Defines objects to perform parametrisations of physical processes, or "physics".
"PhysicsParametrisation" schemes are routines to compute updates to prognostic
fields that represent the action of non-fluid processes, or those fluid
processes that are unresolved. This module contains a set of these processes in
the form of classes with "evaluate" methods.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from firedrake import Interpolator, Function, dx, Projector
from firedrake.fml import subject
from gusto.core.labels import PhysicsLabel
from gusto.core.logging import logger
__all__ = ["PhysicsParametrisation", "SourceSink"]
class PhysicsParametrisation(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base class for the parametrisation of physical processes for Gusto."""
def __init__(self, equation, label_name, parameters=None):
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the model's equation.
label_name (str): name of physics scheme, to be passed to its label.
parameters (:class:`Configuration`, optional): parameters containing
the values of gas constants. Defaults to None, in which case the
parameters are obtained from the equation.
self.label = PhysicsLabel(label_name)
self.equation = equation
if parameters is None and hasattr(equation, 'parameters'):
self.parameters = equation.parameters
self.parameters = parameters
def evaluate(self):
Computes the value of physics source and sink terms.
class SourceSink(PhysicsParametrisation):
The source or sink of some variable, described through a UFL expression.
A scheme representing the general source or sink of a variable, described
through a UFL expression. The expression should be for the rate of change
of the variable. It is intended that the source/sink is independent of the
prognostic variables.
The expression can also be a time-varying expression. In which case a
function should be provided, taking a :class:`Constant` as an argument (to
represent the time.)
def __init__(self, equation, variable_name, rate_expression,
time_varying=False, method='interpolate'):
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the model's equation.
variable_name (str): the name of the variable
rate_expression (:class:`ufl.Expr` or func): an expression giving
the rate of change of the variable. If a time-varying expression
is needed, this should be a function taking a single argument
representing the time. Then the `time_varying` argument must
be set to True.
time_varying (bool, optional): whether the source/sink expression
varies with time. Defaults to False.
method (str, optional): the method to use to evaluate the expression
for the source. Valid options are 'interpolate' or 'project'.
Default is 'interpolate'.
label_name = f'source_sink_{variable_name}'
super().__init__(equation, label_name, parameters=None)
if method not in ['interpolate', 'project']:
raise ValueError(f'Method {method} for source/sink evaluation not valid')
self.method = method
self.time_varying = time_varying
self.variable_name = variable_name
# Check the variable exists
if hasattr(equation, "field_names"):
assert variable_name in equation.field_names, \
f'Field {variable_name} does not exist in the equation set'
assert variable_name == equation.field_name, \
f'Field {variable_name} does not exist in the equation'
# Work out the appropriate function space
if hasattr(equation, "field_names"):
V_idx = equation.field_names.index(variable_name)
W = equation.function_space
V = W.sub(V_idx)
test = equation.tests[V_idx]
V = equation.function_space
test = equation.test
# Make source/sink term
self.source = Function(V)
equation.residual += self.label(subject(test * self.source * dx, equation.X),
# Handle whether the expression is time-varying or not
if self.time_varying:
expression = rate_expression(equation.domain.t)
expression = rate_expression
# Handle method of evaluating source/sink
if self.method == 'interpolate':
self.source_interpolator = Interpolator(expression, V)
self.source_projector = Projector(expression, V)
# If not time-varying, evaluate for the first time here
if not self.time_varying:
if self.method == 'interpolate':
def evaluate(self, x_in, dt):
Evalutes the source term generated by the physics.
x_in: (:class:`Function`): the (mixed) field to be evolved. Unused.
dt: (:class:`Constant`): the timestep, which can be the time
interval for the scheme. Unused.
if self.time_varying:
logger.info(f'Evaluating physics parametrisation {self.label.label}')
if self.method == 'interpolate':