Source code for gusto.time_discretisation.time_discretisation

Objects for discretising time derivatives.

Time discretisation objects discretise ∂y/∂t = F(y), for variable y, time t and
operator F.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import math

from firedrake import (Function, TestFunction, TestFunctions, DirichletBC,
                       Constant, NonlinearVariationalProblem,
from firedrake.fml import (replace_subject, replace_test_function, Term,
                           all_terms, drop)
from firedrake.formmanipulation import split_form
from firedrake.utils import cached_property

from gusto.core.configuration import EmbeddedDGOptions, RecoveryOptions
from gusto.core.labels import time_derivative, prognostic, physics_label, mass_weighted
from gusto.core.logging import logger, DEBUG, logging_ksp_monitor_true_residual
from gusto.time_discretisation.wrappers import *

__all__ = ["TimeDiscretisation", "ExplicitTimeDiscretisation", "BackwardEuler",
           "ThetaMethod", "TrapeziumRule", "TR_BDF2"]

def wrapper_apply(original_apply):
    """Decorator to add steps for using a wrapper around the apply method."""
    def get_apply(self, x_out, x_in):

        if self.wrapper is not None:

            def new_apply(self, x_out, x_in):

                original_apply(self, self.wrapper.x_out, self.wrapper.x_in)

            return new_apply(self, x_out, x_in)


            return original_apply(self, x_out, x_in)

    return get_apply

[docs] class TimeDiscretisation(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for time discretisation schemes.""" def __init__(self, domain, field_name=None, solver_parameters=None, limiter=None, options=None): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. field_name (str, optional): name of the field to be evolved. Defaults to None. solver_parameters (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying solver. Defaults to None. limiter (:class:`Limiter` object, optional): a limiter to apply to the evolving field to enforce monotonicity. Defaults to None. options (:class:`AdvectionOptions`, optional): an object containing options to either be passed to the spatial discretisation, or to control the "wrapper" methods, such as Embedded DG or a recovery method. Defaults to None. """ self.domain = domain self.field_name = field_name self.equation = None self.dt = Constant(0.0) self.dt.assign(domain.dt) self.original_dt = Constant(0.0) self.original_dt.assign(self.dt) self.options = options self.limiter = limiter self.courant_max = None if options is not None: self.wrapper_name = if self.wrapper_name == "mixed_options": self.wrapper = MixedFSWrapper() for field, suboption in options.suboptions.items(): if == 'embedded_dg': self.wrapper.subwrappers.update({field: EmbeddedDGWrapper(self, suboption)}) elif == "recovered": self.wrapper.subwrappers.update({field: RecoveryWrapper(self, suboption)}) elif == "supg": raise RuntimeError( 'Time discretisation: suboption SUPG is currently not implemented within MixedOptions') else: raise RuntimeError( f'Time discretisation: suboption wrapper {wrapper_name} not implemented') elif self.wrapper_name == "embedded_dg": self.wrapper = EmbeddedDGWrapper(self, options) elif self.wrapper_name == "recovered": self.wrapper = RecoveryWrapper(self, options) elif self.wrapper_name == "supg": self.wrapper = SUPGWrapper(self, options) else: raise RuntimeError( f'Time discretisation: wrapper {self.wrapper_name} not implemented') else: self.wrapper = None self.wrapper_name = None # get default solver options if none passed in if solver_parameters is None: self.solver_parameters = {'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} else: self.solver_parameters = solver_parameters
[docs] def setup(self, equation, apply_bcs=True, *active_labels): """ Set up the time discretisation based on the equation. Args: equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the model's equation. apply_bcs (bool, optional): whether to apply the equation's boundary conditions. Defaults to True. *active_labels (:class:`Label`): labels indicating which terms of the equation to include. """ self.equation = equation self.residual = equation.residual if self.field_name is not None and hasattr(equation, "field_names"): self.idx = equation.field_names.index(self.field_name) self.fs = equation.spaces[self.idx] self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.get(prognostic) == self.field_name, lambda t: Term( split_form(t.form)[self.idx].form, t.labels), drop) else: self.field_name = equation.field_name self.fs = equation.function_space self.idx = None bcs = equation.bcs[self.field_name] if len(active_labels) > 0: self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: any(t.has_label(time_derivative, *active_labels)), map_if_false=drop) self.evaluate_source = [] self.physics_names = [] for t in self.residual: if t.has_label(physics_label): physics_name = t.get(physics_label) if t.labels[physics_name] not in self.physics_names: self.evaluate_source.append(t.labels[physics_name]) self.physics_names.append(t.labels[physics_name]) # Check if there are any mass-weighted terms: if len(self.residual.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(mass_weighted), map_if_false=drop)) > 0: for field in equation.field_names: # Check if the mass term for this prognostic is mass-weighted if len(self.residual.label_map(lambda t: t.get(prognostic) == field and t.has_label(time_derivative) and t.has_label(mass_weighted), map_if_false=drop)) == 1: field_terms = self.residual.label_map(lambda t: t.get(prognostic) == field and not t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=drop) # Check that the equation for this prognostic does not involve # both mass-weighted and non-mass-weighted terms; if so, a split # timestepper should be used instead. if len(field_terms.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(mass_weighted), map_if_false=drop)) > 0: if len(field_terms.label_map(lambda t: not t.has_label(mass_weighted), map_if_false=drop)) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Mass-weighted and non-mass-weighted terms are present in a timestepping equation for {field}. As these terms cannot be solved for simultaneously, a split timestepping method should be used instead.") else: # Replace the terms with a mass_weighted label with the # mass_weighted form. It is important that the labels from # this new form are used. self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.get(prognostic) == field and t.has_label(mass_weighted), map_if_true=lambda t: t.get(mass_weighted)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set up Wrappers # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if self.wrapper is not None: wrapper_bcs = bcs if apply_bcs else None if self.wrapper_name == "mixed_options": self.wrapper.wrapper_spaces = equation.spaces self.wrapper.field_names = equation.field_names for field, subwrapper in self.wrapper.subwrappers.items(): if field not in equation.field_names: raise ValueError(f"The option defined for {field} is for a field that does not exist in the equation set") field_idx = equation.field_names.index(field) subwrapper.setup(equation.spaces[field_idx], wrapper_bcs) # Update the function space to that needed by the wrapper self.wrapper.wrapper_spaces[field_idx] = subwrapper.function_space self.wrapper.setup() self.fs = self.wrapper.function_space new_test_mixed = TestFunctions(self.fs) # Replace the original test function with one from the new # function space defined by the subwrappers self.residual = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_test_function(new_test_mixed)) else: if self.wrapper_name == "supg": self.wrapper.setup() else: self.wrapper.setup(self.fs, wrapper_bcs) self.fs = self.wrapper.function_space if self.solver_parameters is None: self.solver_parameters = self.wrapper.solver_parameters new_test = TestFunction(self.wrapper.test_space) # SUPG has a special wrapper if self.wrapper_name == "supg": new_test = self.wrapper.test # Replace the original test function with the one from the wrapper self.residual = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_test_function(new_test)) self.residual = self.wrapper.label_terms(self.residual) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Make boundary conditions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if not apply_bcs: self.bcs = None elif self.wrapper is not None: # Transfer boundary conditions onto test function space self.bcs = [DirichletBC(self.fs, bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain) for bc in bcs] else: self.bcs = bcs # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Make the required functions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # self.x_out = Function(self.fs) self.x1 = Function(self.fs)
@property def nlevels(self): return 1 @abstractproperty def lhs(self): """Set up the discretisation's left hand side (the time derivative).""" l = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x_out, old_idx=self.idx), map_if_false=drop) return l.form @abstractproperty def rhs(self): """Set up the time discretisation's right hand side.""" r = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x1, old_idx=self.idx)) r = r.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: -self.dt*t) return r.form
[docs] @cached_property def solver(self): """Set up the problem and the solver.""" # setup solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs-self.rhs, self.x_out, bcs=self.bcs) solver_name = self.field_name+self.__class__.__name__ solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver( problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix=solver_name ) if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): solver.snes.ksp.setMonitor(logging_ksp_monitor_true_residual) return solver
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply(self, x_out, x_in): """ Apply the time discretisation to advance one whole time step. Args: x_out (:class:`Function`): the output field to be computed. x_in (:class:`Function`): the input field. """ pass
[docs] class ExplicitTimeDiscretisation(TimeDiscretisation): """Base class for explicit time discretisations.""" def __init__(self, domain, field_name=None, fixed_subcycles=None, subcycle_by_courant=None, solver_parameters=None, limiter=None, options=None): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. field_name (str, optional): name of the field to be evolved. Defaults to None. fixed_subcycles (int, optional): the fixed number of sub-steps to perform. This option cannot be specified with the `subcycle_by_courant` argument. Defaults to None. subcycle_by_courant (float, optional): specifying this option will make the scheme perform adaptive sub-cycling based on the Courant number. The specified argument is the maximum Courant for one sub-cycle. Defaults to None, in which case adaptive sub-cycling is not used. This option cannot be specified with the `fixed_subcycles` argument. solver_parameters (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying solver. Defaults to None. limiter (:class:`Limiter` object, optional): a limiter to apply to the evolving field to enforce monotonicity. Defaults to None. options (:class:`AdvectionOptions`, optional): an object containing options to either be passed to the spatial discretisation, or to control the "wrapper" methods, such as Embedded DG or a recovery method. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(domain, field_name, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, limiter=limiter, options=options) if fixed_subcycles is not None and subcycle_by_courant is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot specify both subcycle and subcycle_by ' + 'arguments to a time discretisation') self.fixed_subcycles = fixed_subcycles self.subcycle_by_courant = subcycle_by_courant
[docs] def setup(self, equation, apply_bcs=True, *active_labels): """ Set up the time discretisation based on the equation. Args: equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the model's equation. apply_bcs (bool, optional): whether boundary conditions are to be applied. Defaults to True. *active_labels (:class:`Label`): labels indicating which terms of the equation to include. """ super().setup(equation, apply_bcs, *active_labels) # if user has specified a number of fixed subcycles, then save this # and rescale dt accordingly; else perform just one cycle using dt if self.fixed_subcycles is not None: self.dt.assign(self.dt/self.fixed_subcycles) self.ncycles = self.fixed_subcycles else: self.dt = self.dt self.ncycles = 1 self.x0 = Function(self.fs) self.x1 = Function(self.fs)
[docs] @cached_property def lhs(self): """Set up the discretisation's left hand side (the time derivative).""" l = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x_out, self.idx), map_if_false=drop) return l.form
[docs] @cached_property def solver(self): """Set up the problem and the solver.""" # setup linear solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs - self.rhs, self.x_out, bcs=self.bcs) solver_name = self.field_name+self.__class__.__name__ # If snes_type not specified by user, set this to ksp only to avoid outer Newton iteration self.solver_parameters.setdefault('snes_type', 'ksponly') return NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix=solver_name)
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply_cycle(self, x_out, x_in): """ Apply the time discretisation through a single sub-step. Args: x_out (:class:`Function`): the output field to be computed. x_in (:class:`Function`): the input field. """ pass
[docs] @wrapper_apply def apply(self, x_out, x_in): """ Apply the time discretisation to advance one whole time step. Args: x_out (:class:`Function`): the output field to be computed. x_in (:class:`Function`): the input field. """ # If doing adaptive subcycles, update dt and ncycles here if self.subcycle_by_courant is not None: self.ncycles = math.ceil(float(self.courant_max)/self.subcycle_by_courant) self.dt.assign(self.original_dt/self.ncycles) self.x0.assign(x_in) for i in range(self.ncycles): self.apply_cycle(self.x1, self.x0) self.x0.assign(self.x1) x_out.assign(self.x1)
[docs] class BackwardEuler(TimeDiscretisation): """ Implements the backward Euler timestepping scheme. The backward Euler method for operator F is the most simple implicit scheme: \n y^(n+1) = y^n + dt*F[y^(n+1)]. \n """ def __init__(self, domain, field_name=None, solver_parameters=None, limiter=None, options=None): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. field_name (str, optional): name of the field to be evolved. Defaults to None. fixed_subcycles (int, optional): the number of sub-steps to perform. Defaults to None. solver_parameters (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying solver. Defaults to None. limiter (:class:`Limiter` object, optional): a limiter to apply to the evolving field to enforce monotonicity. Defaults to None. options (:class:`AdvectionOptions`, optional): an object containing options to either be passed to the spatial discretisation, or to control the "wrapper" methods. Defaults to None. """ if not solver_parameters: # default solver parameters solver_parameters = {'ksp_type': 'gmres', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} super().__init__(domain=domain, field_name=field_name, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, limiter=limiter, options=options) @property def lhs(self): """Set up the discretisation's left hand side (the time derivative).""" l = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x_out, old_idx=self.idx)) l = l.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: self.dt*t) return l.form @property def rhs(self): """Set up the time discretisation's right hand side.""" r = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x1, old_idx=self.idx), map_if_false=drop) return r.form
[docs] @wrapper_apply def apply(self, x_out, x_in): """ Apply the time discretisation to advance one whole time step. Args: x_out (:class:`Function`): the output field to be computed. x_in (:class:`Function`): the input field. """ for evaluate in self.evaluate_source: evaluate(x_in, self.dt) if len(self.evaluate_source) > 0: # If we have physics, use x_in as first guess self.x_out.assign(x_in) self.x1.assign(x_in) self.solver.solve() x_out.assign(self.x_out)
[docs] class ThetaMethod(TimeDiscretisation): """ Implements the theta implicit-explicit timestepping method, which can be thought as a generalised trapezium rule. The theta implicit-explicit timestepping method for operator F is written as: \n y^(n+1) = y^n + dt*(1-theta)*F[y^n] + dt*theta*F[y^(n+1)] \n for off-centring parameter theta. """ def __init__(self, domain, theta, field_name=None, solver_parameters=None, options=None): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. theta (float): the off-centring parameter. theta = 1 corresponds to a backward Euler method. Defaults to None. field_name (str, optional): name of the field to be evolved. Defaults to None. solver_parameters (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying solver. Defaults to None. options (:class:`AdvectionOptions`, optional): an object containing options to either be passed to the spatial discretisation, or to control the "wrapper" methods, such as Embedded DG or a recovery method. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: if theta is not provided. """ if (theta < 0 or theta > 1): raise ValueError("please provide a value for theta between 0 and 1") if isinstance(options, (EmbeddedDGOptions, RecoveryOptions)): raise NotImplementedError("Only SUPG advection options have been implemented for this time discretisation") if not solver_parameters: # theta method leads to asymmetric matrix, per lhs function below, # so don't use CG solver_parameters = {'ksp_type': 'gmres', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} super().__init__(domain, field_name, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, options=options) self.theta = theta
[docs] @cached_property def lhs(self): """Set up the discretisation's left hand side (the time derivative).""" l = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x_out, old_idx=self.idx)) l = l.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: self.theta*self.dt*t) return l.form
[docs] @cached_property def rhs(self): """Set up the time discretisation's right hand side.""" r = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x1, old_idx=self.idx)) r = r.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: -(1-self.theta)*self.dt*t) return r.form
[docs] @wrapper_apply def apply(self, x_out, x_in): """ Apply the time discretisation to advance one whole time step. Args: x_out (:class:`Function`): the output field to be computed. x_in (:class:`Function`): the input field. """ self.x1.assign(x_in) self.solver.solve() x_out.assign(self.x_out)
[docs] class TrapeziumRule(ThetaMethod): """ Implements the trapezium rule timestepping method, also commonly known as Crank Nicholson. The trapezium rule timestepping method for operator F is written as: \n y^(n+1) = y^n + dt/2*F[y^n] + dt/2*F[y^(n+1)]. \n It is equivalent to the "theta" method with theta = 1/2. \n """ def __init__(self, domain, field_name=None, solver_parameters=None, options=None): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. field_name (str, optional): name of the field to be evolved. Defaults to None. solver_parameters (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying solver. Defaults to None. options (:class:`AdvectionOptions`, optional): an object containing options to either be passed to the spatial discretisation, or to control the "wrapper" methods, such as Embedded DG or a recovery method. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(domain, 0.5, field_name, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, options=options)
# TODO: this should be implemented as an ImplicitRK
[docs] class TR_BDF2(TimeDiscretisation): """ Implements the two stage implicit TR-BDF2 time stepping method, with a trapezoidal stage (TR) followed by a second order backwards difference stage (BDF2). The TR-BDF2 time stepping method for operator F is written as: \n y^(n+g) = y^n + dt*g/2*F[y^n] + dt*g/2*F[y^(n+g)] (TR stage) \n y^(n+1) = 1/(g(2-g))*y^(n+g) - (1-g)**2/(g(2-g))*y^(n) + (1-g)/(2-g)*dt*F[y^(n+1)] (BDF2 stage) \n for an off-centring parameter g (gamma). """ def __init__(self, domain, gamma, field_name=None, solver_parameters=None, options=None): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. field_name (str, optional): name of the field to be evolved. Defaults to None. gamma (float): the off-centring parameter solver_parameters (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to pass to the underlying solver. Defaults to None. options (:class:`AdvectionOptions`, optional): an object containing options to either be passed to the spatial discretisation, or to control the "wrapper" methods, such as Embedded DG or a recovery method. Defaults to None. """ if (gamma < 0. or gamma > 1.): raise ValueError("please provide a value for gamma between 0 and 1") if isinstance(options, (EmbeddedDGOptions, RecoveryOptions)): raise NotImplementedError("Only SUPG advection options have been implemented for this time discretisation") if not solver_parameters: # theta method leads to asymmetric matrix, per lhs function below, # so don't use CG solver_parameters = {'ksp_type': 'gmres', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} super().__init__(domain, field_name, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, options=options) self.gamma = gamma
[docs] def setup(self, equation, apply_bcs=True, *active_labels): super().setup(equation, apply_bcs, *active_labels) self.xnpg = Function(self.fs) self.xn = Function(self.fs)
[docs] @cached_property def lhs(self): """Set up the discretisation's left hand side (the time derivative) for the TR stage.""" l = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.xnpg, old_idx=self.idx)) l = l.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: 0.5*self.gamma*self.dt*t) return l.form
[docs] @cached_property def rhs(self): """Set up the time discretisation's right hand side for the TR stage.""" r = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.xn, old_idx=self.idx)) r = r.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: -0.5*self.gamma*self.dt*t) return r.form
[docs] @cached_property def lhs_bdf2(self): """Set up the discretisation's left hand side (the time derivative) for the BDF2 stage.""" l = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.x_out, old_idx=self.idx)) l = l.label_map(lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: ((1.0-self.gamma)/(2.0-self.gamma))*self.dt*t) return l.form
[docs] @cached_property def rhs_bdf2(self): """Set up the time discretisation's right hand side for the BDF2 stage.""" xn = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_true=replace_subject(self.xn, old_idx=self.idx), map_if_false=drop) xnpg = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_true=replace_subject(self.xnpg, old_idx=self.idx), map_if_false=drop) r = (1.0/(self.gamma*(2.0-self.gamma)))*xnpg - ((1.0-self.gamma)**2/(self.gamma*(2.0-self.gamma)))*xn return r.form
[docs] @cached_property def solver_tr(self): """Set up the problem and the solver.""" # setup solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs-self.rhs, self.xnpg, bcs=self.bcs) solver_name = self.field_name+self.__class__.__name__+"_tr" return NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix=solver_name)
[docs] @cached_property def solver_bdf2(self): """Set up the problem and the solver.""" # setup solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs_bdf2-self.rhs_bdf2, self.x_out, bcs=self.bcs) solver_name = self.field_name+self.__class__.__name__+"_bdf2" return NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix=solver_name)
[docs] @wrapper_apply def apply(self, x_out, x_in): """ Apply the time discretisation to advance one whole time step. Args: x_out (:class:`Function`): the output field to be computed. x_in (:class:`Function`): the input field(s). """ self.xn.assign(x_in) self.solver_tr.solve() self.solver_bdf2.solve() x_out.assign(self.x_out)