Defines the :class:`ActiveTracer` object, which contains the metadata to
augment equation sets with additional active tracer variables. Some specific
commonly used tracers are also provided.
Enumerators are also defined to encode different aspects of the tracers (e.g.
what type of variable the tracer is, what phase it is, etc).
from enum import Enum
from gusto.core.configuration import TransportEquationType
from gusto.core.logging import logger
__all__ = ["TracerVariableType", "Phases", "ActiveTracer",
"WaterVapour", "CloudWater", "Rain"]
class TracerVariableType(Enum):
Denotes the type of the variable describing the tracer.
An enumerator object which stores the variable type of a tracer X. If the
density of tracer X is rho_X, the density of dry air is rho_d and the total
density is rho_t then these variables are given by:
mixing ratio = rho_X / rho_d
specific_humidity = rho_X / rho_t
density = rho_X
mixing_ratio = 25
specific_humidity = 644
density = 137
class Phases(Enum):
"""An enumerator object which describes the phase of a substance."""
gas = 38
liquid = 112
solid = 83
plasma = 2000 # Why not!
class ActiveTracer(object):
Object containing metadata to describe an active tracer variable.
A class containing the metadata to describe how an active tracer variable
is used within an equation set, being added as a component within the
:class:`MixedFunctionSpace` as these variables interact with the other
prognostic variables.
def __init__(self, name, space, variable_type,
phase=Phases.gas, chemical=None):
name (str): the name for the variable.
space (str): the name of the :class:`FunctionSpace` for the tracer.
variable_type (:class:`TracerVariableType`): enumerator indicating
the type of tracer variable (e.g. mixing ratio or density).
transport_eqn (:class:`TransportEquationType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of transport equation to be solved (e.g.
advective). Defaults to `TransportEquationType.advective`.
density_name (str): the name of the associated density for a mixing
ratio when using the tracer_conservative transport. Defaults to None,
but raises an error if tracer_conservative transport is used without
a specified density.
phase (:class:`Phases`, optional): enumerator indicating the phase
of the tracer variable. Defaults to `Phases.gas`.
chemical (str, optional): string to describe the chemical that this
active tracer describes. Defaults to None.
NotImplementedError: if `variable_type` is not `mixing_ratio`.
self.name = name
self.space = space
self.transport_eqn = transport_eqn
self.density_name = density_name
self.variable_type = variable_type
self.phase = phase
self.chemical = chemical
if (variable_type == TracerVariableType.density
and transport_eqn == TransportEquationType.advective):
logger.warning('Active tracer initialised which describes a '
+ 'density but solving the advective transport eqn')
if (transport_eqn == TransportEquationType.tracer_conservative
and density_name is None):
raise ValueError(f'Active tracer {name} using tracer conservative '
+ 'transport needs an associated density.')
class WaterVapour(ActiveTracer):
"""An object encoding the details of water vapour as a tracer."""
def __init__(self, name='water_vapour', space='theta',
name (str, optional): the variable's name. Defaults to
space (str, optional): the name for the :class:`FunctionSpace` to be
used by the variable. Defaults to 'theta'.
variable_type (:class:`TracerVariableType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of tracer variable (e.g. mixing ratio or
density). Defaults to `TracerVariableType.mixing_ratio`.
transport_eqn (:class:`TransportEquationType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of transport equation to be solved (e.g.
advective). Defaults to `TransportEquationType.advective`.
density_name (str): the name of the associated density for a mixing
ratio when using the tracer_conservative transport. Defaults to None,
as this argument is not needed for other transport types.
super().__init__(f'{name}', space, variable_type,
phase=Phases.gas, chemical='H2O')
class CloudWater(ActiveTracer):
"""An object encoding the details of cloud water as a tracer."""
def __init__(self, name='cloud_water', space='theta',
name (str, optional): the variable name. Default is 'cloud_water'.
space (str, optional): the name for the :class:`FunctionSpace` to be
used by the variable. Defaults to 'theta'.
variable_type (:class:`TracerVariableType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of tracer variable (e.g. mixing ratio or
density). Defaults to `TracerVariableType.mixing_ratio`.
transport_eqn (:class:`TransportEquationType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of transport equation to be solved (e.g.
advective). Defaults to `TransportEquationType.advective`.
density_name (str): the name of the associated density for a mixing
ratio when using the tracer_conservative transport. Defaults to None,
as this argument is not needed for other transport types.
super().__init__(f'{name}', space, variable_type,
phase=Phases.liquid, chemical='H2O')
class Rain(ActiveTracer):
"""An object encoding the details of rain as a tracer."""
def __init__(self, name='rain', space='theta',
name (str, optional): the name for the variable. Defaults to 'rain'.
space (str, optional): the name for the :class:`FunctionSpace` to be
used by the variable. Defaults to 'theta'.
variable_type (:class:`TracerVariableType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of tracer variable (e.g. mixing ratio or
density). Defaults to `TracerVariableType.mixing_ratio`.
transport_eqn (:class:`TransportEquationType`, optional): enumerator
indicating the type of transport equation to be solved (e.g.
advective). Defaults to `TransportEquationType.advective`.
density_name (str): the name of the associated density for a mixing
ratio when using the tracer_conservative transport. Defaults to None,
as this argument is not needed for other transport types.
super().__init__(f'{name}', space, variable_type,
phase=Phases.liquid, chemical='H2O')