import FIAT
import numpy as np
from firedrake import (Constant, Function, NonlinearVariationalProblem,
NonlinearVariationalSolver, TestFunction,
as_ufl, dx, inner, split)
from firedrake.dmhooks import pop_parent, push_parent
from ufl.classes import Zero
from .ButcherTableaux import RadauIIA
from .deriv import TimeDerivative
from .stage import getBits, getFormStage
from .tools import AI, IA, MeshConstant, replace
from .bcs import bc2space
def riia_explicit_coeffs(k):
"""Computes the coefficients needed for the explicit part
of a RadauIIA-IMEX method."""
U = FIAT.ufc_simplex(1)
L = FIAT.GaussRadau(U, k - 1)
Q = FIAT.make_quadrature(L.ref_el, 2*k)
qpts = Q.get_points()
qwts = Q.get_weights()
A = np.zeros((k, k))
for i, ell in enumerate(L.dual.nodes):
pt, = ell.pt_dict
ci, = pt
qpts_i = 1 + qpts * ci
qwts_i = qwts * ci
Lvals_i = L.tabulate(0, qpts_i)[(0,)]
A[i, :] = Lvals_i @ qwts_i
return A
class RadauIIAIMEXMethod:
"""Class for advancing a time-dependent PDE via a polynomial
IMEX/RadauIIA method. This requires one to split the PDE into
an implicit and explicit part.
The class sets up two methods -- `advance` and `iterate`.
The former is used to move the solution forward in time,
while the latter is used both to start the method (filling up
the initial stage values) and can be used at each time step
to increase the accuracy/stability. In the limit as
the iterator is applied many times per time step,
one expects convergence to the solution that would have been
obtained from fully-implicit RadauIIA method.
:arg F: A :class:`ufl.Form` instance describing the implicit part
of the semi-discrete problem
F(t, u; v) == 0, where `u` is the unknown
:class:`firedrake.Function and `v` is the
:arg Fexp: A :class:`ufl.Form` instance describing the part of the
PDE that is explicitly split off.
:arg butcher_tableau: A :class:`ButcherTableau` instance giving
the Runge-Kutta method to be used for time marching.
Only RadauIIA is allowed here (but it can be any number of stages).
:arg t: a :class:`Function` on the Real space over the same mesh as
`u0`. This serves as a variable referring to the current time.
:arg dt: a :class:`Function` on the Real space over the same mesh as
`u0`. This serves as a variable referring to the current time step.
The user may adjust this value between time steps.
:arg u0: A :class:`firedrake.Function` containing the current
state of the problem to be solved.
:arg bcs: An iterable of :class:`firedrake.DirichletBC` containing
the strongly-enforced boundary conditions. Irksome will
manipulate these to obtain boundary conditions for each
stage of the RK method.
:arg it_solver_parameters: A :class:`dict` of solver parameters that
will be used in solving the algebraic problem associated
with the iterator.
:arg prop_solver_parameters: A :class:`dict` of solver parameters that
will be used in solving the algebraic problem associated
with the propagator.
:arg splitting: A callable used to factor the Butcher matrix,
currently, only AI is supported.
:arg appctx: An optional :class:`dict` containing application context.
:arg nullspace: An optional null space object.
def __init__(self, F, Fexp, butcher_tableau,
t, dt, u0, bcs=None,
assert isinstance(butcher_tableau, RadauIIA)
self.u0 = u0
self.t = t
self.dt = dt
self.num_fields = len(u0.function_space())
self.num_stages = len(butcher_tableau.b)
self.butcher_tableau = butcher_tableau
self.num_its_initial = num_its_initial
self.num_its_per_step = num_its_per_step
# solver statistics
self.num_steps = 0
self.num_props = 0
self.num_its = 0
self.num_nonlinear_iterations_prop = 0
self.num_nonlinear_iterations_it = 0
self.num_linear_iterations_prop = 0
self.num_linear_iterations_it = 0
# Since this assumes stiff accuracy, we drop
# the update information on the floor.
Fbig, _, UU, bigBCs, nsp = getFormStage(
F, butcher_tableau, u0, t, dt, bcs,
splitting=splitting, nullspace=nullspace)
self.UU = UU
self.UU_old = UU_old = Function(UU.function_space())
self.UU_old_split = UU_old.subfunctions
self.bigBCs = bigBCs
Fit, Fprop = getFormExplicit(
Fexp, butcher_tableau, u0, UU_old, t, dt, splitting)
self.itprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(
Fbig + Fit, UU, bcs=bigBCs)
self.propprob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(
Fbig + Fprop, UU, bcs=bigBCs)
appctx_irksome = {"F": F,
"Fexp": Fexp,
"butcher_tableau": butcher_tableau,
"t": t,
"dt": dt,
"u0": u0,
"bcs": bcs,
"stage_type": "value",
"splitting": splitting,
"nullspace": nullspace}
if appctx is None:
appctx = appctx_irksome
appctx = {**appctx, **appctx_irksome}
push_parent(self.u0.function_space().dm, self.UU.function_space().dm)
self.it_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(
self.itprob, appctx=appctx,
self.prop_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(
self.propprob, appctx=appctx,
pop_parent(self.u0.function_space().dm, self.UU.function_space().dm)
num_fields = len(self.u0.function_space())
u0split = u0.subfunctions
for i, u0bit in enumerate(u0split):
for s in range(self.num_stages):
ii = s * num_fields + i
for _ in range(num_its_initial):
def iterate(self):
"""Called 1 or more times to set up the initial state of the
system before time-stepping. Can also be called after each
call to `advance`"""
push_parent(self.u0.function_space().dm, self.UU.function_space().dm)
pop_parent(self.u0.function_space().dm, self.UU.function_space().dm)
self.num_its += 1
self.num_nonlinear_iterations_it += self.it_solver.snes.getIterationNumber()
self.num_linear_iterations_it += self.it_solver.snes.getLinearSolveIterations()
def propagate(self):
"""Moves the solution forward in time, to be followed by 0 or
more calls to `iterate`."""
ns = self.num_stages
nf = self.num_fields
u0split = self.u0.subfunctions
for i, u0bit in enumerate(u0split):
u0bit.assign(self.UU_old_split[(ns-1)*nf + i])
push_parent(self.u0.function_space().dm, self.UU.function_space().dm)
ps = self.prop_solver
pop_parent(self.u0.function_space().dm, self.UU.function_space().dm)
self.num_props += 1
self.num_nonlinear_iterations_prop += ps.snes.getIterationNumber()
self.num_linear_iterations_prop += ps.snes.getLinearSolveIterations()
def advance(self):
for _ in range(self.num_its_per_step):
self.num_steps += 1
def solver_stats(self):
return (self.num_steps, self.num_props, self.num_its,
class DIRKIMEXMethod:
"""Front-end class for advancing a time-dependent PDE via a
diagonally-implicit Runge-Kutta IMEX method formulated in terms of
stage derivatives. This implementation assumes a weak form
written as F + F_explicit = 0, where both F and F_explicit are UFL
Forms, with terms in F to be handled implicitly and those in
F_explicit to be handled explicitly
def __init__(self, F, F_explicit, butcher_tableau, t, dt, u0, bcs=None,
solver_parameters=None, mass_parameters=None, appctx=None, nullspace=None):
assert butcher_tableau.is_dirk_imex
self.num_steps = 0
self.num_nonlinear_iterations = 0
self.num_linear_iterations = 0
self.num_mass_nonlinear_iterations = 0
self.num_mass_linear_iterations = 0
self.butcher_tableau = butcher_tableau
self.num_stages = butcher_tableau.num_stages
self.V = V = u0.function_space()
self.u0 = u0
self.t = t
self.dt = dt
self.num_fields = len(u0.function_space())
self.ks = [Function(V) for _ in range(self.num_stages)]
self.k_hat_s = [Function(V) for _ in range(self.num_stages)]
stage_F, (k, g, a, c), bcnew, Fhat, (khat, ghat, chat), (a_vals, ahat_vals, d_val) = getFormsDIRKIMEX(
F, F_explicit, self.ks, self.k_hat_s, butcher_tableau, t, dt, u0, bcs=bcs)
self.bcnew = bcnew
appctx_irksome = {"F": F,
"F_explicit": F_explicit,
"butcher_tableau": butcher_tableau,
"t": t,
"dt": dt,
"u0": u0,
"bcs": bcs,
"bc_type": "DAE",
"nullspace": nullspace}
if appctx is None:
appctx = appctx_irksome
appctx = {**appctx, **appctx_irksome}
self.problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(stage_F, k, bcnew)
self.solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(self.problem, appctx=appctx,
self.mass_problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Fhat, khat)
self.mass_solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(self.mass_problem,
self.kgac = k, g, a, c
self.kgchat = khat, ghat, chat
self.bc_constants = a_vals, ahat_vals, d_val
AA = butcher_tableau.A
A_hat = butcher_tableau.A_hat
BB = butcher_tableau.b
B_hat = butcher_tableau.b_hat
if np.abs(AA[0, 0]) <= 1e-15:
self._initialize = self._initialize_explicit
self._initialize = self._initialize_implicit
if B_hat[-1] == 0:
if np.allclose(AA[-1, :], BB) and np.allclose(A_hat[-1, :], B_hat):
self._finalize = self._finalize_stiffly_accurate
self._finalize = self._finalize_no_last_explicit
self._finalize = self._finalize_general
def advance(self):
k, g, a, c = self.kgac
khat, ghat, chat = self.kgchat
ks = self.ks
k_hat_s = self.k_hat_s
u0 = self.u0
dtc = float(self.dt)
bt = self.butcher_tableau
ns = self.num_stages
AA = bt.A
A_hat = bt.A_hat
CC = bt.c
C_hat = bt.c_hat
a_vals, ahat_vals, d_val = self.bc_constants
# Calculating the first stage outside the loop allows boundary conditions to be enforced at
# the end of each stage
for i in range(1, ns):
# Solve explicit part for previous iteration
self.num_mass_nonlinear_iterations += self.mass_solver.snes.getIterationNumber()
self.num_mass_linear_iterations += self.mass_solver.snes.getLinearSolveIterations()
# Update g with contributions from previous stages
for j in range(i):
ksplit = ks[j].subfunctions
k_hat_split = k_hat_s[j].subfunctions
for gbit, kbit, k_hat_bit in zip(g.subfunctions, ksplit, k_hat_split):
gbit += dtc * (float(AA[i, j]) * kbit + float(A_hat[i, j]) * k_hat_bit)
# Solve for current stage
for j in range(i):
a_vals[j].assign(AA[i, j])
ahat_vals[j].assign(A_hat[i, j])
for j in range(i, ns):
d_val.assign(AA[i, i])
# Solve the nonlinear problem at stage i
a.assign(AA[i, i])
self.num_nonlinear_iterations += self.solver.snes.getIterationNumber()
self.num_linear_iterations += self.solver.snes.getLinearSolveIterations()
# Update the solution for next stage
for ghatbit, gbit, kbit in zip(ghat.subfunctions, g.subfunctions, ks[i].subfunctions):
ghatbit += dtc * float(AA[i, i]) * kbit
self.num_steps += 1
# No implicit first step, like in ARS schemes
def _initialize_explicit(self):
khat, ghat, chat = self.kgchat
u0 = self.u0
# Implicit first stage in general case
def _initialize_implicit(self):
k, g, a, c = self.kgac
khat, ghat, chat = self.kgchat
ks = self.ks
u0 = self.u0
dtc = float(self.dt)
bt = self.butcher_tableau
ns = self.num_stages
AA = bt.A
CC = bt.c
a_vals, ahat_vals, d_val = self.bc_constants
# Solve for first stage
for j in range(ns):
d_val.assign(AA[0, 0])
a.assign(AA[0, 0])
self.num_nonlinear_iterations += self.solver.snes.getIterationNumber()
self.num_linear_iterations += self.solver.snes.getLinearSolveIterations()
# Update the solution for second stage
for ghatbit, gbit, kbit in zip(ghat.subfunctions, g.subfunctions, ks[0].subfunctions):
ghatbit += dtc * float(AA[0, 0]) * kbit
# Last part of advance for the general case, where last explicit stage is calculated and used
def _finalize_general(self):
khat, ghat, chat = self.kgchat
ks = self.ks
k_hat_s = self.k_hat_s
u0 = self.u0
dtc = float(self.dt)
bt = self.butcher_tableau
ns = self.num_stages
C_hat = bt.c_hat
BB = bt.b
B_hat = bt.b_hat
self.num_mass_nonlinear_iterations += self.mass_solver.snes.getIterationNumber()
self.num_mass_linear_iterations += self.mass_solver.snes.getLinearSolveIterations()
# Final solution update
for i in range(ns):
for u0bit, kbit, k_hat_bit in zip(u0.subfunctions, ks[i].subfunctions,
u0bit += dtc * (float(BB[i]) * kbit + float(B_hat[i]) * k_hat_bit)
# Last part of advance for the case where last explicit stage is not used
def _finalize_no_last_explicit(self):
ks = self.ks
k_hat_s = self.k_hat_s
u0 = self.u0
dtc = float(self.dt)
bt = self.butcher_tableau
ns = self.num_stages
BB = bt.b
B_hat = bt.b_hat
# Final solution update
for i in range(ns):
for u0bit, kbit, k_hat_bit in zip(u0.subfunctions, ks[i].subfunctions,
u0bit += dtc * (BB[i] * kbit + B_hat[i] * k_hat_bit)
# Last part of advance for the case where last implicit stage is new solution
def _finalize_stiffly_accurate(self):
khat, ghat, chat = self.kgchat
u0 = self.u0
for u0bit, ghatbit in zip(u0.subfunctions, ghat.subfunctions):
def solver_stats(self):
return self.num_steps, self.num_nonlinear_iterations, self.num_linear_iterations, self.num_mass_nonlinear_iterations, self.num_mass_linear_iterations