import ufl
from ufl.corealg.map_dag import map_expr_dag
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.domain import as_domain, extract_unique_domain
from ufl.duals import is_dual
from functools import singledispatch, partial
from itertools import chain
import firedrake
from firedrake.utils import unique
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.dmhooks import (get_transfer_manager, get_appctx, push_appctx, pop_appctx,
get_parent, add_hook)
from . import utils
import weakref
__all__ = ["coarsen"]
class CoarseningError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when coarsening symbolic information fails."""
class CoarsenIntegrand(MultiFunction):
"""'Coarsen' a :class:`ufl.Expr` by replacing coefficients,
arguments and domain data with coarse mesh equivalents."""
def __init__(self, coarsen, coefficient_mapping):
self.coefficient_mapping = coefficient_mapping or {}
self.coarsen = coarsen
super(CoarsenIntegrand, self).__init__()
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
def argument(self, o):
V = self.coarsen(o.function_space(), self.coarsen)
return o.reconstruct(V)
def coefficient(self, o):
return self.coarsen(o, self.coarsen, coefficient_mapping=self.coefficient_mapping)
def geometric_quantity(self, o):
return type(o)(self.coarsen(extract_unique_domain(o), self.coarsen))
def circumradius(self, o):
mesh = self.coarsen(extract_unique_domain(o), self.coarsen)
return firedrake.Circumradius(mesh)
def facet_normal(self, o):
mesh = self.coarsen(extract_unique_domain(o), self.coarsen)
return firedrake.FacetNormal(mesh)
def coarsen(expr, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
# Default, just send it back
return expr
def coarsen_mesh(mesh, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
hierarchy, level = utils.get_level(mesh)
if hierarchy is None:
raise CoarseningError("No mesh hierarchy available")
return hierarchy[level - 1]
def coarse_expr(expr, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
if expr is None:
return None
mapper = CoarsenIntegrand(self, coefficient_mapping)
return map_expr_dag(mapper, expr)
def coarsen_form(form, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
"""Return a coarse mesh version of a form
:arg form: The :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` to coarsen.
:kwarg mapping: an optional map from coefficients to their
coarsened equivalents.
This maps over the form and replaces coefficients and arguments
with their coarse mesh equivalents."""
if form is None:
return None
mapper = CoarsenIntegrand(self, coefficient_mapping)
integrals = []
for it in form.integrals():
integrand = map_expr_dag(mapper, it.integrand())
mesh = as_domain(it)
hierarchy, level = utils.get_level(mesh)
new_mesh = hierarchy[level-1]
if isinstance(integrand, ufl.classes.Zero):
if it.subdomain_data() is not None:
raise CoarseningError("Don't know how to coarsen subdomain data")
new_itg = it.reconstruct(integrand=integrand,
form = ufl.Form(integrals)
form._cache["coefficient_mapping"] = coefficient_mapping
return form
def coarsen_formsum(form, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
return type(form)(*[(self(ci, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping),
self(wi, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping))
for ci, wi in zip(form.components(), form.weights())])
def coarsen_bc(bc, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
V = self(bc.function_space(), self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
val = self(bc.function_arg, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
subdomain = bc.sub_domain
return type(bc)(V, val, subdomain)
def coarsen_function_space(V, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
if hasattr(V, "_coarse"):
return V._coarse
V_fine = V
mesh_coarse = self(V_fine.mesh(), self)
name = f"coarse_{}" if else None
V_coarse = V_fine.reconstruct(mesh=mesh_coarse, name=name)
V_coarse._fine = V_fine
V_fine._coarse = V_coarse
return V_coarse
def coarsen_function(expr, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
if coefficient_mapping is None:
coefficient_mapping = {}
new = coefficient_mapping.get(expr)
if new is None:
Vf = expr.function_space()
Vc = self(Vf, self)
new = firedrake.Function(Vc, name=f"coarse_{}")
expr._child = weakref.proxy(new)
manager = get_transfer_manager(
if is_dual(expr):
manager.restrict(expr, new)
manager.inject(expr, new)
return new
def coarsen_nlvp(problem, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
if hasattr(problem, "_coarse"):
return problem._coarse
def inject_on_restrict(fine, restriction, rscale, injection, coarse):
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC
manager = get_transfer_manager(fine)
finectx = get_appctx(fine)
forms = (finectx.F, finectx.J, finectx.Jp)
coefficients = unique(chain.from_iterable(form.coefficients()
for form in forms if form is not None))
for c in coefficients:
if hasattr(c, '_child'):
if is_dual(c):
manager.restrict(c, c._child)
manager.inject(c, c._child)
# Apply bcs and also inject them
for bc in chain(*finectx._problem.bcs):
if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC):
if finectx.pre_apply_bcs:
g = bc.function_arg
if isinstance(g, firedrake.Function) and hasattr(g, "_child"):
manager.inject(g, g._child)
V = problem.u.function_space()
if not hasattr(V, "_coarse"):
# The hook is persistent and cumulative, but also problem-independent.
# Therefore, we are only adding it once., inject_on_restrict)
# Build set of coefficients we need to coarsen
forms = (problem.F, problem.J, problem.Jp)
coefficients = unique(chain.from_iterable(form.coefficients() for form in forms if form is not None))
# Coarsen them, and remember where from.
if coefficient_mapping is None:
coefficient_mapping = {}
for c in coefficients:
coefficient_mapping[c] = self(c, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
u = coefficient_mapping[problem.u]
bcs = [self(bc, self) for bc in problem.bcs]
J = self(problem.J, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
Jp = self(problem.Jp, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
F = self(problem.F, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
fine = problem
problem = firedrake.NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, u, bcs=bcs, J=J, Jp=Jp, is_linear=problem.is_linear,
fine._coarse = problem
return problem
def coarsen_vectorspacebasis(basis, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
coarse_vecs = [self(vec, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping) for vec in basis._vecs]
vsb = firedrake.VectorSpaceBasis(coarse_vecs, constant=basis._constant, comm=basis.comm)
return vsb
def coarsen_mixedvectorspacebasis(mspbasis, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
coarse_V = self(mspbasis._function_space, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
coarse_bases = []
for basis in mspbasis._bases:
if isinstance(basis, firedrake.VectorSpaceBasis):
coarse_bases.append(self(basis, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping))
elif basis.index is not None:
raise RuntimeError("MixedVectorSpaceBasis can only contain vector space bases or indexed function spaces")
return firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis(coarse_V, coarse_bases)
def coarsen_snescontext(context, self, coefficient_mapping=None):
if coefficient_mapping is None:
coefficient_mapping = {}
# Have we already done this?
coarse = context._coarse
if coarse is not None:
return coarse
problem = self(context._problem, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
appctx = context.appctx
new_appctx = {}
for k in sorted(appctx.keys()):
v = appctx[k]
if k != "state":
# Constructor makes this one.
new_appctx[k] = self(v, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
except CoarseningError:
# Assume not something that needs coarsening (e.g. float)
new_appctx[k] = v
coarse = type(context)(problem,
coarse._fine = context
context._coarse = coarse
# Now that we have the coarse snescontext, push it to the coarsened DMs
# Otherwise they won't have the right transfer manager when they are
# coarsened in turn
for val in chain(coefficient_mapping.values(), (bc.function_arg for bc in problem.bcs)):
if isinstance(val, (firedrake.Function, firedrake.Cofunction)):
V = val.function_space()
coarseneddm =
parentdm = get_parent(context._problem.u.function_space().dm)
# Now attach the hook to the parent DM
if get_appctx(coarseneddm) is None:
push_appctx(coarseneddm, coarse)
teardown = partial(pop_appctx, coarseneddm, coarse)
add_hook(parentdm, teardown=teardown)
ises = problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises
coarse._nullspace = self(context._nullspace, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
coarse.set_nullspace(coarse._nullspace, ises, transpose=False, near=False)
coarse._nullspace_T = self(context._nullspace_T, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
coarse.set_nullspace(coarse._nullspace_T, ises, transpose=True, near=False)
coarse._near_nullspace = self(context._near_nullspace, self, coefficient_mapping=coefficient_mapping)
coarse.set_nullspace(coarse._near_nullspace, ises, transpose=False, near=True)
return coarse
class Interpolation(object):
def __init__(self, coarse, fine, manager, cbcs=None, fbcs=None):
self.cprimal = coarse
self.fprimal = fine
self.cdual = coarse.riesz_representation(riesz_map="l2")
self.fdual = fine.riesz_representation(riesz_map="l2")
self.cbcs = cbcs or []
self.fbcs = fbcs or []
self.manager = manager
def mult(self, mat, x, y, inc=False):
with self.cprimal.dat.vec_wo as v:
self.manager.prolong(self.cprimal, self.fprimal)
for bc in self.fbcs:
with self.fprimal.dat.vec_ro as v:
if inc:
y.axpy(1.0, v)
def multAdd(self, mat, x, y, w):
if y.handle == w.handle:
self.mult(mat, x, w, inc=True)
self.mult(mat, x, w)
w.axpy(1.0, y)
def multTranspose(self, mat, x, y, inc=False):
with self.fdual.dat.vec_wo as v:
self.manager.restrict(self.fdual, self.cdual)
for bc in self.cbcs:
with self.cdual.dat.vec_ro as v:
if inc:
y.axpy(1.0, v)
def multTransposeAdd(self, mat, x, y, w):
if y.handle == w.handle:
self.multTranspose(mat, x, w, inc=True)
self.multTranspose(mat, x, w)
w.axpy(1.0, y)
class Injection(object):
def __init__(self, cfn, ffn, manager, cbcs=None):
self.cfn = cfn
self.ffn = ffn
self.cbcs = cbcs or []
self.manager = manager
def multTranspose(self, mat, x, y):
with self.ffn.dat.vec_wo as v:
self.manager.inject(self.ffn, self.cfn)
for bc in self.cbcs:
with self.cfn.dat.vec_ro as v:
def create_interpolation(dmc, dmf):
cctx = get_appctx(dmc)
fctx = get_appctx(dmf)
manager = get_transfer_manager(dmf)
V_c = cctx._problem.u.function_space()
V_f = fctx._problem.u.function_space()
row_size = V_f.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes()
col_size = V_c.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes()
cfn = firedrake.Function(V_c)
ffn = firedrake.Function(V_f)
cbcs = cctx._problem.bcs
fbcs = fctx._problem.bcs
ctx = Interpolation(cfn, ffn, manager, cbcs, fbcs)
mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=dmc.comm)
mat.setSizes((row_size, col_size))
return mat, None
def create_injection(dmc, dmf):
cctx = get_appctx(dmc)
fctx = get_appctx(dmf)
manager = get_transfer_manager(dmf)
V_c = cctx._problem.u.function_space()
V_f = fctx._problem.u.function_space()
row_size = V_f.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes()
col_size = V_c.dof_dset.layout_vec.getSizes()
cfn = firedrake.Function(V_c)
ffn = firedrake.Function(V_f)
ctx = Injection(cfn, ffn, manager)
mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=dmc.comm)
mat.setSizes((row_size, col_size))
return mat