Source code for gusto.spatial_methods.diffusion_methods

"""Provides discretisations for diffusion terms."""

from firedrake import inner, outer, grad, avg, dx, dS_h, dS_v, dS, FacetNormal
from gusto.core.labels import diffusion
from gusto.spatial_methods.spatial_methods import SpatialMethod

__all__ = ["InteriorPenaltyDiffusion", "CGDiffusion"]

class DiffusionMethod(SpatialMethod):
    The base object for describing a spatial discretisation of diffusion terms.

    def __init__(self, equation, variable):
            equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the equation, which includes
                a diffusion term.
            variable (str): name of the variable to set the diffusion scheme for

        # Inherited init method extracts original term to be replaced
        super().__init__(equation, variable, diffusion)

def interior_penalty_diffusion_form(domain, test, q, parameters):
    Form for the interior penalty discretisation of a diffusion term, ∇.(κ∇q)

    The interior penalty discretisation involves the factor 'mu', the penalty
    weight function.

        domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the
            mesh and the compatible function spaces.
        test (:class:`TestFunction`): the equation's test function.
        q (:class:`Function`): the variable being diffused.
        parameters (:class:`DiffusionParameters`): object containing metadata
            describing the diffusion term. Includes kappa and mu.

        :class:`ufl.Form`: the diffusion form.

    dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if domain.mesh.extruded else dS
    kappa = parameters.kappa
    mu =

    n = FacetNormal(domain.mesh)

    form = inner(grad(test), grad(q)*kappa)*dx

    def get_flux_form(dS, M):
        The facet term for the interior penalty diffusion discretisation.

            dS (:class:`ufl.Measure`): the facet measure.
            M (:class:`Constant`): the diffusivity.

            :class:`ufl.Form`: the interior penalty flux form

        fluxes = (
            -inner(2*avg(outer(q, n)), avg(grad(test)*M))
            - inner(avg(grad(q)*M), 2*avg(outer(test, n)))
            + mu*inner(2*avg(outer(q, n)), 2*avg(outer(test, n)*kappa))
        return fluxes

    form += get_flux_form(dS_, kappa)

    return diffusion(form)

def interior_penalty_diffusion_form_1d(domain, test, q, parameters):
    Form for the interior penalty discretisation of a diffusion term, ∇.(κ∇q)

    The interior penalty discretisation involves the factor 'mu', the penalty
    weight function.

        domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the
            mesh and the compatible function spaces.
        test (:class:`TestFunction`): the equation's test function.
        q (:class:`Function`): the variable being diffused.
        parameters (:class:`DiffusionParameters`): object containing metadata
            describing the diffusion term. Includes kappa and mu.

        :class:`ufl.Form`: the diffusion form.

    kappa = parameters.kappa
    mu =

    n = FacetNormal(domain.mesh)[0]

    form = test.dx(0) * q.dx(0) * kappa * dx

    def get_flux_form(M):
        The facet term for the interior penalty diffusion discretisation.

            dS (:class:`ufl.Measure`): the facet measure.
            M (:class:`Constant`): the diffusivity.

            :class:`ufl.Form`: the interior penalty flux form

        fluxes = (
            - 2*avg(q * n) * avg(test.dx(0) * M)
            - avg(q.dx(0) * M) * 2 * avg(test * n)
            + mu * 2 * avg(q * n) * 2 * avg(test * n)*kappa
        return fluxes

    form += get_flux_form(kappa)

    return diffusion(form)

[docs] class InteriorPenaltyDiffusion(DiffusionMethod): """The interior penalty method for discretising the diffusion term.""" def __init__(self, equation, variable, diffusion_parameters): """ Args: equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the equation, which includes a transport term. variable (str): name of the variable to set the diffusion method for diffusion_parameters (:class:`DiffusionParameters`): object containing metadata describing the diffusion term. Includes the kappa and mu constants. """ super().__init__(equation, variable) if equation.domain.mesh.topological_dimension() == 1: self.form = interior_penalty_diffusion_form_1d( equation.domain, self.test, self.field, diffusion_parameters) else: self.form = interior_penalty_diffusion_form( equation.domain, self.test, self.field, diffusion_parameters)
[docs] class CGDiffusion(DiffusionMethod): def __init__(self, equation, variable, diffusion_parameters): super().__init__(equation, variable) if equation.domain.mesh.topological_dimension() == 1: kappa = diffusion_parameters.kappa self.form = diffusion(kappa * self.test.dx(0) * self.field.dx(0) * dx) else: raise NotImplementedError("CG diffusion only implemented in 1D")