Source code for gusto.diagnostics.compressible_euler_diagnostics

"""Common diagnostic fields for the compressible Euler equations."""

from firedrake import (dot, dx, Function, ln, TestFunction, TrialFunction,
                       Constant, grad, inner, LinearVariationalProblem,
                       LinearVariationalSolver, FacetNormal, ds_b, dS_v, div,
                       avg, jump, SpatialCoordinate)

from gusto.diagnostics.diagnostics import (
    DiagnosticField, Energy, IterativeDiagnosticField
from gusto.equations import CompressibleEulerEquations
import gusto.equations.thermodynamics as tde
from gusto.recovery import Recoverer, BoundaryMethod
from gusto.equations import TracerVariableType, Phases

__all__ = ["RichardsonNumber", "Entropy", "PhysicalEntropy", "DynamicEntropy",
           "CompressibleKineticEnergy", "Exner", "Theta_e", "InternalEnergy",
           "PotentialEnergy", "ThermodynamicKineticEnergy",
           "Temperature", "Theta_d", "RelativeHumidity", "Pressure", "Exner_Vt",
           "HydrostaticImbalance", "Precipitation", "BruntVaisalaFrequencySquared",
           "WetBulbTemperature", "DewpointTemperature"]

[docs] class RichardsonNumber(DiagnosticField): """Dimensionless Richardson number diagnostic field.""" name = "RichardsonNumber" def __init__(self, density_field, factor=1., space=None, method='interpolate'): u""" Args: density_field (str): the name of the density field. factor (float, optional): a factor to multiply the Brunt-Väisälä frequency by. Defaults to 1. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=(density_field, "u_gradient")) self.density_field = density_field self.factor = Constant(factor)
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ rho_grad = self.density_field+"_gradient" grad_density = state_fields(rho_grad) gradu = state_fields("u_gradient") denom = 0. z_dim = domain.mesh.geometric_dimension() - 1 u_dim = state_fields("u").ufl_shape[0] for i in range(u_dim-1): denom += gradu[i, z_dim]**2 Nsq = self.factor*grad_density[z_dim] self.expr = Nsq/denom super().setup(domain, state_fields)
[docs] class Entropy(DiagnosticField): """Base diagnostic field for entropy diagnostic """ def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method="interpolate"): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ self.equations = equations if isinstance(equations, CompressibleEulerEquations): required_fields = ['rho', 'theta'] else: raise NotImplementedError(f'entropy not yet implemented for {type(equations)}') super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=tuple(required_fields))
[docs] class PhysicalEntropy(Entropy): u"""Physical entropy ρ*ln(θ) for Compressible Euler equations""" name = "PhysicalEntropy"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ rho = state_fields('rho') theta = state_fields('theta') self.expr = rho * ln(theta) super().setup(domain, state_fields)
[docs] class DynamicEntropy(Entropy): u"""Dynamic entropy 0.5*ρ*θ^2 for Compressible Euler equations""" name = "DynamicEntropy"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ rho = state_fields('rho') theta = state_fields('theta') self.expr = 0.5 * rho * theta**2 super().setup(domain, state_fields)
[docs] class CompressibleKineticEnergy(Energy): """Diagnostic (dry) compressible kinetic energy density.""" name = "CompressibleKineticEnergy" def __init__(self, space=None, method='interpolate'): """ Args: space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=("rho", "u"))
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ u = state_fields("u") rho = state_fields("rho") self.expr = self.kinetic(u, rho) super().setup(domain, state_fields)
[docs] class Exner(DiagnosticField): """The diagnostic Exner pressure field.""" def __init__(self, parameters, reference=False, space=None, method='interpolate'): """ Args: parameters (:class:`CompressibleParameters`): the configuration object containing the physical parameters for this equation. reference (bool, optional): whether to compute the reference Exner pressure field or not. Defaults to False. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ self.parameters = parameters self.reference = reference if reference: self.rho_name = "rho_bar" self.theta_name = "theta_bar" else: self.rho_name = "rho" self.theta_name = "theta" super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=(self.rho_name, self.theta_name)) @property def name(self): """Gives the name of this diagnostic field.""" if self.reference: return "Exner_bar" else: return "Exner"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ rho = state_fields(self.rho_name) theta = state_fields(self.theta_name) self.expr = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rho, theta) super().setup(domain, state_fields)
[docs] class BruntVaisalaFrequencySquared(DiagnosticField): """The diagnostic for the Brunt-Väisälä frequency.""" name = "Brunt-Vaisala_squared" def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method='interpolate'): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ self.parameters = equations.parameters # Work out required fields if isinstance(equations, CompressibleEulerEquations): required_fields = ['theta'] if equations.active_tracers is not None and len(equations.active_tracers) > 1: # TODO: I think theta here should be theta_e, which would be # easiest if this is a ThermodynamicDiagnostic. But in the dry # case, our numerical theta_e does not reduce to the numerical # dry theta raise NotImplementedError( 'Brunt-Vaisala diagnostic not implemented for moist equations') else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Brunt-Vaisala diagnostic not implemented for {type(equations)}') super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=tuple(required_fields))
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ theta = state_fields('theta') self.expr = self.parameters.g/theta * dot(domain.k, grad(theta)) super().setup(domain, state_fields)
# TODO: unify thermodynamic diagnostics class ThermodynamicDiagnostic(DiagnosticField): """Base thermodynamic diagnostic field, computing many common fields.""" def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method='interpolate'): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ self.equations = equations self.parameters = equations.parameters # Work out required fields if isinstance(equations, CompressibleEulerEquations): required_fields = ['rho', 'theta'] if equations.active_tracers is not None: for active_tracer in equations.active_tracers: if active_tracer.chemical == 'H2O': required_fields.append( else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Thermodynamic diagnostics not implemented for {type(equations)}') super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=tuple(required_fields)) def _setup_thermodynamics(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self.Vtheta = domain.spaces('theta') h_deg = self.Vtheta.ufl_element().degree()[0] v_deg = self.Vtheta.ufl_element().degree()[1]-1 boundary_method = BoundaryMethod.extruded if (v_deg == 0 and h_deg == 0) else None # Extract all fields self.rho = state_fields("rho") self.theta = state_fields("theta") # Rho must be averaged to Vtheta self.rho_averaged = Function(self.Vtheta) self.recoverer = Recoverer(self.rho, self.rho_averaged, boundary_method=boundary_method) zero_expr = Constant(0.0)*self.theta self.r_v = zero_expr # Water vapour self.r_l = zero_expr # Liquid water self.r_t = zero_expr # All water mixing ratios for active_tracer in self.equations.active_tracers: if active_tracer.chemical == "H2O": if active_tracer.variable_type != TracerVariableType.mixing_ratio: raise NotImplementedError('Only mixing ratio tracers are implemented') if active_tracer.phase == Phases.gas: self.r_v += state_fields( elif active_tracer.phase == Phases.liquid: self.r_l += state_fields( self.r_t += state_fields( # Store the most common expressions self.exner = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, self.rho_averaged, self.theta) self.T = tde.T(self.parameters, self.theta, self.exner, r_v=self.r_v) self.p = tde.p(self.parameters, self.exner) def compute(self): """Compute the thermodynamic diagnostic.""" self.recoverer.project() super().compute()
[docs] class Theta_e(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The moist equivalent potential temperature diagnostic field.""" name = "Theta_e"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = tde.theta_e(self.parameters, self.T, self.p, self.r_v, self.r_t) super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
[docs] class InternalEnergy(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The moist compressible internal energy density.""" name = "InternalEnergy"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = tde.internal_energy(self.parameters, self.rho_averaged, self.T, r_v=self.r_v, r_l=self.r_l) super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
[docs] class PotentialEnergy(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The moist compressible potential energy density.""" name = "PotentialEnergy"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ x = SpatialCoordinate(domain.mesh) self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) z = Function(self.rho_averaged.function_space()) z.interpolate(dot(x, domain.k)) self.expr = self.rho_averaged * (1 + self.r_t) * self.parameters.g * z super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=domain.spaces("DG"))
# TODO: this needs consolidating with energy diagnostics
[docs] class ThermodynamicKineticEnergy(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The moist compressible kinetic energy density.""" name = "ThermodynamicKineticEnergy" def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method='interpolate'): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ self.equations = equations self.parameters = equations.parameters # Work out required fields if isinstance(equations, CompressibleEulerEquations): required_fields = ['rho', 'u'] if equations.active_tracers is not None: for active_tracer in equations.active_tracers: if active_tracer.chemical == 'H2O': required_fields.append( else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Thermodynamic K.E. not implemented for {type(equations)}') super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=tuple(required_fields))
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ u = state_fields('u') self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = 0.5 * self.rho_averaged * (1 + self.r_t) * dot(u, u) super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=domain.spaces("DG"))
[docs] class DewpointTemperature(IterativeDiagnosticField): """ The dewpoint temperature diagnostic field. The temperature to which air must be cooled in order to become saturated. Note: this will not give sensible answers in the absence of water vapour. """ name = "Dewpoint" def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method='interpolate', num_iterations=3, gamma=1.0): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. num_iterations (integer, optional): number of times to iteratively evaluate the expression. Defaults to 3. gamma (float, optional): weight given to previous guess, which is used to avoid numerical instabilities. Defaults to 1.0. """ self.parameters = equations.parameters super().__init__(space=space, method=method, num_iterations=num_iterations, gamma=gamma)
[docs] def implicit_expr(self, domain, state_fields): """ The implicit UFL expression for the diagnostic, which should depend on self.field Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ theta = state_fields('theta') rho = state_fields('rho') if 'water_vapour' in state_fields._field_names: r_v = state_fields('water_vapour') else: raise RuntimeError('Dewpoint temperature diagnostic should only' + 'be used with water vapour') exner = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rho, theta) pressure = tde.p(self.parameters, exner) temperature = tde.T(self.parameters, theta, exner, r_v=r_v) r_sat = tde.r_sat(self.parameters, self.field, pressure) return self.field - temperature*(r_sat - r_v)
[docs] def set_first_guess(self, domain, state_fields): """ The first guess of the diagnostic, set to be the dry temperature. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ theta = state_fields('theta') rho = state_fields('rho') if 'water_vapour' in state_fields._field_names: r_v = state_fields('water_vapour') else: raise RuntimeError('Dewpoint temperature diagnostic should only' + 'be used with water vapour') exner = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rho, theta) temperature = tde.T(self.parameters, theta, exner, r_v=r_v) return temperature
[docs] class WetBulbTemperature(IterativeDiagnosticField): """ The wet-bulb temperature diagnostic field. The temperature of air cooled to saturation by the evaporation of water. """ name = "WetBulb" def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method='interpolate', num_iterations=3, gamma=0.5): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. num_iterations (integer, optional): number of times to iteratively evaluate the expression. Defaults to 3. gamma (float, optional): weight given to previous guess, which is used to avoid numerical instabilities. Defaults to 0.8. """ self.parameters = equations.parameters super().__init__(space=space, method=method, num_iterations=num_iterations, gamma=gamma)
[docs] def implicit_expr(self, domain, state_fields): """ The implicit UFL expression for the diagnostic, which should depend on self.field Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ theta = state_fields('theta') rho = state_fields('rho') if 'water_vapour' in state_fields._field_names: r_v = state_fields('water_vapour') else: r_v = 0.0*theta # zero expression exner = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rho, theta) pressure = tde.p(self.parameters, exner) temperature = tde.T(self.parameters, theta, exner, r_v=r_v) r_sat = tde.r_sat(self.parameters, self.field, pressure) # In the comments, preserve a simpler expression: # L_v0 = self.parameters.L_v0 # R_v = self.parameters.R_v # c_v = # return L_v0 / R_v + (R_v*temperature - L_v0)/R_v * exp(R_v/c_v*(r_sat - r_v)) # Reduce verbosity by introducing intermediate variables b = -self.parameters.L_v0 - (self.parameters.c_pl - self.parameters.c_pv)*self.parameters.T_0 a = self.parameters.R_v + self.parameters.c_pl - self.parameters.c_pv A = self.parameters.c_vv B = return - b / a + (a*temperature + b) / a * ((A*r_sat + B) / (A*r_v + B))**(a/A)
[docs] def set_first_guess(self, domain, state_fields): """ The first guess of the diagnostic, set to be the dry temperature. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ theta = state_fields('theta') rho = state_fields('rho') if 'water_vapour' in state_fields._field_names: r_v = state_fields('water_vapour') else: r_v = 0.0*theta # zero expression exner = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rho, theta) temperature = tde.T(self.parameters, theta, exner, r_v=r_v) return temperature
[docs] class Temperature(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The absolute temperature diagnostic field.""" name = "Temperature"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = self.T super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
[docs] class Theta_d(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The dry potential temperature diagnostic field.""" name = "Theta_d"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = self.theta / (1 + self.r_v * self.parameters.R_v / self.parameters.R_d) super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
[docs] class RelativeHumidity(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The relative humidity diagnostic field.""" name = "RelativeHumidity"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = tde.RH(self.parameters, self.r_v, self.T, self.p) super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
[docs] class Pressure(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The pressure field computed in the 'theta' space.""" name = "Pressure_Vt"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = self.p super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
[docs] class Exner_Vt(ThermodynamicDiagnostic): """The Exner pressure field computed in the 'theta' space.""" name = "Exner_Vt"
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ self._setup_thermodynamics(domain, state_fields) self.expr = self.exner super().setup(domain, state_fields, space=self.Vtheta)
# TODO: this doesn't contain the effects of moisture # TODO: this has not been implemented for other equation sets
[docs] class HydrostaticImbalance(DiagnosticField): """Hydrostatic imbalance diagnostic field.""" name = "HydrostaticImbalance" def __init__(self, equations, space=None, method='interpolate'): """ Args: equations (:class:`PrognosticEquationSet`): the equation set being solved by the model. space (:class:`FunctionSpace`, optional): the function space to evaluate the diagnostic field in. Defaults to None, in which case a default space will be chosen for this diagnostic. method (str, optional): a string specifying the method of evaluation for this diagnostic. Valid options are 'interpolate', 'project', 'assign' and 'solve'. Defaults to 'interpolate'. """ # Work out required fields if isinstance(equations, CompressibleEulerEquations): required_fields = ['rho', 'theta', 'rho_bar', 'theta_bar'] if equations.active_tracers is not None: for active_tracer in equations.active_tracers: if active_tracer.chemical == 'H2O': required_fields.append( self.equations = equations self.parameters = equations.parameters else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Hydrostatic Imbalance not implemented for {type(equations)}') super().__init__(space=space, method=method, required_fields=required_fields)
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ Vu = domain.spaces("HDiv") rho = state_fields("rho") rhobar = state_fields("rho_bar") theta = state_fields("theta") thetabar = state_fields("theta_bar") exner = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rho, theta) exnerbar = tde.exner_pressure(self.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) cp = Constant(self.parameters.cp) n = FacetNormal(domain.mesh) # TODO: not sure about this expression! # Gravity does not appear, and why are there reference profiles? F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) imbalance = Function(Vu) a = inner(w, F)*dx L = (- cp*div((theta-thetabar)*w)*exnerbar*dx + cp*jump((theta-thetabar)*w, n)*avg(exnerbar)*dS_v - cp*div(thetabar*w)*(exner-exnerbar)*dx + cp*jump(thetabar*w, n)*avg(exner-exnerbar)*dS_v) bcs = self.equations.bcs['u'] imbalanceproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, imbalance, bcs=bcs) self.imbalance_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(imbalanceproblem) self.expr = dot(imbalance, domain.k) super().setup(domain, state_fields)
[docs] def compute(self): """Compute and return the diagnostic field from the current state. """ self.imbalance_solver.solve() super().compute()
[docs] class Precipitation(DiagnosticField): """ The total precipitation falling through the domain's bottom surface. This is normalised by unit area, giving a result in kg / m^2. """ name = "Precipitation" def __init__(self): self.solve_implemented = True required_fields = ('rain', 'rainfall_velocity', 'rho') super().__init__(method='solve', required_fields=required_fields)
[docs] def setup(self, domain, state_fields): """ Sets up the :class:`Function` for the diagnostic field. Args: domain (:class:`Domain`): the model's domain object. state_fields (:class:`StateFields`): the model's field container. """ if not hasattr(domain.spaces, "DG0"): DG0 = domain.spaces.create_space("DG0", "DG", 0) else: DG0 = domain.spaces("DG0") assert DG0.extruded, 'Cannot compute precipitation on a non-extruded mesh' = DG0 # Gather fields rain = state_fields('rain') rho = state_fields('rho') v = state_fields('rainfall_velocity') # Set up problem self.phi = TestFunction(DG0) flux = TrialFunction(DG0) self.flux = Function(DG0) # Flux to solve for area = Function(DG0) # Need to compute normalisation (area) eqn_lhs = self.phi * flux * dx area_rhs = self.phi * ds_b eqn_rhs = domain.dt * self.phi * (rain * dot(- v, domain.k) * rho / area) * ds_b # Compute area normalisation area_prob = LinearVariationalProblem(eqn_lhs, area_rhs, area) area_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(area_prob) area_solver.solve() # setup solver rain_prob = LinearVariationalProblem(eqn_lhs, eqn_rhs, self.flux) self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(rain_prob) self.field = state_fields(, space=DG0, dump=True, pick_up=True) # Initialise field to zero, if picking up this will be overridden self.field.assign(0.0)
[docs] def compute(self): """Increment the precipitation diagnostic.""" self.solver.solve() self.field.assign(self.field + self.flux)