"""Common diagnostic fields for the Shallow Water equations."""
from firedrake import (dx, TestFunction, TrialFunction, grad, inner, curl,
LinearVariationalProblem, LinearVariationalSolver)
from gusto.diagnostics.diagnostics import DiagnosticField, Energy
__all__ = ["ShallowWaterKineticEnergy", "ShallowWaterPotentialEnergy",
"ShallowWaterPotentialEnstrophy", "PotentialVorticity",
"RelativeVorticity", "AbsoluteVorticity"]
class ShallowWaterKineticEnergy(Energy):
"""Diagnostic shallow-water kinetic energy density."""
name = "ShallowWaterKineticEnergy"
def __init__(self, space=None, method='interpolate'):
space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to
evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which
case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic.
method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation
for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project',
'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'.
super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=("D", "u"))
def setup(self, domain, state_fields):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
u = state_fields("u")
D = state_fields("D")
self.expr = self.kinetic(u, D)
super().setup(domain, state_fields)
class ShallowWaterPotentialEnergy(Energy):
"""Diagnostic shallow-water potential energy density."""
name = "ShallowWaterPotentialEnergy"
def __init__(self, parameters, space=None, method='interpolate'):
parameters (:class:`ShallowWaterParameters`): the configuration
object containing the physical parameters for this equation.
space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to
evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which
case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic.
method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation
for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project',
'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'.
self.parameters = parameters
super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=("D"))
def setup(self, domain, state_fields):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
g = self.parameters.g
D = state_fields("D")
self.expr = 0.5*g*D**2
super().setup(domain, state_fields)
class ShallowWaterPotentialEnstrophy(DiagnosticField):
"""Diagnostic (dry) compressible kinetic energy density."""
def __init__(self, base_field_name="PotentialVorticity", space=None,
base_field_name (str, optional): the base potential vorticity field
to compute the enstrophy from. Defaults to "PotentialVorticity".
space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to
evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which
case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic.
method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation
for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project',
'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'.
base_enstrophy_names = ["PotentialVorticity", "RelativeVorticity", "AbsoluteVorticity"]
if base_field_name not in base_enstrophy_names:
raise ValueError(
f"Don't know how to compute enstrophy with base_field_name={base_field_name};"
+ f"base_field_name should be one of {base_enstrophy_names}")
# Work out required fields
if base_field_name in ["PotentialVorticity", "AbsoluteVorticity"]:
required_fields = (base_field_name, "D")
elif base_field_name == "RelativeVorticity":
required_fields = (base_field_name, "D", "coriolis")
raise NotImplementedError(f'Enstrophy with vorticity {base_field_name} not implemented')
super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=required_fields)
self.base_field_name = base_field_name
def name(self):
"""Gives the name of this diagnostic field."""
base_name = "SWPotentialEnstrophy"
return "_from_".join((base_name, self.base_field_name))
def setup(self, domain, state_fields):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
if self.base_field_name == "PotentialVorticity":
pv = state_fields("PotentialVorticity")
D = state_fields("D")
self.expr = 0.5*pv**2*D
elif self.base_field_name == "RelativeVorticity":
zeta = state_fields("RelativeVorticity")
D = state_fields("D")
f = state_fields("coriolis")
self.expr = 0.5*(zeta + f)**2/D
elif self.base_field_name == "AbsoluteVorticity":
zeta_abs = state_fields("AbsoluteVorticity")
D = state_fields("D")
self.expr = 0.5*(zeta_abs)**2/D
raise NotImplementedError(f'Enstrophy with {self.base_field_name} not implemented')
super().setup(domain, state_fields)
class Vorticity(DiagnosticField):
"""Base diagnostic field class for shallow-water vorticity variables."""
def setup(self, domain, state_fields, vorticity_type=None):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
vorticity_type (str, optional): denotes which type of vorticity to
be computed ('relative', 'absolute' or 'potential'). Defaults to
vorticity_types = ["relative", "absolute", "potential"]
if vorticity_type not in vorticity_types:
raise ValueError(f"vorticity type must be one of {vorticity_types}, not {vorticity_type}")
space = domain.spaces("H1")
u = state_fields("u")
if vorticity_type in ["absolute", "potential"]:
f = state_fields("coriolis")
if vorticity_type == "potential":
D = state_fields("D")
if self.method != 'solve':
if vorticity_type == "potential":
self.expr = (curl(u) + f) / D
elif vorticity_type == "absolute":
self.expr = curl(u) + f
elif vorticity_type == "relative":
self.expr = curl(u)
super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=space)
# Set up problem now that self.field has been set up
if self.method == 'solve':
gamma = TestFunction(space)
q = TrialFunction(space)
if vorticity_type == "potential":
a = q*gamma*D*dx
a = q*gamma*dx
L = (- inner(domain.perp(grad(gamma)), u))*dx
if vorticity_type != "relative":
f = state_fields("coriolis")
L += gamma*f*dx
problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field)
self.evaluator = LinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters={"ksp_type": "cg"})
class PotentialVorticity(Vorticity):
u"""Diagnostic field for shallow-water potential vorticity, q=(∇×(u+f))/D"""
name = "PotentialVorticity"
def __init__(self, space=None, method='solve'):
space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to
evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which
case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic.
method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation
for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project',
'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'solve'.
self.solve_implemented = True
super().__init__(space=space, method=method,
required_fields=('u', 'D', 'coriolis'))
def setup(self, domain, state_fields):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
super().setup(domain, state_fields, vorticity_type="potential")
class AbsoluteVorticity(Vorticity):
u"""Diagnostic field for absolute vorticity, ζ=∇×(u+f)"""
name = "AbsoluteVorticity"
def __init__(self, space=None, method='solve'):
space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to
evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which
case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic.
method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation
for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project',
'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'solve'.
self.solve_implemented = True
super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=('u', 'coriolis'))
def setup(self, domain, state_fields):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
super().setup(domain, state_fields, vorticity_type="absolute")
class RelativeVorticity(Vorticity):
u"""Diagnostic field for relative vorticity, ζ=∇×u"""
name = "RelativeVorticity"
def __init__(self, space=None, method='solve'):
space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to
evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which
case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic.
method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation
for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project',
'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'solve'.
self.solve_implemented = True
super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=('u',))
def setup(self, domain, state_fields):
Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field.
domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object.
state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container.
super().setup(domain, state_fields, vorticity_type="relative")