Source code for

import numpy
from firedrake import Function, FunctionSpace, MixedVectorSpaceBasis, split
from ufl.algorithms.analysis import extract_type, has_exact_type
from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags
from ufl.classes import CoefficientDerivative, Zero
from ufl.constantvalue import as_ufl
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction

from irksome.deriv import TimeDerivative

[docs] def getNullspace(V, Vbig, num_stages, nullspace): """ Computes the nullspace for a multi-stage method. :arg V: The :class:`FunctionSpace` on which the original time-dependent PDE is posed. :arg Vbig: The multi-stage :class:`FunctionSpace` for the stage problem :arg num_stages: The number of stages in the RK method :arg nullspace: The nullspace for the original problem. On output, we produce a :class:`MixedVectorSpaceBasis` defining the nullspace for the multistage problem. """ num_fields = len(V) if nullspace is None: nspnew = None else: try: nullspace.sort() except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Nullspace entries must be of form (idx, VSP), where idx is a non-negative integer") if (nullspace[-1][0] > num_fields) or (nullspace[0][0] < 0): raise ValueError("At least one index for nullspaces is out of range") nspnew = [] nsp_comp = len(nullspace) for i in range(num_stages): count = 0 for j in range(num_fields): if count < nsp_comp and j == nullspace[count][0]: nspnew.append(nullspace[count][1]) count += 1 else: nspnew.append(Vbig.sub(j + num_fields * i)) nspnew = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(Vbig, nspnew) return nspnew
# Update for UFL's replace that performs post-order traversal and hence replaces # more complicated expressions first.
[docs] class MyReplacer(MultiFunction): def __init__(self, mapping): super().__init__() self.replacements = mapping if not all(k.ufl_shape == v.ufl_shape for k, v in mapping.items()): raise ValueError("Replacement expressions must have the same shape as what they replace.")
[docs] def expr(self, o): if o in self.replacements: return self.replacements[o] else: return self.reuse_if_untouched(o, *map(self, o.ufl_operands))
[docs] def replace(e, mapping): """Replace subexpressions in expression. @param e: An Expr or Form. @param mapping: A dict with from:to replacements to perform. """ mapping2 = dict((k, as_ufl(v)) for (k, v) in mapping.items()) # Workaround for problem with delayed derivative evaluation # The problem is that J = derivative(f(g, h), g) does not evaluate immediately # So if we subsequently do replace(J, {g: h}) we end up with an expression: # derivative(f(h, h), h) # rather than what were were probably thinking of: # replace(derivative(f(g, h), g), {g: h}) # # To fix this would require one to expand derivatives early (which # is not attractive), or make replace lazy too. if has_exact_type(e, CoefficientDerivative): # Hack to avoid circular dependencies from import expand_derivatives e = expand_derivatives(e) return map_integrand_dags(MyReplacer(mapping2), e)
# Utility functions that help us refactor
[docs] def AI(A): return (A, numpy.eye(*A.shape, dtype=A.dtype))
[docs] def IA(A): return (numpy.eye(*A.shape, dtype=A.dtype), A)
[docs] def is_ode(f, u): """Given a form defined over a function `u`, checks if (each bit of) u appears under a time derivative.""" blah = extract_type(f, TimeDerivative) Dtbits = set(b.ufl_operands[0] for b in blah) ubits = set(split(u)) return Dtbits == ubits
# Utility class for constants on a mesh
[docs] class MeshConstant(object): def __init__(self, msh): self.msh = msh self.V = FunctionSpace(msh, 'R', 0)
[docs] def Constant(self, val=0.0): return Function(self.V).assign(val)
[docs] def ConstantOrZero(x, MC): return Zero() if abs(complex(x)) < 1.e-10 else MC.Constant(x)