Source code for firedrake.preconditioners.facet_split

from functools import partial
from mpi4py import MPI
from pyop2 import op2, PermutedMap
from finat.ufl import RestrictedElement, MixedElement, TensorElement, VectorElement
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.preconditioners.base import PCBase
import firedrake.dmhooks as dmhooks
import numpy

__all__ = ['FacetSplitPC']

[docs] class FacetSplitPC(PCBase): """A preconditioner that splits a function into interior and facet DOFs. Internally this creates a PETSc PC object that can be controlled by options using the extra options prefix ``facet_``. This allows for statically-condensed preconditioners to be applied to linear systems involving the matrix applied to the full set of DOFs. Code generated for the matrix-free operator evaluation in the space with full DOFs will run faster than the one with interior-facet decoposition, since the full element has a simpler structure. """ needs_python_pmat = False _prefix = "facet_" _index_cache = {}
[docs] def get_indices(self, V, W): key = (V, W) if key not in self._index_cache: indices = get_restriction_indices(V, W) if V._comm.allreduce(len(indices) == V.dof_count and numpy.all(indices[:-1] <= indices[1:]), MPI.PROD): self._index_cache[key] = None else: self._index_cache[key] = indices return self._index_cache[key]
[docs] def initialize(self, pc): from firedrake import FunctionSpace, TestFunction, TrialFunction, split prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() options_prefix = prefix + self._prefix options = PETSc.Options(options_prefix) mat_type = options.getString("mat_type", "submatrix") domains = options.getString("restriction_domain", "interior,facet") domains = domains.split(",") a, bcs = self.form(pc) appctx = self.get_appctx(pc) fcp = appctx.get("form_compiler_parameters") V = a.arguments()[-1].function_space() if len(V) != 1: raise ValueError("Decomposition of mixed elements is not supported") element = V.ufl_element() elements = [restrict(element, domain) for domain in domains] W = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), elements[0] if len(elements) == 1 else MixedElement(elements)) args = (TestFunction(W), TrialFunction(W)) if len(W) > 1: args = tuple(sum(split(arg)) for arg in args) mixed_operator = a(*args) mixed_bcs = tuple(bc.reconstruct(V=W[-1], g=0) for bc in bcs) _, P = pc.getOperators() self.work_vecs = None indices = self.get_indices(V, W) self.subset = None self.needs_zeroing = False if indices is not None: self.needs_zeroing = len(indices) < V.dof_count self.subset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(indices, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF) if mat_type != "submatrix": from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler form_assembler = get_assembler(mixed_operator, bcs=mixed_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=options_prefix) self.P = form_assembler.allocate() self._assemble_mixed_op = form_assembler.assemble self._assemble_mixed_op(tensor=self.P) self.mixed_opmat = self.P.petscmat self.set_nullspaces(pc) self.work_vecs = self.mixed_opmat.createVecs() elif self.subset: global_indices = V.dof_dset.lgmap.apply(self.subset.indices) self._global_iperm = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(global_indices, comm=pc.comm) self._permute_op = partial(PETSc.Mat().createSubMatrixVirtual, P, self._global_iperm, self._global_iperm) self.mixed_opmat = self._permute_op() self.set_nullspaces(pc) self.work_vecs = self.mixed_opmat.createVecs() else: self.mixed_opmat = P # Internally, we just set up a PC object that the user can configure # however from the PETSc command line. Since PC allows the user to specify # a KSP, we can do iterative by -facet_pc_type ksp. scpc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm) scpc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc) # We set a DM and an appropriate SNESContext on the constructed PC so one # can do e.g. fieldsplit. mixed_dm = # Create new appctx self._ctx_ref = self.new_snes_ctx(pc, mixed_operator, mixed_bcs, mat_type, fcp, options_prefix=options_prefix) scpc.setDM(mixed_dm) scpc.setOptionsPrefix(options_prefix) scpc.setOperators(A=self.mixed_opmat, P=self.mixed_opmat) self.pc = scpc with dmhooks.add_hooks(mixed_dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref, save=False): scpc.setFromOptions()
[docs] def set_nullspaces(self, pc): _, P = pc.getOperators() Pmat = self.mixed_opmat def _restrict_nullspace(nsp): if not (nsp.handle and self.subset): return nsp vecs = [] for x in nsp.getVecs(): y = Pmat.createVecRight() self.restrict(x, y) y.normalize() vecs.append(y) return PETSc.NullSpace().create(constant=nsp.hasConstant(), vectors=vecs, comm=nsp.getComm()) Pmat.setNullSpace(_restrict_nullspace(P.getNullSpace())) Pmat.setNearNullSpace(_restrict_nullspace(P.getNearNullSpace())) Pmat.setTransposeNullSpace(_restrict_nullspace(P.getTransposeNullSpace()))
[docs] def update(self, pc): if hasattr(self, "_permute_op"): for mat in self.pc.getOperators(): mat.destroy() P = self._permute_op() self.pc.setOperators(A=P, P=P) self.mixed_opmat = P elif hasattr(self, "P"): self._assemble_mixed_op(tensor=self.P)
[docs] def prolong(self, x, y): if x is not y: if self.needs_zeroing: y.set(0.0) array_x = x.getArray(readonly=True) array_y = y.getArray(readonly=False) with self.subset as subset_indices: array_y[subset_indices] = array_x[:]
[docs] def restrict(self, x, y): if x is not y: array_x = x.getArray(readonly=True) array_y = y.getArray(readonly=False) with self.subset as subset_indices: array_y[:] = array_x[subset_indices]
[docs] def apply(self, pc, x, y): dm = self.pc.getDM() xwork, ywork = self.work_vecs or (x, y) self.restrict(x, xwork) with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref): self.pc.apply(xwork, ywork) self.prolong(ywork, y)
[docs] def applyTranspose(self, pc, x, y): dm = self.pc.getDM() xwork, ywork = self.work_vecs or (x, y) self.restrict(x, xwork) with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref): self.pc.applyTranspose(xwork, ywork) self.prolong(ywork, y)
[docs] def view(self, pc, viewer=None): super(FacetSplitPC, self).view(pc, viewer) if hasattr(self, "pc"): viewer.printfASCII("PC using interior-facet decomposition\n") self.pc.view(viewer)
[docs] def destroy(self, pc): if hasattr(self, "pc"): if hasattr(self, "_permute_op"): for mat in self.pc.getOperators(): mat.destroy() self.pc.destroy() if hasattr(self, "subset"): if self.subset: self.subset.destroy()
def restrict(ele, restriction_domain): """ Restrict a UFL element, keeping VectorElement and TensorElement as the outermost modifier. """ if isinstance(ele, VectorElement): return type(ele)(restrict(ele._sub_element, restriction_domain), dim=ele.num_sub_elements) elif isinstance(ele, TensorElement): return type(ele)(restrict(ele._sub_element, restriction_domain), shape=ele._shape, symmetry=ele._symmety) else: return RestrictedElement(ele, restriction_domain) def split_dofs(elem): """ Split DOFs into interior and facet DOF, where facets are sorted by entity. """ dim = elem.cell.get_spatial_dimension() entity_dofs = elem.entity_dofs() edofs = [[], []] for key in sorted(entity_dofs.keys()): vals = entity_dofs[key] edim = key try: edim = sum(edim) except TypeError: pass for k in sorted(vals.keys()): edofs[edim < dim].extend(sorted(vals[k])) return tuple(numpy.array(e, dtype=PETSc.IntType) for e in edofs) def restricted_dofs(celem, felem): """ Find which DOFs from felem are on celem :arg celem: the restricted :class:`finat.FiniteElement` :arg felem: the unrestricted :class:`finat.FiniteElement` :returns: :class:`numpy.array` with indices of felem that correspond to celem """ indices = numpy.full((celem.space_dimension(),), -1, dtype=PETSc.IntType) cdofs = celem.entity_dofs() fdofs = felem.entity_dofs() for dim in sorted(cdofs): for entity in cdofs[dim]: ndofs = len(cdofs[dim][entity]) indices[cdofs[dim][entity]] = fdofs[dim][entity][:ndofs] return indices def get_restriction_indices(V, W): """Return the list of dofs in the space V such that W = V[indices]. """ vdat = V.make_dat(val=numpy.arange(V.dof_count, dtype=PETSc.IntType)) wdats = [Wsub.make_dat(val=numpy.full((Wsub.dof_count,), -1, dtype=PETSc.IntType)) for Wsub in W] wdat = wdats[0] if len(W) == 1 else op2.MixedDat(wdats) vsize = sum(Vsub.finat_element.space_dimension() for Vsub in V) eperm = numpy.concatenate([restricted_dofs(Wsub.finat_element, V.finat_element) for Wsub in W]) if len(eperm) < vsize: eperm = numpy.concatenate((eperm, numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(vsize, dtype=PETSc.IntType), eperm))) pmap = PermutedMap(V.cell_node_map(), eperm) wsize = sum(Vsub.finat_element.space_dimension() * Vsub.block_size for Vsub in W) kernel_code = f""" void copy(PetscInt *restrict w, const PetscInt *restrict v) {{ for (PetscInt i=0; i<{wsize}; i++) w[i] = v[i]; }}""" kernel = op2.Kernel(kernel_code, "copy", requires_zeroed_output_arguments=False) op2.par_loop(kernel, V.mesh().cell_set, wdat(op2.WRITE, W.cell_node_map()), vdat(op2.READ, pmap), ) indices = wdat.data_ro if len(W) > 1: indices = numpy.concatenate(indices) return indices