from firedrake import *
from .mesh import MeshHierarchy, HierarchyBase
from .interface import prolong
import numpy
import subprocess
import os
import warnings
__all__ = ("OpenCascadeMeshHierarchy",)
def OpenCascadeMeshHierarchy(stepfile, element_size, levels, comm=COMM_WORLD, distribution_parameters=None, callbacks=None, order=1, mh_constructor=MeshHierarchy, cache=True, verbose=True, gmsh="gmsh", project_refinements_to_cad=True, reorder=None):
# OpenCascade doesn't give a nice error message if stepfile
# doesn't exist, it segfaults ...
from OCC.Core.STEPControl import STEPControl_Reader
from OCC.Extend.TopologyUtils import TopologyExplorer
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("To use OpenCascadeMeshHierarchy, you must install firedrake with the OpenCascade python bindings (firedrake-update --opencascade).")
if not os.path.isfile(stepfile):
raise OSError("%s does not exist" % stepfile)
step_reader = STEPControl_Reader()
shape = step_reader.Shape()
cad = TopologyExplorer(shape)
dim = 3 if cad.number_of_solids() > 0 else 2
coarse = make_coarse_mesh(stepfile, cad, element_size, dim, comm=comm, distribution_parameters=distribution_parameters, cache=cache, verbose=verbose, gmsh=gmsh)
mh = mh_constructor(coarse, levels, distribution_parameters=distribution_parameters, callbacks=callbacks, reorder=reorder)
project_to_cad = project_mesh_to_cad_2d if dim == 2 else project_mesh_to_cad_3d
if project_refinements_to_cad:
for mesh in mh:
project_to_cad(mesh, cad)
mh.nested = False
if order > 1:
VFS = VectorFunctionSpace
Ts = [
Function(VFS(mesh, "CG", order)).interpolate(mesh.coordinates)
for mesh in mh]
ho_meshes = [Mesh(T) for T in Ts]
mh = HierarchyBase(
ho_meshes, mh.coarse_to_fine_cells,
refinements_per_level=mh.refinements_per_level, nested=mh.nested
if project_refinements_to_cad:
for mesh in mh:
project_to_cad(mesh, cad)
project_to_cad(mh[0], cad)
for i in range(1, len(mh)):
prolong(Ts[i-1], Ts[i])
return mh
def make_coarse_mesh(stepfile, cad, element_size, dim, comm=COMM_WORLD, distribution_parameters=None, cache=True, verbose=True, gmsh="gmsh"):
curdir = os.path.dirname(stepfile) or os.getcwd()
stepname = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(stepfile)[0])
geopath = os.path.join(curdir, "coarse-%s.geo" % stepname)
mshpath = os.path.join(curdir, "coarse-%s.msh" % stepname)
if not os.path.isfile(mshpath) or not cache:
if comm.rank == 0:
geostr = 'SetFactory("OpenCASCADE");\n'
geostr += 'a() = ShapeFromFile("%s");\n' % os.path.abspath(stepfile)
if isinstance(element_size, tuple):
assert len(element_size) == 2
geostr += """
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = %s;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = %s;
""" % (element_size[0], element_size[1])
elif isinstance(element_size, int) or isinstance(element_size, float):
geostr += """
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = %s;
Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = %s;
""" % (element_size, element_size)
elif isinstance(element_size, str):
geostr += element_size
raise NotImplementedError("element_size has to be a tuple, a number or a string")
if dim == 2:
for i in range(1, cad.number_of_edges()+1):
geostr += "Physical Line(%d) = {%d};\n" % (i, i)
for i in range(1, cad.number_of_faces()+1):
geostr += ('Physical Surface(%d) = {%d};\n' % (i+cad.number_of_edges(), i))
if cad.number_of_faces() > 1:
surfs = "".join(["Surface{%d}; " % i for i in range(2, cad.number_of_faces()+1)])
geostr += ('BooleanUnion{ Surface{1}; Delete;}{' + surfs + 'Delete;}')
elif dim == 3:
for i in range(1, cad.number_of_faces()+1):
geostr += "Physical Surface(%d) = {%d};\n" % (i, i)
geostr += ('Physical Volume("Combined volume", %d) = {a()};\n' % (cad.number_of_faces()+1))
with open(geopath, "w") as f:
except OSError:
if verbose:
stdout = None
stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL
gmsh = subprocess.Popen(gmsh.split(" ") + ["-%d" % dim, geopath], stdout=stdout)
coarse = Mesh(mshpath, distribution_parameters=distribution_parameters, comm=comm)
return coarse
def project_mesh_to_cad_3d(mesh, cad):
from OCC.Core.BRepAdaptor import BRepAdaptor_Surface, BRepAdaptor_Curve
from import gp_Pnt
from OCC.Core.GeomAPI import GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf, GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve
coorddata =
ids = mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers
filt = lambda arr: arr[numpy.where(arr < mesh.coordinates.dof_dset.size)[0]]
boundary_nodes = {id: filt(mesh.coordinates.function_space().boundary_nodes(int(id))) for id in ids}
for (id, face) in zip(ids, cad.faces()):
owned_nodes = boundary_nodes[id]
for other_id in ids:
if id == other_id:
owned_nodes = numpy.setdiff1d(owned_nodes, boundary_nodes[other_id])
surf = BRepAdaptor_Surface(face)
for node in owned_nodes:
pt = gp_Pnt(*coorddata[node, :].real)
proj = GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf(pt, surf.Surface().Surface())
if proj.NbPoints() > 0:
projpt = proj.NearestPoint()
coorddata[node, :] = projpt.Coord()
warnings.warn("Projection of point %s onto face %d failed" % (coorddata[node, :], id))
edges = set(cad.edges_from_face(face))
for (other_id, other_face) in zip(ids, cad.faces()):
if other_id <= id:
intersecting_nodes = numpy.intersect1d(boundary_nodes[id], boundary_nodes[other_id])
if len(intersecting_nodes) == 0:
other_edges = set(cad.edges_from_face(other_face))
intersecting_edges = []
for edge in edges:
s = str(edge) # FIXME: is there a more elegant way to get the OCC id?
for other_edge in other_edges:
other_s = str(other_edge)
if s == other_s:
if len(intersecting_edges) == 0:
warnings.warn("face: %s other_face: %s intersecting_edges: %s" % (face, other_face, intersecting_edges))
warnings.warn("Warning: no intersecting edges in CAD, even though vertices on both faces?")
for node in intersecting_nodes:
pt = gp_Pnt(*coorddata[node, :].real)
projections = []
for edge in intersecting_edges:
curve = BRepAdaptor_Curve(edge)
proj = GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve(pt, curve.Curve().Curve())
if proj.NbPoints() > 0:
projpt = proj.NearestPoint()
sqdist = projpt.SquareDistance(pt)
projections.append((projpt, sqdist))
warnings.warn("Projection of point %s onto curve failed" % coorddata[node, :])
(projpt, sqdist) = min(projections, key=lambda x: x[1])
coorddata[node, :] = projpt.Coord()
def project_mesh_to_cad_2d(mesh, cad):
from OCC.Core.BRepAdaptor import BRepAdaptor_Curve
from import gp_Pnt
from OCC.Core.GeomAPI import GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve
coorddata =
ids = mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers
filt = lambda arr: arr[numpy.where(arr < mesh.coordinates.dof_dset.size)[0]]
boundary_nodes = {id: filt(mesh.coordinates.function_space().boundary_nodes(int(id))) for id in ids}
for (id, edge) in zip(ids, cad.edges()):
owned_nodes = boundary_nodes[id]
for other_id in ids:
if id == other_id:
owned_nodes = numpy.setdiff1d(owned_nodes, boundary_nodes[other_id])
curve = BRepAdaptor_Curve(edge)
for node in owned_nodes:
pt = gp_Pnt(*coorddata[node, :].real, 0)
proj = GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve(pt, curve.Curve().Curve())
if proj.NbPoints() > 0:
projpt = proj.NearestPoint()
coorddata[node, :] = projpt.Coord()[0:2]
warnings.warn("Projection of point %s onto curve failed" % coorddata[node, :])