Source code for

from pyop2 import op2

import firedrake
from firedrake import ufl_expr
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from ufl.duals import is_dual
from . import utils
from . import kernels

__all__ = ["prolong", "restrict", "inject"]

def check_arguments(coarse, fine, needs_dual=False):
    if is_dual(coarse) != needs_dual:
        expected_type = firedrake.Cofunction if needs_dual else firedrake.Function
        raise TypeError("Coarse argument is a %s, not a %s" % (type(coarse).__name__, expected_type.__name__))
    if is_dual(fine) != needs_dual:
        expected_type = firedrake.Cofunction if needs_dual else firedrake.Function
        raise TypeError("Fine argument is a %s, not a %s" % (type(fine).__name__, expected_type.__name__))
    cfs = coarse.function_space()
    ffs = fine.function_space()
    hierarchy, lvl = utils.get_level(cfs.mesh())
    if hierarchy is None:
        raise ValueError("Coarse argument not from hierarchy")
    fhierarchy, flvl = utils.get_level(ffs.mesh())
    if lvl >= flvl:
        raise ValueError("Coarse argument must be from coarser space")
    if hierarchy is not fhierarchy:
        raise ValueError("Can't transfer between functions from different hierarchies")
    if coarse.ufl_shape != fine.ufl_shape:
        raise ValueError("Mismatching function space shapes")

[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def prolong(coarse, fine): check_arguments(coarse, fine) Vc = coarse.function_space() Vf = fine.function_space() if len(Vc) > 1: if len(Vc) != len(Vf): raise ValueError("Mixed spaces have different lengths") for in_, out in zip(coarse.subfunctions, fine.subfunctions): manager = firedrake.dmhooks.get_transfer_manager(in_.function_space().dm) manager.prolong(in_, out) return fine if Vc.ufl_element().family() == "Real" or Vf.ufl_element().family() == "Real": assert Vc.ufl_element().family() == "Real" assert Vf.ufl_element().family() == "Real" with fine.dat.vec_wo as dest, coarse.dat.vec_ro as src: src.copy(dest) return fine hierarchy, coarse_level = utils.get_level(ufl_expr.extract_unique_domain(coarse)) _, fine_level = utils.get_level(ufl_expr.extract_unique_domain(fine)) refinements_per_level = hierarchy.refinements_per_level repeat = (fine_level - coarse_level)*refinements_per_level next_level = coarse_level * refinements_per_level element = Vc.ufl_element() meshes = hierarchy._meshes for j in range(repeat): next_level += 1 if j == repeat - 1: next = fine Vf = fine.function_space() else: Vf = firedrake.FunctionSpace(meshes[next_level], element) next = firedrake.Function(Vf) coarse_coords = Vc.mesh().coordinates fine_to_coarse = utils.fine_node_to_coarse_node_map(Vf, Vc) fine_to_coarse_coords = utils.fine_node_to_coarse_node_map(Vf, coarse_coords.function_space()) kernel = kernels.prolong_kernel(coarse) # XXX: Should be able to figure out locations by pushing forward # reference cell node locations to physical space. # x = \sum_i c_i \phi_i(x_hat) node_locations = utils.physical_node_locations(Vf) # Have to do this, because the node set core size is not right for # this expanded stencil for d in [coarse, coarse_coords]: d.dat.global_to_local_begin(op2.READ) d.dat.global_to_local_end(op2.READ) op2.par_loop(kernel, next.node_set, next.dat(op2.WRITE), coarse.dat(op2.READ, fine_to_coarse), node_locations.dat(op2.READ), coarse_coords.dat(op2.READ, fine_to_coarse_coords)) coarse = next Vc = Vf return fine
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def restrict(fine_dual, coarse_dual): check_arguments(coarse_dual, fine_dual, needs_dual=True) Vf = fine_dual.function_space() Vc = coarse_dual.function_space() if len(Vc) > 1: if len(Vc) != len(Vf): raise ValueError("Mixed spaces have different lengths") for in_, out in zip(fine_dual.subfunctions, coarse_dual.subfunctions): manager = firedrake.dmhooks.get_transfer_manager(in_.function_space().dm) manager.restrict(in_, out) return coarse_dual if Vc.ufl_element().family() == "Real" or Vf.ufl_element().family() == "Real": assert Vc.ufl_element().family() == "Real" assert Vf.ufl_element().family() == "Real" with coarse_dual.dat.vec_wo as dest, fine_dual.dat.vec_ro as src: src.copy(dest) return coarse_dual hierarchy, coarse_level = utils.get_level(ufl_expr.extract_unique_domain(coarse_dual)) _, fine_level = utils.get_level(ufl_expr.extract_unique_domain(fine_dual)) refinements_per_level = hierarchy.refinements_per_level repeat = (fine_level - coarse_level)*refinements_per_level next_level = fine_level * refinements_per_level element = Vc.ufl_element() meshes = hierarchy._meshes for j in range(repeat): next_level -= 1 if j == repeat - 1: next = coarse_dual else: Vc = firedrake.FunctionSpace(meshes[next_level], element) next = firedrake.Cofunction(Vc.dual()) Vc = next.function_space() # XXX: Should be able to figure out locations by pushing forward # reference cell node locations to physical space. # x = \sum_i c_i \phi_i(x_hat) node_locations = utils.physical_node_locations(Vf) coarse_coords = Vc.mesh().coordinates fine_to_coarse = utils.fine_node_to_coarse_node_map(Vf, Vc) fine_to_coarse_coords = utils.fine_node_to_coarse_node_map(Vf, coarse_coords.function_space()) # Have to do this, because the node set core size is not right for # this expanded stencil for d in [coarse_coords]: d.dat.global_to_local_begin(op2.READ) d.dat.global_to_local_end(op2.READ) kernel = kernels.restrict_kernel(Vf, Vc) op2.par_loop(kernel, fine_dual.node_set, next.dat(op2.INC, fine_to_coarse), fine_dual.dat(op2.READ), node_locations.dat(op2.READ), coarse_coords.dat(op2.READ, fine_to_coarse_coords)) fine_dual = next Vf = Vc return coarse_dual
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def inject(fine, coarse): check_arguments(coarse, fine) Vf = fine.function_space() Vc = coarse.function_space() if len(Vc) > 1: if len(Vc) != len(Vf): raise ValueError("Mixed spaces have different lengths") for in_, out in zip(fine.subfunctions, coarse.subfunctions): manager = firedrake.dmhooks.get_transfer_manager(in_.function_space().dm) manager.inject(in_, out) return if Vc.ufl_element().family() == "Real" or Vf.ufl_element().family() == "Real": assert Vc.ufl_element().family() == "Real" assert Vf.ufl_element().family() == "Real" with coarse.dat.vec_wo as dest, fine.dat.vec_ro as src: src.copy(dest) return # Algorithm: # Loop over coarse nodes # Have list of candidate fine cells for each coarse node # For each fine cell, pull back to reference space, determine if # coarse node location is inside. # With candidate cell found, evaluate fine dofs from relevant # function at coarse node location. # # For DG, for each coarse cell, instead: # solve inner(u_c, v_c)*dx_c == inner(f, v_c)*dx_c kernel, dg = kernels.inject_kernel(Vf, Vc) hierarchy, coarse_level = utils.get_level(ufl_expr.extract_unique_domain(coarse)) if dg and not hierarchy.nested: raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, we can't do supermesh projections yet!") _, fine_level = utils.get_level(ufl_expr.extract_unique_domain(fine)) refinements_per_level = hierarchy.refinements_per_level repeat = (fine_level - coarse_level)*refinements_per_level next_level = fine_level * refinements_per_level element = Vc.ufl_element() meshes = hierarchy._meshes for j in range(repeat): next_level -= 1 if j == repeat - 1: next = coarse Vc = next.function_space() else: Vc = firedrake.FunctionSpace(meshes[next_level], element) next = firedrake.Function(Vc) if not dg: node_locations = utils.physical_node_locations(Vc) fine_coords = Vf.mesh().coordinates coarse_node_to_fine_nodes = utils.coarse_node_to_fine_node_map(Vc, Vf) coarse_node_to_fine_coords = utils.coarse_node_to_fine_node_map(Vc, fine_coords.function_space()) # Have to do this, because the node set core size is not right for # this expanded stencil for d in [fine, fine_coords]: d.dat.global_to_local_begin(op2.READ) d.dat.global_to_local_end(op2.READ) op2.par_loop(kernel, next.node_set, next.dat(op2.INC), node_locations.dat(op2.READ), fine.dat(op2.READ, coarse_node_to_fine_nodes), fine_coords.dat(op2.READ, coarse_node_to_fine_coords)) else: coarse_coords = Vc.mesh().coordinates fine_coords = Vf.mesh().coordinates coarse_cell_to_fine_nodes = utils.coarse_cell_to_fine_node_map(Vc, Vf) coarse_cell_to_fine_coords = utils.coarse_cell_to_fine_node_map(Vc, fine_coords.function_space()) # Have to do this, because the node set core size is not right for # this expanded stencil for d in [fine, fine_coords]: d.dat.global_to_local_begin(op2.READ) d.dat.global_to_local_end(op2.READ) op2.par_loop(kernel, Vc.mesh().cell_set, next.dat(op2.INC, next.cell_node_map()), fine.dat(op2.READ, coarse_cell_to_fine_nodes), fine_coords.dat(op2.READ, coarse_cell_to_fine_coords), coarse_coords.dat(op2.READ, coarse_coords.cell_node_map())) fine = next Vf = Vc return coarse