from firedrake.exceptions import ConvergenceError
import firedrake.function as function
import firedrake.cofunction as cofunction
import firedrake.vector as vector
import firedrake.matrix as matrix
import firedrake.solving_utils as solving_utils
from firedrake import dmhooks
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc, OptionsManager, flatten_parameters
from firedrake.utils import cached_property
from firedrake.ufl_expr import action
from pyop2.mpi import internal_comm
__all__ = ["LinearSolver"]
class LinearSolver(OptionsManager):
def __init__(self, A, *, P=None, solver_parameters=None,
nullspace=None, transpose_nullspace=None,
near_nullspace=None, options_prefix=None):
"""A linear solver for assembled systems (Ax = b).
:arg A: a :class:`~.MatrixBase` (the operator).
:arg P: an optional :class:`~.MatrixBase` to construct any
preconditioner from; if none is supplied ``A`` is
used to construct the preconditioner.
:kwarg parameters: (optional) dict of solver parameters.
:kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`~.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
:class:`~.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` spanning the null space
of the operator.
:kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
make the right hand side consistent.
:kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to set
the near nullpace.
:kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
PETSc options. If not provided a unique prefix will be
created. Use this option if you want to pass options
to the solver from the command line in addition to
through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.
.. note::
Any boundary conditions for this solve *must* have been
applied when assembling the operator.
if not isinstance(A, matrix.MatrixBase):
raise TypeError("Provided operator is a '%s', not a MatrixBase" % type(A).__name__)
if P is not None and not isinstance(P, matrix.MatrixBase):
raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a MatrixBase" % type(P).__name__)
solver_parameters = flatten_parameters(solver_parameters or {})
solver_parameters = solving_utils.set_defaults(solver_parameters,
self.A = A
self.comm = A.comm
self._comm = internal_comm(self.comm, self)
self.P = P if P is not None else A
# Set up parameters mixin
super().__init__(solver_parameters, options_prefix)
# If preconditioning matrix is matrix-free, then default to jacobi
if isinstance(self.P, matrix.ImplicitMatrix):
self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "jacobi")
self.ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=self._comm)
W = self.test_space
# DM provides fieldsplits (but not operators)
if nullspace is not None:
if P is not None:
if transpose_nullspace is not None:
transpose_nullspace._apply(self.A, transpose=True)
if P is not None:
transpose_nullspace._apply(self.P, transpose=True)
if near_nullspace is not None:
near_nullspace._apply(self.A, near=True)
if P is not None:
near_nullspace._apply(self.P, near=True)
self.nullspace = nullspace
self.transpose_nullspace = transpose_nullspace
self.near_nullspace = near_nullspace
# Operator setting must come after null space has been
# applied
self.ksp.setOperators(A=self.A.petscmat, P=self.P.petscmat)
# Set from options now (we're not allowed to change parameters
# anyway).
def test_space(self):
return self.A.arguments()[0].function_space()
def trial_space(self):
return self.A.arguments()[1].function_space()
def _rhs(self):
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
u = function.Function(self.trial_space)
b = cofunction.Cofunction(self.test_space.dual())
expr = -action(self.A.a, u)
return u, get_assembler(expr).assemble, b
def _lifted(self, b):
u, update, blift = self._rhs
for bc in self.A.bcs:
# blift contains -A u_bc
blift += b
if isinstance(blift, cofunction.Cofunction):
blift_func = blift.riesz_representation(riesz_map="l2")
for bc in self.A.bcs:
for bc in self.A.bcs:
# blift is now b - A u_bc, and satisfies the boundary conditions
return blift
def solve(self, x, b):
if not isinstance(x, (function.Function, vector.Vector, cofunction.Cofunction)):
raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function, Vector or Cofunction" % type(x).__name__)
if isinstance(b, vector.Vector):
b = b.function
if not isinstance(b, (function.Function, cofunction.Cofunction)):
raise TypeError("Provided RHS is a '%s', not a Function or Cofunction" % type(b).__name__)
if len(self.trial_space) > 1 and self.nullspace is not None:
if len(self.test_space) > 1 and self.transpose_nullspace is not None:
if len(self.trial_space) > 1 and self.near_nullspace is not None:
self.near_nullspace._apply(self.trial_space.dof_dset.field_ises, near=True)
if self.A.has_bcs:
b = self._lifted(b)
if self.ksp.getInitialGuessNonzero():
acc = x.dat.vec
acc = x.dat.vec_wo
with self.inserted_options(), b.dat.vec_ro as rhs, acc as solution, dmhooks.add_hooks(, self):
self.ksp.solve(rhs, solution)
r = self.ksp.getConvergedReason()
if r < 0:
raise ConvergenceError("LinearSolver failed to converge after %d iterations with reason: %s", self.ksp.getIterationNumber(), solving_utils.KSPReasons[r])
# Grab the comm associated with `x` and call PETSc's garbage cleanup routine
comm = x.function_space().mesh()._comm