Source code for gusto.core.configuration

"""Some simple tools for configuring the model."""
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
from enum import Enum
from firedrake import sqrt, Constant

__all__ = [
    "IntegrateByParts", "TransportEquationType", "OutputParameters",
    "BoussinesqParameters", "CompressibleParameters",
    "EmbeddedDGOptions", "RecoveryOptions", "SUPGOptions", "MixedFSOptions",
    "SpongeLayerParameters", "DiffusionParameters", "BoundaryLayerParameters"

[docs] class IntegrateByParts(Enum): """Enumerator for setting the number of times to integrate by parts.""" NEVER = 0 ONCE = 1 TWICE = 2
[docs] class TransportEquationType(Enum): u""" Enumerator for describing types of transport equation. For transporting velocity 'u' and transported quantity 'q', different types of transport equation include: \n advective: ∂q/∂t + (u.∇)q = 0 \n conservative: ∂q/∂t + ∇.(u*q) = 0 \n vector_invariant: ∂q/∂t + (∇×q)×u + (1/2)∇(q.u) + (1/2)[(∇q).u -(∇u).q)] = 0 circulation: ∂q/∂t + (∇×q)×u + non-transport terms = 0 tracer_conservative: ∂(q*rho)/∂t + ∇.(u*q*rho) = 0, for a reference density of rho for the tracer, q. """ no_transport = 702 advective = 19 conservative = 291 vector_invariant = 9081 circulation = 512 tracer_conservative = 296
class Configuration(object): """A base configuration object, for storing aspects of the model.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: attributes and their values to be stored in the object. """ for name, value in kwargs.items(): self.__setattr__(name, value) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Sets the model configuration attributes. When attributes are provided as floats or integers, these are converted to Firedrake :class:`Constant` objects, other than a handful of special integers (dumpfreq, pddumpfreq, chkptfreq and log_level). Args: name: the attribute's name. value: the value to provide to the attribute. Raises: AttributeError: if the :class:`Configuration` object does not have this attribute pre-defined. """ if not hasattr(self, name): raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (type(self).__name__, name)) # Almost all parameters should be Constants -- but there are some # specific exceptions which should be kept as integers if type(value) in [float, int] and name not in ['dumpfreq', 'pddumpfreq', 'chkptfreq']: object.__setattr__(self, name, Constant(value)) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] class OutputParameters(Configuration): """Parameters for controlling outputting.""" dump_vtus = True dump_nc = False dumpfreq = 1 pddumpfreq = None dumplist = None dumplist_latlon = [] dump_diagnostics = True diagfreq = 1 checkpoint = False checkpoint_method = 'checkpointfile' checkpoint_pickup_filename = None chkptfreq = 1 dirname = None log_courant = True #: TODO: Should the output fields be interpolated or projected to #: a linear space? Default is interpolation. project_fields = False #: List of ordered pairs (name, points) where name is the field # name and points is the points at which to dump them point_data = [] tolerance = None
[docs] class BoussinesqParameters(Configuration): """Physical parameters for the Boussinesq equations.""" g = 9.810616 N = 0.01 # Brunt-Vaisala frequency (1/s) cs = 340 # sound speed (for compressible case) (m/s) Omega = None
[docs] class CompressibleParameters(Configuration): """Physical parameters for the Compressible Euler equations.""" g = 9.810616 N = 0.01 # Brunt-Vaisala frequency (1/s) cp = 1004.5 # SHC of dry air at const. pressure (J/kg/K) R_d = 287. # Gas constant for dry air (J/kg/K) kappa = 2.0/7.0 # R_d/c_p p_0 = 1000.0*100.0 # reference pressure (Pa, not hPa) cv = 717.5 # SHC of dry air at const. volume (J/kg/K) c_pl = 4186. # SHC of liq. wat. at const. pressure (J/kg/K) c_pv = 1885. # SHC of wat. vap. at const. pressure (J/kg/K) c_vv = 1424. # SHC of wat. vap. at const. pressure (J/kg/K) R_v = 461. # gas constant of water vapour L_v0 = 2.5e6 # ref. value for latent heat of vap. (J/kg) T_0 = 273.15 # ref. temperature w_sat1 = 380.3 # first const. in Teten's formula (Pa) w_sat2 = -17.27 # second const. in Teten's formula (no units) w_sat3 = 35.86 # third const. in Teten's formula (K) w_sat4 = 610.9 # fourth const. in Teten's formula (Pa) Omega = None # Rotation rate
[docs] class ShallowWaterParameters(Configuration): """Physical parameters for the shallow-water equations.""" g = 9.80616 Omega = 7.292e-5 # rotation rate H = None # mean depth
class WrapperOptions(Configuration, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for specifying options for a transport scheme.""" @abstractproperty def name(self): pass
[docs] class EmbeddedDGOptions(WrapperOptions): """Specifies options for an embedded DG method.""" name = "embedded_dg" project_back_method = 'project' embedding_space = None
[docs] class RecoveryOptions(WrapperOptions): """Specifies options for a recovery wrapper method.""" name = "recovered" embedding_space = None recovered_space = None boundary_method = None injection_method = 'interpolate' project_high_method = 'interpolate' project_low_method = 'project' broken_method = 'interpolate'
[docs] class SUPGOptions(WrapperOptions): """Specifies options for an SUPG scheme.""" name = "supg" tau = None default = 1/sqrt(15) ibp = IntegrateByParts.TWICE
[docs] class MixedFSOptions(WrapperOptions): """Specifies options for a mixed finite element formulation where different suboptions are applied to different prognostic variables.""" name = "mixed_options" suboptions = {}
[docs] class SpongeLayerParameters(Configuration): """Specifies parameters describing a 'sponge' (damping) layer.""" H = None z_level = None mubar = None
[docs] class DiffusionParameters(Configuration): """Parameters for a diffusion term with an interior penalty method.""" kappa = None mu = None
[docs] class BoundaryLayerParameters(Configuration): """ Parameters for the idealised wind drag, surface flux and boundary layer mixing schemes. """ coeff_drag_0 = 7e-4 # Zeroth drag coefficient (dimensionless) coeff_drag_1 = 6.5e-5 # First drag coefficient (s/m) coeff_drag_2 = 2e-3 # Second drag coefficient (dimensionless) coeff_heat = 1.1e-3 # Dimensionless surface sensible heat coefficient coeff_evap = 1.1e-3 # Dimensionless surface evaporation coefficient height_surface_layer = 75. # Height (m) of surface level (usually lowest level) mu = 100. # Interior penalty coefficient for vertical diffusion