from firedrake.preconditioners.base import PCBase
from firedrake.preconditioners.patch import bcdofs
from firedrake.preconditioners.facet_split import restrict, get_restriction_indices
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.dmhooks import get_function_space, get_appctx
from firedrake.ufl_expr import TestFunction, TrialFunction
from firedrake.functionspace import FunctionSpace, VectorFunctionSpace, TensorFunctionSpace
from ufl import curl, div, HCurl, HDiv, inner, dx
from pyop2.utils import as_tuple
import numpy
__all__ = ("BDDCPC",)
class BDDCPC(PCBase):
"""PC for PETSc PCBDDC (Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints).
This is a domain decomposition method using subdomains defined by the
blocks in a Mat of type IS.
Internally, this PC creates a PETSc PCBDDC object that can be controlled by
the options:
- ``'bddc_pc_bddc_neumann'`` to set sub-KSPs on subdomains excluding corners,
- ``'bddc_pc_bddc_dirichlet'`` to set sub-KSPs on subdomain interiors,
- ``'bddc_pc_bddc_coarse'`` to set the coarse solver KSP.
This PC also inspects optional arguments supplied in the application context:
- ``'discrete_gradient'`` for problems in H(curl), this sets the arguments
(a Mat tabulating the gradient of the auxiliary H1 space) and
keyword arguments supplied to ``PETSc.PC.setBDDCDiscreteGradient``.
- ``'divergence_mat'`` for 3D problems in H(div), this sets the Mat with the
assembled bilinear form testing the divergence against an L2 space.
Currently the Mat type IS is only supported by FDMPC.
_prefix = "bddc_"
def initialize(self, pc):
# Get context from pc
_, P = pc.getOperators()
dm = pc.getDM()
self.prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + self._prefix
V = get_function_space(dm)
# Create new PC object as BDDC type
bddcpc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm)
bddcpc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
opts = PETSc.Options(bddcpc.getOptionsPrefix())
if V.ufl_element().variant() == "fdm" and "pc_bddc_use_local_mat_graph" not in opts:
# Disable computation of disconected components of subdomain interfaces
opts["pc_bddc_use_local_mat_graph"] = False
ctx = get_appctx(dm)
bcs = tuple(ctx._problem.bcs)
if V.extruded:
boundary_nodes = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate(list(map(V.boundary_nodes, ("on_boundary", "top", "bottom")))))
boundary_nodes = V.boundary_nodes("on_boundary")
if len(bcs) == 0:
dir_nodes = numpy.empty(0, dtype=boundary_nodes.dtype)
dir_nodes = numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate([bcdofs(bc, ghost=False) for bc in bcs]))
neu_nodes = numpy.setdiff1d(boundary_nodes, dir_nodes)
V.dof_dset.lgmap.apply(dir_nodes, result=dir_nodes)
dir_bndr = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(dir_nodes, comm=pc.comm)
V.dof_dset.lgmap.apply(neu_nodes, result=neu_nodes)
neu_bndr = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(neu_nodes, comm=pc.comm)
appctx = self.get_appctx(pc)
sobolev_space = V.ufl_element().sobolev_space
tdim = V.mesh().topological_dimension()
degree = max(as_tuple(V.ufl_element().degree()))
if tdim >= 2 and V.finat_element.formdegree == tdim-1:
B = appctx.get("divergence_mat", None)
if B is None:
from firedrake.assemble import assemble
d = {HCurl: curl, HDiv: div}[sobolev_space]
if V.shape == ():
make_function_space = FunctionSpace
elif len(V.shape) == 1:
make_function_space = VectorFunctionSpace
make_function_space = TensorFunctionSpace
Q = make_function_space(V.mesh(), "DG", degree-1)
b = inner(d(TrialFunction(V)), TestFunction(Q)) * dx(degree=2*(degree-1))
B = assemble(b, mat_type="matfree")
elif sobolev_space == HCurl:
gradient = appctx.get("discrete_gradient", None)
if gradient is None:
from firedrake.preconditioners.fdm import tabulate_exterior_derivative
from firedrake.preconditioners.hiptmair import curl_to_grad
Q = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), curl_to_grad(V.ufl_element()))
gradient = tabulate_exterior_derivative(Q, V)
corners = get_vertex_dofs(Q)
gradient.compose('_elements_corners', corners)
grad_args = (gradient,)
grad_kwargs = {'order': degree}
grad_args, grad_kwargs = gradient
except ValueError:
grad_args = (gradient,)
grad_kwargs = dict()
bddcpc.setBDDCDiscreteGradient(*grad_args, **grad_kwargs)
self.pc = bddcpc
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
def update(self, pc):
def apply(self, pc, x, y):
self.pc.apply(x, y)
def applyTranspose(self, pc, x, y):
self.pc.applyTranspose(x, y)
def get_vertex_dofs(V):
W = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), restrict(V.ufl_element(), "vertex"))
indices = get_restriction_indices(V, W)
V.dof_dset.lgmap.apply(indices, result=indices)
vertex_dofs = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(indices, comm=V.comm)
return vertex_dofs