import functools
import firedrake.dmhooks as dmhooks
import numpy as np
from firedrake.slate.static_condensation.sc_base import SCBase
from firedrake.matrix_free.operators import ImplicitMatrixContext
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.slate.slate import Tensor
__all__ = ['SCPC']
class SCPC(SCBase):
needs_python_pmat = True
"""A Slate-based python preconditioner implementation of
static condensation for problems with up to three fields.
def initialize(self, pc):
"""Set up the problem context. This takes the incoming
three-field system and constructs the static
condensation operators using Slate expressions.
A KSP is created for the reduced system. The eliminated
variables are recovered via back-substitution.
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
from firedrake.bcs import DirichletBC
from firedrake.function import Function
from firedrake.cofunction import Cofunction
from firedrake.functionspace import FunctionSpace
from firedrake.parloops import par_loop, INC
from ufl import dx
prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "condensed_field_"
A, P = pc.getOperators()
self.cxt = A.getPythonContext()
if not isinstance(self.cxt, ImplicitMatrixContext):
raise ValueError("Context must be an ImplicitMatrixContext")
self.bilinear_form = self.cxt.a
# Retrieve the mixed function space
W = self.bilinear_form.arguments()[0].function_space()
if len(W) > 3:
raise NotImplementedError("Only supports up to three function spaces.")
elim_fields = PETSc.Options().getString(pc.getOptionsPrefix()
+ "pc_sc_eliminate_fields",
if elim_fields:
elim_fields = [int(i) for i in elim_fields.split(',')]
# By default, we condense down to the last field in the
# mixed space.
elim_fields = [i for i in range(0, len(W) - 1)]
condensed_fields = list(set(range(len(W))) - set(elim_fields))
if len(condensed_fields) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot condense to more than one field")
c_field, = condensed_fields
# Need to duplicate a space which is NOT
# associated with a subspace of a mixed space.
Vc = FunctionSpace(W.mesh(), W[c_field].ufl_element())
bcs = []
cxt_bcs = self.cxt.row_bcs
for bc in cxt_bcs:
if bc.function_space().index != c_field:
raise NotImplementedError("Strong BC set on unsupported space")
bcs.append(DirichletBC(Vc, 0, bc.sub_domain))
mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(prefix + "mat_type", "aij")
self.c_field = c_field
self.condensed_rhs = Cofunction(Vc.dual())
self.residual = Function(W)
self.solution = Cofunction(W.dual())
shapes = (Vc.finat_element.space_dimension(),
domain = "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < %d and 0 <= j < %d}" % shapes
instructions = """
for i, j
w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1
self.weight = Function(Vc)
par_loop((domain, instructions), dx, {"w": (self.weight, INC)})
with self.weight.dat.vec as wc:
# Get expressions for the condensed linear system
A_tensor = Tensor(self.bilinear_form)
reduced_sys, schur_builder = self.condensed_system(A_tensor, self.residual, elim_fields, prefix, pc)
S_expr = reduced_sys.lhs
r_expr = reduced_sys.rhs
# Construct the condensed right-hand side
self._assemble_Srhs = get_assembler(r_expr, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.cxt.fc_params).assemble
# Allocate and set the condensed operator
form_assembler = get_assembler(S_expr, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.cxt.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=prefix, appctx=self.get_appctx(pc))
self.S = form_assembler.allocate()
self._assemble_S = form_assembler.assemble
Smat = self.S.petscmat
# If a different matrix is used for preconditioning,
# assemble this as well
if A != P:
self.cxt_pc = P.getPythonContext()
P_tensor = Tensor(self.cxt_pc.a)
P_reduced_sys, _ = self.condensed_system(P_tensor,
S_pc_expr = P_reduced_sys.lhs
self.S_pc_expr = S_pc_expr
# Allocate and set the condensed operator
form_assembler = get_assembler(S_pc_expr, bcs=bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.cxt.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=prefix, appctx=self.get_appctx(pc))
self.S_pc = form_assembler.allocate()
self._assemble_S_pc = form_assembler.assemble
Smat_pc = self.S_pc.petscmat
self.S_pc_expr = S_expr
Smat_pc = Smat
# Get nullspace for the condensed operator (if any).
# This is provided as a user-specified callback which
# returns the basis for the nullspace.
nullspace = self.cxt.appctx.get("condensed_field_nullspace", None)
if nullspace is not None:
nsp = nullspace(Vc)
# Create a SNESContext for the DM associated with the trace problem
self._ctx_ref = self.new_snes_ctx(pc,
# Push new context onto the dm associated with the condensed problem
c_dm =
# Set up ksp for the condensed problem
c_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm)
c_ksp.incrementTabLevel(1, parent=pc)
# Set the dm for the condensed solver
c_ksp.setOperators(A=Smat, P=Smat_pc)
self.condensed_ksp = c_ksp
with dmhooks.add_hooks(c_dm, self,
# Set up local solvers for backwards substitution
self.local_solvers = self.local_solver_calls(A_tensor,
def condensed_system(self, A, rhs, elim_fields, prefix, pc):
"""Forms the condensed linear system by eliminating
specified unknowns.
:arg A: A Slate Tensor containing the mixed bilinear form.
:arg rhs: A firedrake function for the right-hand side.
:arg elim_fields: An iterable of field indices to eliminate.
:arg prefix: an option prefix for the condensed field.
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
from firedrake.slate.static_condensation.la_utils import condense_and_forward_eliminate
return condense_and_forward_eliminate(A, rhs, elim_fields, prefix, pc)
def local_solver_calls(self, A, rhs, x, elim_fields, schur_builder):
"""Provides solver callbacks for inverting local operators
and reconstructing eliminated fields.
:arg A: A Slate Tensor containing the mixed bilinear form.
:arg rhs: A firedrake function for the right-hand side.
:arg x: A firedrake function for the solution.
:arg elim_fields: An iterable of eliminated field indices
to recover.
:arg schur_builder: a `SchurComplementBuilder`.
from firedrake.assemble import get_assembler
from firedrake.slate.static_condensation.la_utils import backward_solve
fields = x.subfunctions
systems = backward_solve(A, rhs, x, schur_builder, reconstruct_fields=elim_fields)
local_solvers = []
for local_system in systems:
Aeinv = local_system.lhs
be = local_system.rhs
i, = local_system.field_idx
local_solve = Aeinv * be
solve_call = functools.partial(get_assembler(local_solve, form_compiler_parameters=self.cxt.fc_params).assemble, tensor=fields[i])
return local_solvers
def update(self, pc):
"""Update by assembling into the KSP operator. No
need to reconstruct symbolic objects.
# Only reassemble if a preconditioning operator
# is provided for the condensed system
if hasattr(self, "S_pc"):
def forward_elimination(self, pc, x):
"""Perform the forward elimination of fields and
provide the reduced right-hand side for the condensed
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
:arg x: a PETSc vector containing the incoming right-hand side.
with self.residual.dat.vec_wo as v:
# Disassemble the incoming right-hand side
with self.residual.subfunctions[self.c_field].dat.vec as vc, self.weight.dat.vec_ro as wc:
vc.pointwiseMult(vc, wc)
# Now assemble residual for the reduced problem
def sc_solve(self, pc):
"""Solve the condensed linear system for the
condensed field.
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
dm = self.condensed_ksp.getDM()
with dmhooks.add_hooks(dm, self, appctx=self._ctx_ref):
with self.condensed_rhs.dat.vec_ro as rhs:
if self.condensed_ksp.getInitialGuessNonzero():
acc = self.solution.subfunctions[self.c_field].dat.vec
acc = self.solution.subfunctions[self.c_field].dat.vec_wo
with acc as sol:
self.condensed_ksp.solve(rhs, sol)
def backward_substitution(self, pc, y):
"""Perform the backwards recovery of eliminated fields.
:arg pc: a Preconditioner instance.
:arg y: a PETSc vector for placing the resulting fields.
# Recover eliminated unknowns
for local_solver_call in self.local_solvers:
with self.solution.dat.vec_ro as w:
def view(self, pc, viewer=None):
"""Viewer calls for the various configurable objects in this PC."""
super(SCPC, self).view(pc, viewer)
if hasattr(self, "condensed_ksp"):
viewer.printfASCII("Solving linear system using static condensation.\n")
viewer.printfASCII("Locally reconstructing unknowns.\n")