import abc
from firedrake_citations import Citations
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.dmhooks import get_appctx
__all__ = ("PCBase", "SNESBase", "PCSNESBase")
class PCSNESBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self):
"""Create a PC context suitable for PETSc.
Matrix free preconditioners should inherit from this class and
- :meth:`~.PCSNESBase.initialize`
- :meth:`~.PCSNESBase.update`
- :meth:`~.PCBase.apply`
- :meth:`~.PCBase.applyTranspose`
self.initialized = False
super(PCSNESBase, self).__init__()
def update(self, pc):
"""Update any state in this preconditioner."""
def initialize(self, pc):
"""Initialize any state in this preconditioner."""
def setUp(self, pc):
"""Setup method called by PETSc.
Subclasses should probably not override this and instead
implement :meth:`~.PCSNESBase.update` and :meth:`~.PCSNESBase.initialize`."""
if self.initialized:
self.initialized = True
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
if viewer is None:
typ = viewer.getType()
if typ != PETSc.Viewer.Type.ASCII:
viewer.printfASCII("Firedrake custom %s %s\n" %
(self._asciiname, type(self).__name__))
def destroy(self, pc):
if hasattr(self, "pc"):
def get_appctx(pc):
return get_appctx(pc.getDM()).appctx
def new_snes_ctx(pc, op, bcs, mat_type, fcp=None, options_prefix=None, pre_apply_bcs=True):
"""Create a new `_SNESContext` for nested (linear) preconditioning
pc : PETSc.PC
The PC object.
op : ufl.BaseForm
A bilinear form.
bcs : DirichletBC[]
The boundary conditions.
mat_type : str
The matrix type for the assembly of ``op``.
options_prefix : str
The PETSc options prefix for the new `_SNESContext`.
pre_apply_bcs : bool
If ``True``, the ``bcs`` are pre applied on the solution before the solve,
otherwise the residual of the ``bcs`` is included in the linear system.
A new `_SNESContext`
from firedrake.variational_solver import LinearVariationalProblem
from firedrake.function import Function
from firedrake.solving_utils import _SNESContext
dm = pc.getDM()
old_appctx = get_appctx(dm).appctx
u = Function(op.arguments()[-1].function_space())
L = 0
if bcs:
bcs = tuple(bc._as_nonlinear_variational_problem_arg(is_linear=True) for bc in bcs)
nprob = LinearVariationalProblem(op, L, u, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=fcp)
return _SNESContext(nprob, mat_type, mat_type, old_appctx, options_prefix=options_prefix, pre_apply_bcs=pre_apply_bcs)
class PCBase(PCSNESBase):
_asciiname = "preconditioner"
_objectname = "pc"
needs_python_amat = False
"""Set this to True if the A matrix needs to be Python (matfree)."""
needs_python_pmat = False
"""Set this to False if the P matrix needs to be Python (matfree).
If the preconditioner also works with assembled matrices, then use False here.
def apply(self, pc, X, Y):
"""Apply the preconditioner to X, putting the result in Y.
Both X and Y are PETSc Vecs, Y is not guaranteed to be zero on entry.
def applyTranspose(self, pc, X, Y):
"""Apply the transpose of the preconditioner to X, putting the result in Y.
Both X and Y are PETSc Vecs, Y is not guaranteed to be zero on entry.
def setUp(self, pc):
A, P = pc.getOperators()
Atype = A.getType()
Ptype = P.getType()
pcname = type(self).__module__ + "." + type(self).__name__
if self.needs_python_amat and Atype != PETSc.Mat.Type.PYTHON:
raise ValueError("PC '%s' needs amat to have type python, but it is %s" % (pcname, Atype))
if self.needs_python_pmat and Ptype != PETSc.Mat.Type.PYTHON:
raise ValueError("PC '%s' needs pmat to have type python, but it is %s" % (pcname, Ptype))
class SNESBase(PCSNESBase):
_asciiname = "nonlinear solver"
_objectname = "snes"