firedrake.pyplot package


firedrake.pyplot.mpl module

class firedrake.pyplot.mpl.FunctionPlotter(mesh, num_sample_points)[source]

Bases: object


Call self as a function.

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.plot(function, *args, num_sample_points=10, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Plot a 1D Firedrake Function

  • function – The Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib plot

  • num_sample_points – number of sample points for high-degree functions

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib PathPatch

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


list of matplotlib Line2D

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.quiver(function, *, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Make a quiver plot of a 2D vector Firedrake Function

  • function – the vector field to plot

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib quiver

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib Quiver object

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.streamplot(function, resolution=None, min_length=None, max_time=None, start_width=0.5, end_width=1.5, tolerance=0.003, loc_tolerance=1e-10, seed=None, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a streamline plot of a vector field

Similar to matplotlib streamplot

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • resolution – minimum spacing between streamlines (defaults to domain size / 20)

  • min_length – minimum length of a streamline (defaults to 4x resolution)

  • max_time – maximum time to integrate a streamline

  • start_width – line width at beginning of streamline

  • end_width – line width at end of streamline, to convey direction

  • tolerance – dimensionless tolerance for adaptive ODE integration

  • loc_tolerance – point location tolerance for at()

Keyword Arguments:
  • complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib LineCollection

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.tricontour(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a contour plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib tricontour

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib ContourSet object

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.tricontourf(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a filled contour plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib tricontourf

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib ContourSet object

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.tripcolor(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a pseudo-color plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib tripcolor

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib PolyCollection object

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.triplot(mesh, axes=None, interior_kw={}, boundary_kw={})[source]

Plot a mesh colouring marked facet segments

Typically boundary segments will be marked and coloured, but interior facets that are marked will also be coloured.

The interior and boundary keyword arguments can be any keyword argument for LineCollection and related types.

  • mesh – mesh to be plotted

  • axes – matplotlib Axes object on which to plot mesh

  • interior_kw – keyword arguments to apply when plotting the mesh interior

  • boundary_kw – keyword arguments to apply when plotting the mesh boundary


list of matplotlib Collection objects

firedrake.pyplot.mpl.trisurf(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a 3D surface plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib plot_trisurf

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib Poly3DCollection object

firedrake.pyplot.pgf module


pgfplots numbering by patch type:

2              2              3-------2        3---6---2
| \            | \            |       |        |       |
|   \          5   4          |       |        7   8   5
|     \        |     \        |       |        |       |
0------1       0---3--1       0-------1        0---4---1

triangle    triangle quadr    rectangle       biquadratic

FIAT/FInAT DoF orderings:


2              2
| \            | \
|   \          4   3
|     \        |     \
0------1       0---5--1

  DP1            DP2


3.             3.        3
| \            | 4        \    edge 1-3
|  .2.         7  .2.       5
|.~   \        |.8   6.       \
0------1       0---9---1       1

DP1            DP2


1-------3    1---7---4
|       |    |       |
|       |    2   8   5
|       |    |       |
0-------2    0---6---3

    DQ1          DQ2


  3-------7    3-------7            4--22--13      4--22--13
 /.       |   /       /|          7 .       |    7  25  16 |
1 .       |  1-------5 |        1   5  23  14  1--19--10  14
| .       |  |       | |        | 8 .       |  |       |17 |
| 2 . . . 6  |       | 6        2   3 .21 .12  2  20  11  12
|.       /   |       |/         | 6  24  15    |       |15
0-------4    0-------4          0--18---9      0--18---9

   DQ1("equispaced")               DQ2("equispaced")
firedrake.pyplot.pgf.pgfplot(f, filename, degree=1, complex_component='real', print_latex_example=True)[source]

Produce a data file for LaTeX tikz plotting in parallel.

  • f (Function) – Function to plot.

  • filename (str) – Name of the output file.

  • degree (int) – Degree of interpolation for plotting: 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic).

  • complex_component (str) – Complex component to be plotted: "real" or "imag".

  • print_latex_example (bool) – Flag indicating whether to print a latex example or not.


Currently this functionality is only for plotting scalar functions in two- or three-dimensional spaces using 2D patches. If the topological dimension of the function is two, it outputs values on the cells, while, if the topological dimension is three, it outputs values on the exterior facets.

Do not use this for large functions, or it will take forever to compile your LaTeX file.

For large functions, pdflatex might fail to compile your document with the error message: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000]. If this happens, you could consider handling this error directly one way or another or consider using lualatex instead, which allocates memory dynamically.

This function seamlessly works in parallel.

Module contents

class firedrake.pyplot.FunctionPlotter(mesh, num_sample_points)[source]

Bases: object


Call self as a function.

firedrake.pyplot.pgfplot(f, filename, degree=1, complex_component='real', print_latex_example=True)[source]

Produce a data file for LaTeX tikz plotting in parallel.

  • f (Function) – Function to plot.

  • filename (str) – Name of the output file.

  • degree (int) – Degree of interpolation for plotting: 1 (linear) or 2 (quadratic).

  • complex_component (str) – Complex component to be plotted: "real" or "imag".

  • print_latex_example (bool) – Flag indicating whether to print a latex example or not.


Currently this functionality is only for plotting scalar functions in two- or three-dimensional spaces using 2D patches. If the topological dimension of the function is two, it outputs values on the cells, while, if the topological dimension is three, it outputs values on the exterior facets.

Do not use this for large functions, or it will take forever to compile your LaTeX file.

For large functions, pdflatex might fail to compile your document with the error message: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000]. If this happens, you could consider handling this error directly one way or another or consider using lualatex instead, which allocates memory dynamically.

This function seamlessly works in parallel.

firedrake.pyplot.plot(function, *args, num_sample_points=10, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Plot a 1D Firedrake Function

  • function – The Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib plot

  • num_sample_points – number of sample points for high-degree functions

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib PathPatch

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


list of matplotlib Line2D

firedrake.pyplot.quiver(function, *, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Make a quiver plot of a 2D vector Firedrake Function

  • function – the vector field to plot

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib quiver

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib Quiver object

firedrake.pyplot.streamplot(function, resolution=None, min_length=None, max_time=None, start_width=0.5, end_width=1.5, tolerance=0.003, loc_tolerance=1e-10, seed=None, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a streamline plot of a vector field

Similar to matplotlib streamplot

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • resolution – minimum spacing between streamlines (defaults to domain size / 20)

  • min_length – minimum length of a streamline (defaults to 4x resolution)

  • max_time – maximum time to integrate a streamline

  • start_width – line width at beginning of streamline

  • end_width – line width at end of streamline, to convey direction

  • tolerance – dimensionless tolerance for adaptive ODE integration

  • loc_tolerance – point location tolerance for at()

Keyword Arguments:
  • complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib LineCollection

firedrake.pyplot.tricontour(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a contour plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib tricontour

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib ContourSet object

firedrake.pyplot.tricontourf(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a filled contour plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib tricontourf

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib ContourSet object

firedrake.pyplot.tripcolor(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a pseudo-color plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib tripcolor

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib PolyCollection object

firedrake.pyplot.triplot(mesh, axes=None, interior_kw={}, boundary_kw={})[source]

Plot a mesh colouring marked facet segments

Typically boundary segments will be marked and coloured, but interior facets that are marked will also be coloured.

The interior and boundary keyword arguments can be any keyword argument for LineCollection and related types.

  • mesh – mesh to be plotted

  • axes – matplotlib Axes object on which to plot mesh

  • interior_kw – keyword arguments to apply when plotting the mesh interior

  • boundary_kw – keyword arguments to apply when plotting the mesh boundary


list of matplotlib Collection objects

firedrake.pyplot.trisurf(function, *args, complex_component='real', **kwargs)[source]

Create a 3D surface plot of a 2D Firedrake Function

If the input function is a vector field, the magnitude will be plotted.

  • function – the Firedrake Function to plot

  • args – same as for matplotlib plot_trisurf

  • kwargs – same as for matplotlib

Keyword Arguments:

complex_component – If plotting complex data, which component? ('real' or 'imag'). Default is 'real'.


matplotlib Poly3DCollection object