Source code for irksome.getForm

from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

import numpy
from firedrake import Function, TestFunction, split
from ufl import diff
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives
from ufl.classes import Zero
from ufl.constantvalue import as_ufl
from .tools import ConstantOrZero, MeshConstant, replace, getNullspace, AI
from .deriv import TimeDerivative  # , apply_time_derivatives
from .bcs import BCStageData, bc2space, stage2spaces4bc

[docs] def getForm(F, butch, t, dt, u0, bcs=None, bc_type=None, splitting=AI, nullspace=None): """Given a time-dependent variational form and a :class:`ButcherTableau`, produce UFL for the s-stage RK method. :arg F: UFL form for the semidiscrete ODE/DAE :arg butch: the :class:`ButcherTableau` for the RK method being used to advance in time. :arg t: a :class:`Function` on the Real space over the same mesh as `u0`. This serves as a variable referring to the current time. :arg dt: a :class:`Function` on the Real space over the same mesh as `u0`. This serves as a variable referring to the current time step. The user may adjust this value between time steps. :arg splitting: a callable that maps the (floating point) Butcher matrix a to a pair of matrices `A1, A2` such that `butch.A = A1 A2`. This is used to vary between the classical RK formulation and Butcher's reformulation that leads to a denser mass matrix with block-diagonal stiffness. Some choices of function will assume that `butch.A` is invertible. :arg u0: a :class:`Function` referring to the state of the PDE system at time `t` :arg bcs: optionally, a :class:`DirichletBC` object (or iterable thereof) containing (possibly time-dependent) boundary conditions imposed on the system. :arg bc_type: How to manipulate the strongly-enforced boundary conditions to derive the stage boundary conditions. Should be a string, either "DAE", which implements BCs as constraints in the style of a differential-algebraic equation, or "ODE", which takes the time derivative of the boundary data and evaluates this for the stage values :arg nullspace: A list of tuples of the form (index, VSB) where index is an index into the function space associated with `u` and VSB is a :class: `firedrake.VectorSpaceBasis` instance to be passed to a `firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` over the larger space associated with the Runge-Kutta method On output, we return a tuple consisting of four parts: - Fnew, the :class:`Form` - k, the :class:`firedrake.Function` holding all the stages. It lives in a :class:`firedrake.FunctionSpace` corresponding to the s-way tensor product of the space on which the semidiscrete form lives. - `bcnew`, a list of :class:`firedrake.DirichletBC` objects to be posed on the stages, - 'nspnew', the :class:`firedrake.MixedVectorSpaceBasis` object that represents the nullspace of the coupled system """ if bc_type is None: bc_type = "DAE" v = F.arguments()[0] V = v.function_space() msh = V.mesh() assert V == u0.function_space() MC = MeshConstant(msh) c = numpy.array([MC.Constant(ci) for ci in butch.c], dtype=object) bA1, bA2 = splitting(butch.A) try: bA1inv = numpy.linalg.inv(bA1) except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: bA1inv = None try: bA2inv = numpy.linalg.inv(bA2) A2inv = numpy.array([[ConstantOrZero(aa, MC) for aa in arow] for arow in bA2inv], dtype=object) except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: raise NotImplementedError("We require A = A1 A2 with A2 invertible") A1 = numpy.array([[ConstantOrZero(aa, MC) for aa in arow] for arow in bA1], dtype=object) if bA1inv is not None: A1inv = numpy.array([[ConstantOrZero(aa, MC) for aa in arow] for arow in bA1inv], dtype=object) else: A1inv = None num_stages = butch.num_stages num_fields = len(V) Vbig = reduce(mul, (V for _ in range(num_stages))) vnew = TestFunction(Vbig) w = Function(Vbig) if len(V) == 1: u0bits = [u0] vbits = [v] if num_stages == 1: vbigbits = [vnew] wbits = [w] else: vbigbits = split(vnew) wbits = split(w) else: u0bits = split(u0) vbits = split(v) vbigbits = split(vnew) wbits = split(w) wbits_np = numpy.zeros((num_stages, num_fields), dtype=object) for i in range(num_stages): for j in range(num_fields): wbits_np[i, j] = wbits[i*num_fields+j] A1w = A1 @ wbits_np A2invw = A2inv @ wbits_np Fnew = Zero() for i in range(num_stages): repl = {t: t + c[i] * dt} for j, (ubit, vbit) in enumerate(zip(u0bits, vbits)): repl[ubit] = ubit + dt * A1w[i, j] repl[vbit] = vbigbits[num_fields * i + j] repl[TimeDerivative(ubit)] = A2invw[i, j] if (len(ubit.ufl_shape) == 1): for kk in range(len(A1w[i, j])): repl[TimeDerivative(ubit[kk])] = A2invw[i, j][kk] repl[ubit[kk]] = repl[ubit][kk] repl[vbit[kk]] = repl[vbit][kk] Fnew += replace(F, repl) bcnew = [] if bcs is None: bcs = [] if bc_type == "ODE": assert splitting == AI, "ODE-type BC aren't implemented for this splitting strategy" u0_mult_np = numpy.divide(1.0, butch.c, out=numpy.zeros_like(butch.c), where=butch.c != 0) u0_mult = numpy.array([MC.Constant(0) for mi in u0_mult_np], dtype=object) def bc2gcur(bc, i): gorig = as_ufl(bc._original_arg) gfoo = expand_derivatives(diff(gorig, t)) return replace(gfoo, {t: t + c[i] * dt}) + u0_mult[i]*gorig elif bc_type == "DAE": if bA1inv is None: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot have DAE BCs for this Butcher Tableau/splitting") u0_mult_np = A1inv @ numpy.ones_like(butch.c) u0_mult = numpy.array([ConstantOrZero(mi, MC)/dt for mi in u0_mult_np], dtype=object) def bc2gcur(bc, i): gorig = as_ufl(bc._original_arg) gcur = 0 for j in range(num_stages): gcur += ConstantOrZero(bA1inv[i, j], MC) / dt * replace(gorig, {t: t + c[j]*dt}) return gcur else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised bc_type: %s", bc_type) # This logic uses information set up in the previous section to # set up the new BCs for either method for bc in bcs: for i in range(num_stages): Vsp = bc2space(bc, V) Vbigi = stage2spaces4bc(bc, V, Vbig, i) gcur = bc2gcur(bc, i) gdat = BCStageData(Vsp, gcur, u0, u0_mult, i, t, dt) bcnew.append(bc.reconstruct(V=Vbigi, g=gdat)) nspnew = getNullspace(V, Vbig, num_stages, nullspace) return Fnew, w, bcnew, nspnew