Stores some common routines to transform coordinates between spherical and
Cartesian systems.
import importlib
import numpy as np
from firedrake import SpatialCoordinate
import ufl
__all__ = ["xyz_from_lonlatr", "lonlatr_from_xyz", "xyz_vector_from_lonlatr",
"lonlatr_components_from_xyz", "rodrigues_rotation", "pole_rotation",
"rotated_lonlatr_vectors", "rotated_lonlatr_coords",
"periodic_distance", "great_arc_angle"]
def firedrake_or_numpy(variable):
A function internal to this module, used to determine whether to import
other routines from firedrake or numpy.
variable (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): a variable to be
used in the coordinate transform routines.
tuple (:class:`module`, str): either the firedrake or numpy module, with
its name.
if isinstance(variable, ufl.core.expr.Expr):
module_name = 'firedrake'
module_name = 'numpy'
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
return module, module_name
def magnitude(u):
A function internal to this module for returning the pointwise magnitude of
a vector-valued field.
u (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the vector-valued field to
take the magnitude of.
:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`: |u|, the pointwise magntiude
of the vector field.
# Determine whether to use firedrake or numpy functions
module = firedrake_or_numpy(u)
sqrt = module.sqrt
dot = module.dot
return sqrt(dot(u, u))
def xyz_from_lonlatr(lon, lat, r, angle_units='rad'):
Returns the geocentric Cartesian coordinates x, y, z from spherical lon, lat
and r coordinates.
lon (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): longitude coordinate.
lat (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): latitude coordinate.
r (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): radial coordinate.
angle_units (str, optional): the units used for the angle. Valid
options are 'rad' (radians) or 'deg' (degrees). Defaults to 'rad'.
tuple of :class`np.ndarray` or tuple of :class:`ufl.Expr`: the tuple
of (x, y, z) coordinates in the appropriate form given the
provided arguments.
if angle_units not in ['rad', 'deg']:
raise ValueError(f'angle_units arg {angle_units} not valid')
# Import routines
module, _ = firedrake_or_numpy(lon)
cos = module.cos
sin = module.sin
pi = module.pi
if angle_units == 'deg':
unit_factor = pi/180.0
if angle_units == 'rad':
unit_factor = 1.0
lon = lon*unit_factor
lat = lat*unit_factor
x = r * cos(lon) * cos(lat)
y = r * sin(lon) * cos(lat)
z = r * sin(lat)
return x, y, z
def lonlatr_from_xyz(x, y, z, angle_units='rad'):
Returns the spherical lon, lat and r coordinates from the global geocentric
Cartesian x, y, z coordinates.
x (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): x-coordinate.
y (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): y-coordinate.
z (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): z-coordinate.
angle_units (str, optional): the units to use for the angle. Valid
options are 'rad' (radians) or 'deg' (degrees). Defaults to 'rad'.
tuple of :class`np.ndarray` or tuple of :class:`ufl.Expr`: the tuple
of (lon, lat, r) coordinates in the appropriate form given the
provided arguments.
if angle_units not in ['rad', 'deg']:
raise ValueError(f'angle_units arg {angle_units} not valid')
# Determine whether to use firedrake or numpy functions
module, _ = firedrake_or_numpy(x)
atan2 = module.atan2 if hasattr(module, "atan2") else module.arctan2
sqrt = module.sqrt
pi = module.pi
if angle_units == 'deg':
unit_factor = 180./pi
if angle_units == 'rad':
unit_factor = 1.0
lon = atan2(y, x)
r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
l = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
lat = atan2(z, l)
return lon*unit_factor, lat*unit_factor, r
def xyz_vector_from_lonlatr(lon_component, lat_component, r_component,
position_vector, position_units="xyz"):
Returns the Cartesian geocentric x, y and z components of a vector from a
vector whose components are in lon, lat and r spherical coordinates. If
dealing with Firedrake, a vector expression is returned.
lon_component (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the zonal
component of the input vector.
lat_component (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the meridional
component of the input vector.
r_component (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the radial
component of the input vector.
position_vector (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the position
vector, either as (x, y, z) or (lon, lat, radius) coordinates,
subject to the `position_units` argument. Should match the shape of
the input vector.
position_units (str, optional): in which units the provided position
vector is. Valid options are ["xyz", "lonlatr_rad", "lonlatr_deg"].
Defaults to "xyz".
:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.as_vector`: (x, y, z) components of the
input vector.
# Check position units argument is valid
if position_units not in ["xyz", "lonlatr_rad", "lonlatr_deg"]:
raise ValueError('xyz_vector_from_lonlatr: the `position_units` arg '
+ 'must be one of "xyz", "lonlatr_rad", "lonlatr_deg "'
+ f'but {position_units} was provided')
# Determine whether to use firedrake or numpy functions
module, module_name = firedrake_or_numpy(position_vector[0])
pi = module.pi
cos = module.cos
sin = module.sin
# Convert position to lonlatr_rad
if position_units == 'xyz':
lon, lat, _ = lonlatr_from_xyz(position_vector[0], position_vector[1],
elif position_units == 'lonlatr_rad':
lon, lat, _ = position_vector
elif position_units == 'lonlatr_deg':
lon, lat = position_vector[0]*pi/180., position_vector[1]*pi/180.
# f is our vector, e_i is the ith unit basis vector
# f = f_r * e_r + f_lon * e_lon + f_lat * e_lat
# We want f = f_x * e_x + f_y * e_y + f_z * e_z
# f_x = dot(f, e_x)
# e_x = cos(lon)*cos(lat) * e_r - sin(lon) * e_lon - cos(lon)*sin(lat) * e_lat
x_component = (cos(lon)*cos(lat) * r_component
- sin(lon) * lon_component
- cos(lon)*sin(lat) * lat_component)
# f_y = dot(f, e_y)
# e_y = sin(lon)*cos(lat) * e_r + cos(lon) * e_lon - sin(lon)*sin(lat) * e_lat
y_component = (sin(lon)*cos(lat) * r_component
+ cos(lon) * lon_component
- sin(lon)*sin(lat) * lat_component)
# f_z = dot(f, e_z)
# e_z = sin(lat) * e_r + cos(lat) * e_lat
z_component = (sin(lat) * r_component
+ cos(lat) * lat_component)
if module_name == 'firedrake':
return module.as_vector((x_component, y_component, z_component))
return (x_component, y_component, z_component)
def lonlatr_components_from_xyz(xyz_vector, position_vector, position_units='xyz'):
Returns the spherical (zonal, meridional, radial) components of a vector-
valued field from a vector which is expressed in geocentric Cartesian
(x, y, z) components.
xyz_vector (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the input vector
in geocentric Cartesian (x, y, z) components.
position_vector (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the position
vector, either as (x, y, z) or (lon, lat, radius) coordinates,
subject to the `position_units` argument. Should match the shape of
the input vector.
position_units (str, optional): in which units the provided position
vector is. Valid options are ["xyz", "lonlatr_rad", "lonlatr_deg"].
Defaults to "xyz".
:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`: (zonal, meridional, radial)
components of the input vector.
# Check position units argument is valid
if position_units not in ["xyz", "lonlatr_rad", "lonlatr_deg"]:
raise ValueError('xyz_vector_from_lonlatr: the `position_units` arg '
+ 'must be one of "xyz", "lonlatr_rad", "lonlatr_deg "'
+ f'but {position_units} was provided')
# Determine whether to use firedrake or numpy functions
module, _ = firedrake_or_numpy(position_vector[0])
pi = module.pi
cos = module.cos
sin = module.sin
# Convert position to lonlatr_rad
if position_units == 'xyz':
lon, lat, _ = lonlatr_from_xyz(position_vector[0], position_vector[1],
elif position_units == 'lonlatr_rad':
lon, lat, _ = position_vector
elif position_units == 'lonlatr_deg':
lon, lat = position_vector[0]*pi/180., position_vector[1]*pi/180.
# f is our vector, e_i is the ith unit basis vector
# f = f_x * e_x + f_y * e_y + f_z * e_z
# We want f = f_r * e_r + f_lon * e_lon + f_lat * e_lat
# f_lon = dot(f, e_lon)
# e_lon = -y/l * e_x + x/l * e_y
zonal_component = (-sin(lon) * xyz_vector[0]
+ cos(lon) * xyz_vector[1])
# f_lat = dot(f, e_lat)
# e_lat = -x*z/(r*l) * e_x - y*z/(r*l) * e_y + l/r * e_z
meridional_component = (- cos(lon) * sin(lat) * xyz_vector[0]
- sin(lon) * sin(lat) * xyz_vector[1]
+ cos(lat) * xyz_vector[2])
# f_r = dot(f, e_r)
# e_r = x/r * e_x + y/r * e_y + z/r * e_z
radial_component = (cos(lon) * cos(lat) * xyz_vector[0]
+ sin(lon) * cos(lat) * xyz_vector[1]
+ sin(lat) * xyz_vector[2])
return (zonal_component, meridional_component, radial_component)
def rodrigues_rotation(old_vector, rot_axis, rot_angle):
Performs the rotation of a vector v about some axis k by some angle ϕ, as
given by Rodrigues' rotation formula: \n
v_rot = v * cos(ϕ) + (k cross v) sin(ϕ) + k (k . v)*(1 - cos(ϕ)) \n
Returns a new vector. All components must be (x,y,z) components.
old_vector (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): the original
vector or vector-valued field to be rotated, to be expressed in
geocentric Cartesian (x,y,z) components in the original coordinate
rot_axis (tuple or :class:`ufl.as_vector`): the vector representing the
axis to rotate around, expressed in geocentric Cartesian (x,y,z)
components (in the frame before the rotation).
rot_angle (float): the angle to rotate by.
:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`: the rotated vector or
vector-valued field.
# Determine whether to use firedrake or numpy functions
module, module_name = firedrake_or_numpy(old_vector)
cos = module.cos
sin = module.sin
cross = module.cross
# Numpy vector may need reshaping
if module_name == 'numpy' and np.shape(rot_axis) != np.shape(old_vector):
# Construct shape for tiling vector
tile_shape = [dim for dim in np.shape(old_vector)[:-1]]+[1]
# Tile rot_axis vector to create an ndarray
rot_axis = np.tile(rot_axis, tile_shape)
# Replace dot product routine with something that does elementwise dot
def dot(a, b):
dotted_vectors = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', a, b)
# Add new axis to allow further multiplication by a vector
return dotted_vectors[:, np.newaxis]
dot = module.dot
new_vector = (old_vector * cos(rot_angle)
+ cross(rot_axis, old_vector) * sin(rot_angle)
+ rot_axis * dot(rot_axis, old_vector) * (1 - cos(rot_angle)))
return new_vector
def pole_rotation(new_pole):
Computes the rotation axis and angle associated with rotating the pole from
lon = 0 and lat = pi / 2 to a new longitude and latitude. Returns the
rotation axis and angle for use in the Rodrigues rotation.
new_pole (tuple): a tuple of floats (lon, lat) of the new pole. The
longitude and latitude must be expressed in radians.
tuple: (rot_axis, rot_angle). This describes the rotation axis (a tuple
or :class:`as_vector` of (x, y, z) components of the rotation axis,
and a float describing the rotation angle.
import numpy as np
# We assume that the old pole is old_lon_p = 0 and old_lat_p = pi / 2.
old_lat_p = np.pi / 2
# Then moving the pole to new_lon_p, new_lat_p is akin to rotating the pole
# about lon_rot = new_lon + pi / 2, lat_rot = 0
new_lon_p, new_lat_p = new_pole
lon_rot = new_lon_p + np.pi / 2
lat_rot = 0.0
# The rotation angle is only in the latitudinal direction
rot_angle = old_lat_p - new_lat_p
# Turn rotation axis into a vector
# it points in the radial direction and has a length of one
rot_axis = xyz_vector_from_lonlatr(0, 0, 1, (lon_rot, lat_rot, 1),
return rot_axis, rot_angle
def rotated_lonlatr_vectors(xyz, new_pole):
Returns the (X,Y,Z) components of rotated (lon,lat,r) unit basis vectors,
given a rotation axis and the (X,Y,Z) coordinates and the old (lon,lat,r)
unit basis vectors. Only implemented for Firedrake.
xyz (:class:`SpatialCoordinate`): Original geocentric Cartesian
new_pole (tuple): a tuple of floats (lon, lat) of the new pole, in the
original coordinate system. The longitude and latitude must be
expressed in radians.
tuple of :class:`ufl.Expr`: the rotated basis vectors (e_lon, e_lat, e_r).
from firedrake import sqrt, dot, as_vector, Constant
rot_axis, rot_angle = pole_rotation(new_pole)
rot_axis = as_vector(rot_axis)
new_xyz = rodrigues_rotation(xyz, rot_axis, rot_angle)
# Compute e_lon, e_lat vectors in terms of new (x,y,z) components
e_lon_new_xyz = xyz_vector_from_lonlatr(Constant(1.0), Constant(0.0), Constant(0.0), new_xyz)
e_lat_new_xyz = xyz_vector_from_lonlatr(Constant(0.0), Constant(1.0), Constant(0.0), new_xyz)
# Rotate back to original (x,y,z) components
new_e_lon = rodrigues_rotation(e_lon_new_xyz, rot_axis, -rot_angle)
new_e_lat = rodrigues_rotation(e_lat_new_xyz, rot_axis, -rot_angle)
# e_r isn't rotated
new_e_r = xyz_vector_from_lonlatr(Constant(0.0), Constant(0.0), Constant(1.0), xyz)
# Normalise
new_e_lon /= sqrt(dot(new_e_lon, new_e_lon))
new_e_lat /= sqrt(dot(new_e_lat, new_e_lat))
new_e_r /= sqrt(dot(new_e_r, new_e_r))
return (new_e_lon, new_e_lat, new_e_r)
def rotated_lonlatr_coords(xyz, new_pole):
Returns the rotated (lon,lat,r) coordinates, given a rotation axis and the
(X,Y,Z) coordinates.
xyz (tuple of :class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`SpatialCoordinate`):
Original geocentric Cartesian coordinates.
new_pole (tuple): a tuple of floats (lon, lat) of the new pole, in the
original coordinate system. The longitude and latitude must be
expressed in radians.
tuple of :class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`: the rotated
(lon,lat,r) coordinates.
rot_axis, rot_angle = pole_rotation(new_pole)
# If numpy, shape (x,y,z) array as a vector
module, module_name = firedrake_or_numpy(xyz[0])
if module_name == 'numpy':
old_xyz_vector = np.transpose(xyz)
assert isinstance(xyz, SpatialCoordinate), 'Rotated lonlatr ' \
+ 'coordinates require xyz to be a SpatialCoordinate object'
old_xyz_vector = xyz
rot_axis = module.as_vector(rot_axis)
# Do rotations to get new coordinates
new_xyz_vector = rodrigues_rotation(old_xyz_vector, rot_axis, rot_angle)
if module_name == 'numpy':
new_xyz = np.transpose(new_xyz_vector)
new_xyz = new_xyz_vector
new_lonlatr = lonlatr_from_xyz(new_xyz[0], new_xyz[1], new_xyz[2])
return new_lonlatr
def periodic_distance(x1, x2, max_x, min_x=0.0):
Finds the shortest distance between two points x1 and x2, on a periodic
interval of length Lx.
x1 (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): first set of position
x2 (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): second set of position
max_x (:class:`Constant` or float): maximum coordinate on the domain.
min_x (:class:`Constant` or float, optional): minimum coordinate on the
domain. Defaults to None.
:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`: the shortest distance between
the two points.
module, _ = firedrake_or_numpy(x1)
# Use firedrake.conditional or numpy.where
conditional = module.conditional if hasattr(module, "conditional") else module.where
Lx = max_x - min_x
longest_dist = Lx / 2
trial_dist = x1 - x2
dist = conditional(trial_dist > longest_dist, trial_dist - Lx,
conditional(trial_dist < - longest_dist, trial_dist + Lx,
return dist
def great_arc_angle(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, units='rad'):
Finds the arc angle along a great circle between two points on the sphere.
lon1 (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): first longitude value
or set of longitude values.
lat1 (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): first latitude value or
set of latitude values.
lon2 (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): second longitude value
or set of longitude values.
lat2 (:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`): second latitude value
or set of latitude values.
units (str, optional): which units the angles are expressed in. Should
be "deg" or "rad". Defaults to "rad".
:class:`np.ndarray` or :class:`ufl.Expr`: the great-circle arc angle
values between the two points.
# Determine whether to use firedrake or numpy functions
module, _ = firedrake_or_numpy(lon1)
cos = module.cos
sin = module.sin
acos = module.acos if hasattr(module, "acos") else module.arccos
pi = module.pi
if units == 'deg':
lon1 *= pi / 180.0
lat1 *= pi / 180.0
lon2 *= pi / 180.0
lat2 *= pi / 180.0
arc_length = acos(cos(lon1 - lon2)*cos(lat1)*cos(lat2) + sin(lat1)*sin(lat2))
if units == 'deg':
arc_length *= 180.0 / pi
return arc_length