Firedrake ‘18¶
We are very happy to announce that the second Firedrake user and developer workshop will be held on 7 and 8 June 2018.
The workshop will provide the opportunity for Firedrake users and developers to engage with each other to communicate the ways that Firedrake can be used in simulation science, the latest developments in the project, and the future developments anticipated. The event will provide Firedrake users with the opportunity to spend face to face time with developers and other users.
The workshop will start with a half day Firedrake tutorial for interested new users and the main science programme will start at lunchtime on 7 June.
Key Dates¶
Early registration deadline: 20 April 2018
Registration deadline: 25 May 2018
Abstract deadline: 20 April 2018
Workshop: 7-8 June 2018
Abstract submission is now closed. The workshop programme is available on easychair.
Workshop dinner¶
There will be a workshop dinner in the evening of 7 June at The Candlemaker in Battersea (easily accessible from Imperial by bike, or public transport).
The workshop will be held in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics of Planet Earth on Imperial College London’s South Kensington Campus.
Early bird registration is now closed. Registration (before 25th May) costs £75.
Co-location with PETSc ‘18 users meeting¶
This year, Imperial College is also hosting the PETSc users meeting, which will be held in the first half of the week: 4-6 June 2018. if you are interested in more general aspects of high-performance computational science, and the intricacies of composable solvers, we would encourage you to attend.
Further details¶
For any queries, please contact Lawrence Mitchell