None]
if assemble_sparsity:
Vrow.dof_dset.lgmap.apply(bdofs, result=bdofs)
assembly_callables.append(partial(P.zeroRows, bdofs, 1.0))
v = numpy.ones(bdofs.shape, PETSc.ScalarType)
assembly_callables.append(partial(P.setValuesLocalRCV, bdofs, bdofs, v, addv=addv))
gamma = self.coefficients.get("facet")
if gamma is not None and gamma.function_space() == Vrow.dual():
with gamma.dat.vec_ro as diag:
diagonal_terms.append(partial(P.setDiagonal, diag, addv=addv))
Pmats[Vrow, Vcol] = P
def sub_nullspace(nsp, iset):
if not nsp.handle or iset is None:
return nsp
vectors = [vec.getSubVector(iset).copy() for vec in nsp.getVecs()]
for v in vectors:
return PETSc.NullSpace().create(constant=nsp.hasConstant(),
def set_nullspaces(P, A, iset=None):
P.setNullSpace(sub_nullspace(A.getNullSpace(), iset))
P.setTransposeNullSpace(sub_nullspace(A.getTransposeNullSpace(), iset))
P.setNearNullSpace(sub_nullspace(A.getNearNullSpace(), iset))
if len(V) == 1:
Pmat = Pmats[V, V]
set_nullspaces(Pmat, Amat)
Pmat = PETSc.Mat().createNest([[Pmats[Vrow, Vcol] for Vcol in V] for Vrow in V], comm=self.comm)
for Vrow, iset in zip(V, Pmat.getNestISs()[0]):
set_nullspaces(Pmats[Vrow, Vrow], Amat, iset=iset)
return Amat, Pmat, assembly_callables
def _assemble_P(self):
for _assemble in self.assembly_callables:
def update(self, pc):
if hasattr(self, "A"):
def apply(self, pc, x, y):
if hasattr(self, "fdm_interp"):
self.fdm_interp.multTranspose(x, self.work_vec_x)
with dmhooks.add_hooks(self._dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref):
self.pc.apply(self.work_vec_x, self.work_vec_y)
self.fdm_interp.mult(self.work_vec_y, y)
y.array_w[self.bc_nodes] = x.array_r[self.bc_nodes]
self.pc.apply(x, y)
def applyTranspose(self, pc, x, y):
if hasattr(self, "fdm_interp"):
self.fdm_interp.multTranspose(x, self.work_vec_y)
with dmhooks.add_hooks(self._dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref):
self.pc.applyTranspose(self.work_vec_y, self.work_vec_x)
self.fdm_interp.mult(self.work_vec_x, y)
y.array_w[self.bc_nodes] = x.array_r[self.bc_nodes]
self.pc.applyTranspose(x, y)
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
super(FDMPC, self).view(pc, viewer)
if hasattr(self, "pc"):
viewer.printfASCII("PC to apply inverse\n")
def destroy(self, pc):
if hasattr(self, "A"):
if hasattr(self, "pc"):
def condense(self, A, J, bcs, fcp, pc_type="icc"):
"""Construct block matrices used for matrix-free static condensation.
The inversion of the interior-interior block is replaced with a local
KSP object that is reused on each cell within an MPI rank.
A : PETSc.Mat
The matrix to statically condense.
J : ufl.Form
The bilinear form to statically condense.
bcs : .BCBase[]
An iterable of boundary conditions to apply on ``A``.
fcp : dict
The form compiler parameters.
pc_type : PETSc.PC.Type
The preconditioner type for the interior solver.
Smat : PETSc.Mat
A matrix with the original blocks of ``A``, except that
the matrix-free Schur complement replaces the interface-interface block.
Pmat : dict
A dict mapping pairs of function spaces to the preconditioner blocks
``[[inv(A00), A01], [A10, inv(S)]]``.
Smats = {}
V = J.arguments()[0].function_space()
V0 = next((Vi for Vi in V if is_restricted(Vi.finat_element)[0]), None)
V1 = next((Vi for Vi in V if is_restricted(Vi.finat_element)[1]), None)
if V0 is None:
V0 = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), restrict_element(self.embedding_element, "interior"))
if V1 is None:
V1 = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), restrict_element(self.embedding_element, "facet"))
if len(V) == 1:
J00 = J(*(t.reconstruct(function_space=V0) for t in J.arguments()))
elif len(V) == 2:
J00 = ExtractSubBlock().split(J, argument_indices=(V0.index, V0.index))
ises = V.dof_dset.field_ises
Smats[V[0], V[1]] = A.createSubMatrix(ises[0], ises[1])
Smats[V[1], V[0]] = A.createSubMatrix(ises[1], ises[0])
unindexed = {Vsub: FunctionSpace(Vsub.mesh(), Vsub.ufl_element()) for Vsub in V}
bcs = tuple(bc.reconstruct(V=unindexed[bc.function_space()], g=0) for bc in bcs)
raise ValueError("Expecting at most 2 components")
Pmats = dict(Smats)
C0 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V0)
R0 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V0, transpose=True)
A0 = TripleProductKernel(R0, self._element_mass_matrix, C0)
K0 = InteriorSolveKernel(A0, J00, fcp=fcp, pc_type=pc_type)
K1 = ImplicitSchurComplementKernel(K0)
kernels = {V0: K0, V1: K1}
comm = self.comm
args = [self.coefficients["cell"], V0.mesh().coordinates, *J00.coefficients(), *extract_firedrake_constants(J00)]
args_acc = [arg.dat(op2.READ, arg.cell_node_map()) for arg in args]
for Vsub in V:
K = kernels[Vsub]
x = Function(Vsub)
y = Function(Vsub)
sizes = (Vsub.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes(),) * 2
parloop = op2.ParLoop(K.kernel(), Vsub.mesh().cell_set,
op2.PassthroughArg(op2.OpaqueType(K.result.klass), K.result.handle),
x.dat(op2.READ, x.cell_node_map()),
y.dat(op2.INC, y.cell_node_map()))
ctx = PythonMatrixContext(parloop, x, y, bcs=bcs)
Smats[Vsub, Vsub] = PETSc.Mat().createPython(sizes, context=ctx, comm=comm)
if Vsub == V0:
Pmats[Vsub, Vsub] = Smats[Vsub, Vsub]
Smats[Vsub, Vsub] = A.createSubMatrix(ises[Vsub.index], ises[Vsub.index])
Smat = Smats[V, V] if len(V) == 1 else PETSc.Mat().createNest([[Smats[Vrow, Vcol] for Vcol in V] for Vrow in V], comm=comm)
return Smat, Pmats
def assemble_coefficients(self, J, fcp, block_diagonal=False):
Obtain coefficients for the auxiliary operator as the diagonal of a
weighted mass matrix in broken(V^k) * broken(V^{k+1}).
See Section 3.2 of Brubeck2024.
:arg J: the Jacobian bilinear :class:`ufl.Form`,
:arg fcp: form compiler parameters to assemble the diagonal of the mass matrices.
:arg block_diagonal: are we assembling the block diagonal of the mass matrices?
:returns: a 2-tuple of a dict of coefficients and a list of assembly callables.
assembly_callables = []
# Basic idea: take the original bilinear form and
# replace the exterior derivatives with arguments in broken(V^{k+1}).
# Then, replace the original arguments with arguments in broken(V^k).
# Where the broken spaces have L2-orthogonal FDM basis functions.
index = len(J.arguments()[0].function_space())-1
if index:
splitter = ExtractSubBlock()
J = splitter.split(J, argument_indices=(index, index))
args_J = J.arguments()
e = args_J[0].ufl_element()
mesh = args_J[0].function_space().mesh()
tdim = mesh.topological_dimension()
if isinstance(e, (finat.ufl.VectorElement, finat.ufl.TensorElement)):
e = e._sub_element
e = unrestrict_element(e)
sobolev = e.sobolev_space
# Replacement rule for the exterior derivative = grad(arg) * eps
map_grad = None
if sobolev == ufl.H1:
map_grad = lambda p: p
elif sobolev in [ufl.HCurl, ufl.HDiv]:
u = ufl.Coefficient(ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, e))
du = ufl.variable(ufl.grad(u))
dku = ufl.div(u) if sobolev == ufl.HDiv else ufl.curl(u)
eps = expand_derivatives(ufl.diff(ufl.replace(expand_derivatives(dku), {ufl.grad(u): du}), du))
if sobolev == ufl.HDiv:
map_grad = lambda p: ufl.outer(p, eps/tdim)
elif len(eps.ufl_shape) == 3:
map_grad = lambda p:, eps/2)
map_grad = lambda p: p*(eps/2)
# Construct Z = broken(V^k) * broken(V^{k+1})
V = args_J[0].function_space()
fe = V.finat_element
formdegree = fe.formdegree
degree, = set(as_tuple(
qdeg = degree
if formdegree == tdim:
qfam = "DG" if tdim == 1 else "DQ"
qdeg = 0
elif formdegree == 0:
qfam = "DG" if tdim == 1 else "RTCE" if tdim == 2 else "NCE"
elif formdegree == 1 and tdim == 3:
qfam = "NCF"
qfam = "DQ L2"
qdeg = degree - 1
qvariant = "fdm_quadrature"
elements = [e.reconstruct(variant=qvariant),
finat.ufl.FiniteElement(qfam, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=qdeg, variant=qvariant)]
elements = list(map(finat.ufl.BrokenElement, elements))
if V.shape:
elements = [finat.ufl.TensorElement(ele, shape=V.shape) for ele in elements]
Z = FunctionSpace(mesh, finat.ufl.MixedElement(elements))
# Transform the exterior derivative and the original arguments of J to arguments in Z
args = (TestFunctions(Z), TrialFunctions(Z))
repargs = {t: v[0] for t, v in zip(args_J, args)}
repgrad = {ufl.grad(t): map_grad(v[1]) for t, v in zip(args_J, args)} if map_grad else {}
Jcell = expand_indices(expand_derivatives(ufl.Form(J.integrals_by_type("cell"))))
mixed_form = ufl.replace(ufl.replace(Jcell, repgrad), repargs)
# Return coefficients and assembly callables
if block_diagonal and V.shape:
from firedrake.assemble import assemble
bdiags = []
M = assemble(mixed_form, mat_type="matfree", form_compiler_parameters=fcp)
for iset in Z.dof_dset.field_ises:
sub = M.petscmat.createSubMatrix(iset, iset)
ctx = sub.getPythonContext()
W = MixedFunctionSpace([c.function_space() for c in bdiags])
tensor = Function(W, val=op2.MixedDat([c.dat for c in bdiags]))
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
tensor = Function(Z.dual())
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(mixed_form, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, diagonal=True).assemble, tensor=tensor))
coefficients = {"cell": tensor}
facet_integrals = [i for i in J.integrals() if "facet" in i.integral_type()]
J_facet = expand_indices(expand_derivatives(ufl.Form(facet_integrals)))
if len(J_facet.integrals()) > 0:
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
gamma = coefficients.setdefault("facet", Function(V.dual()))
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(J_facet, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, tensor=gamma, diagonal=True).assemble, tensor=gamma))
return coefficients, assembly_callables
def assemble_reference_tensor(self, V, transpose=False, sort_interior=False):
Return the reference tensor used in the diagonal factorisation of the
sparse cell matrices. See Section 3.2 of Brubeck2024.
:arg V: a :class:`.FunctionSpace`
:returns: a :class:`PETSc.Mat` interpolating V^k * d(V^k) onto
broken(V^k) * broken(V^{k+1}) on the reference element.
bsize = V.block_size
fe = V.finat_element
tdim = fe.cell.get_spatial_dimension()
formdegree = fe.formdegree
degree, = set(as_tuple(
if formdegree == tdim:
degree = degree + 1
is_interior, is_facet = is_restricted(fe)
key = (bsize, tdim, degree, formdegree, is_interior, is_facet, transpose, sort_interior)
cache = self._cache.setdefault("reference_tensor", {})
return cache[key]
except KeyError:
if transpose:
result = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V, transpose=False, sort_interior=sort_interior)
result = PETSc.Mat().createTranspose(result).convert(result.getType())
return cache.setdefault(key, result)
if sort_interior and is_interior:
assert is_interior and not is_facet and not transpose
# Sort DOFs to make A00 block diagonal with blocks of increasing dimension along the diagonal
result = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V, transpose=transpose, sort_interior=False)
if formdegree != 0:
# Compute the stiffness matrix on the interior of a cell
A00 = self._element_mass_matrix.PtAP(result)
indptr, indices, _ = A00.getValuesCSR()
degree = numpy.diff(indptr)
# Sort by blocks
uniq, u_index = numpy.unique(indices, return_index=True)
perm = uniq[u_index.argsort(kind='stable')]
# Sort by degree
degree = degree[perm]
perm = perm[degree.argsort(kind='stable')]
isperm = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(perm, comm=result.getComm())
result = get_submat(result, iscol=isperm, permute=True)
return cache.setdefault(key, result)
short_key = key[:-3] + (False,) * 3
result = cache[short_key]
except KeyError:
# Get CG(k) and DG(k-1) 1D elements from V
elements = sorted(get_base_elements(fe), key=lambda e: e.formdegree)
e0 = elements[0] if elements[0].formdegree == 0 else None
e1 = elements[-1] if elements[-1].formdegree == 1 else None
if e0 and is_interior:
e0 = FIAT.RestrictedElement(e0, restriction_domain="interior")
# Get broken(CG(k)) and DG(k-1) 1D elements from the coefficient spaces
Z = self.coefficients["cell"].function_space()
Q0 = Z[0].finat_element.element
elements = sorted(get_base_elements(Q0), key=lambda e: e.formdegree)
q0 = elements[0] if elements[0].formdegree == 0 else None
q1 = elements[-1]
if q1.formdegree != 1:
Q1 = Z[1].finat_element.element
q1 = sorted(get_base_elements(Q1), key=lambda e: e.formdegree)[-1]
# Interpolate V * d(V) -> space(beta) * space(alpha)
comm = COMM_SELF
zero = PETSc.Mat()
A00 = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(e0, q0), comm=comm) if e0 and q0 else zero
A11 = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(e1, q1), comm=comm) if e1 else zero
A10 = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(e0, q1, derivative="grad"), comm=comm) if e0 else zero
B_blocks = mass_blocks(tdim, formdegree, A00, A11)
A_blocks = diff_blocks(tdim, formdegree, A00, A11, A10)
result = block_mat(B_blocks + A_blocks, destroy_blocks=True)
if bsize != 1:
eye = petsc_sparse(numpy.eye(bsize), comm=result.getComm())
temp = result
result = temp.kron(eye)
if is_facet:
cache[short_key] = result
result = get_submat(result, iscol=self.fises)
return cache.setdefault(key, result)
def _element_mass_matrix(self):
Z = self.coefficients["cell"].function_space()
shape = (sum(V.finat_element.space_dimension() for V in Z),) + Z[0].shape
data = numpy.ones(shape, dtype=PETSc.RealType)
shape += (1,) * (3-len(shape))
nrows = shape[0] * shape[1]
ai = numpy.arange(nrows+1, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
aj = numpy.tile(ai[:-1].reshape((-1, shape[1])), (1, shape[2]))
if shape[2] > 1:
ai *= shape[2]
data = numpy.tile(numpy.eye(shape[2], dtype=data.dtype), shape[:1] + (1,)*(len(shape)-1))
return PETSc.Mat().createAIJ((nrows, nrows), csr=(ai, aj, data), comm=COMM_SELF)
def _element_kernels(self):
M = self._element_mass_matrix
element_kernels = {}
for Vrow, Vcol in product(self.V, self.V):
# Interpolation of basis and exterior derivative onto broken spaces
C1 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(Vcol)
R1 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(Vrow, transpose=True)
# Element stiffness matrix = R1 * M * C1, see Equation (3.9) of Brubeck2022b
element_kernel = TripleProductKernel(R1, M, C1)
schur_kernel = self.schur_kernel.get(Vrow) if Vrow == Vcol else None
if schur_kernel is not None:
V0 = FunctionSpace(Vrow.mesh(), restrict_element(self.embedding_element, "interior"))
C0 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V0, sort_interior=True)
R0 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V0, sort_interior=True, transpose=True)
element_kernel = schur_kernel(element_kernel,
TripleProductKernel(R1, M, C0),
TripleProductKernel(R0, M, C1),
TripleProductKernel(R0, M, C0))
element_kernels[Vrow, Vcol] = element_kernel
return element_kernels
def insert_mode(self):
is_dg = {}
for Vsub in self.V:
element = Vsub.finat_element
is_dg[Vsub] = element.entity_dofs() == element.entity_closure_dofs()
insert_mode = {}
for Vrow, Vcol in product(self.V, self.V):
addv = PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES
if is_dg[Vrow] or is_dg[Vcol]:
addv = PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT
insert_mode[Vrow, Vcol] = addv
return insert_mode
def assembly_lgmaps(self):
if self.mat_type != "is":
return {Vsub: Vsub.dof_dset.lgmap for Vsub in self.V}
lgmaps = {}
for Vsub in self.V:
lgmap = Vsub.dof_dset.lgmap
if self.allow_repeated:
indices = broken_function(Vsub, lgmap.indices).dat.data_ro
indices = lgmap.indices.copy()
local_indices = numpy.arange(len(indices), dtype=PETSc.IntType)
cell_node_map = broken_function(Vsub, local_indices).dat.data_ro
ghost = numpy.setdiff1d(local_indices, numpy.unique(cell_node_map), assume_unique=True)
indices[ghost] = -1
lgmaps[Vsub] = PETSc.LGMap().create(indices, bsize=lgmap.getBlockSize(), comm=lgmap.getComm())
return lgmaps
def setup_block(self, Vrow, Vcol):
# Preallocate the auxiliary sparse operator
sizes = tuple(Vsub.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes() for Vsub in (Vrow, Vcol))
rmap = self.assembly_lgmaps[Vrow]
cmap = self.assembly_lgmaps[Vcol]
on_diag = Vrow == Vcol
ptype = self.mat_type if on_diag else PETSc.Mat.Type.AIJ
preallocator = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=self.comm)
preallocator.setLGMap(rmap, cmap)
preallocator.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.IGNORE_ZERO_ENTRIES, False)
if ptype.endswith("sbaij"):
preallocator.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.IGNORE_LOWER_TRIANGULAR, True)
self.set_values(preallocator, Vrow, Vcol)
dnz, onz = get_preallocation(preallocator, sizes[0][0])
if on_diag:
numpy.maximum(dnz, 1, out=dnz)
P = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=self.comm)
P.setLGMap(rmap, cmap)
if on_diag and ptype == "is" and self.allow_repeated:
bsize = Vrow.finat_element.space_dimension() * Vrow.value_size
local_mat = P.getISLocalMat()
nblocks = local_mat.getSize()[0] // bsize
local_mat.setVariableBlockSizes([bsize] * nblocks)
P.setPreallocationNNZ((dnz, onz))
if not (ptype.endswith("sbaij") or ptype == "is"):
P.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.STRUCTURALLY_SYMMETRIC, on_diag)
P.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.FORCE_DIAGONAL_ENTRIES, True)
P.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.KEEP_NONZERO_PATTERN, True)
if ptype.endswith("sbaij"):
return P
def set_values(self, A, Vrow, Vcol, mat_type=None):
"""Assemble the auxiliary operator in the FDM basis using sparse
reference tensors and diagonal mass matrices.
A : PETSc.Mat
The (initialized) matrix to assemble.
Vrow : FunctionSpace
The test space.
Vcol : FunctionSpace
The trial space.
key = (Vrow.ufl_element(), Vcol.ufl_element())
on_diag = Vrow == Vcol
if mat_type is None:
mat_type = A.getType()
assembler = self.assemblers[key]
except KeyError:
addv = self.insert_mode[Vrow, Vcol]
spaces = (Vrow,) if on_diag else (Vrow, Vcol)
indices_acc = tuple(self.indices_acc[V] for V in spaces)
M = self._element_mass_matrix
# Interpolation of basis and exterior derivative onto broken spaces
C1 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(Vcol)
R1 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(Vrow, transpose=True)
# Element stiffness matrix = R1 * M * C1, see Equation (3.9) of Brubeck2024
element_kernel = TripleProductKernel(R1, M, C1)
schur_kernel = self.schur_kernel.get(Vrow) if on_diag else None
if schur_kernel is not None:
V0 = FunctionSpace(Vrow.mesh(), restrict_element(self.embedding_element, "interior"))
C0 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V0, sort_interior=True)
R0 = self.assemble_reference_tensor(V0, sort_interior=True, transpose=True)
element_kernel = schur_kernel(element_kernel,
TripleProductKernel(R1, M, C0),
TripleProductKernel(R0, M, C1),
TripleProductKernel(R0, M, C0))
coefficients = self.coefficients["cell"]
coefficients_acc = coefficients.dat(op2.READ, coefficients.cell_node_map())
element_kernel = self._element_kernels[Vrow, Vcol]
kernel = element_kernel.kernel(on_diag=on_diag, addv=addv)
assembler = op2.ParLoop(kernel, Vrow.mesh().cell_set,
self.assemblers.setdefault(key, assembler)
if mat_type == "preallocator":
key = key + ("preallocator",)
assembler = self.assemblers[key]
except KeyError:
# Determine the global sparsity pattern by inserting a constant sparse element matrix
args = assembler.arguments[:2]
kernel = ElementKernel(PETSc.Mat(), name="preallocate").kernel(mat_type=mat_type, on_diag=on_diag, addv=addv)
assembler = op2.ParLoop(kernel, Vrow.mesh().cell_set,
*(op2.PassthroughArg(op2.OpaqueType("Mat"), for arg in args),
self.assemblers.setdefault(key, assembler)
assembler.arguments[0].data = A.handle
class ElementKernel:
"""Base class for sparse element kernel builders.
By default, it inserts the same matrix on each cell."""
code = dedent("""
PetscErrorCode %(name)s(const Mat A, const Mat B, %(indices)s) {
PetscCall(MatSetValuesLocalSparse(A, B, %(rows)s, %(cols)s, %(addv)d));
def __init__(self, A, name=None):
self.result = A
self.mats = [self.result] = name or type(self).__name__
self.rules = {}
def make_args(self, *mats):
return [op2.PassthroughArg(op2.OpaqueType(mat.klass), mat.handle) for mat in list(mats) + self.mats]
def kernel(self, mat_type="aij", on_diag=False, addv=None):
if addv is None:
addv = PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT
indices = ("rindices",) if on_diag else ("rindices", "cindices")
code = ""
if "MatSetValuesArray" in self.code:
code = dedent("""
static inline PetscErrorCode MatSetValuesArray(Mat A, const PetscScalar *restrict values) {
PetscBool done;
PetscInt m;
const PetscInt *ai;
PetscScalar *vals;
PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(A, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArrayWrite(A, &vals));
PetscCall(PetscMemcpy(vals, values, ai[m] * sizeof(*vals)));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayWrite(A, &vals));
PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(A, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
if mat_type != "matfree":
code += dedent("""
static inline PetscErrorCode MatSetValuesLocalSparse(const Mat A, const Mat B,
const PetscInt *restrict rindices,
const PetscInt *restrict cindices,
InsertMode addv) {
PetscBool done;
PetscInt m, ncols, istart, *indices;
const PetscInt *ai, *aj;
const PetscScalar *vals;
PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(B, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, &aj, &done));
PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(ai[m], &indices));
for (PetscInt j = 0; j < ai[m]; j++) indices[j] = cindices[aj[j]];
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArrayRead(B, &vals));
for (PetscInt i = 0; i < m; i++) {
istart = ai[i];
ncols = ai[i + 1] - istart;
PetscCall(MatSetValuesLocal(A, 1, &rindices[i], ncols, &indices[istart], &vals[istart], addv));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayRead(B, &vals));
PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(B, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, &aj, &done));
code += self.code % dict(self.rules,,
indices=", ".join("const PetscInt *restrict %s" % s for s in indices),
rows=indices[0], cols=indices[-1], addv=addv)
return op2.Kernel(code,
class TripleProductKernel(ElementKernel):
"""Kernel builder to assemble a triple product of the form L * C * R for each cell,
where L, C, R are sparse matrices and the entries of C are updated on each cell."""
code = dedent("""
PetscErrorCode %(name)s(const Mat A, const Mat B,
const PetscScalar *restrict coefficients,
%(indices)s) {
Mat C;
PetscCall(MatProductGetMats(B, NULL, &C, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesArray(C, coefficients));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesLocalSparse(A, B, %(rows)s, %(cols)s, %(addv)d));
def __init__(self, L, C, R, name=None):
self.product = partial(L.matMatMult, C, R)
super().__init__(self.product(), name=name)
class SchurComplementKernel(ElementKernel):
"""Base class for Schur complement kernel builders."""
condense_code = ""
code = dedent("""
#include <petscblaslapack.h>
PetscErrorCode %(name)s(const Mat A, const Mat B,
const Mat A11, const Mat A10, const Mat A01, const Mat A00,
const PetscScalar *restrict coefficients, %(indices)s) {
Mat C;
PetscCall(MatProductGetMats(A11, NULL, &C, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesArray(C, coefficients));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesLocalSparse(A, A11, %(rows)s, %(cols)s, %(addv)d));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesLocalSparse(A, B, %(rows)s, %(cols)s, %(addv)d));
def __init__(self, *kernels, name=None):
self.children = kernels
self.submats = [k.result for k in kernels] = [None for _ in range(2)]
# Dict of slices with the extents of the diagonal blocks
A00 = self.submats[-1]
degree = numpy.diff(A00.getValuesCSR()[0])
istart = 0
self.slices = {1: slice(0, 0)}
unique_degree, counts = numpy.unique(degree, return_counts=True)
for k, kdofs in sorted(zip(unique_degree, counts)):
self.slices[k] = slice(istart, istart + k * kdofs)
istart += k * kdofs
self.blocks = sorted(degree for degree in self.slices if degree > 1)
result = self.condense()
result.axpy(1.0, self.submats[0])
super().__init__(result, name=name)
self.rules["condense"] = self.condense_code
def condense(self, result=None):
return result
class SchurComplementPattern(SchurComplementKernel):
"""Kernel builder to pad with zeros the Schur complement sparsity pattern."""
condense_code = dedent("""
def condense(self, result=None):
"""Pad with zeros the statically condensed pattern"""
if result is None:
_, A10, A01, A00 = self.submats
result = A10.matMatMult(A00, A01, result=result)
return result
class SchurComplementDiagonal(SchurComplementKernel):
"""Schur complement kernel builder that assumes a diagonal interior block."""
condense_code = dedent("""
Vec vec;
PetscInt n;
PetscScalar *vals;
PetscCall(MatGetSize(A00, &n, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArray(A00, &vals));
PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, n, vals, &vec));
PetscCall(VecScale(vec, -1.0));
PetscCall(MatDiagonalScale(A01, vec, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArray(A00, &vals));
def condense(self, result=None):
A11, A10, A01, A00 = self.submats[0] = A00.getDiagonal([0])[0].reciprocal()[0].scale(-1)
result = A10.matMult(A01, result=result)
return result
class SchurComplementBlockCholesky(SchurComplementKernel):
"""Schur complement kernel builder that assumes a block-diagonal interior block,
and uses its Cholesky factorization to compute S = A11 - (L^-1 A01)^T (L^-1 A01)."""
condense_code = dedent("""
PetscBLASInt bn, lierr;
PetscBool done;
PetscInt m, bsize, irow;
const PetscInt *ai;
PetscScalar *vals, *U;
Mat X;
PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(A00, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArray(A00, &vals));
irow = 0;
while (irow < m && ai[irow + 1] - ai[irow] == 1) {
vals[irow] = PetscSqrtReal(1.0 / vals[irow]);
U = &vals[irow];
while (irow < m) {
bsize = ai[irow + 1] - ai[irow];
PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(bsize, &bn));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKpotrf", LAPACKpotrf_("U", &bn, U, &bn, &lierr));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKtrtri", LAPACKtrtri_("U", "N", &bn, U, &bn, &lierr));
for (PetscInt j = 0; j < bsize - 1; j++)
for (PetscInt i = j + 1; i < bsize; i++)
U[i + bsize * j] = 0.0;
U += bsize * bsize;
irow += bsize;
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArray(A00, &vals));
PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(A00, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
PetscCall(MatProductGetMats(B, &X, NULL, NULL));
PetscCall(MatScale(B, -1.0));
def condense(self, result=None):
# asssume that A10 = A01^T
A11, _, A01, A00 = self.submats
indptr, indices, R = A00.getValuesCSR()
zlice = self.slices[1]
numpy.sqrt(R[zlice], out=R[zlice])
numpy.reciprocal(R[zlice], out=R[zlice])
flops = 2 * (zlice.stop - zlice.start)
for k in self.blocks:
Rk = R[self.slices[k]]
A = Rk.reshape((-1, k, k))
rinv = numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.linalg.cholesky(A))
numpy.copyto(Rk, rinv.flat)
flops += A.shape[0] * ((k**3)//3 + k**3)
A00.setValuesCSR(indptr, indices, R)
A00.assemble()[0] = A00.matMult(A01,[0])
result =[0].transposeMatMult([0], result=result)
return result
class SchurComplementBlockLU(SchurComplementKernel):
"""Schur complement kernel builder that assumes a block-diagonal interior block,
and uses its LU factorization to compute S = A11 - (A10 U^-1) (L^-1 A01)."""
condense_code = dedent("""
PetscBLASInt bn, lierr, lwork;
PetscBool done;
PetscInt m, bsize, irow, icol, nnz, iswap, *ipiv, *perm;
const PetscInt *ai;
PetscScalar *vals, *work, *L, *U;
Mat X;
PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(A00, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArray(A00, &vals));
// A00 = (U^T) * (L^T)
nnz = ai[m];
bsize = ai[m] - ai[m - 1];
PetscCall(PetscMalloc2(bsize, &ipiv, bsize, &perm));
PetscCall(PetscCalloc1(nnz, &work));
irow = 0;
while (irow < m && ai[irow + 1] - ai[irow] == 1) {
work[irow] = 1.0;
vals[irow] = 1.0 / vals[irow];
L = &work[irow];
U = &vals[irow];
while (irow < m) {
bsize = ai[irow + 1] - ai[irow];
PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(bsize, &bn));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKgetrf", LAPACKgetrf_(&bn, &bn, U, &bn, ipiv, &lierr));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKtrtri", LAPACKtrtri_("U", "N", &bn, U, &bn, &lierr));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKtrtri", LAPACKtrtri_("L", "U", &bn, U, &bn, &lierr));
for (PetscInt j = 0; j < bsize; j++) perm[j] = j;
for (PetscInt j = 0; j < bsize; j++) {
icol = ipiv[j] - 1;
iswap = perm[icol];
perm[icol] = perm[j];
perm[j] = iswap;
for (PetscInt j = 0; j < bsize; j++) {
L[j + bsize * perm[j]] = 1.0;
for (PetscInt i = j + 1; i < bsize; i++) {
L[i + bsize * perm[j]] = U[i + bsize * j];
U[i + bsize * j] = 0.0;
L += bsize * bsize;
U += bsize * bsize;
irow += bsize;
PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(A00, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
// A00 = inv(U^T)
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArray(A00, &vals));
// X = inv(U^T) * A01
PetscCall(MatProductGetMats(B, NULL, NULL, &X));
// A00 = -inv(L^T)
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArray(A00, &vals));
for (PetscInt i = 0; i < nnz; i++) vals[i] = -work[i];
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArray(A00, &vals));
PetscCall(PetscFree3(ipiv, perm, work));
// B = - A10 * inv(L^T) * X
def condense(self, result=None):
A11, A10, A01, A00 = self.submats
indptr, indices, R = A00.getValuesCSR()
Q = numpy.ones(R.shape, dtype=R.dtype)
zlice = self.slices[1]
numpy.reciprocal(R[zlice], out=R[zlice])
flops = zlice.stop - zlice.start
for k in self.blocks:
zlice = self.slices[k]
A = R[zlice].reshape((-1, k, k))
q, r = numpy.linalg.qr(A, mode="complete")
numpy.copyto(Q[zlice], numpy.transpose(q, axes=(0, 2, 1)).flat)
rinv = numpy.linalg.inv(r)
numpy.copyto(R[zlice], rinv.flat)
flops += A.shape[0] * ((4*k**3)//3 + k**3)
A00.setValuesCSR(indptr, indices, Q)
A00.assemble()[0] = A00.matMult(A01,[0])
A00.setValuesCSR(indptr, indices, R)
result = A10.matMatMult(A00,[0], result=result)
return result
class SchurComplementBlockInverse(SchurComplementKernel):
"""Schur complement kernel builder that assumes a block-diagonal interior block,
and uses its inverse to compute S = A11 - A10 A00^-1 A01."""
condense_code = dedent("""
PetscBLASInt bn, lierr, lwork;
PetscBool done;
PetscInt m, irow, bsize, *ipiv;
const PetscInt *ai;
PetscScalar *vals, *work, *ainv, swork;
PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(A00, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
lwork = -1;
bsize = ai[m] - ai[m - 1];
PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(bsize, &ipiv));
PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(bsize, &bn));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKgetri", LAPACKgetri_(&bn, ainv, &bn, ipiv, &swork, &lwork, &lierr));
bsize = (PetscInt)swork;
PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(bsize, &lwork));
PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(bsize, &work));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArray(A00, &vals));
irow = 0;
while (irow < m && ai[irow + 1] - ai[irow] == 1) {
vals[irow] = 1.0 / vals[irow];
ainv = &vals[irow];
while (irow < m) {
bsize = ai[irow + 1] - ai[irow];
PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(bsize, &bn));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKgetrf", LAPACKgetrf_(&bn, &bn, ainv, &bn, ipiv, &lierr));
PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKgetri", LAPACKgetri_(&bn, ainv, &bn, ipiv, work, &lwork, &lierr));
ainv += bsize * bsize;
irow += bsize;
PetscCall(PetscFree2(ipiv, work));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArray(A00, &vals));
PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(A00, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &m, &ai, NULL, &done));
PetscCall(MatScale(A00, -1.0));
def condense(self, result=None):
A11, A10, A01, A00 = self.submats
indptr, indices, R = A00.getValuesCSR()
zlice = self.slices[1]
numpy.reciprocal(R[zlice], out=R[zlice])
flops = zlice.stop - zlice.start
for k in self.blocks:
Rk = R[self.slices[k]]
A = Rk.reshape((-1, k, k))
rinv = numpy.linalg.inv(A)
numpy.copyto(Rk, rinv.flat)
flops += A.shape[0] * (k**3)
A00.setValuesCSR(indptr, indices, R)
result = A10.matMatMult(A00, A01, result=result)
return result
def matmult_kernel_code(a, prefix="form", fcp=None, matshell=False):
"""Generate code for the matrix-vector multiplication local kernel.
a : ufl.Form
The bilinear form.
prefix : str
The kernel prefix.
fcp : dict
The form compiler parameters.
matshell : bool
A flag to wrap the kernel with a :class:`PETSc.Mat` of type shell.
This is used for the local matrix-free KSP for the interior solve.
matmult_struct : str
The C code to compute the matrix-vector product.
matmult_call : callable
- ``x``: the pointer name of the input vector (`str`).
- ``y``: the pointer name of the output vector (`str`).
A lambda to generate the C code calling the matrix-vector product.
ctx_struct : str
The signature of the kernel.
ctx_pack : str
Code to update the coefficient array pointers to be called before
applying the matshell.
cache = a._cache.setdefault("fdm_kernels", {})
key = (prefix,)
matmult_struct, matmult_call, ctx_struct, ctx_pack = cache[key]
except KeyError:
v, u = a.arguments()
V = u.function_space()
F = a(v, ufl.Coefficient(V))
kernels = compile_form(F, prefix, parameters=fcp)
kernel = kernels[-1].kinfo.kernel
nargs = len(kernel.arguments) - len(a.arguments())
ncoef = nargs - len(extract_firedrake_constants(F))
matmult_struct = cache_generate_code(kernel, V._comm)
matmult_struct = matmult_struct.replace("void ", "static void "
ctx_coeff = "".join(f"appctx[{i}], " for i in range(ncoef))
ctx_const = "".join(f", appctx[{i}]" for i in range(ncoef, nargs))
matmult_call = lambda x, y: f"{}({y}, {ctx_coeff}{x}{ctx_const});"
ctx_struct = "".join(f"const PetscScalar *restrict c{i}, " for i in range(nargs))
ctx_pointers = ", ".join(f"c{i}" for i in range(nargs))
ctx_pack = f"const PetscScalar *appctx[{nargs}] = {{ {ctx_pointers} }};"
cache[key] = (matmult_struct, matmult_call, ctx_struct, ctx_pack)
if matshell:
matmult_struct += dedent("""
static PetscErrorCode %(prefix)s(Mat A, Vec X, Vec Y) {
PetscScalar **appctx, *y;
const PetscScalar *x;
PetscCall(MatShellGetContext(A, &appctx));
PetscCall(VecGetArray(Y, &y));
PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(X, &x));
PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(X, &x));
PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(Y, &y));
}""" % {"prefix": prefix, "matmult_call": matmult_call("x", "y")})
return matmult_struct, matmult_call, ctx_struct, ctx_pack
class InteriorSolveKernel(ElementKernel):
"""Kernel builder that solves the interior block using a local KSP
across cells owned by an MPI rank."""
code = dedent("""
PetscErrorCode %(name)s(const KSP ksp,
const PetscScalar *restrict coefficients,
const PetscScalar *restrict y,
PetscScalar *restrict x){
PetscInt m;
Mat A, B, C;
Vec X, Y;
PetscCall(KSPGetOperators(ksp, &A, &B));
PetscCall(MatShellSetContext(A, &appctx));
PetscCall(MatShellSetOperation(A, MATOP_MULT, (void(*)(void))A_interior));
PetscCall(MatProductGetMats(B, NULL, &C, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesArray(C, coefficients));
PetscCall(MatGetSize(B, &m, NULL));
PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, m, y, &Y));
PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, m, x, &X));
PetscCall(KSPSolve(ksp, Y, X));
def __init__(self, kernel, form, name=None, prefix="interior_", fcp=None, pc_type="icc"):
self.child = kernel
self.form = form
self.fcp = fcp
B = kernel.result
comm = B.getComm()
A = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=comm)
# Set up the local KSP for the cell interiors
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=comm)
ksp.setOperators(A, B)
# Default solver options, these can be overriden via -interior_ksp_type, etc.
rtol = 1E-8
atol = 1E-14
ksp_type = PETSc.KSP.Type.MINRES
ksp.setTolerances(rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
super().__init__(ksp, name=name)
A_struct, _, ctx_struct, ctx_pack = matmult_kernel_code(self.form, prefix="A_interior", fcp=self.fcp, matshell=True)
rules = dict(A_struct=A_struct, ctx_struct=ctx_struct, ctx_pack=ctx_pack)
class ImplicitSchurComplementKernel(ElementKernel):
"""Kernel builder that applies the matrix-free Schur complement matvec
reusing a local KSP to invert the interior blocks."""
code = dedent("""
PetscErrorCode %(name)s(const KSP ksp,
const PetscScalar *restrict coefficients,
const PetscScalar *restrict xf,
PetscScalar *restrict yf) {
static const PetscInt idofs[%(isize)d] = {%(idofs)s};
static const PetscInt fdofs[%(fsize)d] = {%(fdofs)s};
static PetscScalar xi[%(isize)d], yi[%(isize)d], x[%(size)d], y[%(size)d];
PetscInt i;
Mat A, B, C;
Vec X, Y;
PetscCall(KSPGetOperators(ksp, &A, &B));
PetscCall(MatShellSetContext(A, &appctx));
PetscCall(MatShellSetOperation(A, MATOP_MULT, (void(*)(void))A_interior));
PetscCall(MatProductGetMats(B, NULL, &C, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSetValuesArray(C, coefficients));
// x[fdofs] = x1; y = A * x;
for (i = 0; i < %(size)d; i++) y[i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < %(size)d; i++) x[i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < %(fsize)d; i++) x[fdofs[i]] = xf[i];
// x[idofs] = -inv(Aii) * y[idofs];
for (i = 0; i < %(isize)d; i++) yi[i] = y[idofs[i]];
PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, %(isize)d, yi, &Y));
PetscCall(VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, %(isize)d, xi, &X));
PetscCall(KSPSolve(ksp, Y, X));
for (i = 0; i < %(isize)d; i++) x[idofs[i]] = -xi[i];
// y = A * x; y1 += y[fdofs];
for (i = 0; i < %(size)d; i++) y[i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < %(fsize)d; i++) yf[i] += y[fdofs[i]];
def __init__(self, kernel, name=None):
self.child = kernel
super().__init__(kernel.result, name=name)
comm = self.result.getComm()
form = self.child.form
fcp = self.child.fcp
args = form.arguments()
Q = args[0].function_space()
V = FunctionSpace(Q.mesh(), unrestrict_element(Q.ufl_element()))
V0 = FunctionSpace(Q.mesh(), restrict_element(V.ufl_element(), "interior"))
V1 = FunctionSpace(Q.mesh(), restrict_element(V.ufl_element(), "facet"))
idofs = PETSc.IS().createBlock(V.block_size, restricted_dofs(V0.finat_element, V.finat_element), comm=comm)
fdofs = PETSc.IS().createBlock(V.block_size, restricted_dofs(V1.finat_element, V.finat_element), comm=comm)
size = idofs.size + fdofs.size
assert size == V.finat_element.space_dimension() * V.block_size
# Bilinear form on the space with interior and interface
a = form if Q == V else form(*(t.reconstruct(function_space=V) for t in args))
# Generate code to apply the action of A within the Schur complement action
A_struct, A_call, ctx_struct, ctx_pack = matmult_kernel_code(a, prefix="A", fcp=fcp)
# Bilinear form on the interior
a00 = form if Q == V0 else form(*(t.reconstruct(function_space=V0) for t in args))
# Generate code to apply A00 as a PETSc.Mat of type shell within the interior KSP
A00_struct, *_ = matmult_kernel_code(a00, prefix="A_interior", fcp=fcp, matshell=True)
A00_struct = A00_struct.replace("#include <stdint.h>", "")
# Replacement rules to use idofs, fdofs, A, and A00 on self.code
rules = dict(A_struct=A_struct, A_call=A_call("x", "y"), ctx_struct=ctx_struct, ctx_pack=ctx_pack,
A00_struct=A00_struct, size=size, isize=idofs.size, fsize=fdofs.size,
idofs=", ".join(map(str, idofs.indices)),
fdofs=", ".join(map(str, fdofs.indices)))
class PythonMatrixContext:
"""Python matrix context that handles boundary conditions."""
def __init__(self, mult_callable, x, y, bcs=None):
mult_callable : callable
The callable performing the matrix-vector product.
x : Function
The tensor holding the input to the matrix-vector product.
y : Function
The tensor holding the output to the matrix-vector product.
bcs : .BCBase[] or None
An iterable of boundary conditions to apply on ``x`` and ``y``.
self._mult_callable = mult_callable
self._x = x
self._y = y
Vrow = y.function_space()
Vcol = x.function_space()
self.on_diag = Vrow == Vcol
self.row_bcs = tuple(bc for bc in bcs if bc.function_space() == Vrow)
if self.on_diag:
self.col_bcs = self.row_bcs
self.col_bcs = tuple(bc for bc in bcs if bc.function_space() == Vcol)
def _op(self, action, X, Y, W=None):
with self._y.dat.vec_wo as v:
if W is None:
with self._x.dat.vec_wo as v:
for bc in self.col_bcs:
if self.on_diag:
if len(self.row_bcs) > 0:
# TODO, can we avoid the copy?
with self._x.dat.vec_wo as v:
for bc in self.row_bcs:
bc.set(self._y, self._x)
for bc in self.row_bcs:
with self._y.dat.vec_ro as v:
v.copy(Y if W is None else W)
def mult(self, mat, X, Y):
self._op(self._mult_callable, X, Y)
def multAdd(self, mat, X, Y, W):
self._op(self._mult_callable, X, Y, W)
def is_restricted(finat_element):
"""Determine if an element is a restriction onto interior or facets"""
tdim = finat_element.cell.get_dimension()
idofs = len(finat_element.entity_dofs()[tdim][0])
is_interior = idofs == finat_element.space_dimension()
is_facet = idofs == 0
return is_interior, is_facet
def petsc_sparse(A_numpy, rtol=1E-10, comm=None):
"""Convert dense numpy matrix into a sparse PETSc matrix"""
atol = rtol * abs(max(A_numpy.min(), A_numpy.max(), key=abs))
sparsity = abs(A_numpy) > atol
nnz = numpy.count_nonzero(sparsity, axis=1).astype(PETSc.IntType)
A = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(A_numpy.shape, nnz=(nnz, 0), comm=comm)
rows, cols = numpy.nonzero(sparsity)
rows = rows.astype(PETSc.IntType)
cols = cols.astype(PETSc.IntType)
vals = A_numpy[sparsity]
A.setValuesRCV(rows[:, None], cols[:, None], vals[:, None], PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT)
return A
def kron3(A, B, C, scale=None):
"""Returns scale * kron(A, kron(B, C))"""
temp = B.kron(C)
if scale is not None:
result = A.kron(temp)
return result
def get_submat(A, isrow=None, iscol=None, permute=False):
"""Return the sub matrix A[isrow, iscol]"""
needs_rows = isrow is None
needs_cols = iscol is None
if needs_rows and needs_cols:
return A
size = A.getSize()
if needs_rows:
isrow = PETSc.IS().createStride(size[0], step=1, comm=A.getComm())
if needs_cols:
iscol = PETSc.IS().createStride(size[1], step=1, comm=A.getComm())
if permute:
submat = A.permute(isrow, iscol)
submat = A.createSubMatrix(isrow, iscol)
if needs_rows:
if needs_cols:
return submat
def block_mat(A_blocks, destroy_blocks=False):
"""Return a concrete Mat corresponding to a block matrix given as a list of lists.
Optionally, destroys the input Mats if a new Mat is created."""
if len(A_blocks) == 1:
if len(A_blocks[0]) == 1:
return A_blocks[0][0]
result = PETSc.Mat().createNest(A_blocks, comm=A_blocks[0][0].getComm())
# A nest Mat would not allow us to take matrix-matrix products
result = result.convert(mat_type=A_blocks[0][0].getType())
if destroy_blocks:
for row in A_blocks:
for mat in row:
return result
def mass_blocks(tdim, formdegree, B00, B11):
"""Construct mass block matrix on reference cell from 1D mass matrices B00 and B11.
The 1D matrices may come with different test and trial spaces."""
if tdim == 1:
B_diag = [B11 if formdegree else B00]
elif tdim == 2:
if formdegree == 0:
B_diag = [B00.kron(B00)]
elif formdegree == 1:
B_diag = [B00.kron(B11), B11.kron(B00)]
B_diag = [B11.kron(B11)]
elif tdim == 3:
if formdegree == 0:
B_diag = [kron3(B00, B00, B00)]
elif formdegree == 1:
B_diag = [kron3(B00, B00, B11), kron3(B00, B11, B00), kron3(B11, B00, B00)]
elif formdegree == 2:
B_diag = [kron3(B00, B11, B11), kron3(B11, B00, B11), kron3(B11, B11, B00)]
B_diag = [kron3(B11, B11, B11)]
n = len(B_diag)
if n == 1:
return [B_diag]
zero = PETSc.Mat()
return [[B_diag[i] if i == j else zero for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
def diff_blocks(tdim, formdegree, A00, A11, A10):
"""Construct exterior derivative block matrix on reference cell from 1D
mass matrices A00 and A11, and exterior derivative moments A10.
The 1D matrices may come with different test and trial spaces."""
if formdegree == tdim:
ncols = A10.shape[0]**tdim
zero = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ((1, ncols), nnz=(0, 0), comm=A10.getComm())
A_blocks = [[zero]]
elif tdim == 1:
A_blocks = [[A10]]
elif tdim == 2:
if formdegree == 0:
A_blocks = [[A00.kron(A10)], [A10.kron(A00)]]
elif formdegree == 1:
A_blocks = [[A10.kron(A11), A11.kron(A10)]]
elif tdim == 3:
if formdegree == 0:
A_blocks = [[kron3(A00, A00, A10)], [kron3(A00, A10, A00)], [kron3(A10, A00, A00)]]
elif formdegree == 1:
zero = PETSc.Mat()
A_blocks = [[kron3(A00, A10, A11, scale=-1), kron3(A00, A11, A10), zero],
[kron3(A10, A00, A11, scale=-1), zero, kron3(A11, A00, A10)],
[zero, kron3(A10, A11, A00), kron3(A11, A10, A00, scale=-1)]]
elif formdegree == 2:
A_blocks = [[kron3(A10, A11, A11, scale=-1), kron3(A11, A10, A11), kron3(A11, A11, A10)]]
return A_blocks
def tabulate_exterior_derivative(Vc, Vf, cbcs=[], fbcs=[], comm=None):
Tabulate exterior derivative: Vc -> Vf as an explicit sparse matrix.
Works for any tensor-product basis. These are the same matrices one needs for HypreAMS and friends.
if comm is None:
comm = Vf.comm
ec = Vc.finat_element
ef = Vf.finat_element
if ef.formdegree - ec.formdegree != 1:
raise ValueError("Expecting Vf = d(Vc)")
if Vf.mesh().ufl_cell().is_simplex():
c0 = ec.fiat_equivalent
f1 = ef.fiat_equivalent
derivative = {ufl.H1: "grad", ufl.HCurl: "curl", ufl.HDiv: "div"}[Vc.ufl_element().sobolev_space]
Dhat = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(c0, f1, derivative), comm=COMM_SELF)
elements = sorted(get_base_elements(ec), key=lambda e: e.formdegree)
c0, c1 = elements[::len(elements)-1]
elements = sorted(get_base_elements(ef), key=lambda e: e.formdegree)
f0, f1 = elements[::len(elements)-1]
if f0.formdegree != 0:
f0 = None
if c1.formdegree != 1:
c1 = None
tdim = Vc.mesh().topological_dimension()
zero = PETSc.Mat()
A00 = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(c0, f0), comm=COMM_SELF) if f0 else zero
A11 = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(c1, f1), comm=COMM_SELF) if c1 else zero
A10 = petsc_sparse(evaluate_dual(c0, f1, "grad"), comm=COMM_SELF)
Dhat = block_mat(diff_blocks(tdim, ec.formdegree, A00, A11, A10), destroy_blocks=True)
if Dhat != A10:
if any(is_restricted(ec)) or any(is_restricted(ef)):
scalar_element = lambda e: e._sub_element if isinstance(e, (finat.ufl.TensorElement, finat.ufl.VectorElement)) else e
fdofs = restricted_dofs(ef, create_element(unrestrict_element(scalar_element(Vf.ufl_element()))))
cdofs = restricted_dofs(ec, create_element(unrestrict_element(scalar_element(Vc.ufl_element()))))
temp = Dhat
fises = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(fdofs, comm=temp.getComm())
cises = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(cdofs, comm=temp.getComm())
Dhat = temp.createSubMatrix(fises, cises)
if Vf.block_size > 1:
temp = Dhat
eye = petsc_sparse(numpy.eye(Vf.block_size, dtype=PETSc.RealType), comm=temp.getComm())
Dhat = temp.kron(eye)
sizes = tuple(V.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes() for V in (Vf, Vc))
preallocator = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=comm)
kernel = ElementKernel(Dhat, name="exterior_derivative").kernel()
indices = tuple(op2.Dat(V.dof_dset, V.local_to_global_map(bcs).indices)(op2.READ, V.cell_node_map())
for V, bcs in zip((Vf, Vc), (fbcs, cbcs)))
assembler = op2.ParLoop(kernel,
*(op2.PassthroughArg(op2.OpaqueType("Mat"), m.handle) for m in (preallocator, Dhat)),
nnz = get_preallocation(preallocator, sizes[0][0])
Dmat = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(sizes, Vf.block_size, nnz=nnz, comm=comm)
Dmat.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR, True)
assembler.arguments[0].data = Dmat.handle
return Dmat
def restrict_element(ele, restriction_domain):
"""Get an element that is not restricted and return the restricted element."""
if isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.VectorElement):
return type(ele)(restrict_element(ele._sub_element, restriction_domain), dim=ele.num_sub_elements)
elif isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.TensorElement):
return type(ele)(restrict_element(ele._sub_element, restriction_domain), shape=ele._shape, symmetry=ele.symmetry())
elif isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.MixedElement):
return type(ele)(*(restrict_element(e, restriction_domain) for e in ele.sub_elements))
return ele[restriction_domain]
def unrestrict_element(ele):
"""Get an element that might or might not be restricted and
return the parent unrestricted element."""
if isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.VectorElement):
return type(ele)(unrestrict_element(ele._sub_element), dim=ele.num_sub_elements)
elif isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.TensorElement):
return type(ele)(unrestrict_element(ele._sub_element), shape=ele._shape, symmetry=ele.symmetry())
elif isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.MixedElement):
return type(ele)(*(unrestrict_element(e) for e in ele.sub_elements))
elif isinstance(ele, finat.ufl.RestrictedElement):
return unrestrict_element(ele._element)
return ele
def get_base_elements(e):
if isinstance(e, finat.EnrichedElement):
return list(chain.from_iterable(map(get_base_elements, e.elements)))
elif isinstance(e, finat.TensorProductElement):
return list(chain.from_iterable(map(get_base_elements, e.factors)))
elif isinstance(e, finat.FlattenedDimensions):
return get_base_elements(e.product)
elif isinstance(e, (finat.HCurlElement, finat.HDivElement)):
return get_base_elements(e.wrappee)
elif isinstance(e, finat.finiteelementbase.FiniteElementBase):
return get_base_elements(e.fiat_equivalent)
elif isinstance(e, FIAT.RestrictedElement):
return get_base_elements(e._element)
return [e]
class SparseAssembler:
"""Class to generate and cache python wrappers to insert sparse element
matrices directly with PETSc C code."""
_cache = {}
def setSubMatCSR(comm, triu=False):
Compile C code to insert sparse submatrices and store in class cache
:arg triu: are we inserting onto the upper triangular part of the matrix?
:returns: a python wrapper for the matrix insertion function
cache = SparseAssembler._cache.setdefault("setSubMatCSR", {})
key = (id(comm), triu)
return cache[key]
except KeyError:
return cache.setdefault(key, SparseAssembler.load_setSubMatCSR(comm, triu))
def load_c_code(code, name, comm, argtypes, restype):
petsc_dir = get_petsc_dir()
cppargs = [f"-I{d}/include" for d in petsc_dir]
ldargs = ([f"-L{d}/lib" for d in petsc_dir]
+ [f"-Wl,-rpath,{d}/lib" for d in petsc_dir]
+ ["-lpetsc", "-lm"])
dll = load(code, "c", cppargs=cppargs, ldargs=ldargs, comm=comm)
fn = getattr(dll, name)
fn.argtypes = argtypes
fn.restype = restype
return fn
def load_setSubMatCSR(comm, triu=False):
"""Insert one sparse matrix into another sparse matrix.
Done in C for efficiency, since it loops over rows."""
if triu:
name = "setSubMatCSR_SBAIJ"
select_cols = "icol -= (icol < irow) * (1 + icol);"
name = "setSubMatCSR_AIJ"
select_cols = ""
code = dedent(f"""
#include <petsc.h>
PetscErrorCode {name}(Mat A,
Mat B,
PetscInt *rindices,
PetscInt *cindices,
InsertMode addv)
PetscInt m, ncols, irow, icol;
PetscInt *indices, *cols;
PetscScalar *vals;
PetscCall(MatGetSize(B, &m, NULL));
PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetMaxRowNonzeros(B, &ncols));
PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(ncols, &indices));
for (PetscInt i = 0; i < m; i++) {{
PetscCall(MatGetRow(B, i, &ncols, &cols, &vals));
irow = rindices[i];
for (PetscInt j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {{
icol = cindices[cols[j]];
indices[j] = icol;
PetscCall(MatSetValues(A, 1, &irow, ncols, indices, vals, addv));
PetscCall(MatRestoreRow(B, i, &ncols, &cols, &vals));
argtypes = [ctypes.c_voidp, ctypes.c_voidp,
ctypes.c_voidp, ctypes.c_voidp, ctypes.c_int]
funptr = SparseAssembler.load_c_code(code, name, comm=comm, argtypes=argtypes,
def wrapper(A, B, rows, cols, addv):
return funptr(A.handle, B.handle,,, addv)
return wrapper
class PoissonFDMPC(FDMPC):
A preconditioner for tensor-product elements that changes the shape
functions so that the H^1 Riesz map is sparse in the interior of a
Cartesian cell, and assembles a global sparse matrix on which other
preconditioners, such as `ASMStarPC`, can be applied.
Here we assume that the volume integrals in the Jacobian can be expressed as:
inner(grad(v), alpha(grad(u)))*dx + inner(v, beta(u))*dx
where alpha and beta are possibly tensor-valued.
The sparse matrix is obtained by approximating alpha and beta by cell-wise
constants and discarding the coefficients in alpha that couple together
mixed derivatives and mixed components.
For spaces that are not H^1-conforming, this preconditioner will use
the symmetric interior-penalty DG method. The penalty coefficient can be
provided in the application context, keyed on ``"eta"``.
_variant = "fdm_ipdg"
_citation = "Brubeck2022"
def assemble_reference_tensor(self, V):
_, line_elements, shifts = get_permutation_to_nodal_elements(V)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("FDMPC does not support the element %s" % V.ufl_element())
line_elements, = line_elements
axes_shifts, = shifts
degree = max( for e in line_elements)
eta = float(self.appctx.get("eta", degree*(degree+1)))
element = V.finat_element
is_dg = element.entity_dofs() == element.entity_closure_dofs()
Afdm = [] # sparse interval mass and stiffness matrices for each direction
Dfdm = [] # tabulation of normal derivatives at the boundary for each direction
bdof = [] # indices of point evaluation dofs for each direction
cache = self._cache.setdefault("ipdg_reference_tensor", {})
for e in line_elements:
key = (, eta)
rtensor = cache[key]
except KeyError:
rtensor = cache.setdefault(key, fdm_setup_ipdg(e, eta, comm=COMM_SELF))
Afdm[:0], Dfdm[:0], bdof[:0] = tuple(zip(rtensor))
if not is_dg and == degree:
# do not apply SIPG along continuous directions
Dfdm[0] = None
return Afdm, Dfdm, bdof, axes_shifts
def set_values(self, A, Vrow, Vcol, mat_type=None):
"""Assemble the stiffness matrix in the FDM basis using Kronecker
products of interval matrices.
A : PETSc.Mat
The (initialized) matrix to assemble.
Vrow : FunctionSpace
The test space.
Vcol : FunctionSpace
The trial space.
mat_type : PETSc.Mat.Type
The matrix type of auxiliary operator. This only used when ``A`` is a preallocator
to determine the nonzeros on the upper triangual part of an ``'sbaij'`` matrix.
if mat_type is None:
mat_type = A.getType()
triu = A.getType() == "preallocator" and mat_type.endswith("sbaij")
set_submat = SparseAssembler.setSubMatCSR(COMM_SELF, triu=triu)
update_A = lambda A, Ae, rindices: set_submat(A, Ae, rindices, rindices, addv)
condense_element_mat = lambda x: x
addv = PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES
def cell_to_global(lgmap, cell_to_local, cell_index, result=None):
# Be careful not to create new arrays
result = cell_to_local(cell_index, result=result)
return lgmap.apply(result, result=result)
cell_to_local, nel = extrude_node_map(Vrow.cell_node_map(), bsize=Vrow.block_size)
get_rindices = partial(cell_to_global, self.lgmaps[Vrow], cell_to_local)
Afdm, Dfdm, bdof, axes_shifts = self.assemble_reference_tensor(Vrow)
Gq = self.coefficients.get("alpha")
Bq = self.coefficients.get("beta")
bcflags = self.coefficients.get("bcflags")
Gq_facet = self.coefficients.get("Gq_facet")
PT_facet = self.coefficients.get("PT_facet")
V = Vrow
bsize = V.block_size
ncomp = V.ufl_element().reference_value_size
sdim = (V.finat_element.space_dimension() * bsize) // ncomp # dimension of a single component
tdim = V.mesh().topological_dimension()
shift = axes_shifts * bsize
index_coef, _ = extrude_node_map((Gq or Bq).cell_node_map())
index_bc, _ = extrude_node_map(bcflags.cell_node_map())
flag2id = numpy.kron(numpy.eye(tdim, tdim, dtype=PETSc.IntType), [[1], [2]])
# pshape is the shape of the DOFs in the tensor product
pshape = tuple(Ak[0].size[0] for Ak in Afdm)
static_condensation = False
if sdim !=
static_condensation = True
if set(shift) != {0}:
assert ncomp == tdim
pshape = [tuple(numpy.roll(pshape, -shift[k])) for k in range(ncomp)]
# assemble zero-th order term separately, including off-diagonals (mixed components)
# I cannot do this for hdiv elements as off-diagonals are not sparse, this is because
# the FDM eigenbases for CG(k) and CG(k-1) are not orthogonal to each other
use_diag_Bq = Bq is None or len(Bq.ufl_shape) != 2 or static_condensation
rindices = None
if not use_diag_Bq:
bshape = Bq.ufl_shape
# Be = Bhat kron ... kron Bhat
Be = Afdm[0][0].copy()
for k in range(1, tdim):
Be = Be.kron(Afdm[k][0])
aptr = numpy.arange(0, (bshape[0]+1)*bshape[1], bshape[1], dtype=PETSc.IntType)
aidx = numpy.tile(numpy.arange(bshape[1], dtype=PETSc.IntType), bshape[0])
for e in range(nel):
# Ae = Be kron Bq[e]
adata = numpy.sum(Bq.dat.data_ro[index_coef(e)], axis=0)
Ae = PETSc.Mat().createAIJWithArrays(bshape, (aptr, aidx, adata), comm=COMM_SELF)
Ae = Be.kron(Ae)
rindices = get_rindices(e, result=rindices)
update_A(A, Ae, rindices)
Bq = None
# assemble the second order term and the zero-th order term if any,
# discarding mixed derivatives and mixed components
ae = numpy.zeros((ncomp, tdim), dtype=PETSc.RealType)
be = numpy.zeros((ncomp,), dtype=PETSc.RealType)
je = None
for e in range(nel):
je = index_coef(e, result=je)
bce = bcflags.dat.data_ro_with_halos[index_bc(e)] > 1E-8
# get coefficients on this cell
if Gq is not None:
ae[:] = numpy.sum(Gq.dat.data_ro[je], axis=0)
if Bq is not None:
be[:] = numpy.sum(Bq.dat.data_ro[je], axis=0)
rindices = get_rindices(e, result=rindices)
rows = numpy.reshape(rindices, (-1, bsize))
rows = numpy.transpose(rows)
rows = numpy.reshape(rows, (ncomp, -1))
# for each component: compute the stiffness matrix Ae
for k in range(ncomp):
# permutation of axes with respect to the first vector component
axes = numpy.roll(numpy.arange(tdim), -shift[k])
bck = bce[:, k] if len(bce.shape) == 2 else bce
fbc =, flag2id)
if Gq is not None:
# Ae = ae[k][0] Ahat + be[k] Bhat
Be = Afdm[axes[0]][0].copy()
Ae = Afdm[axes[0]][1+fbc[0]].copy()
if Bq is not None:
Ae.axpy(be[k], Be)
if tdim > 1:
# Ae = Ae kron Bhat + ae[k][1] Bhat kron Ahat
Ae = Ae.kron(Afdm[axes[1]][0])
if Gq is not None:
Ae.axpy(ae[k][1], Be.kron(Afdm[axes[1]][1+fbc[1]]))
if tdim > 2:
# Ae = Ae kron Bhat + ae[k][2] Bhat kron Bhat kron Ahat
Be = Be.kron(Afdm[axes[1]][0])
Ae = Ae.kron(Afdm[axes[2]][0])
if Gq is not None:
Ae.axpy(ae[k][2], Be.kron(Afdm[axes[2]][1+fbc[2]]))
elif Bq is not None:
Ae = Afdm[axes[0]][0]
for m in range(1, tdim):
Ae = Ae.kron(Afdm[axes[m]][0])
Ae = condense_element_mat(Ae)
update_A(A, Ae, rows[k].astype(PETSc.IntType))
# assemble SIPG interior facet terms if the normal derivatives have been set up
if any(Dk is not None for Dk in Dfdm):
if static_condensation:
raise NotImplementedError("Static condensation for SIPG not implemented")
if tdim < V.mesh().geometric_dimension():
raise NotImplementedError("SIPG on immersed meshes is not implemented")
eta = float(self.appctx.get("eta"))
lgmap = self.lgmaps[V]
index_facet, local_facet_data, nfacets = extrude_interior_facet_maps(V)
index_coef, _, _ = extrude_interior_facet_maps(Gq_facet or Gq)
rows = numpy.zeros((2, sdim), dtype=PETSc.IntType)
for e in range(nfacets):
# for each interior facet: compute the SIPG stiffness matrix Ae
ie = index_facet(e)
je = numpy.reshape(index_coef(e), (2, -1))
lfd = local_facet_data(e)
idir = lfd // 2
if PT_facet:
icell = numpy.reshape(lgmap.apply(ie), (2, ncomp, -1))
iord0 = numpy.insert(numpy.delete(numpy.arange(tdim), idir[0]), 0, idir[0])
iord1 = numpy.insert(numpy.delete(numpy.arange(tdim), idir[1]), 0, idir[1])
je = je[[0, 1], lfd]
Pfacet = PT_facet.dat.data_ro_with_halos[je]
Gfacet = Gq_facet.dat.data_ro_with_halos[je]
Gfacet = numpy.sum(Gq.dat.data_ro_with_halos[je], axis=1)
for k in range(ncomp):
axes = numpy.roll(numpy.arange(tdim), -shift[k])
Dfacet = Dfdm[axes[0]]
if Dfacet is None:
if PT_facet:
k0 = iord0[k] if shift[1] != 1 else tdim-1-iord0[-k-1]
k1 = iord1[k] if shift[1] != 1 else tdim-1-iord1[-k-1]
Piola = Pfacet[[0, 1], [k0, k1]]
mu = Gfacet[[0, 1], idir]
if len(Gfacet.shape) == 3:
mu = Gfacet[[0, 1], [k, k], idir]
elif len(Gfacet.shape) == 2:
mu = Gfacet[[0, 1], idir]
mu = Gfacet
offset = Dfacet.shape[0]
Adense = numpy.zeros((2*offset, 2*offset), dtype=PETSc.RealType)
dense_indices = []
for j, jface in enumerate(lfd):
j0 = j * offset
j1 = j0 + offset
jj = j0 + bdof[axes[0]][jface % 2]
for i, iface in enumerate(lfd):
i0 = i * offset
i1 = i0 + offset
ii = i0 + bdof[axes[0]][iface % 2]
sij = 0.5E0 if i == j else -0.5E0
if PT_facet:
smu = [sij*[0], Piola[i]), Piola[j]),
sij*[1], Piola[i]), Piola[j])]
smu = sij*mu
Adense[ii, jj] += eta * sum(smu)
Adense[i0:i1, jj] -= smu[i] * Dfacet[:, iface % 2]
Adense[ii, j0:j1] -= smu[j] * Dfacet[:, jface % 2]
Ae = numpy_to_petsc(Adense, dense_indices, diag=False)
if tdim > 1:
# assume that the mesh is oriented
Ae = Ae.kron(Afdm[axes[1]][0])
if tdim > 2:
Ae = Ae.kron(Afdm[axes[2]][0])
if bsize == ncomp:
icell = numpy.reshape(lgmap.apply(k+bsize*ie), (2, -1))
rows[0] = pull_axis(icell[0], pshape, idir[0])
rows[1] = pull_axis(icell[1], pshape, idir[1])
assert pshape[k0][idir[0]] == pshape[k1][idir[1]]
rows[0] = pull_axis(icell[0][k0], pshape[k0], idir[0])
rows[1] = pull_axis(icell[1][k1], pshape[k1], idir[1])
update_A(A, Ae, rows)
def condense(self, A, J, bcs, fcp):
return A, {}
def assemble_coefficients(self, J, fcp):
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
coefficients = {}
assembly_callables = []
args_J = J.arguments()
V = args_J[-1].function_space()
mesh = V.mesh()
tdim = mesh.topological_dimension()
Finv = ufl.JacobianInverse(mesh)
degree, = set(as_tuple(V.ufl_element().degree()))
quad_deg = fcp.get("degree", 2*degree+1)
dx = ufl.dx(degree=quad_deg, domain=mesh)
family = "Discontinuous Lagrange" if tdim == 1 else "DQ"
DG = finat.ufl.FiniteElement(family, mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=0)
# extract coefficients directly from the bilinear form
integrals_J = J.integrals_by_type("cell")
mapping = args_J[0].ufl_element().mapping().lower()
Piola = get_piola_tensor(mapping, mesh)
# get second order coefficient
ref_grad = [ufl.variable(ufl.grad(t)) for t in args_J]
if Piola:
replace_grad = {ufl.grad(t):,, Finv)) for t, dt in zip(args_J, ref_grad)}
replace_grad = {ufl.grad(t):, Finv) for t, dt in zip(args_J, ref_grad)}
alpha = expand_derivatives(sum([ufl.diff(ufl.diff(ufl.replace(i.integrand(), replace_grad),
ref_grad[0]), ref_grad[1]) for i in integrals_J]))
# discard mixed derivatives and mixed components
if len(alpha.ufl_shape) == 2:
alpha = ufl.diag_vector(alpha)
ashape = alpha.ufl_shape
ashape = ashape[:len(ashape)//2]
alpha = ufl.as_tensor(numpy.reshape([alpha[i+i] for i in numpy.ndindex(ashape)], (ashape[0], -1)))
# assemble second order coefficient
if not isinstance(alpha, ufl.constantvalue.Zero):
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, finat.ufl.TensorElement(DG, shape=alpha.ufl_shape))
tensor = coefficients.setdefault("alpha", Function(Q.dual()))
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(ufl.inner(TestFunction(Q), alpha)*dx, form_compiler_parameters=fcp).assemble, tensor=tensor))
# get zero-th order coefficent
ref_val = [ufl.variable(t) for t in args_J]
if Piola:
dummy_element = finat.ufl.TensorElement(family, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=1, shape=Piola.ufl_shape)
dummy_Piola = ufl.Coefficient(ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh, dummy_element))
replace_val = {t:, s) for t, s in zip(args_J, ref_val)}
replace_val = {t: s for t, s in zip(args_J, ref_val)}
beta = expand_derivatives(sum(ufl.diff(ufl.diff(ufl.replace(i.integrand(), replace_val),
ref_val[0]), ref_val[1]) for i in integrals_J))
if Piola:
beta = ufl.replace(beta, {dummy_Piola: Piola})
# assemble zero-th order coefficient
if not isinstance(beta, ufl.constantvalue.Zero):
if Piola:
# keep diagonal
beta = ufl.diag_vector(beta)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, finat.ufl.TensorElement(DG, shape=beta.ufl_shape) if beta.ufl_shape else DG)
tensor = coefficients.setdefault("beta", Function(Q.dual()))
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(ufl.inner(TestFunction(Q), beta)*dx, form_compiler_parameters=fcp).assemble, tensor=tensor))
family = "CG" if tdim == 1 else "DGT"
degree = 1 if tdim == 1 else 0
DGT = finat.ufl.BrokenElement(finat.ufl.FiniteElement(family, cell=mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=degree))
if Piola:
# make DGT functions with the second order coefficient
# and the Piola tensor for each side of each facet
extruded = mesh.cell_set._extruded
dS_int = ufl.dS_h(degree=quad_deg) + ufl.dS_v(degree=quad_deg) if extruded else ufl.dS(degree=quad_deg)
area = ufl.FacetArea(mesh)
ifacet_inner = lambda v, u: ((ufl.inner(v('+'), u('+')) + ufl.inner(v('-'), u('-')))/area)*dS_int
replace_grad = {ufl.grad(t):, Finv) for t, dt in zip(args_J, ref_grad)}
alpha = expand_derivatives(sum(ufl.diff(ufl.diff(ufl.replace(i.integrand(), replace_grad),
ref_grad[0]), ref_grad[1]) for i in integrals_J))
G = alpha
G = ufl.as_tensor([[[G[i, k, j, k] for i in range(G.ufl_shape[0])] for j in range(G.ufl_shape[2])] for k in range(G.ufl_shape[3])])
G = G * abs(ufl.JacobianDeterminant(mesh))
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, finat.ufl.TensorElement(DGT, shape=G.ufl_shape))
tensor = coefficients.setdefault("Gq_facet", Function(Q.dual()))
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(ifacet_inner(TestFunction(Q), G), form_compiler_parameters=fcp).assemble, tensor=tensor))
PT = Piola.T
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, finat.ufl.TensorElement(DGT, shape=PT.ufl_shape))
tensor = coefficients.setdefault("PT_facet", Function(Q.dual()))
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(ifacet_inner(TestFunction(Q), PT), form_compiler_parameters=fcp).assemble, tensor=tensor))
# make DGT functions with BC flags
shape = V.ufl_element().reference_value_shape
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, finat.ufl.TensorElement(DGT, shape=shape) if shape else DGT)
test = TestFunction(Q)
ref_args = [ufl.variable(t) for t in args_J]
replace_args = {t: s for t, s in zip(args_J, ref_args)}
forms = []
md = {"quadrature_degree": 0}
for it in J.integrals():
itype = it.integral_type()
if itype.startswith("exterior_facet"):
beta = ufl.diff(ufl.diff(ufl.replace(it.integrand(), replace_args), ref_args[0]), ref_args[1])
beta = expand_derivatives(beta)
if beta.ufl_shape:
beta = ufl.diag_vector(beta)
ds_ext = ufl.Measure(itype, domain=mesh, subdomain_id=it.subdomain_id(), metadata=md)
forms.append(ufl.inner(test, beta)*ds_ext)
tensor = coefficients.setdefault("bcflags", Function(Q.dual()))
if len(forms):
form = sum(forms)
if len(form.arguments()) == 1:
assembly_callables.append(partial(get_assembler(form, form_compiler_parameters=fcp).assemble, tensor=tensor))
# set arbitrary non-zero coefficients for preallocation
for coef in coefficients.values():
with coef.dat.vec as cvec:
return coefficients, assembly_callables
def get_piola_tensor(mapping, domain):
tdim = domain.topological_dimension()
if mapping == 'identity':
return None
elif mapping == 'covariant piola':
return ufl.JacobianInverse(domain).T * ufl.as_tensor(numpy.flipud(numpy.identity(tdim)))
elif mapping == 'contravariant piola':
sign = ufl.diag(ufl.as_tensor([-1]+[1]*(tdim-1)))
return ufl.Jacobian(domain)*sign/ufl.JacobianDeterminant(domain)
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported element mapping %s" % mapping)
def pull_axis(x, pshape, idir):
"""permute x by reshaping into pshape and moving axis idir to the front"""
return numpy.reshape(numpy.moveaxis(numpy.reshape(x.copy(), pshape), idir, 0), x.shape)
def numpy_to_petsc(A_numpy, dense_indices, diag=True, block=False, comm=None):
Create a SeqAIJ Mat from a dense matrix using the diagonal and a subset of rows and columns.
If dense_indices is empty, then also include the off-diagonal corners of the matrix.
n = A_numpy.shape[0]
nbase = int(diag) if block else min(n, int(diag) + len(dense_indices))
nnz = numpy.full((n,), nbase, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
nnz[dense_indices] = len(dense_indices) if block else n
imode = PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT
A_petsc = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(A_numpy.shape, nnz=(nnz, 0), comm=comm)
idx = numpy.arange(n, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
if block:
values = A_numpy[dense_indices, :][:, dense_indices]
A_petsc.setValues(dense_indices, dense_indices, values, imode)
for j in dense_indices:
A_petsc.setValues(j, idx, A_numpy[j, :], imode)
A_petsc.setValues(idx, j, A_numpy[:, j], imode)
if diag:
idx = idx[:, None]
values = A_numpy.diagonal()[:, None]
A_petsc.setValuesRCV(idx, idx, values, imode)
return A_petsc
def fdm_setup_ipdg(fdm_element, eta, comm=None):
Setup for the fast diagonalisation method for the IP-DG formulation.
Compute sparsified interval stiffness and mass matrices
and tabulate the normal derivative of the shape functions.
:arg fdm_element: a :class:`FIAT.FDMElement`
:arg eta: penalty coefficient as a `float`
:arg comm: an mpi4py communicator
:returns: 3-tuple of:
Afdm: a list of :class:`PETSc.Mats` with the sparse interval matrices
Bhat, and bcs(Ahat) for every combination of either natural or weak
Dirichlet BCs on each endpoint.
Dfdm: the tabulation of the normal derivatives of the Dirichlet eigenfunctions.
bdof: the indices of the vertex degrees of freedom.
ref_el = fdm_element.get_reference_element()
degree =
rule = FIAT.quadrature.make_quadrature(ref_el, degree+1)
edof = fdm_element.entity_dofs()
bdof = edof[0][0] + edof[0][1]
phi = fdm_element.tabulate(1, rule.get_points())
Jhat = phi[(0, )]
Dhat = phi[(1, )]
Ahat =, rule.get_weights()), Dhat.T)
Bhat =, rule.get_weights()), Jhat.T)
# Facet normal derivatives
basis = fdm_element.tabulate(1, ref_el.get_vertices())
Dfacet = basis[(1,)]
Dfacet[:, 0] = -Dfacet[:, 0]
Afdm = [numpy_to_petsc(Bhat, bdof, block=True, comm=comm)]
for bc in range(4):
bcs = (bc % 2, bc//2)
Abc = Ahat.copy()
for k in range(2):
if bcs[k] == 1:
j = bdof[k]
Abc[:, j] -= Dfacet[:, k]
Abc[j, :] -= Dfacet[:, k]
Abc[j, j] += eta
Afdm.append(numpy_to_petsc(Abc, bdof, comm=comm))
return Afdm, Dfacet, bdof
def extrude_interior_facet_maps(V):
Extrude V.interior_facet_node_map and V.mesh().interior_facets.local_facet_dat
:arg V: a :class:`.FunctionSpace`
:returns: the 3-tuple of
facet_to_nodes_fun: maps interior facets to the nodes of the two cells sharing it,
local_facet_data_fun: maps interior facets to the local facet numbering in the two cells sharing it,
nfacets: the total number of interior facets owned by this process
if isinstance(V, (Function, Cofunction)):
V = V.function_space()
mesh = V.mesh()
intfacets = mesh.interior_facets
facet_to_cells = intfacets.facet_cell_map.values
local_facet_data = intfacets.local_facet_dat.data_ro
facet_node_map = V.interior_facet_node_map()
facet_to_nodes = facet_node_map.values
nbase = facet_to_nodes.shape[0]
if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
facet_offset = facet_node_map.offset
local_facet_data_h = numpy.array([5, 4], local_facet_data.dtype)
cell_node_map = V.cell_node_map()
cell_to_nodes = cell_node_map.values_with_halo
cell_offset = cell_node_map.offset
nelv = cell_node_map.values.shape[0]
layers = facet_node_map.iterset.layers_array
itype = cell_offset.dtype
shift_h = numpy.array([[0], [1]], itype)
if mesh.variable_layers:
nv = 0
to_base = []
to_layer = []
for f, cells in enumerate(facet_to_cells):
istart = max(layers[cells, 0])
iend = min(layers[cells, 1])
nz = iend-istart-1
nv += nz
to_base.append(numpy.full((nz,), f, itype))
to_layer.append(numpy.arange(nz, dtype=itype))
nh = layers[:, 1]-layers[:, 0]-2
to_base.append(numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(len(nh), dtype=itype), nh))
to_layer += [numpy.arange(nf, dtype=itype) for nf in nh]
to_base = numpy.concatenate(to_base)
to_layer = numpy.concatenate(to_layer)
nfacets = nv + sum(nh[:nelv])
local_facet_data_fun = lambda e: local_facet_data[to_base[e]] if e < nv else local_facet_data_h
facet_to_nodes_fun = lambda e: facet_to_nodes[to_base[e]] + to_layer[e]*facet_offset if e < nv else numpy.reshape(cell_to_nodes[to_base[e]] + numpy.kron(to_layer[e]+shift_h, cell_offset), (-1,))
nelz = layers[0, 1]-layers[0, 0]-1
nv = nbase * nelz
nh = nelv * (nelz-1)
nfacets = nv + nh
local_facet_data_fun = lambda e: local_facet_data[e//nelz] if e < nv else local_facet_data_h
facet_to_nodes_fun = lambda e: facet_to_nodes[e//nelz] + (e % nelz)*facet_offset if e < nv else numpy.reshape(cell_to_nodes[(e-nv)//(nelz-1)] + numpy.kron(((e-nv) % (nelz-1))+shift_h, cell_offset), (-1,))
facet_to_nodes_fun = lambda e: facet_to_nodes[e]
local_facet_data_fun = lambda e: local_facet_data[e]
nfacets = nbase
return facet_to_nodes_fun, local_facet_data_fun, nfacets
def extrude_node_map(node_map, bsize=1):
Construct a (possibly vector-valued) cell to node map from an un-extruded scalar map.
:arg node_map: a :class:`pyop2.Map` mapping entities to their local dofs, including ghost entities.
:arg bsize: the block size
:returns: a 2-tuple with the cell to node map and the number of cells owned by this process
nel = node_map.values.shape[0]
if node_map.offset is None:
def _scalar_map(map_values, e, result=None):
if result is None:
result = numpy.empty_like(map_values[e])
numpy.copyto(result, map_values[e])
return result
scalar_map = partial(_scalar_map, node_map.values_with_halo)
layers = node_map.iterset.layers_array
if layers.shape[0] == 1:
def _scalar_map(map_values, offset, nelz, e, result=None):
if result is None:
result = numpy.empty_like(offset)
numpy.copyto(result, offset)
result *= (e % nelz)
result += map_values[e // nelz]
return result
nelz = layers[0, 1]-layers[0, 0]-1
nel *= nelz
scalar_map = partial(_scalar_map, node_map.values_with_halo, node_map.offset, nelz)
def _scalar_map(map_values, offset, to_base, to_layer, e, result=None):
if result is None:
result = numpy.empty_like(offset)
numpy.copyto(result, offset)
result *= to_layer[e]
result += map_values[to_base[e]]
return result
nelz = layers[:, 1]-layers[:, 0]-1
nel = sum(nelz[:nel])
to_base = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(node_map.values_with_halo.shape[0], dtype=node_map.offset.dtype), nelz)
to_layer = numpy.concatenate([numpy.arange(nz, dtype=node_map.offset.dtype) for nz in nelz])
scalar_map = partial(_scalar_map, node_map.values_with_halo, node_map.offset, to_base, to_layer)
if bsize == 1:
return scalar_map, nel
def vector_map(bsize, ibase, e, result=None):
index = None
if result is not None:
index = result[:, 0]
index = scalar_map(e, result=index)
index *= bsize
return numpy.add.outer(index, ibase, out=result)
ibase = numpy.arange(bsize, dtype=node_map.values.dtype)
return partial(vector_map, bsize, ibase), nel