Source code for gusto.equations.diffusion_equations

"""Defines the diffusion equation in weak form."""

from firedrake import inner, dx
from firedrake.fml import subject
from gusto.core.labels import time_derivative, prognostic
from gusto.equations.common_forms import diffusion_form
from gusto.equations.prognostic_equations import PrognosticEquation

__all__ = ["DiffusionEquation"]

[docs] class DiffusionEquation(PrognosticEquation): u"""Discretises the diffusion equation, ∂q/∂t = ∇.(κ∇q)""" def __init__(self, domain, function_space, field_name, diffusion_parameters): """ Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object, containing the mesh and the compatible function spaces. function_space (:class:`FunctionSpace`): the function space that the equation's prognostic is defined on. field_name (str): name of the prognostic field. diffusion_parameters (:class:`DiffusionParameters`): parameters describing the diffusion to be applied. """ super().__init__(domain, function_space, field_name) test = self.test q = self.X mass_form = time_derivative(inner(q, test)*dx) diffusive_form = diffusion_form(test, q, diffusion_parameters.kappa) self.residual = prognostic(subject(mass_form + diffusive_form, q), field_name)