Defines microphysics routines to be used with the moist shallow water equations.
from firedrake import (
Interpolator, conditional, Function, dx, min_value, max_value, Constant
from firedrake.fml import subject
from gusto.core.logging import logger
from gusto.physics.physics_parametrisation import PhysicsParametrisation
from types import FunctionType
__all__ = ["InstantRain", "SWSaturationAdjustment"]
class InstantRain(PhysicsParametrisation):
The process of converting vapour above the saturation curve to rain.
A scheme to move vapour directly to rain. If convective feedback is true
then this process feeds back directly on the height equation. If rain is
accumulating then excess vapour is being tracked and stored as rain;
otherwise converted vapour is not recorded. The process can happen over the
timestep dt or over a specified time interval tau.
def __init__(self, equation, saturation_curve,
vapour_name="water_vapour", rain_name=None, gamma_r=1,
convective_feedback=False, beta1=None, tau=None,
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the model's equation.
saturation_curve (:class:`ufl.Expr` or func): the curve above which
excess moisture is converted to rain. Is either prescribed or
dependent on a prognostic field.
time_varying_saturation (bool, optional): set this to True if the
saturation curve is changing in time. Defaults to False.
vapour_name (str, optional): name of the water vapour variable.
Defaults to "water_vapour".
rain_name (str, optional): name of the rain variable. Defaults to
gamma_r (float, optional): Fraction of vapour above the threshold
which is converted to rain. Defaults to one, in which case all
vapour above the threshold is converted.
convective_feedback (bool, optional): True if the conversion of
vapour affects the height equation. Defaults to False.
beta1 (float, optional): Condensation proportionality constant,
used if convection causes a response in the height equation.
Defaults to None, but must be specified if convective_feedback
is True.
tau (float, optional): Timescale for condensation. Defaults to None,
in which case the timestep dt is used.
parameters (:class:`Configuration`, optional): parameters containing
the values of gas constants. Defaults to None, in which case the
parameters are obtained from the equation.
self.explicit_only = True
label_name = 'instant_rain'
super().__init__(equation, label_name, parameters=parameters)
self.convective_feedback = convective_feedback
self.time_varying_saturation = time_varying_saturation
# check for the correct fields
assert vapour_name in equation.field_names, f"Field {vapour_name} does not exist in the equation set"
self.Vv_idx = equation.field_names.index(vapour_name)
if rain_name is not None:
assert rain_name in equation.field_names, f"Field {rain_name} does not exist in the equation set "
if self.convective_feedback:
assert "D" in equation.field_names, "Depth field must exist for convective feedback"
assert beta1 is not None, "If convective feedback is used, beta1 parameter must be specified"
# obtain function space and functions; vapour needed for all cases
W = equation.function_space
Vv = W.sub(self.Vv_idx)
test_v = equation.tests[self.Vv_idx]
# depth needed if convective feedback
if self.convective_feedback:
self.VD_idx = equation.field_names.index("D")
VD = W.sub(self.VD_idx)
test_D = equation.tests[self.VD_idx]
self.D = Function(VD)
# the source function is the difference between the water vapour and
# the saturation function
self.water_v = Function(Vv)
self.source = Function(Vv)
# tau is the timescale for conversion (may or may not be the timestep)
if tau is not None:
self.set_tau_to_dt = False
self.tau = tau
self.set_tau_to_dt = True
self.tau = Constant(0)
logger.info("Timescale for rain conversion has been set to dt. If this is not the intention then provide a tau parameter as an argument to InstantRain.")
if self.time_varying_saturation:
if isinstance(saturation_curve, FunctionType):
self.saturation_computation = saturation_curve
self.saturation_curve = Function(Vv)
raise NotImplementedError(
"If time_varying_saturation is True then saturation must be a Python function of a prognostic field.")
assert not isinstance(saturation_curve, FunctionType), "If time_varying_saturation is not True then saturation cannot be a Python function."
self.saturation_curve = saturation_curve
# lose proportion of vapour above the saturation curve
equation.residual += self.label(subject(test_v * self.source * dx,
# if rain is not none then the excess vapour is being tracked and is
# added to rain
if rain_name is not None:
Vr_idx = equation.field_names.index(rain_name)
test_r = equation.tests[Vr_idx]
equation.residual -= self.label(subject(test_r * self.source * dx,
# if feeding back on the height adjust the height equation
if convective_feedback:
equation.residual += self.label(subject(test_D * beta1 * self.source * dx,
# interpolator does the conversion of vapour to rain
self.source_interpolator = Interpolator(conditional(
self.water_v > self.saturation_curve,
(1/self.tau)*gamma_r*(self.water_v - self.saturation_curve),
0), Vv)
def evaluate(self, x_in, dt):
Evalutes the source term generated by the physics.
Computes the physics contributions (loss of vapour, accumulation of
rain and loss of height due to convection) at each timestep.
x_in: (:class: 'Function'): the (mixed) field to be evolved.
dt: (:class: 'Constant'): the timestep, which can be the time
interval for the scheme.
logger.info(f'Evaluating physics parametrisation {self.label.label}')
if self.convective_feedback:
if self.time_varying_saturation:
if self.set_tau_to_dt:
class SWSaturationAdjustment(PhysicsParametrisation):
Represents the process of adjusting water vapour and cloud water according
to a saturation function, via condensation and evaporation processes.
This physics scheme follows that of Zerroukat and Allen (2015).
def __init__(self, equation, saturation_curve,
time_varying_saturation=False, vapour_name='water_vapour',
cloud_name='cloud_water', convective_feedback=False,
beta1=None, thermal_feedback=False, beta2=None, gamma_v=1,
time_varying_gamma_v=False, tau=None,
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the model's equation
saturation_curve (:class:`ufl.Expr` or func): the curve which
dictates when phase changes occur. In a saturated atmosphere
vapour above the saturation curve becomes cloud, and if the
atmosphere is sub-saturated and there is cloud present cloud
will become vapour until the saturation curve is reached. The
saturation curve is either prescribed or dependent on a
prognostic field.
time_varying_saturation (bool, optional): set this to True if the
saturation curve is changing in time. Defaults to False.
vapour_name (str, optional): name of the water vapour variable.
Defaults to 'water_vapour'.
cloud_name (str, optional): name of the cloud variable. Defaults to
convective_feedback (bool, optional): True if the conversion of
vapour affects the height equation. Defaults to False.
beta1 (float, optional): Condensation proportionality constant for
height feedback, used if convection causes a response in the
height equation. Defaults to None, but must be specified if
convective_feedback is True.
thermal_feedback (bool, optional): True if moist conversions
affect the buoyancy equation. Defaults to False.
beta2 (float, optional): Condensation proportionality constant
for thermal feedback. Defaults to None, but must be specified
if thermal_feedback is True. This is equivalent to the L_v
parameter in Zerroukat and Allen (2015).
gamma_v (ufl expression or :class: `function`): The proportion of
moist species that is converted when a conversion between
vapour and cloud is taking place. Defaults to one, in which
case the full amount of species to bring vapour to the
saturation curve will undergo a conversion. Converting only a
fraction avoids a two-timestep oscillation between vapour and
cloud when saturation is tempertature/height-dependent.
time_varying_gamma_v (bool, optional): set this to True
if the fraction of moist species converted changes in time
(if gamma_v is temperature/height-dependent).
tau (float, optional): Timescale for condensation and evaporation.
Defaults to None, in which case the timestep dt is used.
parameters (:class:`Configuration`, optional): parameters containing
the values of constants. Defaults to None, in which case the
parameters are obtained from the equation.
self.explicit_only = True
label_name = 'saturation_adjustment'
super().__init__(equation, label_name, parameters=parameters)
self.time_varying_saturation = time_varying_saturation
self.convective_feedback = convective_feedback
self.thermal_feedback = thermal_feedback
self.time_varying_gamma_v = time_varying_gamma_v
# Check for the correct fields
assert vapour_name in equation.field_names, f"Field {vapour_name} does not exist in the equation set"
assert cloud_name in equation.field_names, f"Field {cloud_name} does not exist in the equation set"
self.Vv_idx = equation.field_names.index(vapour_name)
self.Vc_idx = equation.field_names.index(cloud_name)
if self.convective_feedback:
assert "D" in equation.field_names, "Depth field must exist for convective feedback"
assert beta1 is not None, "If convective feedback is used, beta1 parameter must be specified"
if self.thermal_feedback:
assert "b" in equation.field_names, "Buoyancy field must exist for thermal feedback"
assert beta2 is not None, "If thermal feedback is used, beta2 parameter must be specified"
# Obtain function spaces and functions
W = equation.function_space
Vv = W.sub(self.Vv_idx)
Vc = W.sub(self.Vc_idx)
V_idxs = [self.Vv_idx, self.Vc_idx]
# Source functions for both vapour and cloud
self.water_v = Function(Vv)
self.cloud = Function(Vc)
# depth needed if convective feedback
if self.convective_feedback:
self.VD_idx = equation.field_names.index("D")
VD = W.sub(self.VD_idx)
self.D = Function(VD)
# buoyancy needed if thermal feedback
if self.thermal_feedback:
self.Vb_idx = equation.field_names.index("b")
Vb = W.sub(self.Vb_idx)
self.b = Function(Vb)
# tau is the timescale for condensation/evaporation (may or may not be the timestep)
if tau is not None:
self.set_tau_to_dt = False
self.tau = tau
self.set_tau_to_dt = True
self.tau = Constant(0)
logger.info("Timescale for moisture conversion between vapour and cloud has been set to dt. If this is not the intention then provide a tau parameter as an argument to SWSaturationAdjustment.")
if self.time_varying_saturation:
if isinstance(saturation_curve, FunctionType):
self.saturation_computation = saturation_curve
self.saturation_curve = Function(Vv)
raise NotImplementedError(
"If time_varying_saturation is True then saturation must be a Python function of at least one prognostic field.")
assert not isinstance(saturation_curve, FunctionType), "If time_varying_saturation is not True then saturation cannot be a Python function."
self.saturation_curve = saturation_curve
# Saturation adjustment expression, adjusted to stop negative values
sat_adj_expr = (self.water_v - self.saturation_curve) / self.tau
sat_adj_expr = conditional(sat_adj_expr < 0,
-self.cloud / self.tau),
self.water_v / self.tau))
# If gamma_v depends on variables
if self.time_varying_gamma_v:
if isinstance(gamma_v, FunctionType):
self.gamma_v_computation = gamma_v
self.gamma_v = Function(Vv)
raise NotImplementedError(
"If time_varying_thermal_feedback is True then gamma_v must be a Python function of at least one prognostic field.")
assert not isinstance(gamma_v, FunctionType), "If time_varying_thermal_feedback is not True then gamma_v cannot be a Python function."
self.gamma_v = gamma_v
# Factors for multiplying source for different variables
factors = [self.gamma_v, -self.gamma_v]
if convective_feedback:
if thermal_feedback:
# Add terms to equations and make interpolators
self.source = [Function(Vc) for factor in factors]
self.source_interpolators = [Interpolator(sat_adj_expr*factor, source)
for factor, source in zip(factors, self.source)]
tests = [equation.tests[idx] for idx in V_idxs]
# Add source terms to residual
for test, source in zip(tests, self.source):
equation.residual += self.label(subject(test * source * dx,
equation.X), self.evaluate)
def evaluate(self, x_in, dt):
Evaluates the source term generated by the physics.
Computes the phyiscs contributions to water vapour and cloud water at
each timestep.
x_in: (:class: 'Function'): the (mixed) field to be evolved.
dt: (:class: 'Constant'): the timestep, which can be the time
interval for the scheme.
logger.info(f'Evaluating physics parametrisation {self.label.label}')
if self.convective_feedback:
if self.thermal_feedback:
if self.time_varying_saturation:
if self.set_tau_to_dt:
if self.time_varying_gamma_v:
for interpolator in self.source_interpolators: