"""Gusto Logging Module
All logging functionality for Gusto is controlled from
``gusto.core.logging``. A logger object ``logging.getLogger("gusto")`` is
created internally.
The primary means of configuration is via environment variables, the
same way that the standard Python root logger is. See the
:mod:`logging` page for details.
Set ``GUSTO_LOG_LEVEL`` to any of ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``,
``ERROR`` or ``CRITICAL`` (from most verbose to least verbose).
Additionally the level of console (`stderr`) logging and logfile based
logging can be controlled separately. Console logging verbosity is set
using ``GUSTO_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL``. Logfile logging verbosity is set using
By default a script that imports gusto will log only from rank 0 to the
console and to a file. This can be changed by setting the environment
variable ``GUSTO_PARALLEL_LOG`` to ``CONSOLE``, ``FILE`` or ``BOTH``.
Setting these will log from all ranks, not just rank 0. Console output
will be interleaved, but log files contain the rank number as part of
the logfile name.
import logging
import sys
import os
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from logging import NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL # noqa: F401
from pathlib import Path
from firedrake.slate.static_condensation import scpc, hybridization
from petsc4py import PETSc
from pyop2.mpi import COMM_WORLD
__all__ = [
"logger", "set_log_handler", "LoggingError", "NOTSET", "DEBUG",
class LoggingError(Exception):
logger = logging.getLogger("gusto")
def capture_exceptions(exception_type, exception_value, traceback, logger=logger):
""" This function allows all unhandled exceptions to be logged to
Gusto's logs
"Gusto is logging this unhandled exception:",
exc_info=(exception_type, exception_value, traceback)
sys.excepthook = capture_exceptions
# Set the log level based on environment variables
log_level = os.environ.get("GUSTO_LOG_LEVEL", WARNING)
logfile_level = os.environ.get("GUSTO_FILE_LOG_LEVEL", DEBUG)
logconsole_level = os.environ.get("GUSTO_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL", INFO)
log_level_list = [log_level, logfile_level, logconsole_level]
log_levels = [
logging.getLevelNamesMapping().get(x) if isinstance(x, str)
else x
for x in log_level_list
# Setup parallel logging based on environment variables
parallel_log = os.environ.get("GUSTO_PARALLEL_LOG", None)
options = ["CONSOLE", "FILE", "BOTH"]
if parallel_log is not None:
parallel_log = parallel_log.upper()
if parallel_log.upper() not in options:
parallel_log = None
def create_logfile_handler(path, mode="w"):
""" Handler for logfiles.
path: path to log file
logfile = logging.FileHandler(filename=path, mode=mode)
logfile_formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
return logfile
def create_console_handler(fmt):
""" Handler for console logging.
fmt: format string for log output
console = logging.StreamHandler()
console_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)
return console
def set_log_handler(comm=COMM_WORLD):
""" Set all handlers for logging.
comm (:class:`MPI.Comm`): MPI communicator.
# Set up logging
timestamp = datetime.now()
logfile_name = f"temp-gusto-{timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S')}"
if parallel_log in ["FILE", "BOTH"]:
logfile_name += f"_{comm.rank}"
# PID is required here for running pytest with xdist
logfile_name += f"_{os.getpid()}.log"
if comm.rank == 0:
os.makedirs("results", exist_ok=True)
if parallel_log in ["FILE", "BOTH"]:
# If all ranks are logging wait here for the directory to be created
logfile_path = os.path.join("results", logfile_name)
console_format_str = ""
if parallel_log in ["CONSOLE", "BOTH"]:
console_format_str += f"[{comm.rank}] "
console_format_str += '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
if comm.rank == 0:
# Always log on rank 0
lfh = create_logfile_handler(logfile_path)
lfh.name = "gusto-temp-file-log"
ch = create_console_handler(console_format_str)
ch.name = "gusto-console-log"
# Only log on other ranks if enabled
if parallel_log in ["FILE", "BOTH"]:
lfh = create_logfile_handler(logfile_path)
lfh.name = "gusto-temp-file-log"
if parallel_log in ["CONSOLE", "BOTH"]:
ch = create_console_handler(console_format_str)
ch.name = "gusto-console-log"
if not logger.handlers:
logger.info("Running %s" % " ".join(sys.argv))
def update_logfile_location(new_path, comm):
""" Update the location of the logfile.
This is used to move the temporary log file created in the results
directory to the appropriate model directory.
new_path = Path(new_path)
fh = [*filter(lambda x: x.name == "gusto-temp-file-log", logger.handlers)]
if len(fh) == 1:
fh = fh[0]
logger.debug("Closing temporary logger and moving logfile")
old_path = Path(fh.baseFilename)
# str.removeprefix unavailable for python version <3.9
filename_str = old_path.name
if filename_str.startswith("temp-"):
filename_str = filename_str[5:]
filename = Path(filename_str)
os.makedirs(new_path, exist_ok=True)
if parallel_log in ["FILE", "BOTH"]:
# If all ranks are logging wait here in case a directory is being created
# Use shutil.move and not os.rename as new path may be on a
# different file system. Notably, this is the case for CI.
shutil.move(old_path, new_path/filename)
new_fh = create_logfile_handler(new_path/filename, mode="a")
new_fh.name = "gusto-file-log"
logger.debug("Re-opening logger")
elif len(fh) > 1:
raise LoggingError(
"More than one log handler with name `gusto-temp-file-log`\n"
"Logging has been set up incorrectly"
# We want a map from ENUM to Norm names
_norm_to_enum = {k: v for k, v in PETSc.KSP.NormType.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, int)}
_enum_to_norm = {v: k.lower() for k, v in _norm_to_enum.items() if 'NORM_' not in k}
# The logging monitors will only log at level debug, but you should avoid
# adding an expensive Python callback the log level is not DEBUG by
# checking the logger like so:
# ```
# if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
# ksp.setMonitor(logging_ksp_monitor)
# ```
def logging_ksp_monitor(ksp, iteration, residual_norm):
Clone of C code at:
Example output:
Residual norms for firedrake_0_ solve
0 KSP Residual norm 3.175267221735e+00
tab_level = ksp.getTabLevel()
tab = ' '
if iteration == 0:
logger.debug(tab*tab_level + f'Residual norms for {ksp.prefix} solve')
tab*(tab_level - 1)
+ f'{iteration: 5d} KSP Residual norm {residual_norm:14.12e}'
def logging_ksp_monitor_true_residual(ksp, iteration, residual_norm):
Clone of C code:
Example output:
Residual norms for firedrake_0_ solve
0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.175267221735e+00 true resid norm 3.175267221735e+00 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.000000000000e+00
tab_level = ksp.getTabLevel()
tab = ' '
residual = ksp.buildResidual()
true_norm = residual.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2)
bnorm = ksp.vec_rhs.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2)
if bnorm == 0:
residual_over_b = float('inf')
residual_over_b = true_norm / bnorm
if iteration == 0:
logger.debug(tab*tab_level + f'Residual norms for {ksp.prefix} solve')
tab*(tab_level - 1)
+ f'{iteration: 5d} KSP {_enum_to_norm[ksp.norm_type]} resid norm {residual_norm:14.12e}'
+ f' true resid norm {true_norm:14.12e}'
+ f' ||r(i)||/||b|| {residual_over_b:14.12e}'
def _wrap_method(obj, method_str, ksp_str, monitor):
Used to patch the method with name `method_str` of the object `obj`,
by setting the monitor of the solver with name `ksp_str` to `monitor`.
Intended use:
foo.initialize = _wraps_initialize(
If this is confusing, do not try and call this function!
old_init = getattr(obj, method_str)
def new_init(pc):
getattr(obj, ksp_str).setMonitor(monitor)
return new_init
def attach_custom_monitor(context, monitor):
if isinstance(context, scpc.SCPC):
context.initialize = _wrap_method(
elif isinstance(context, hybridization.HybridizationPC):
context.initialize = _wrap_method(