import abc
from pyop2.datatypes import IntType
from firedrake.preconditioners.base import PCBase
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.dmhooks import get_function_space
from firedrake.logging import warning
from tinyasm import _tinyasm as tinyasm
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy
__all__ = ("ASMPatchPC", "ASMStarPC", "ASMVankaPC", "ASMLinesmoothPC", "ASMExtrudedStarPC")
class ASMPatchPC(PCBase):
''' PC for PETSc PCASM
should implement:
- :meth:`get_patches`
def _prefix(self):
"Options prefix for the solver (should end in an underscore)"
def initialize(self, pc):
# Get context from pc
_, P = pc.getOperators()
dm = pc.getDM()
self.prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + self._prefix
# Extract function space and mesh to obtain plex and indexing functions
V = get_function_space(dm)
# Obtain patches from user defined function
ises = self.get_patches(V)
# PCASM expects at least one patch, so we define an empty one on idle processes
if len(ises) == 0:
ises = [PETSc.IS().createGeneral(numpy.empty(0, dtype=IntType), comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)]
# Create new PC object as ASM type and set index sets for patches
asmpc = PETSc.PC().create(comm=pc.comm)
asmpc.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
asmpc.setOptionsPrefix(self.prefix + "sub_")
opts = PETSc.Options(self.prefix)
backend = opts.getString("backend", default="petscasm").lower()
# Either use PETSc's ASM PC or use TinyASM (as simple ASM
# implementation designed to be fast for small block sizes).
if backend == "petscasm":
# Set default solver parameters
sub_opts = PETSc.Options(asmpc.getOptionsPrefix())
if "sub_pc_type" not in sub_opts:
sub_opts["sub_pc_type"] = "lu"
if "sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type" not in sub_opts:
# Preserve the natural ordering to avoid zero pivots in saddle-point problems
sub_opts["sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type"] = "natural"
# If an ordering type is provided, PCASM should not sort patch indices, otherwise it can.
mat_type = P.getType()
if not mat_type.endswith("sbaij"):
sentinel = object()
ordering = opts.getString("mat_ordering_type", default=sentinel)
asmpc.setASMSortIndices(ordering is sentinel)
lgmap = V.dof_dset.lgmap
# Translate to global numbers
ises = tuple(lgmap.applyIS(iset) for iset in ises)
asmpc.setASMLocalSubdomains(len(ises), ises)
elif backend == "tinyasm":
_, P = asmpc.getOperators()
lgmap = V.dof_dset.lgmap
P.setLGMap(rmap=lgmap, cmap=lgmap)
# TinyASM wants local numbers, no need to translate
asmpc, ises,
[ for W in V],
[W.block_size for W in V],
sum(W.block_size * W.dof_dset.total_size for W in V))
raise ValueError(f"Unknown backend type {backend}")
self.asmpc = asmpc
self._patch_statistics = []
if opts.getBool("view_patch_sizes", default=False):
# Compute and stash patch statistics
mpi_comm = pc.comm.tompi4py()
max_local_patch = max(is_.getSize() for is_ in ises)
min_local_patch = min(is_.getSize() for is_ in ises)
sum_local_patch = sum(is_.getSize() for is_ in ises)
max_global_patch = mpi_comm.allreduce(max_local_patch, op=MPI.MAX)
min_global_patch = mpi_comm.allreduce(min_local_patch, op=MPI.MIN)
sum_global_patch = mpi_comm.allreduce(sum_local_patch, op=MPI.SUM)
avg_global_patch = sum_global_patch / mpi_comm.allreduce(len(ises) if sum_local_patch > 0 else 0, op=MPI.SUM)
msg = f"Minimum / average / maximum patch sizes : {min_global_patch} / {avg_global_patch} / {max_global_patch}\n"
def get_patches(self, V):
''' Get the patches used for PETSc PCASM
:param V: the :class:`~.FunctionSpace`.
:returns: a list of index sets defining the ASM patches in local
numbering (before lgmap.apply has been called).
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
if viewer is not None:
for msg in self._patch_statistics:
def update(self, pc):
# This is required to update an inplace ILU factorization
if self.asmpc.getType() == "asm":
for sub in self.asmpc.getASMSubKSP():
def apply(self, pc, x, y):
self.asmpc.apply(x, y)
def applyTranspose(self, pc, x, y):
self.asmpc.applyTranspose(x, y)
def destroy(self, pc):
if hasattr(self, "asmpc"):
class ASMStarPC(ASMPatchPC):
'''Patch-based PC using Star of mesh entities implmented as an
ASMStarPC is an additive Schwarz preconditioner where each patch
consists of all DoFs on the topological star of the mesh entity
specified by `pc_star_construct_dim`.
_prefix = "pc_star_"
def get_patches(self, V):
mesh = V._mesh
mesh_dm = mesh.topology_dm
if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
warning("applying ASMStarPC on an extruded mesh")
# Obtain the topological entities to use to construct the stars
opts = PETSc.Options(self.prefix)
depth = opts.getInt("construct_dim", default=0)
ordering = opts.getString("mat_ordering_type", default="natural")
# Accessing .indices causes the allocation of a global array,
# so we need to cache these for efficiency
V_local_ises_indices = tuple(iset.indices for iset in V.dof_dset.local_ises)
# Build index sets for the patches
ises = []
(start, end) = mesh_dm.getDepthStratum(depth)
for seed in range(start, end):
# Only build patches over owned DoFs
if mesh_dm.getLabelValue("pyop2_ghost", seed) != -1:
# Create point list from mesh DM
pt_array, _ = mesh_dm.getTransitiveClosure(seed, useCone=False)
pt_array = order_points(mesh_dm, pt_array, ordering, self.prefix)
# Get DoF indices for patch
indices = []
for (i, W) in enumerate(V):
section =
for p in pt_array.tolist():
dof = section.getDof(p)
if dof <= 0:
off = section.getOffset(p)
# Local indices within W
W_indices = slice(off*W.block_size, W.block_size * (off + dof))
iset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(indices, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
return ises
class ASMVankaPC(ASMPatchPC):
'''Patch-based PC using closure of star of mesh entities implmented as an
ASMVankaPC is an additive Schwarz preconditioner where each patch
consists of all DoFs on the closure of the star of the mesh entity
specified by `pc_vanka_construct_dim` (or codim).
_prefix = "pc_vanka_"
def get_patches(self, V):
mesh = V._mesh
mesh_dm = mesh.topology_dm
if mesh.layers:
warning("applying ASMVankaPC on an extruded mesh")
# Obtain the topological entities to use to construct the stars
opts = PETSc.Options(self.prefix)
depth = opts.getInt("construct_dim", default=-1)
height = opts.getInt("construct_codim", default=-1)
if (depth == -1 and height == -1) or (depth != -1 and height != -1):
raise ValueError(f"Must set exactly one of {self.prefix}construct_dim or {self.prefix}construct_codim")
exclude_subspaces = list(map(int, opts.getString("exclude_subspaces", default="-1").split(",")))
include_type = opts.getString("include_type", default="star").lower()
if include_type not in ["star", "entity"]:
raise ValueError(f"{self.prefix}include_type must be either 'star' or 'entity', not {include_type}")
include_star = include_type == "star"
ordering = opts.getString("mat_ordering_type", default="natural")
# Accessing .indices causes the allocation of a global array,
# so we need to cache these for efficiency
V_local_ises_indices = tuple(iset.indices for iset in V.dof_dset.local_ises)
# Build index sets for the patches
ises = []
if depth != -1:
(start, end) = mesh_dm.getDepthStratum(depth)
(start, end) = mesh_dm.getHeightStratum(height)
for seed in range(start, end):
# Only build patches over owned DoFs
if mesh_dm.getLabelValue("pyop2_ghost", seed) != -1:
# Create point list from mesh DM
star, _ = mesh_dm.getTransitiveClosure(seed, useCone=False)
star = order_points(mesh_dm, star, ordering, self.prefix)
pt_array = []
for pt in reversed(star):
closure, _ = mesh_dm.getTransitiveClosure(pt, useCone=True)
# Grab unique points with stable ordering
pt_array = list(reversed(dict.fromkeys(pt_array)))
# Get DoF indices for patch
indices = []
for (i, W) in enumerate(V):
section =
if i in exclude_subspaces:
loop_list = star if include_star else [seed]
loop_list = pt_array
for p in loop_list:
dof = section.getDof(p)
if dof <= 0:
off = section.getOffset(p)
# Local indices within W
W_indices = slice(off*W.block_size, W.block_size * (off + dof))
iset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(indices, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
return ises
class ASMLinesmoothPC(ASMPatchPC):
'''Linesmoother PC for extruded meshes implemented as an
ASMLinesmoothPC is an additive Schwarz preconditioner where each
patch consists of all dofs associated with a vertical column (and
hence extruded meshes are necessary). Three types of columns are
possible: columns of horizontal faces (each column built over a
face of the base mesh), columns of vertical faces (each column
built over an edge of the base mesh), and columns of vertical
edges (each column built over a vertex of the base mesh).
To select the column type or types for the patches, use
'pc_linesmooth_codims' to set integers giving the codimension of
the base mesh entities for the columns. For example,
'pc_linesmooth_codims 0,1' creates patches for each cell and each
facet of the base mesh.
_prefix = "pc_linesmooth_"
def get_patches(self, V):
mesh = V._mesh
assert mesh.cell_set._extruded
dm = mesh.topology_dm
section =
# Obtain the codimensions to loop over from options, if present
opts = PETSc.Options(self.prefix)
codim_list = list(map(int, opts.getString("codims", "0, 1").split(",")))
# Build index sets for the patches
ises = []
for codim in codim_list:
for p in range(*dm.getHeightStratum(codim)):
# Only want to build patches over owned faces
if dm.getLabelValue("pyop2_ghost", p) != -1:
dof = section.getDof(p)
if dof <= 0:
off = section.getOffset(p)
indices = numpy.arange(off*V.block_size, V.block_size * (off + dof), dtype=IntType)
iset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(indices, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
return ises
def order_points(mesh_dm, points, ordering_type, prefix):
'''Order the points (topological entities) of a patch based
on the adjacency graph of the mesh.
:arg mesh_dm: the `mesh.topology_dm`
:arg points: array with point indices forming the patch
:arg ordering_type: a `PETSc.Mat.OrderingType`
:arg prefix: the prefix associated with additional ordering options
:returns: the permuted array of points
# Order points by decreasing topological dimension (interiors, faces, edges, vertices)
points = points[::-1]
if ordering_type == "natural":
return points
subgraph = [numpy.intersect1d(points, mesh_dm.getAdjacency(p), return_indices=True)[1] for p in points]
ia = numpy.cumsum([0] + [len(neigh) for neigh in subgraph]).astype(PETSc.IntType)
ja = numpy.concatenate(subgraph).astype(PETSc.IntType)
A = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ((len(points), )*2, csr=(ia, ja, numpy.ones(ja.shape, PETSc.RealType)), comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
rperm, cperm = A.getOrdering(ordering_type)
indices = points[rperm.getIndices()]
return indices
def get_basemesh_nodes(W):
pstart, pend = W.mesh().topology_dm.getChart()
section =
# location of first dof on an entity
basemeshoff = numpy.empty(pend - pstart, dtype=IntType)
# number of dofs on this entity
basemeshdof = numpy.empty(pend - pstart, dtype=IntType)
# number of dofs stacked on this entity in each cell
basemeshlayeroffset = numpy.empty(pend - pstart, dtype=IntType)
# For every base mesh entity, what's the layer offset?
layer_offsets = numpy.full(W.node_set.total_size, -1, dtype=IntType)
layer_offsets[W.cell_node_map().values_with_halo] = W.cell_node_map().offset
nlayers = W.mesh().layers
for p in range(pstart, pend):
dof = section.getDof(p)
off = section.getOffset(p)
if dof == 0:
dof_per_layer = 0
layer_offset = 0
layer_offset = layer_offsets[off]
assert layer_offset >= 0
dof_per_layer = dof - (nlayers - 1) * layer_offset
basemeshoff[p - pstart] = off
basemeshdof[p - pstart] = dof_per_layer
basemeshlayeroffset[p - pstart] = layer_offset
return basemeshoff, basemeshdof, basemeshlayeroffset
class ASMExtrudedStarPC(ASMStarPC):
'''Patch-based PC using Star of mesh entities implmented as an
ASMExtrudedStarPC is an additive Schwarz preconditioner where each patch
consists of all DoFs on the topological star of the mesh entity
specified by `pc_star_construct_dim`.
_prefix = 'pc_star_'
def get_patches(self, V):
mesh = V.mesh()
mesh_dm = mesh.topology_dm
nlayers = mesh.layers
if not mesh.cell_set._extruded:
return super(ASMExtrudedStarPC, self).get_patches(V)
# Obtain the topological entities to use to construct the stars
opts = PETSc.Options(self.prefix)
depth = opts.getInt("construct_dim", default=0)
ordering = opts.getString("mat_ordering_type", default="natural")
# Accessing .indices causes the allocation of a global array,
# so we need to cache these for efficiency
V_ises = tuple(iset.indices for iset in V.dof_dset.local_ises)
basemeshoff = []
basemeshdof = []
basemeshlayeroffsets = []
for (i, W) in enumerate(V):
boff, bdof, blayer_offsets = get_basemesh_nodes(W)
# Build index sets for the patches
ises = []
# Build a base_depth-star on the base mesh and extrude it by an
# interval_depth-star on the interval mesh such that the depths sum to depth
# and 0 <= interval_depth <= 1.
# Vertex-stars: depth = 0 = 0 + 0.
# 0 + 0 -> vertex-star = (2D vertex-star) x (1D vertex-star)
# Edge-stars: depth = 1 = 1 + 0 = 0 + 1.
# 1 + 0 -> horizontal edge-star = (2D edge-star) x (1D vertex-star)
# 0 + 1 -> vertical edge-star = (2D vertex-star) x (1D interior)
# Face-stars: depth = 2 = 2 + 0 = 1 + 1.
# 2 + 0 -> horizontal face-star = (2D interior) x (1D vertex-star)
# 1 + 1 -> vertical face-star = (2D edge-star) x (1D interior)
for base_depth in range(depth+1):
interval_depth = depth - base_depth
if interval_depth > 1:
start, end = mesh_dm.getDepthStratum(base_depth)
pstart, _ = mesh_dm.getChart()
for seed in range(start, end):
# Only build patches over owned DoFs
if mesh_dm.getLabelValue("pyop2_ghost", seed) != -1:
# Create point list from mesh DM
points, _ = mesh_dm.getTransitiveClosure(seed, useCone=False)
points = order_points(mesh_dm, points, ordering, self.prefix)
points -= pstart # offset by chart start
for k in range(nlayers-interval_depth):
if interval_depth == 1:
# extrude by 1D interior
planes = [1]
elif k == 0:
# extrude by 1D vertex-star on the bottom
planes = [1, 0]
elif k == nlayers - 1:
# extrude by 1D vertex-star on the top
planes = [-1, 0]
# extrude by 1D vertex-star
planes = [-1, 1, 0]
indices = []
# Get DoF indices for patch
for i, W in enumerate(V):
iset = V_ises[i]
for plane in planes:
for p in points:
# How to walk up one layer
blayer_offset = basemeshlayeroffsets[i][p]
if blayer_offset <= 0:
# In this case we don't have any dofs on
# this entity.
# Offset in the global array for the bottom of
# the column
off = basemeshoff[i][p]
# Number of dofs in the interior of the
# vertical interval cell on top of this base
# entity
dof = basemeshdof[i][p]
# Hard-code taking the star
if plane == 0:
begin = off + k * blayer_offset
end = off + k * blayer_offset + dof
begin = off + min(k, k+plane) * blayer_offset + dof
end = off + max(k, k+plane) * blayer_offset
zlice = slice(W.block_size * begin, W.block_size * end)
iset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(indices, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
return ises