Source code for firedrake.pointquery_utils

from os import path
import numpy
import sympy
from sympy.printing.c import ccode
import loopy as lp

from pyop2 import op2
from pyop2.parloop import generate_single_cell_wrapper

from firedrake.mesh import MeshGeometry
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from firedrake.utils import IntType, as_cstr, ScalarType, ScalarType_c, complex_mode, RealType_c

import ufl
import finat.ufl
from ufl.corealg.map_dag import map_expr_dag

import gem
import gem.impero_utils as impero_utils

import tsfc
import tsfc.kernel_interface.firedrake_loopy as firedrake_interface
import tsfc.ufl_utils as ufl_utils

[docs] def make_args(function): arg = function.dat(op2.READ, function.cell_node_map()) return (arg,)
[docs] def make_wrapper(function, **kwargs): args = make_args(function) return generate_single_cell_wrapper(function.cell_set, args, **kwargs)
[docs] def src_locate_cell(mesh, tolerance=None): src = ['#include <evaluate.h>'] src.append(compile_coordinate_element(mesh, tolerance)) src.append(make_wrapper(mesh.coordinates, forward_args=["void*", "double*", RealType_c+"*"], kernel_name="to_reference_coords_kernel", wrapper_name="wrap_to_reference_coords")) with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "locate.c")) as f: src.append( src = "\n".join(src) return src
[docs] def dX_norm_square(topological_dimension): return " + ".join("PetscRealPart(dX[{0}])*PetscRealPart(dX[{0}])".format(i) for i in range(topological_dimension))
[docs] def X_isub_dX(topological_dimension): return "\n".join("\tX[{0}] -= dX[{0}];".format(i) for i in range(topological_dimension))
[docs] def is_affine(ufl_element): return ufl_element.cell.is_simplex() and <= 1 and in ["Discontinuous Lagrange", "Lagrange"]
[docs] def inside_check(fiat_cell, eps, X="X"): """Generate a C expression which is true if a point is inside a FIAT reference cell and false otherwise. Parameters ---------- fiat_cell : FIAT.finite_element.FiniteElement The FIAT cell with same geometric dimension as the coordinate X. eps : float The tolerance to use for the check. Usually some small number like 1e-14. X : str The name of the input pointer variable to use in the generated C code: it should be a pointer to a type that is an acceptable input to the `PetscRealPart` function. Default is "X". celldist : str The name of the output variable. Returns ------- str A C expression which is true if the point is inside the cell and false otherwise. """ dim = fiat_cell.get_spatial_dimension() point = tuple(sympy.Symbol("PetscRealPart(%s[%d])" % (X, i)) for i in range(dim)) return ccode(fiat_cell.contains_point(point, epsilon=eps))
[docs] def celldist_l1_c_expr(fiat_cell, X="X"): """Generate a C expression of type `PetscReal` to compute the L1 distance (aka 'manhattan', 'taxicab' or rectilinear distance) to a FIAT reference cell. Parameters ---------- fiat_cell : FIAT.finite_element.FiniteElement The FIAT cell with same geometric dimension as the coordinate X. X : str The name of the input pointer variable to use. celldist : str The name of the output variable. Returns ------- str A string of C code. """ dim = fiat_cell.get_spatial_dimension() point = tuple(sympy.Symbol("PetscRealPart(%s[%d])" % (X, i)) for i in range(dim)) return ccode(fiat_cell.distance_to_point_l1(point))
[docs] def init_X(fiat_cell, parameters): vertices = numpy.array(fiat_cell.get_vertices()) X = numpy.average(vertices, axis=0) return "\n".join(f"X[{i}] = {v};" for i, v in enumerate(X))
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def to_reference_coords_newton_step(ufl_coordinate_element, parameters, x0_dtype="double", dX_dtype=ScalarType): # Set up UFL form cell = ufl_coordinate_element.cell domain = ufl.Mesh(ufl_coordinate_element) gdim = domain.geometric_dimension() K = ufl.JacobianInverse(domain) x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain) x0_element = finat.ufl.VectorElement("Real", cell, 0, dim=gdim) x0 = ufl.Coefficient(ufl.FunctionSpace(domain, x0_element)) expr =, x - x0) # Translation to GEM C = ufl.Coefficient(ufl.FunctionSpace(domain, ufl_coordinate_element)) expr = ufl_utils.preprocess_expression(expr, complex_mode=complex_mode) expr = ufl_utils.simplify_abs(expr, complex_mode) builder = firedrake_interface.KernelBuilderBase(ScalarType) builder.domain_coordinate[domain] = C Cexpr = builder._coefficient(C, "C") x0_expr = builder._coefficient(x0, "x0") loopy_args = [ lp.GlobalArg( "C", dtype=ScalarType, shape=(, dtype=int),) ), lp.GlobalArg( "x0", dtype=x0_dtype, shape=(, dtype=int),) ), ] dim = cell.topological_dimension() point = gem.Variable('X', (dim,)) loopy_args.append(lp.GlobalArg("X", dtype=ScalarType, shape=(dim,))) context = tsfc.fem.GemPointContext( interface=builder, ufl_cell=cell, integral_type="cell", point_indices=(), point_expr=point, scalar_type=parameters["scalar_type"] ) translator = tsfc.fem.Translator(context) ir = map_expr_dag(translator, expr) # Unroll result ir = [gem.Indexed(ir, alpha) for alpha in numpy.ndindex(ir.shape)] # Unroll IndexSums max_extent = parameters["unroll_indexsum"] if max_extent: def predicate(index): return index.extent <= max_extent ir = gem.optimise.unroll_indexsum(ir, predicate=predicate) # Translate to loopy ir = impero_utils.preprocess_gem(ir) return_variable = gem.Variable('dX', (dim,)) loopy_args.append(lp.GlobalArg("dX", dtype=dX_dtype, shape=(dim,))) assignments = [(gem.Indexed(return_variable, (i,)), e) for i, e in enumerate(ir)] impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem(assignments, ()) kernel, _ = tsfc.loopy.generate( impero_c, loopy_args, ScalarType, kernel_name="to_reference_coords_newton_step") return lp.generate_code_v2(kernel).device_code()
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def compile_coordinate_element(mesh: MeshGeometry, contains_eps: float, parameters: dict | None = None): """Generates C code for changing to reference coordinates. Parameters ---------- mesh : The mesh. contains_eps : The tolerance used to verify that a point is contained by a cell. parameters : Form compiler parameters, defaults to whatever TSFC defaults to. Returns ------- str A string of C code. """ if parameters is None: parameters = tsfc.default_parameters() else: _ = tsfc.default_parameters() _.update(parameters) parameters = _ ufl_coordinate_element = mesh.ufl_coordinate_element() # Create FInAT element element = finat.element_factory.create_element(ufl_coordinate_element) code = { "geometric_dimension": mesh.geometric_dimension(), "topological_dimension": mesh.topological_dimension(), "celldist_l1_c_expr": celldist_l1_c_expr(element.cell, "X"), "to_reference_coords_newton_step": to_reference_coords_newton_step(ufl_coordinate_element, parameters), "init_X": init_X(element.cell, parameters), "max_iteration_count": 1 if is_affine(ufl_coordinate_element) else 16, "convergence_epsilon": 1e-12, "dX_norm_square": dX_norm_square(mesh.topological_dimension()), "X_isub_dX": X_isub_dX(mesh.topological_dimension()), "extruded_arg": f", {as_cstr(IntType)} const *__restrict__ layers" if mesh.extruded else "", "extr_comment_out": "//" if mesh.extruded else "", "non_extr_comment_out": "//" if not mesh.extruded else "", "IntType": as_cstr(IntType), "ScalarType": ScalarType_c, "RealType": RealType_c, "tolerance": contains_eps, } evaluate_template_c = """#include <math.h> struct ReferenceCoords { %(ScalarType)s X[%(geometric_dimension)d]; }; static %(RealType)s tolerance = %(tolerance)s; /* used in locate_cell */ %(to_reference_coords_newton_step)s static inline void to_reference_coords_kernel(void *result_, double *x0, %(RealType)s *cell_dist_l1, %(ScalarType)s *C) { struct ReferenceCoords *result = (struct ReferenceCoords *) result_; /* * Mapping coordinates from physical to reference space */ %(ScalarType)s *X = result->X; %(init_X)s int converged = 0; for (int it = 0; !converged && it < %(max_iteration_count)d; it++) { %(ScalarType)s dX[%(topological_dimension)d] = { 0.0 }; to_reference_coords_newton_step(C, x0, X, dX); if (%(dX_norm_square)s < %(convergence_epsilon)g * %(convergence_epsilon)g) { converged = 1; } %(X_isub_dX)s } *cell_dist_l1 = %(celldist_l1_c_expr)s; } static inline void wrap_to_reference_coords( void* const result_, double* const x, %(RealType)s* const cell_dist_l1, %(IntType)s const start, %(IntType)s const end%(extruded_arg)s, %(ScalarType)s const *__restrict__ coords, %(IntType)s const *__restrict__ coords_map); %(RealType)s to_reference_coords(void *result_, struct Function *f, int cell, double *x) { %(RealType)s cell_dist_l1 = 0.0; %(extr_comment_out)swrap_to_reference_coords(result_, x, &cell_dist_l1, cell, cell+1, f->coords, f->coords_map); return cell_dist_l1; } %(RealType)s to_reference_coords_xtr(void *result_, struct Function *f, int cell, int layer, double *x) { %(RealType)s cell_dist_l1 = 0.0; %(non_extr_comment_out)s%(IntType)s layers[2] = {0, layer+2}; // +2 because the layer loop goes to layers[1]-1, which is nlayers-1 %(non_extr_comment_out)swrap_to_reference_coords(result_, x, &cell_dist_l1, cell, cell+1, layers, f->coords, f->coords_map); return cell_dist_l1; } """ return evaluate_template_c % code