import itertools
import ufl
from pyop2 import op2
from pyop2.mpi import internal_comm
from pyop2.utils import as_tuple
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from types import SimpleNamespace
class MatrixBase(ufl.Matrix):
"""A representation of the linear operator associated with a
bilinear form and bcs. Explicitly assembled matrices and matrix-free
matrix classes will derive from this
:arg a: the bilinear form this :class:`MatrixBase` represents
or a tuple of the arguments it represents
:arg bcs: an iterable of boundary conditions to apply to this
:class:`MatrixBase`. May be `None` if there are no boundary
conditions to apply.
:arg mat_type: matrix type of assembled matrix, or 'matfree' for matrix-free
def __init__(self, a, bcs, mat_type):
if isinstance(a, tuple):
self.a = None
test, trial = a
arguments = a
self.a = a
test, trial = a.arguments()
arguments = None
# Iteration over bcs must be in a parallel consistent order
# (so we can't use a set, since the iteration order may differ
# on different processes)
ufl.Matrix.__init__(self, test.function_space(), trial.function_space())
# ufl.Matrix._analyze_form_arguments sets the _arguments attribute to
# non-Firedrake objects, which breaks things. To avoid this we overwrite
# this property after the fact.
self._arguments = arguments
self.bcs = bcs
self.comm = test.function_space().comm
self._comm = internal_comm(self.comm, self)
self.block_shape = (len(test.function_space()),
self.mat_type = mat_type
"""Matrix type.
Matrix type used in the assembly of the PETSc matrix: 'aij', 'baij', 'dense' or 'nest',
or 'matfree' for matrix-free."""
def arguments(self):
if self.a:
return self.a.arguments()
return self._arguments
def ufl_domains(self):
return self._domains
def has_bcs(self):
"""Return True if this :class:`MatrixBase` has any boundary
conditions attached to it."""
return self._bcs != ()
def bcs(self):
"""The set of boundary conditions attached to this
:class:`.MatrixBase` (may be empty)."""
return self._bcs
def bcs(self, bcs):
"""Attach some boundary conditions to this :class:`MatrixBase`.
:arg bcs: a boundary condition (of type
:class:`.DirichletBC`), or an iterable of boundary
conditions. If bcs is None, erase all boundary conditions
on the :class:`.MatrixBase`.
if bcs is not None:
self._bcs = tuple(itertools.chain(*(as_tuple(bc) for bc in bcs)))
self._bcs = ()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(a=%r, bcs=%r)" % (type(self).__name__,
def __str__(self):
return "assembled %s(a=%s, bcs=%s)" % (type(self).__name__,
self.a, self.bcs)
class Matrix(MatrixBase):
"""A representation of an assembled bilinear form.
:arg a: the bilinear form this :class:`Matrix` represents.
:arg bcs: an iterable of boundary conditions to apply to this
:class:`Matrix`. May be `None` if there are no boundary
conditions to apply.
:arg mat_type: matrix type of assembled matrix.
A ``pyop2.types.mat.Mat`` will be built from the remaining
arguments, for valid values, see ``pyop2.types.mat.Mat`` source code.
.. note::
This object acts to the right on an assembled :class:`.Function`
and to the left on an assembled cofunction (currently represented
by a :class:`.Function`).
def __init__(self, a, bcs, mat_type, *args, **kwargs):
# sets self._a, self._bcs, and self._mat_type
MatrixBase.__init__(self, a, bcs, mat_type)
options_prefix = kwargs.pop("options_prefix")
self.M = op2.Mat(*args, mat_type=mat_type, **kwargs)
self.petscmat = self.M.handle
self.mat_type = mat_type
def assemble(self):
raise NotImplementedError("API compatibility to apply bcs after 'assemble(a)'\
has been removed. Use 'assemble(a, bcs=bcs)', which\
now returns an assembled matrix.")
class ImplicitMatrix(MatrixBase):
"""A representation of the action of bilinear form operating
without explicitly assembling the associated matrix. This class
wraps the relevant information for Python PETSc matrix.
:arg a: the bilinear form this :class:`Matrix` represents.
:arg bcs: an iterable of boundary conditions to apply to this
:class:`Matrix`. May be `None` if there are no boundary
conditions to apply.
.. note::
This object acts to the right on an assembled :class:`.Function`
and to the left on an assembled cofunction (currently represented
by a :class:`.Function`).
def __init__(self, a, bcs, *args, **kwargs):
# sets self._a, self._bcs, and self._mat_type
super(ImplicitMatrix, self).__init__(a, bcs, "matfree")
options_prefix = kwargs.pop("options_prefix")
appctx = kwargs.get("appctx", {})
from firedrake.matrix_free.operators import ImplicitMatrixContext
ctx = ImplicitMatrixContext(a,
self.petscmat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=self._comm)
self.petscmat.setSizes((ctx.row_sizes, ctx.col_sizes),
def assemble(self):
# Bump petsc matrix state by assembling it.
# Ensures that if the matrix changed, the preconditioner is
# updated if necessary.
class AssembledMatrix(MatrixBase):
"""A representation of a matrix that doesn't require knowing the underlying form.
This class wraps the relevant information for Python PETSc matrix.
:arg a: A tuple of the arguments the matrix represents
:arg bcs: an iterable of boundary conditions to apply to this
:class:`Matrix`. May be `None` if there are no boundary
conditions to apply.
:arg petscmat: the already constructed petsc matrix this object represents.
def __init__(self, a, bcs, petscmat, *args, **kwargs):
super(AssembledMatrix, self).__init__(a, bcs, "assembled")
self.petscmat = petscmat
# this allows call to self.M.handle without a new class
self.M = SimpleNamespace(handle=self.mat())
def mat(self):
return self.petscmat
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, AssembledMatrix):
return self.petscmat + other.petscmat
raise TypeError("Unable to add %s to AssembledMatrix"
% (type(other)))