"""Tools for computing hydrostatically balanced initial conditions."""
from firedrake import MixedFunctionSpace, TrialFunctions, TestFunctions, \
TestFunction, TrialFunction, \
FacetNormal, inner, div, dx, ds_b, ds_t, DirichletBC, \
Function, Constant, \
LinearVariationalProblem, LinearVariationalSolver, \
NonlinearVariationalProblem, NonlinearVariationalSolver, split, solve, \
FunctionSpace, errornorm, zero
from gusto import thermodynamics
from gusto.core import logger
from gusto.recovery import Recoverer, BoundaryMethod
__all__ = ["boussinesq_hydrostatic_balance",
"compressible_hydrostatic_balance", "remove_initial_w",
"saturated_hydrostatic_balance", "unsaturated_hydrostatic_balance"]
def boussinesq_hydrostatic_balance(equation, b0, p0, top=False, params=None):
Gives a pressure field in hydrostatic-balance for the Boussinesq eqns.
Generates the hydrostatically-balanced pressure field for the
Boussinesq equations, given some buoyancy field and a boundary condition.
This is solved as a mixed problem for the vertical velocity and the pressure
with zero flow enforced at one of the boundaries.
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the model's equation object.
b0 (:class:`ufl.Expr`): the input buoyancy field.
p0 (:class:`Function`): the pressure to be returned.
top (bool, optional): whether the no-flow boundary condition is enforced
on the top boundary or the bottom. True denotes the top. Defaults to
params (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to be passed to the
solver. Defaults to None.
# get F
domain = equation.domain
Vu = domain.spaces("HDiv")
Vv = FunctionSpace(equation.domain.mesh, Vu.ufl_element()._elements[-1])
v = TrialFunction(Vv)
w = TestFunction(Vv)
if top:
bstring = "top"
bstring = "bottom"
bcs = [DirichletBC(Vv, 0.0, bstring)]
a = inner(w, v)*dx
L = inner(equation.domain.k, w)*b0*dx
F = Function(Vv)
solve(a == L, F, bcs=bcs)
# define mixed function space
VDG = domain.spaces("DG")
WV = (Vv)*(VDG)
# get pprime
v, pprime = TrialFunctions(WV)
w, phi = TestFunctions(WV)
bcs = [DirichletBC(WV[0], zero(), bstring)]
a = (
inner(w, v) + div(w)*pprime + div(v)*phi
L = phi*div(F)*dx
w1 = Function(WV)
if params is None:
params = {'ksp_type': 'gmres',
'pc_type': 'fieldsplit',
'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur',
'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'full',
'pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition': 'selfp',
'fieldsplit_1_ksp_type': 'preonly',
'fieldsplit_1_pc_type': 'gamg',
'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type': 'bjacobi',
'fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type': 'ilu',
'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'richardson',
'fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it': 4,
'ksp_atol': 1.e-08,
'ksp_rtol': 1.e-08}
solve(a == L, w1, bcs=bcs, solver_parameters=params)
v, pprime = w1.subfunctions
def compressible_hydrostatic_balance(equation, theta0, rho0, exner0=None,
top=False, exner_boundary=Constant(1.0),
Computes hydrostatic balance for the compressible Euler equations.
Compute a hydrostatically balanced density or pressure given a potential
temperature profile. This solves a mixed finite element problem for the
pressure and the vertical velocity, with an option to subsequently solve for
the density. By default, this uses a vertically-oriented hybridization
procedure for solving the resulting discrete systems.
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the model's equation object.
theta0 (:class:`ufl.Expr`): the input (dry) potential temperature field.
rho0 (:class:`Function`): the hydrostatically-balanced density to be
exner0 (:class:`Function`, optional): the hydrostatically-balanced Exner
pressure field. If provided, then the Exner pressure computed as
part of this routine will be stored in this function. Defaults to
top (bool, optional): whether the pressure boundary condition is defined
on the top boundary or the bottom. True denotes the top. Defaults to
exner_boundary (:class:`ufl.Expr`, optional): the Exner pressure field
on the boundary defining the boundary condition. Defaults to
mr_t (:class:`ufl.Expr`, optional): the total water mixing ratio field.
Defaults to None.
solve_for_rho (bool, optional): whether to perform a final solve for the
density field. If false, interpolate rho from the Exner pressure
using the equation of state. Defaults to False.
params (dict, optional): dictionary of parameters to be passed to the
solver. Defaults to None.
# Calculate hydrostatic Pi
domain = equation.domain
parameters = equation.parameters
VDG = domain.spaces("DG")
Vu = domain.spaces("HDiv")
Vv = FunctionSpace(equation.domain.mesh, Vu.ufl_element()._elements[-1])
W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vv, VDG))
v, exner = TrialFunctions(W)
dv, dexner = TestFunctions(W)
n = FacetNormal(equation.domain.mesh)
cp = parameters.cp
# add effect of density of water upon theta
theta = theta0
if mr_t is not None:
theta = theta0 / (1 + mr_t)
alhs = (
(cp*inner(v, dv) - cp*div(dv*theta)*exner)*dx
+ dexner*div(theta*v)*dx
if top:
bmeasure = ds_t
bstring = "bottom"
bmeasure = ds_b
bstring = "top"
arhs = -cp*inner(dv, n)*theta*exner_boundary*bmeasure
# Possibly make g vary with spatial coordinates?
g = parameters.g
arhs -= g*inner(dv, equation.domain.k)*dx
bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), zero(), bstring)]
w = Function(W)
exner_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(alhs, arhs, w, bcs=bcs)
if params is None:
params = {'ksp_type': 'preonly',
'pc_type': 'python',
'mat_type': 'matfree',
'pc_python_type': 'gusto.VerticalHybridizationPC',
# Vertical trace system is only coupled vertically in columns
# block ILU is a direct solver!
'vert_hybridization': {'ksp_type': 'preonly',
'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'}}
exner_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(exner_problem,
v, exner = w.subfunctions
if exner0 is not None:
if solve_for_rho:
w1 = Function(W)
v, rho = w1.subfunctions
rho.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(parameters, theta0, exner))
v, rho = split(w1)
dv, dexner = TestFunctions(W)
exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(parameters, rho, theta0)
F = (
(cp*inner(v, dv) - cp*div(dv*theta)*exner)*dx
+ dexner*div(theta0*v)*dx
+ cp*inner(dv, n)*theta*exner_boundary*bmeasure
F += g*inner(dv, equation.domain.k)*dx
rhoproblem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, w1, bcs=bcs)
rhosolver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(rhoproblem, solver_parameters=params,
v, rho_ = w1.subfunctions
rho0.interpolate(thermodynamics.rho(parameters, theta0, exner))
def remove_initial_w(u):
Removes the vertical component of a velocity field.
u (:class:`Function`): the velocity field to be altered.
Vu = u.function_space()
Vv = FunctionSpace(Vu._ufl_domain, Vu.ufl_element()._elements[-1])
bc = DirichletBC(Vu[0], 0.0, "bottom")
uv = Function(Vv).project(u)
ustar = Function(u.function_space()).project(uv)
uin = Function(u.function_space()).assign(u - ustar)
def saturated_hydrostatic_balance(equation, state_fields, theta_e, mr_t,
exner0=None, top=False,
Computes hydrostatic balance for a moist saturated, compressible atmosphere.
Given a wet equivalent potential temperature, theta_e, and the total
moisture content, mr_t, compute a hydrostatically balanced virtual dry
potential temperature, dry density and water vapour profile.
The general strategy is to split up the solving into two steps: \n
1) finding rho to balance the theta profile \n
2) finding theta_vd and r_v to get back theta_e and saturation, using a
fixed point iteration. \n
We iteratively solve these steps until we (hopefully) converge to a
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the model's equation object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
theta_e (:class:`ufl.Expr`): expression for the desired wet equivalent
potential temperature field.
mr_t (:class:`ufl.Expr`): expression for the total moisture content.
exner0 (:class:`Function`, optional): the hydrostatically-balanced Exner
pressure field. If provided, then the Exner pressure computed as
part of this routine will be stored in this function. Defaults to
top (bool, optional): whether the pressure boundary condition is defined
on the top boundary or the bottom. True denotes the top. Defaults to
exner_boundary (:class:`ufl.Expr`, optional): the Exner pressure field
on the boundary defining the boundary condition. Defaults to
max_outer_solve_count (int, optional): maximum number of outer solves
to perform. Defaults to 40.
max_theta_solve_count (int, optional): maximum number of solves for the
theta_vd field, per outer loop. Defaults to 5.
max_inner_solve_count (int, optional): maximum number of inner solves,
for the moisture fields, per theta solve. Defaults to 3.
RuntimeError: if the prognostic fields have not converged to give the
specified profile to the desired tolerance, within the maximum
number of iterations.
theta0 = state_fields('theta')
rho0 = state_fields('rho')
mr_v0 = state_fields('water_vapour')
# Calculate hydrostatic exner pressure
domain = equation.domain
parameters = equation.parameters
Vt = theta0.function_space()
Vr = rho0.function_space()
VDG = domain.spaces("DG")
if any(deg > 2 for deg in VDG.ufl_element().degree()):
logger.warning("default quadrature degree most likely not sufficient for this degree element")
v_deg = Vr.ufl_element().degree()[1]
if v_deg == 0:
boundary_method = BoundaryMethod.extruded
boundary_method = None
rho_h = Function(Vr)
rho_averaged = Function(Vt)
rho_recoverer = Recoverer(rho0, rho_averaged, boundary_method=boundary_method)
w_h = Function(Vt)
theta_h = Function(Vt)
theta_e_test = Function(Vt)
delta = 0.8
# expressions for finding theta0 and mr_v0 from theta_e and mr_t
exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(parameters, rho_averaged, theta0)
p = thermodynamics.p(parameters, exner)
T = thermodynamics.T(parameters, theta0, exner, mr_v0)
r_v_expr = thermodynamics.r_sat(parameters, T, p)
theta_e_expr = thermodynamics.theta_e(parameters, T, p, mr_v0, mr_t)
for i in range(max_outer_solve_count):
# solve for rho with theta_vd and w_v guesses
compressible_hydrostatic_balance(equation, theta0, rho_h, top=top,
exner_boundary=exner_boundary, mr_t=mr_t,
# damp solution
rho0.assign(rho0 * (1 - delta) + delta * rho_h)
if errornorm(theta_e_test, theta_e) < 1e-8:
# calculate averaged rho
# now solve for r_v
for j in range(max_theta_solve_count):
theta_h.interpolate(theta_e / theta_e_expr * theta0)
theta0.assign(theta0 * (1 - delta) + delta * theta_h)
# break when close enough
if errornorm(theta_e_test, theta_e) < 1e-6:
for k in range(max_inner_solve_count):
mr_v0.assign(mr_v0 * (1 - delta) + delta * w_h)
# break when close enough
if errornorm(theta_e_test, theta_e) < 1e-6:
if i == max_outer_solve_count:
raise RuntimeError('Hydrostatic balance solve has not converged within %i' % i, 'iterations')
if exner0 is not None:
exner = thermodynamics.exner(parameters, rho0, theta0)
# do one extra solve for rho
compressible_hydrostatic_balance(equation, theta0, rho0, top=top,
mr_t=mr_t, solve_for_rho=True)
def unsaturated_hydrostatic_balance(equation, state_fields, theta_d, H,
exner0=None, top=False,
Computes hydrostatic bal. for a moist unsaturated, compressible atmosphere.
Given vertical profiles for dry potential temperature and relative humidity,
computes hydrostatically balanced virtual dry potential temperature, dry
density and water vapour profiles.
The general strategy is to split up the solving into two steps: \n
1) finding rho to balance the theta profile \n
2) finding theta_v and r_v to get back theta_d and H, using a fixed-point
iteration. \n
These steps are iterated until we (hopefully) converge to a solution.
equation (:class:`PrognosticEquation`): the model's equation object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
theta_d (:class:`ufl.Expr`): the specified dry potential temperature
H (:class:`ufl.Expr`): the specified relative humidity field.
exner0 (:class:`Function`, optional): the hydrostatically-balanced Exner
pressure field. If provided, then the Exner pressure computed as
part of this routine will be stored in this function. Defaults to
top (bool, optional): whether the pressure boundary condition is defined
on the top boundary or the bottom. True denotes the top. Defaults to
exner_boundary (:class:`ufl.Expr`, optional): the Exner pressure field
on the boundary defining the boundary condition. Defaults to
max_outer_solve_count (int, optional): maximum number of outer solves
to perform. Defaults to 40.
max_inner_solve_count (int, optional): maximum number of inner solves,
for the moisture fields, per outer solve. Defaults to 20.
RuntimeError: if the prognostic fields have not converged to give the
specified profile to the desired tolerance, within the maximum
number of iterations.
theta0 = state_fields('theta')
rho0 = state_fields('rho')
mr_v0 = state_fields('water_vapour')
# Calculate hydrostatic exner pressure
domain = equation.domain
parameters = equation.parameters
Vt = theta0.function_space()
Vr = rho0.function_space()
R_d = parameters.R_d
R_v = parameters.R_v
epsilon = R_d / R_v
VDG = domain.spaces("DG")
if any(deg > 2 for deg in VDG.ufl_element().degree()):
logger.warning("default quadrature degree most likely not sufficient for this degree element")
# apply first guesses
theta0.assign(theta_d * 1.01)
v_deg = Vr.ufl_element().degree()[1]
if v_deg == 0:
method = BoundaryMethod.extruded
method = None
rho_h = Function(Vr)
rho_averaged = Function(Vt)
rho_recoverer = Recoverer(rho0, rho_averaged, boundary_method=method)
w_h = Function(Vt)
delta = 1.0
# make expressions for determining mr_v0
exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(parameters, rho_averaged, theta0)
p = thermodynamics.p(parameters, exner)
T = thermodynamics.T(parameters, theta0, exner, mr_v0)
r_v_expr = thermodynamics.r_v(parameters, H, T, p)
# make expressions to evaluate residual
exner_ev = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(parameters, rho_averaged, theta0)
p_ev = thermodynamics.p(parameters, exner_ev)
T_ev = thermodynamics.T(parameters, theta0, exner_ev, mr_v0)
RH_ev = thermodynamics.RH(parameters, mr_v0, T_ev, p_ev)
RH = Function(Vt)
for i in range(max_outer_solve_count):
# solve for rho with theta_vd and w_v guesses
compressible_hydrostatic_balance(equation, theta0, rho_h, top=top,
exner_boundary=exner_boundary, mr_t=mr_v0,
# damp solution
rho0.assign(rho0 * (1 - delta) + delta * rho_h)
# calculate averaged rho
if errornorm(RH, H) < 1e-10:
# now solve for r_v
for j in range(max_inner_solve_count):
mr_v0.assign(mr_v0 * (1 - delta) + delta * w_h)
# compute theta_vd
theta0.interpolate(theta_d * (1 + mr_v0 / epsilon))
# test quality of solution by re-evaluating expression
if errornorm(RH, H) < 1e-10:
if i == max_outer_solve_count:
raise RuntimeError('Hydrostatic balance solve has not converged within %i' % i, 'iterations')
if exner0 is not None:
exner = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(parameters, rho0, theta0)
# do one extra solve for rho
compressible_hydrostatic_balance(equation, theta0, rho0, top=top,
mr_t=mr_v0, solve_for_rho=True)